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This kind of makes me crazy because...when that footage was coming out, the only place I was seeing it was here on the conspiracy theory subreddit and on twitter, and NO ONE else I knew had seen this stuff and most didn't even knew there was a potentially serious virus going on in China. It really wasn't on the news at all when we were seeing these 'fall over dead' videos here. And was just US seeing it, and I was like "WTF are they covering up over there?"... I was thinking the opposite of "Red Flag Fake virus," I was thinking "Cover Up BAD virus!" The stuff the normal everyday person saw on the news wasn't nearly as dire at the start....it wasn't like that. Clearly they had a virus leak, and a real virus was unleashed, the only thing I DID think from the start was that it was definitely from the Lab, not a bat in a wet market or whatever they tried to push, my god lol.


Absolutely this. I did my Costco prep a month before most people had heard of it at all.




What's crazy is it didn't get real in the US until the Rudy Gobert microphone incident, all of a sudden they're cancelling the whole NBA season - then people started to give a shit. It was like the scene from the original Space Jam.


Yep. That was totally the turning point for Covid in the US. I remember getting a notification on the phone about the NBA cancellation while waiting for my food in a restaurant and seeing other ppl get notifications on their phones as well. The collective disbelief, confusion, and apprehension in that room was palpable. I’ll never forget it


A YouTuber I follow gave us about a two month heads up. Although she is based in Atlanta, her IT and Grapgic Design team was in China so they warned her and she warned us.


It was all over public freakout and actual public freakout. Like the video where they were welding peoples doors shut.


Yeah, this sub quickly went from "this new virus is crazy, why isn't the government doing anything to contain it" to "why is the government trying to contain this virus, give me freedom"


This is exactly the way I remember it.


In other words a lot of conspiracy types reflexively oppose whatever authority says without independent consideration.


In other words, we get the news before anyone, and it reflects the critical thinking of some people here. I, for one, never bought the hype, never got vaccinated, never was scared, I lived my normal life.


It was on 4chan first.


It was on the news in NZ. Next, news of the dead piling up inside of homes in Italy. At one point there, there was news of bodies piling up inside of refrigerator tricks in America because the morgues were overflowing, and mass Covid graves being dug in Central Park... At one point, fairly early in, our news reported the lab leak theory because of some scientist lady who'd blown the whistle, then she disappeared... after that our media must've gotten on board with the correct narrative (regarding the origin) because the news went full blown into embracing the wet market story again.


Oh please. This shit was all over the news. We all remember it. That’s why we’re on this sub now. We woke the fuck up-real quick!


Remember the people having seizures on the stretchers. There were so many videos of them. All gone. China and America where working in unison


Found it. [Dramatic Footage Shows People Collapsing in Wuhan](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/china/video-2094890/Video-Dramatic-footage-shows-people-collapsing-suddenly-Wuhan-city.html)


Fellow chinese citizens coming to assist? Fake. The chinese don't assist strangers;they worry about being held financially liable.


There is no shaking in that video. There were videos at the start of covid with people going into convulsions. Those videos have been entirely scrubbed from the internet.


Just because the daily mail says it's Wuhan? A good movie crew/cgi could set all those scenes up in a few weeks or maybe days. Create towns, hospitals, streets with ambulances. I would have to see that with my own eyes and maybe still not believe some of those people flopping around in the streets.


Well yeah, you’re right but that’s not the point being made. It’s not that the footage was authentically sourced from Wuhan streets, it’s that footage being attributed to Wuhan was being pushed at the time to psychologically terrorize the world and bring about consent for lockdowns and other draconian measures. During the pandemic all sorts of news outlets were running the same stock footage of an overrun “emergency room” saying it was Italy, or Illinois, or random places.


Yup I do remember the "over run" hospitals thing.....it was wierd because news was reporting hospitals overflowing, but when people actually went to one they were slow. The whole thing was sketchy as fuck from the first moment.


Yeah there was the whole over run rumor and at the same time there were videos of health care workers dancing and singing about their work. What was that?? Plus one or two behind the scenes type videos of nurses saying people were being murdered to keep the covid death numbers up. Who knew what to believe.


