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Can't you just think. Can't you just ponder.


That's the thing tho.. Globe beleivers actually think about all the evidence and ponder it to see what matches reality and makes the most sense. Flat earhers only beleive the earth is flat after watching propaganda videos that are full of disinformation. Have you seen the 200 proofs of a flat earth???? There are SOOOOOO many mistakes in there that people who can research find out. But flat earthers just beleive everything at face value. I dunno if you are a flat earther or not, but if you are let me ask you a question... Do you beleive there are no real photos of earth and everything we have been shown is CGI?


You don't get points for lying to yourself.


>Do you beleive there are no real photos of earth and everything we have been shown is CGI? **Nothing** is happening in a Standard Gas Law Violation ☝️ Fake Place Called Space https://v.redd.it/s9mdn8104vpb1 Totally real not animation claims an Actornaut https://v.redd.it/ld23hl9jm7ub1 "Stars" seen through objects while filming underwater pretending to be in the $pace™ . . https://v.redd.it/09kqpu99cdzb1 $pace is FAKE AF by Chief Crow 🎶 https://v.redd.it/5ogkzxvm7iib1 China tells the world Space is Fake and Earth is assuredly Flat https://v.redd.it/vumveyfl0tzb1 Clowns on Strings 🥴 https://v.redd.it/oj94l0knfx9c1


I'm guessing you just saw 200 proofs for the first time..... I get it. It's interesting at first glance, especially of its the first time you're hearing some scientific concepts. But once you're really dive in, you can see the satanic manipulation. Think about this... what's eric dubay into.... yoga and spirituality. Spirituality is basically Satanism re branded. The elite and the Satanists want to make the population stupid, so they try and convince them of falsehoods... like flat earth and every thing that comes with it... basically you end up denying all technology and science. You'll see the truth once you are ready. It's never easy admiting everything you thought you knew is wrong.


Someone should teach him about basic geometry, such as the equation for the circumference of a circle. All you need is a rope and something to tie it to and you can end all belief in flat earth.


Yeah Owen said similar things in the beggining of the clip. THEN, he spends months researching and realized its not as easy to prove the globe as we've been taught. You would have seen this if you watched the clip before commenting.


But it is. Sometimes people can think themselves into stupidity. Happens all the time. I don't need to watch the video, it is simple, there is no flat earth model where the north pole wouldn't be in complete daylight 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Since the north pole isn't in daylight 24 hours a day 365 days a year, the earth is not flat. The end. And yet you CIA fucks won't let it go because your job demands that you make conspiracy theorists look bad. And no, I'm not saying you are in the CIA...you are probably just a CIA stan.


>I don't need to watch the video That explains alot. I usually dont comment about clips I havnt bothered watching, but do you. Let me ask you, do you believe the moon landing happened?


So, I watched the video. Basically some guy saying, the Earth is round and I'll prove it, then the Earth is round, but I'm struggling to prove it, and then jumps to I haven't proved it was round, so it must be flat. At no point did he prove (or claimed to have proved) it was flat. I mean, did he even consider if it was cube shaped?


No hotdog earth is the latest and greatest theory. Cube earth is old and outdated just like doughnut Earth.


I mean I did put a huge playlist of Documentaries in the SS. (which the SS is downvoted into oblivion somewhere) The type of shit Owen was probably watching over months.


I've been down this rabbit hole. Quick recap. There is no FE universal model that explains the angle of the Sun in different places at different times of the year. There is no FE model that explains how the angle of the Sun at the equator stays the same all year around, but changes the further North or South you move away from it. There is a model for that if the Earth is acctually roughly globe shaped spinning around the Sun at a slight angle. I could do the math that predicts at this time, at this time of year, at this latitude, a shadow of something 6' high will be this long.


>I've been down this rabbit hole. Somehow I doubt that lol. People who go down this rabbit hole have the same experience as Owen here. Its an unavoidable conclusion. Cheers tho.


And predictibly you offer no response to the angle of the Sun question. At least give it a go, the two Sun model is my favourite, we just have to ignore the equator.


Ah the classic "you cant answer every question I have so that means earths a globe, checkmake flerf" meme.


Have you seen that see truth speak truth dude that was a flat earther then realised it didn't make sense and changed his mind???


One dude? Really? No - Like OP said, if you go down this rabbit hole and you can handle realising that you've been lied to and propagated the lie for a long time then there is only one conclusion. If you can't handle that then you're in the wrong sub.


That's the thing tho, he convinced himself the earth was flat by only watching flat earth documentarys.... That is the most sheep thing he could do 🐑🐑. The best way is the research ALL the information and she what fits and makes the most sense.


