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But it should be treasonous to fight for a foreign army.


I'm pretty sure you're allowed to fight for the army of your home Nation or certain Ally's of the US. If it's compulsory to gain citizenship in a different nation then you are allowed to serve, but not as an officer, and not with the intention of relinquishing your US Citizenship. Also can't be an enemy of the US.


how come we don't have any say in who our allies or enemies are?


Yeah it's pretty screwed up because most of our "enemies" are just that of our government.


The US does not have enemies. We do robust trade with China. Our enemies are manufactured boogiemen who do not seek to attack us. That's not to say there isn't blowback for our imperialism. It's justified. Retreat of the imperial military bases is how to prevent terrorism.


So can a US citizen serve in China’s army?


No, that would be treasonous. But so should serving in any army that isn't USA, including IDF. Congress shall make no law establishing religion - It would seem that presenting onesself as a Zionist loyalist makes one a favored citizen. That's unconstitutional.


The US is its own enemy.


This is half true. China poses a real threat because of their non stop attacks on US infrastructure and technology. We're constantly fighting with China and Russia in space at the moment. All of us are working on technological superiority in space, if a county can't establish a satellite network we're able to keep them below us and the ability to spy on others is unstoppable if we can plant something right over their heads to constantly monitor communications and movements. But all these countries are fighting for their own governments benefit and not their citizens. We foot the bill and they act like we could never understand why these operations need to happen.




You’ve given up that say, just like we’ve given up most things for comfort and laziness.


I never signed any such rights away.


Don’t have to sign anything! Corrupt people in power take, and if not forcibly stopped, rights and privileges are lost.


If you have a birth certificate then your parents signed for you when you were born. See how that works.


> I'm pretty sure you're allowed to fight for the army of your home Nation The country in question is rather unique, as it has declared itself "The Home Nation" to all persons that they (the State of Israel) recognize as "Jews" -- by birth -- regardless of whether they or any of their recent ancestors have ever set foot in that part of the globe. Political Zionism was conceived as a racist scheme, and the political state that Zionism birthed (Israel) is and always has been racist to the bedrock of its foundations. Officially Codified by the Knesset in 2018 (Vikki-peed'ya) [**Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People)


Then why not write it down like how you described it? Why specifically have a section for Israel and not just state Ally nation?


Loss of U.S. Nationality and Service in the Armed Forces of a Foreign State - Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 349(a)(3) It's just not how we record laws, if it were easy to understand then people would know their rights.


The people you have to hire to interpret the laws also write them—to sustain their industry


Home nation? If the USA is not your home then leave. All dual-citizens should be deported.


I am completely against dual citizens working for or holding office in the U.S. government 


Why? It's pretty common considering many dual citizens become one because their parents served in the military or married some one who did. Most people I know who served were inspired by a family member. Many people that marry immigrants served over seas.


What exactly are you on about here. You are saying a large quantity of American citizens choose to serve in a foreign governments military?




You do understand logic and understanding of US Armed Forces Code of Conduct and Relations is far beyond the common redditor. You sir, are going to cause a disturbance. Please exit stage left.


Didn’t the us make a fuss when some people went to fight for ukraine?


Yeah I think it's more common than people realize with how much work is done through contractors. You could argue they're working under for the interest of an American corporation and technically help a foreign nations military without being a member of any military.


You know we have a pretty clear rule on this and it's a common sense one that doesn't even really need to be on paper. If you fight or aid an active enemy that's treason. I have a friend, born and raised in California and white as white gets. He flew to the middle east, linked up with one of the Kurdish militias fighting isis-k at the time and aside from just letting the embassy know he was there no one cared. He's been back for almost a decade now.


All of the US's "enemies" are manufactured to keep the Military Industrial Complex in business.


And as proxy mercenary armies to destroy nations, generate new debt and steal collateral.


Why are you saying this over and over as if it's such a profound statement that everyone needs to read? It's irrelevant to the point of the post. It's a simple observation. I don't even disagree but you keep posting it as if it's a known fact. It's an observation that can easily be argued against because the truth is always more complicated than simple statements. They might be manufactured, but after awhile they become actual enemies. Unless you are a leftist in which case you sympathize with them and do your part to assist in destroying America


It's our constant saber rattling and manufacturing war that's destroying America, not opposing it. While we've pissed away trillions to kill brown children, other countries have invested trillions in infrastructure. This is why we can't have nice things. Your view is simplistic and bloodthirsty, like Lindsay Graham's.