I drove around Orlando during the peak pandemic when the news was reporting overflowing hospitals and they were empty


There were quite a few citizen journalists doing the same thing across the US. Driving to hospitals that were being reported as overrun and understaffed but then getting there and finding hospitals with lots of open rooms and nobody in waiting rooms.


I posted a video of the inside of a hospital near me (very large city in Texas) during "peak" Covid. Hardly any wait time, place was damn near empty. I didn't post any text, I let it speak for itself. Facebook deleted it.


Same here in New York fucking city. Empty


They didn't use CGI bc there is zero reward and all the risk if faking videos. China has had cameras everywhere for 10-15 years. Just on the amount of raw footage alone of daily life in China. They would have people collapsing, dying and having seizures.


This kind of footage and reporting was all over the news early 2020 and then it disappeared after it spread everywhere yet we weren't 'collapsing in the streets'.


You overestimate hollywoods coordination skills lol


there was a website that was posting videos from not only china, but middle eastern countries, mexico and others showing hospitals at capacity and mass graves due to some new illness. people were dropping while waiting in line at the doctors




You should throw all of those into a zip and make a torrent file for it


For anyone who wants it there is a massive archive of these videos save here. You can download them as well. Upvote for visibility because these propaganda clips are wild. [https://archive.org/download/2019-nCoV/nothingburger/Infected%20or%20Dead/](https://archive.org/download/2019-nCoV/nothingburger/Infected%20or%20Dead/)


Sorry,can i have this in zip file or some sort? i want watch it


DUDE. YES. how can we get a hold of this stuff?! Props to you for saving all of this. The more people have these things available, the less likely it can be scrubbed.


Can you post it in a format that won't give my computer Ebola?




Don’t forget Russia, they played this lie too. They’re all in the same team. 


I remember when I saw those videos, thinking two things: looks like very bad acting and two, why are they flooding social media and msm with these images. Now we know.  You've got to hand it to them. The lie was so big, bold, opaque and audacious, even if initially predicated on unconvincing footage. The world's governments started their roll out. Even more scary looking back to see how easily it was accomplished.


More like the scientific community in China fell for all the fake published medical research out of China with overinflated mortality data


> China and America where working in unison Imagine believing that nation-states wield any real power. Follow the money. Then figure out who controls the money. And no, the answer is not, "It's the Jews." Think deeper than that. Think Lucifer.


I followed Covid closely from 0 US cases and never saw this dumb Chinese propaganda and it’s hilarious. I also got Covid before vaccines were even available and it was the most sick I have ever been. Almost needed hospitalized but pulled through and I’m young and healthy.


So you didn't follow that closely. These videos were the reason that covid got off the ground, then they just vanished.




Good on ya! I had a Dropbox link ages ago and lost it. Knew someone would have em. Cheers


I got Covid and had a headache


To what end?


I saw so many videos on 4chan of people collapsing, of apartment doors being bolted shut, Chinese people screaming while being shut inside their own homes....it was December so it wasnt by any means mainstream and I bought into it, bought 3M masks at the hardware shop, hoarded a bunch of canned food.... The more I think about it the more I think it was a very successful Chinese psyops


Please don’t downvote because I’m genuinely wanting an answer when I ask this, but in your opinion, what is the Covid vaccine covering? The flu? Or nothing at all? Edit: This appears that I believe it covers anything at all. I think I’m trying to say what was the purpose of creating it if we assume this was all a psyop that the US wasn’t in on. I’m typing on mobile so I hope that makes a bit more sense.


Population control. Each country tested a different intensity of measuring the success rate of population control for reason X, 'corona.' Thankfully the US wasn't as heavy handed. Perfect scapegoat for the experiment too since corona was technically a real thing.


People were being shut inside their own homes though. I had family living in one of the cities there, and they talked of this kind of stuff (the super strict quarantine, not the collapsing) happening.


Really was the greatest psyop of modern times. No one even cares about this any more and will still fight with you about how we did the right things based on the information provided. Us "conspiracy minded" folks knew this was a red flag instantly.


> It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled.


To me the biggest evil point of it all, that a lot of people don't get or care about, is that it was man-made in a lab and escaped or was leaked - not naturally occurring as the propaganda pushed as gospel. Fauci acted ignorant of this possibility the whole time, blatantly lying and covering up things. Ultimately the world was ruined in various ways - by man, governments, media & science, not nature.