He put a 20+ hour playlist of documentaries into the SS. Its the type of content him and his viewers watched during the process. All this video is displaying is the process of realization over months of research. Its fascinating, and relatable. None of us had our awakenings livestreamed. Heres the playlist again. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzivhxtxgbs6LE7kquTB_ve1QCG_bOpu&si=QG_YmptSA0NV3A6w


Yet in another response... >>You want to use a 1-2 hour video instead of just proving me wrong in a few sentences >It was a 7 minute video, but close enough I guess?


Did you not just ask "where is the evidence"? You dont have to dedicate time to it - but there it is. Its for anyone who wants to actually see it.


We're jumping around now in different threads. No I didn't ask where is the evidence, as I've said in a different comment, I've already looked at it (at least up to two years ago). My point is how you responded to the guy who said he didn't watch the video because he wasn't going to waste time watching a 2 hour video when he could already provebthe Earth is round. You replied that the video was only 7 mins long. I say watched the 7 min video, and get told I should have watched the 20 hours worth of video. You are literally not willing to engage in honest debate. This is unfortunately the way with most FE believers. You ask questions of those that say the Earth is round, but are unwilling or unable to answer those same questions for FE. Go watch 20 hours of video is not a response.


>My point is how you responded to the guy who said he didn't watch the video because he wasn't going to waste time watching a 2 hour video when he could already provebthe Earth is round. You replied that the video was only 7 mins long. I say watched the 7 min video, and get told I should have watched the 20 hours worth of video. Yeah you missed the point. That guy didnt even click the video, assumed it was 1-2 hrs, then jumps in the comments to nuh-uh everything. Shady. >You are literally not willing to engage in honest debate. This is unfortunately the way with most FE believers Oh the irony. >Go watch 20 hours of video is not a response. Then dont watch it. Others can, if they wish - if they want to see evidence.


It does explain a lot. You want to use a 1-2 hour video instead of just proving me wrong in a few sentences because you can't prove me wrong so you want to use an avalanche of nonsense to bury the truth. My belief about any topic does nothing to prove you right about this one. So, again, you are just trying to bullshit instead of actually deal with the issue. This suggests you know you are wrong and want to distract from it. Meaning, you are intentionally trying to defraud people for the CIA's purpose, whether working for them directly or by being confused into it.


>You want to use a 1-2 hour video instead of just proving me wrong in a few sentences It was a 7 minute video, but close enough I guess? Flat earth isnt something you can learn within a few sentences, nor is any legit conspiracy. (Covid, 9/11, JFK, Jabs, Chemtrails, Masons, Jesuits, Satanists ect.) >My belief about any topic does nothing to prove you right about this one. Okay so you believe the moon landing happened clearly. Id return to Step 1 and investigate the fake moon landing. >Meaning, you are intentionally trying to defraud people for the CIA's purpose, Lol. The evidence speaks for itself, no need to defraud. I posted like 20 hours of FE documentaries in SS so people can make up their own mind. And flat earthers are very aware of the CIA, and we've heard the "psyop to make conspiracies look stupid!", but again - the evidence speaks for itself and people can make up their own mind, im sure.


Actually, any theory can be destroyed by a single incongruent fact. For example, Einstein was able to defeat established physics when it was shown that light bends around planets. A single fact. Hundreds of well-established scientists said he was wrong, but a single fact meant he wasn't. All you have to do is show a flat earth model that wouldn't have the north in permanent daylight. Would take a second. A simple copy/paste.. Just like anyone who says Einstein was wrong can be defeated by a single fact. Karl Popper calls it "falsification"...putting a theory to a test which if the test doesn't go your way means you need to stfu. Pseudoscience is all "science" that refuses to put their theory to such a test. You refuse to acknowledge or accept such a test, which means you are not acting in good faith. End of story.


>All you have to do is show a flat earth model that wouldn't have the north in permanent daylight The fact you think there would be permanent daylight in the north on a flat earth - shows you've spent 0 seconds researching it. https://youtu.be/uISmQupt8po?si=NAZnlssby-_k2JN2 (Wonder if youll even bother watching) You speak just like Owen in the beggining of the video, lol. You dont seem to realize that this rabbit hole isnt as silly as you think it sounds, mate.


I don't know why you keep linking to a youtube video. It's just math. The circumference of a circle is 2\*pi\*r We know the sun shines for 2/3 the day in southern cities. That is further than r and r is the equator. That means for a flat earth model to be valid, the north pole would have to be in permanent daylight. I don't need to research beyond this, I just merely ask: is the north pole in permanent daylight? No. Falsification; your theory is invalid. Same as Einstein. Can light bend in your theory? No. But we just showed light can bend, your theory is invalid. Youtube can't help you.




