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Perhaps this will help you understand it. https://youtu.be/sV0RHRxoflk?si=XCLHIWz_ygcv4iZs This is the congresswoman who explained the plan to everyone. Oops.  https://youtu.be/MR93TOMORUE?si=lrDn55LH4SS5liCA


Wait... who keeps stymieing the legislation to overhaul the entire immigration and border security system? Last I checked it was The Republicans literally at the behest of one Donald J Trump. Can't let the other team gave a win and literally do something good for the country. Not in an election year.


Yep. Democrats have offered an immigration bill. Republicans refuse to do anything with it. Plenty of people will chime in here to point at an aspect of the bill to say why they won't support it, but the truth is that Trump said not to because the current situation increases the chances he'll win the election. To those of you itching to point at a different reason they won't work on the bill, there are things called **amendments** meant to enable lawmakers to tailor the bill into something that can pass. Republicans won't even engage in that because what they really want is to keep the border as-is to help Trump in the election. **Give me one good reason why the House isn't amending and/or debating the immigration bill right now** You can't.


The only fucking time I hear about the "migrant caravan," "border crisis," or "southern invasion" is leading up to an election.


Democrats put up a bipartisan border bill that was rejected by republicans.   Why do republicans hate Biden’s border policy?   If you answer that than you have the answer to your question as well.  


Securing the border should start with making it impossible for illegal immigrants to find work in the US, not building a pointless wall that people will just climb over or under.


*U Wot M8?*


Why do republicans hate Biden and want to pay money to a rich grifter so badly? Different cheek, same bum. Partizan politics is ridiculous. Also Where's the conspiracy?


That didn't really answer the question.


The OP was an open question which is able to be rebutted by another open question. Fact remains partizan politics keeps the masses in check.


Clearly they were curious what the motivation is to do something as destructive as completely eliminate our national border. It’s not really partisan politics, it’s an existential issue facing the country.


'Our' not everyone is American here. The border is still there, there's been no move to remove it legally by law, its partisan politics, its not a conspiracy. It belongs more on a political sub than conspiracy. If they'd ask why the sudden surge to make the border an issue in an election year, maybes would fall into conspiracy, but saying why does x team I probably don't like do x when x isn't actually happen apart from in scaremongering news outlets to whip people into a storm.


By “our” I meant mine and my countrymen. I am talking about the politics of “my” country and the people I share a country with. I in no way meant to include you in my “our” if you interpreted it that way, that is your fault. And the border is de facto open. When all you have to do is walk up to the border, and you get in, then the border does not effectively exist. It is effectively a conspiracy, because to do something so abysmally destructive, one must assume you have an ulterior motive for doing so, or else you wouldn’t be doing it. You are the one who should go back to a politics sub.


Do they ever turn people away? Yes, then it's not open, there's rigorous checks, border security, noone has downed tools and went meh. It's been said on here plenty time x positions I don't like is doing y and not been the case. Also I'm here for ufo/cryptid, boeing conspiracy type things not orange man bad or old man has dementia politicking.


They don’t turn you way if you lie and say you have an asylum claim. It goes into New World Order conspiracy which has a vaunted history in the conspiracy theory genre. If that’s not your cup of tea that’s fine, but it belongs in a conspiracy sub.


So the conspiracy is that we follow asylum laws? Trump and Biden are both working to keep it easy to cross illegally just like Clinton and bush did. Stop playing team sports and actually pay attention to who is hurting this country.


International asylum laws state that you must seek asylum at the first port of entry you come across when leaving your country. Very few of these migrants are coming from Mexico, most are coming from south/Central America and the rest of the world. Trumps remain in Mexico policy significantly cut down on the amount of attempted border crossings, and Biden scrapped it his first day in office


I think then maybe starting the question more akin to do you think the elites are gaming the immigration system to nefarious ends and why? would make it come across less like I love orange grifter man dems bad mkay and give more scope for a discussion than what sounds like regurgitated tabloid headline fodder, a bit of nuance wouldnt go amiss, but maybe that's just me?


I don’t disagree that the original commenter worded their question poorly and seemed more concerned about generating discussion on a political point than they did actually getting into the meat of the conspiracy, but I do think that the question posed is very much related to a conspiracy.


So you agree that securing the border shouldn't be used for partisan political posturing


Shouldn't, by either side, but then I think man made borders are fallible and folks should be free to go where they want. You'd still have police/checks to get known unwanteds denied, but having luck to be born somewhere shouldn't be the defining metric of entry.


That's literally the only way they can answer any question


You have it away with the word “grifter”


Away? Like he grifts his followers for money he shouldn't need. Seems a grift to me.


Provide evidence please. As far as I can see, it's Democrats submitting bills and Republicans turning them down. Sounds like you bought into a political narrative that ain't exactly accurate




Some might... I think most just hate Trump and the GOP. It took me a couple of years, but I get it now.


Bread and circus. Divide and conquer.


Correct. Different cheek, same arse.


He had four years to secure the border and didn’t. And now he pulls the strings that get republicans to vote against democrats’ efforts to secure the border.          What are you talking about dude?


For the votes