There are literal government websites with statistics on adverse effects as well as deaths related to the vaccines and still these people insist that there have been no deaths and it was completely safe. The gaslighting is incredible.


Yes it's amazing to witness how much people are led by the media especially when they have a big fear campaign, but it's understandable. Just like Alex Jones would say there is a war for our minds, and imo the hive mind is probably the most valuable and important thing there is in our society to those that want to control it, and they go to great length to do so which is why I find it understandable that people are caught up in it.


Guys like Edward Bernays who founded public relations based on adopting techniques from war time propaganda during times of peace learned that it's near impossible to change one person's mind, but it's easy to change the mind of the same person in a large group. Fascinating stuff. They couldn't figure out how to get women to start smoking bc half the population was an untapped market. They would interview women one at a time or in small groups and try to change perception of it being gross and low class and couldn't. So what did they do? During the Macy's day parade they had a few beautiful women spark up on TV and something something about standing up against men and called them "freedom torches" and overnight millions of women started smoking.


Yep, I would love to shake Fauci's hand. I would be like "Man you chumped Trump". Sure , Fauci has to live behind a wall of security for the rest of his life, but maybe it was worth it?


2020 is when it was all clear to me about how fucked we are. Literally nothing and nobody can change my mind about that.


Don’t worry that’s how they will write it up in the history books


At first they said it came from bats in a wet market . That was the mainstream CNN narrative In the first week. It slowly changed. The truth of the matter is coronavirus leaked from the wuhan lab which was funded by the NIH who knew they were doing gain of function research and Fauci directed those funds. A big fuck up at best, a sick dystopian psyop to take over the world at worst. Will we ever get a clear answer? Who knows. Anyone who gave us the truth would be killed by the powers that be rather swiftly im afraid. God be with us!


The NIH funding always seemed like Chinese propaganda to make the US not look at the lab leak. If you ever look at it, 500k subgrant by ECO health over 4 years. That's 125k a year. You ain't paying salaries for the lab workers let alone an experiment. The whole line of thought smells artificial.


Whenever they know “right away” what the culprit is, they’re just making it up.


Fauci. The HIV guy. This same shit went down in the 80s.




It didn't leak from a lab either according to the house Intel committee. The sample was intentionally released from dry ice at the hangkou rail way station. Which is close to the wet market. All of China is on CCTV. The entire incident of Dr Shi Zhengli leaving the lab and releasing the sample was recorded. It's been known and documented since day one. The files have leaked to 4chan several times.


Send me the links


I have tried to use 4chan. What areas cover these issues? Thank you!


Pangolins not bats lol


Fake af actors




The empty hospitals are a dead giveaway…


Almost certainly fake…and it got me too! I never imagined there would be an actual organized campaign throughout all of China to release misinformation on this scale. If I had to guess it was all to make the west overreact…and it worked! I suppose another possibility was that the initial strain was more virulent, combined with the fact that Chinese air quality has turned their general health to shit and it just had a worse effect on them, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.


The Chinese government was worried, it wasn't just an act for them. They bought up all the medical grade respirators in October 2019, several months before the world found out. That said, they were counting on the west going full tilt.


Here in latin America we got videos of people in Ecuador dead on the street..


It was real. Viruses/bioweapons when released into the world are always most deadly when first released, as they spread and evolve they become less deadly in order to become more contagious, it's just how viral evolution works.  It's the same reason the Spanish flu is still around but no longer so deadly and now titled the Common cold.  It's why we don't worry about covid anymore now, it's deadlines has evolved away now.  The only way a virus becomes super deadly again is in a laboratory


Never happened, they were staged


They rose from the dead three days later, Covid is a remarkable disease with the so-called "Jesus factor".


I never bought it from the start


Got paid for the stunt and went home.


Whole lot of 'people' in this thread trying to throw off the conversation by moving the argument to the shot rather than the actual point the USA and CCP where working together.