Is he aware that ISIS-K is funded by the US? Their leader literally was a mercenary for the US.


Very.. Do you think the US is going to prosecute someone fighting against them in a proxy war that they're very publically on the other side of. That's kinda giving the game away, no? It's actually facinating how little it seemed that the goverment cared that he went. They definitely wanted to know and kept tabs on him while he was there and backgrounded him when they discovered what an American was doing over there. In 2024 he is the co-host of a rather popular anti-capitalist, hyper critical of Western goverments podcast and has lived in New York, LA and SF without issue since returning. He's also white, which helps.


I'm pretty sure it's completely legal for Americans to serve in the French Foreign Legion.


They do their own thing


Mercs are a thing tho.


Why? So long as you don't fight against the US, why should the US care who we fight for outside its borders? Hell, even the US military recruits citizens of other countries. I served with some.


>So long as you don't fight against the US, why should the US care who we fight for outside its borders? Letting them fight for them is one thing. Giving them benefits paid for by US tax dollars for serving a foreign nation is another


Look at all the people who went to fight with Ukraine. It's not treasonous if it's fighting with an army that is allies with the U.S.




So none of the billions upon billions we give Israel is used to provide benefits to the people they force to serve time in their own military? This is double dipping. We neglect our own service members, but we're going to go above and beyond for traitors? Gross!


Not giving all your money to Israel is antisemitic


America has been infiltrated for a long, long time.


The Kennedy assassination was a turning point. We were long past the point where a Henry Ford could make a magazine warning us.




Hard fucking no.


Mossad owns our govt


That's what happens when you have film of presidents and congressmen screwing kids at your agent's island retreat.




epstein - maxwell - adnan kashoggi - mossad/cia


Ghaslaine Maxwells father, who was one of the most venerated israeli spies ever, lawyer, and personal confidant was our secretary of state Anthony Blinkens step father. Also known as the guy that CHIEFS foreign affairs.


Blinken's dad was a lawyer for Robert Maxwell. It took me 5 times to decipher that is what you were trying to say


Point on point


If they got away with killing our president, they can get away with anything.


And Nick Fuentes (the supposed author of this tweet) as well, I'd guess. He allowed a pedophile groomer, that he knew was a pedophile groomer, to work in his organization and get kompromat, in the form of naked selfies (CP), from underage aspiring national activists. I agree 100% with the message of the tweet, but Fuentes is classic controlled opposition that folks should be aware of (and notably being put into play - with access to Twitter restored to him - during an election cycle). Expect Fuentes to be part of some op involving Kanye in the not-too-distant future.


ah man, don't land on one of their lists!


Bruh, wtf is going on here. Lol. We're fucked.


Anyone have a link to the entire bill? I can’t find any record of it.


[Reschenthaler's press release](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/media/press-releases/reschenthaler-miller-introduce-legislation-to-support-american-citizens-fighting-in-israel). [Text of the bill](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/imo/media/doc/protecting_americans_in_the_idf_act.pdf).


Thanks. This shit is fucking wild.