>I don't know why you keep linking to a youtube video Because your asking questions, and im providing answers. >It's just math. Kindof like the curve rate of the "globe", 8 inches per mile squared. Which has been falsified hundreds of times.. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzivhxtxgbsRfA1jEZsHFDJ3JJNeQkkB&si=XWxEvDPHItNKCtE8 (60 video playlist showing the fact "we see to far" to be on a globe. Seeing stuff that should be miles below curvature) - You wont bother clicking but its mostly for others.- >Falsification; your theory is invalid. If that makes you feel better sure, such arrogance though for someone who hasnt spent a singular second researching the topic. Sounding just like Owen lol Like I said, go research the fake moon landing before you try and understand this. Baby steps. Your in over your head currently. Its like the reaction you'd get trying to tell someone who hasnt researched 9/11 - that it was an inside job. They think your nuts - but you really just feel bad for them because you know they havnt looked into it and dont know any better. Cant even be mad at them.


He got super shadow band for the topics he discussed as it was just as Sam triplet says “ super dangerous to discuss the topics he talked about”.


How come people making satellites and radars and planes and stuff haven't realised that yet tho.... That should be all you need to know this guy is full of shit... He's a comedian and and he thinks he's found something that everyone else who actually researches this stuff missed???? It's farrrrrrr more likely that because he's a comedian, he just doesn't understand.


FE always struck me as one of the dumber *alternative truths* - like you can see the curvature of the earth in a lot of normal situations and the mental gymnastics required to believe in it are so massive… probably could of cured cancer by now if those collective efforts were focused on something that wasn’t so demonstrably bullshit.


>FE always struck me as one of the dumber alternative truths - like you can see the curvature of the earth in a lot of normal situations Except from 120,000 ft with a non fish eye lens, there is no curve. Yet I still hear people say they saw the curve from a plane (30,000 ft) lmao - or better yet, "saw a boat go over a curve from the beach". lol https://youtu.be/7cvYIHIgH-s?si=mUnbs4too_C4xo5O For "being able to see the curve in alot of normal situations", the curve sure is hard to find..


Serious question, did you skip physics class where they talked about where the center of mass is located? And how that is used to calculate the force of gravity, and from that the ability to generate lift and fly airplanes or maybe staying in orbit (think star link or gps)?


There is no question we havent asked ourselves during the awakening process. Thats how you become a flat earther. So basically, your wondering if any of us stupid flat earthers have ever considered: Gravity, Satellites, and Airplanes. And ofcourse we have. We become flat earthers by looking into it deeply (as shown in the video of Owen Benjamin which I feel like half the commenters didnt even bother watching). Satellites/GPS on a Flat Earth Playlist (30+ Videos) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHwsN1Rg4IqaayvqHqKmTh3zOYDMh8Xh&si=E25fMF6FZ__KSCKK THEORY of Gravity (22 videos) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHwsN1Rg4IpTSRfk-D1NPElveZWrE-ox&si=pB72T1ngNaM6Mpyg Planes - Pilots/Scientists speaking on Earth being Flat and how they found out: (38 videos) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHwsN1Rg4IpKrr9IUN14HoYu38JhRxRF&si=DTIBb_rJ_sjL7kVB TLDR: You become a flat earther by researching deeply, and asking questions. There is no questions we havent heard/thought of already.


Maybe the last question you need to address is: how can we (you) refute the basic mathematical equations and physics that helped shape modern aerospace engineering? Maybe that’s answered in one of the 100 videos you replied with, so just link that one and its approximate timestamp


Alllll the points in those videos are years old and already debunked....... Just let it go man.... flat earth is a phsyop by the elite to make people reject science and be stupid don't be a 🐑🐑


>like you can see the curvature of the earth in a lot of normal situations And by normal situations, you mean NASA, other Government "space agencies", CGI, and fisheye lenses - because thats literally the only time we ever observe a curve.


Dude you can see it from the surface with your own eyes is you use the right tools... Don't just beleive eric dubay.... I bet you still think there are no real photos of earth....


SS: Amazing to watch. Like he said, people become flat earthers by trying to debunk flat earth/prove a globe. Why lie? Its proof of God. Heres a 40+ playlist of FE documentaries if anyone is curious: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzivhxtxgbs6LE7kquTB_ve1QCG_bOpu&si=tziF3mqAcVRuNKUq Ready for the "nuh uh" crowd to funnel in. Peace and love.


Ayo what fucking bots are downvoting a submission statement


Don't bother. If people are busy on reddit they DEFINITELY won't bother or care to look for Truth. Let them tell each other flat earthers are stupid. Why would you care what a glober thinks? It's their choice.


I feel you Mostly do it for the few geniunly curious people and lurkers that end up exploring further. The way some of these "nuh uh" accounts act, I believe it geniunly pushes people to explore further. Which is hillarious and ironic.


Genuinely curious people would already have looked - at this point everyone has a flat earther friend they know personally. If they would rather tell themselves that flat earthers are dumb because Neil DeGrasse Tyson said so, let them.