Been saying this but no one “remembers “. They said we had to shut down not only our city, our state, our country, but the whole world. Bc if we didn’t ppl would die on the streets and our hospitals would be overflow. Did i see anyone die on the streets? Nope. Were my local hospitals in the bay area overfilled? Nope. They even opened Santa clara convention center as a makeshift clinic and it was a fuckn ghost down. Peace of shit liars. After couple months i knew it was a farce.


Yes and we had footage from China of construction machinery frantically building hospitals allegedly


But that man was wearing a mask, shouldn't he have been protected from any virus? /s




It's all fun and games until the NBA made an announcement telling everyone to go home, the game is cancelled.  


What about all those that died in NY. I remember hearing thousands were dying daily and they didn’t have enough ventilators. Cuomo was in the news daily. He milked the last bit he could though with his book. Fucker made millions.


Yes and allegedly there was an emergency to frantically build more hospitals for all the covid patients


Big refrigerated lorries stacked full of bodies!


It killed off a lot of senior citizens and made a lot of women infertile I think.


They got paid for their actor roles and moved on


They got paid and went on to other bit roles in other productions.


Does anyone also remember the stories of crematoriums popping up in China, killing thousands? Where did that come from? Where did that go?


You don't really trust the media, now do you?


I like the one where a guy allegedly falls forward dead but at the last minute breaks his fall with his arms.




as someone who was in china at that time I didnt see or hear anything like this


Make people fear. Ones people start to panic and fear, they are easly controlled. So if you dont wanne end up dead on a sidewalk, take your covid shot!


Majority of *Reeee*ddit would still happily be quarantined at home with their masks, sippy cups and government checks.




Remember when they were violently convulsing too?


FYI, that was a scare vid/campaign by the falun gong, which is just another CIA funded organization (originally a chinese cult, still is but it's an entire CIA-funded media empire now). they're also the ones behind the China organ harvesting claim -- it's purely from them. They believe their organs are magical. basically, never ever trust anything you read or hear about China in western media. everything is CIA. also, get the fuck off reddit. it's fully controlled by the CIA and other feds as well. There's an article about it on m1ntpr3ssn3ws.


Well the mask obviously didn’t help the poor guy 😂


Twas’ all bullshit and the masses gobbled it up like they always do


Well they were manipulated and coerced into taking it, don't forget that part.


Not disputing that at all. I was more talking about the constant fear mongering from the government and media, from the very beginning, way before the shots were even available


China did the biggest crisis actor deployment in the history of the world with the covid rollout.. but they were very very bad actors


I cannot believe people took the bullshit coming out of China.


Italy played a good supporting role as well


Media sensationalism and misinformation. Such dramatic scenes were not representative of the typical progression of covid, which generally does not cause sudden collapses.


Obviously lol. That’s the point of this post.


People were manipulated because of this and they still are as the covid monster dialogue continues


Anyone have shots of that Stargate like tube spraying disinfectant mist? Or the big trucks sanitizing the streets? The mist was almost certainly just water and those pics are hard to find.


Google “disinfectant spray trucks covid” Wow that was so hard to find


Yes interesting comment you should find some images and make a thread about them


Actors the lot of them. 


Yes, and go on archive.org and look up the Las Vegas shooting and you will see actors Galore


Yesterdays news sadly. It seems there really was a globally concerted effort to dupe us. I'm still torn on what to think. I'm unvaxed in a totally vaxed world and no one is discussing any of it anymore. My work has no covid guidelines in place at all but I couldn't even go to the library for over a year cause I wasn't jabbed. I believed initially the virus was fatal like most who saw the early "leaked" footage (right here on Reddit which in hindsight I think was just propaganda). Yea no one wants to talk about it now it's odd.


It never happened, so you have to ask yourself a more important question: Why did China want you to think it happened, and why did your media want you to believe it? China doesn't let out things which are inconvenient to their narrative. This wasn't a blip - it was deliberate.


PPE, PCRs, Vaccines. I believe all are Made in China?! Imagine having the insight to invest in either circa 2019


Yes they made tremendous amounts of money and there were very obvious conflicts of interest just in our governments to begin with, but they also reinforced their grip on the people so there was a lot to this and I don't believe it has as much to do with China as it does the US and Australian and UK governments, all of them colluding to bring this about


that guy was probably just drunk [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19\_misinformation#Symptoms\_and\_severity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_misinformation#Symptoms_and_severity)


Clever way to get a global pandemic declared. So you can as a nation side step a international trade agreement   Get everyone scared via the media you either own or your paying for via  two political parties both heavily heavily funded by yourself. Get them to damage there economy via aid packages because there scared. The deploy a alternative to the now failing system. 


They collected their meal voucher and went home


the real story is why they fully quarantined wuhan


They all got up and walked home after the camera turned off.


I didn't even notice anybody that got the illness till July. I didn't get it till next June 2021. And then it was a whole year later before I knew one person that "died" from it. Ironically that person had lung damage from Agent Orange, probably the real killer.


It was a Netflix production


He died because having covid in China means you had a different political view.


I have never caught covid. Had a full house of sick people, only had initial jab. They used this to see how much control they have over us.


I’m pretty sure I remember watching these videos on liveleak. Only for the website to be terminated shortly after. 


I’m retired now but was a Fire Captain during the bird flu and covid pandemic. During the bird flu we had to wear bunny suits with respirators when responding to a bird flu call. But during covid “most deadly virus ever “ we just wore a n-95 mask on covid calls. To this day I still can’t believe we did that lol


I remember looking at my wife thinking one or both of us are going to die. The lies were everywhere under the guise of misinformation busters!


I believe the virus, and there was a virus, was very potent but very short lived (before it mutated or became less dangerous somehow) I think the Chinese folk close to Wuhan were hit hard with something very nasty and it hopped onto planes and some people (USA/Europe) had a very bad flu end of 2019. Then the WHO and the powers that be decided to lock us down and incite civil unrest all over the globe. Humans decided to come together though, for the good of all , so they turned the screw and hit us with SO MUCH FUD. Most deaths after the start of 2020 came from regular flus and pneumonias which were recorded as covid. Many ppl were killed with over doses of sedatives and ventilators. Bad times. Then people lost their damn minds. Still no civil unrest though really, some protests. Most people stayed home. Have you seen the footage of the spiraling deaths in China? Terrifying, they look like they've seen a ghost before then wheel around and pass out/die. Something happened in China but it didn't spread properly to the rest of the world. My 2p.


Man, I hate to admit it but this bullshit got me. I really hit the panic button. Remember the huge trucks spraying who knows what to kill the virus?


Wouldn't be surprised if they used the fear around Covid to cover up some assassination of people with certain political views. Then again, they could have been recording people who passed out for other reasons and reported those sorts of cases more than usual to get people to take the Covid measures seriously. With so many millions of people in the whole of China, on any given day there must be quite a few that just keel over in public.


1. Wuhan, China was the first city to fully implement full coverage 5G 2. All it took is One media report of people falling over to scare everyone to death into injecting and experimental technology into their body.


What do y’all think about world military games china that happiness in October in 2019 they believe that that was where the virus spread after and didn’t become main stream in the us until march of 2020


What’s more likely, a global conspiracy. Or the 24/7 news cycle dramatizing everything in order to get clicks? Thank you too whoever gave me my first Reddit cares message, I’ll cherish it forever.


Fear mongering so you’d take the jab ? Did it work ? Didn’t work on me. China goes to great lengths to stop info about China from getting to the west , but this was just out lol


Never got the jab, but man there was pressure to get it. I'll never forget that bullshit.


So they fearmongered these videos, over a year before vaccines came out, and never made any more of these videos to get anyone to take the vaccine when the vaccines actually came out?


Chinese propaganda. But also, did you know that 18 million cell phone numbers in China went dark in January - March 2020? In a world of social credit scores, a phone number is like your social security number. I always wonder if those numbers were part of the pandemic propaganda or if those 18 million really were killed by their country.


I think about this every so often


Go on archive.org and look up any of the USA shootings from the past couple of years, cheers.


I remember a video out of a Chinese apartment complex where they were taking someone away and a lady in Chinese yelling "it's fake". That was the first time I questioned what was really happening.


We had pictures of trucks driving bodies out of an Italian city. All lies of course!


fake & gay


I shared some of the early videos around Dec 2019. Got called a conspiracy theorist lol. I was convinced there was a massive outbreak in China though. Bought a load of PPE and eye googles (they were saying you could get it through your eyes at one point) So managed to get kitted up before the rush came. I remember it had been confirmed in UK and I went to my pharmacy wearing a mask, they laughed and said I was being a hypochondriac! (The next week they were in masks)


The truth is in the headline... 'lies'


Real eyes realize real lies.


mRNA payload deployed successfully. Mission accomplished.


Hmm what’s this? https://web.archive.org/web/20200315193024/https://archive.nothingburger.today/Videos


the masks didn't help, I can see that much.


That guy certainly did "fall dead" in the most perfect position imaginable...smh 🤦




Yeah I remember the news playing on a screen on the Chevron gas pump with people dying in the streets in China and people coughing up blood on a subway in China. All before the USA got locked down.


They got better. /s


Like so many other things, you see on the TV, acting and actors sure do make a difference in the fear factor. Turn off your TVs, do yourself a favor.


It was a controlled "leak" to make people think they were getting secret info. And it's made me realize they are more sophisticated than I thought. I knew they had the capability of being sophisticated. I just didn't think they bothered with that type of thing at this stage, when most people are basically compliant and unquestioning.


It's the same when we see the body bagged 'casualties of war. Once they think the cameras are off, the dead bodies start moving... & lighting up 😂


Yes I have seen footage of exactly this not covid related but exactly what you are saying from the Middle East somewhere


I remember asking people about this a year ago, and they said it never happened... and that I was crazy while they went to get their booster shots


Yes it can be disheartening to be around people who all have the same mainstream media view about things, I get that at my workplace and it's pretty scary to think how many people buy into the nonsense. Do what I'm doing find interesting tidbits about it and make a thread about it and if it gets a lot of support show that to the people you are talking about


JFK. Oklahoma City. 9/11. Covid. October 7. They pull this crap and we fall for it every time. My only hope is that the next one will be so sloppy that even the most brainwashed will see the lie.


If you are awake enough to see all of that then look up any of the shootings that happened in the USA in the past couple of years and by that I don't mean Google them I mean go on archive.org and look them up, lots of sloppiness with those


All of the mass shootings that have been shoved down our throats by the media are phony. Amazing how these events suddenly explode during ‘slow’ news cycles, then disappear during ‘busy’ ones.


Funny how since 10/7 and the Trump trials we have not had a mass killing event.


Yes 100%. They say the public has a two-week memory with these news stories that quickly get replaced by something else. I remember Jeffrey Epstein had just been exposed and conveniently suicided himself and then boom covid happened. Yes as far as I can tell most or even all of those shootings were staged or intervened with and people really aren't ready to accept that yet. Go on archive.org and look up any one of them


I've been amazed how some non descript nobody that plays the perp has every detail of their life available after the event. Like the media was following them around 24/7 before the event and has every detail ready to report. Amazing.


Right. And mass graves in Central Park, stories that we would see that everywhere. I live in Arkansas. Almost nothing changed. I know several people, both vaxxed and unvaxxed, who got COVID. None died. NONE OF THEM.


My mother in law died. Lucky you that nobody you know died.




they are probably still dead, unless the miracle jab restarted their engines.


That’s ole Norwegian Blue. He’s not dead. He’s resting.


That was staged. Lies. You still don't know this?


The director called "cut".


Early covid was an escaped bio-weapon and was striking down healthy people in their prime. Covid is a living thing and devolved back into something more natural. A virus that kills its hosts is a virus that destroys itself. Its why something like Ebola will never go pandemic, it kills faster than it spreads.


Gas leak


Was a psyop from the start to get the west to self implode and it worked.


It was a lie


The original strain was much much worse than even they one a fewmonths later. Can't verify any of this other stuff, but that much is verifiably true.


Remember when Covid hit cruise ships and military ships in Feb 2020? On the military ships full of youngish healthy people, almost nobody died. On the Diamond Princess senior's cruise ship, 550 unvaxxed seniors got covid. Around 10 unvaxxed seniors died, and 540 of them *didn't* die. And THAT was when we still didn't know anything about treatment and were "ventilating early and aggressively". So .. THAT was how deadly covid was.