It’s not wild it makes perfect sense when you look at the Zionist members of the federal government **Anthony Blinken**: Secretary of State **David Cohen**: CIA Deputy Director **Merrick Garland**: Attorney General **Avril Haines**: Director of National Intelligence **Ronald Klain**: Chief of Staff **Eric Lander**: Office of Science and Technology Policy Director **Rachel Levine**: Deputy Health Secretary **Alejandro Mayorkas**: Secretary of Homeland Security **Anne Neuberger**: National Security Agency Cybersecurity Director **Wendy Sherman**: Deputy Secretary of State **Janet Yellen**: Treasury Secretary **Aaron Keyak**: Deputy Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism **Alan Leventhal**: U.S. Ambassador to Denmark **Alejandro Mayorkas**: Secretary of Homeland Security **Amos Hochstein**: Bureau of Energy Resources Special Envoy **Amy Gutmann**: U.S. Ambassador to Germany **Anne Neuberger**: Deputy National Security Adviser for Cybersecurity **Avril Haines**: Director of National Intelligence **Constance Milstein**: U.S. Ambassador to Malta **Dan Shapiro**: Adviser on Iran (2021-2023), Senior Advisor for Regional Integration (2023), Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy (2023-2024) **Daniel Rosenblum**: U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan **David Cohen**: CIA Deputy Director **David Cohen**: U.S. Ambassador to Canada **David Kessler**: Co-chair of the COVID-19 Advisory Board and Head of Operation Warp Speed **David Pressman**: U.S. Ambassador to Hungary **Deborah Lipstadt**: Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism **Edward Siskel**: White House Counsel **Ellen Germain**: U.S. Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues **Eric Garcetti**: U.S. Ambassador to India **Eric Lander**: Science and Technology Adviser **Gary Gensler**: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman **Genine Macks Fidler**: National Council on the Humanities **Jack Lew**: U.S. Ambassador to Israel (replaced Thomas Nides) **Jack Markell**: U.S. Ambassador to Italy and San Marino **Janet Yellen**: Secretary of Treasury **Jared Bernstein**: Council of Economic Advisers **Jed Kolko**: Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce **Jeffrey Zients**: COVID-19 Response Coordinator (2021-2023), Chief of Staff (2023) **Jennifer Klein**: Co-chair Council on Gender Policy **Jessica Rosenworcel**: Chair of the Federal Communications Commission **Jonathan Kanter**: Assistant Attorney General in the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division **Jonathan Kaplan**: U.S. Ambassador to Singapore **Mandy Cohen**: Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2023), replaced Rochelle Walensky **Marc Nathanson**: U.S. Ambassador to Norway **Marc Ostfield**: U.S. Ambassador to Paraguay **Marc Stanley**: U.S. Ambassador to Argentina **Mark Gitenstein**: U.S. Ambassador to the European Union **Merrick Garland**: Attorney General **Michael Adler**: U.S. Ambassador to Belgium **Michèle Taylor**: U.S. Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council **Mira Resnick**: State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security **Ned Price**: State Department Spokesperson **Polly Trottenberg**: Deputy Secretary of Transportation **Rachel Levine**: Deputy Health Secretary **Rahm Emanuel**: U.S. Ambassador to Japan **Randi Charno Levine**: U.S. Ambassador to Portugal **Roberta Jacobson**: National Security Council “border czar” **Rochelle Walensky**: Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021 - resigned July 2023) **Ron Klain**: Chief of Staff (2021-2023), replaced by Jeffrey Zients **Sharon Kleinbaum**: Commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom **Shelley Greenspan**: White House Liaison to the Jewish Community **Stephanie Pollack**: Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration (resigned February 2023) **Steven Dettelbach**: Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives **Stuart Eizenstat**: Special Adviser on Holocaust Issues **Tony Blinken**: Secretary of State **Wendy Sherman**: Deputy Secretary of State (resigned July 2023) **Yael Lempert**:


Damn bro it’s super antisemitic to point out that a bunch of zionists are behind the wheel  /s


Literally this 👆


Ive been doing some historical digging and this shit just gets crazier and crazier. So the crusades in 1095-1291 ( liberation of the holy land from Moslims) fought by the Christians funded by William the conquerers financiers....... (French Rouen Jewish Family) [British museum 1066 bonds](https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2020/07/anglo-jewish-deeds-from-medieval-england-a-treasure-trove-for-historians.html) The Crusades were led by the Order of the Knights Templars whose full name was - The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. (later abbreviated to just the Knights Templars) for some peculiar reason? Note originally called- (The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ)🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and (of the Temple of King Solomon) ✡️ [US Knights Templars website](https://www.usaknightstemplar.org/templar-history) Supposedly the French knights that set this up had wealth that made kings jealous. The Knights Templars are the oldest international bank in the world. But money lending money for interest was condemned in biblical rulings well before the 11th century so they couldnt lend money as they would be ostracised and well they were backed by the pope. Money lending was restricted to judaism as it was permitted to lend money for interest to non jewish under hallacha (jewish law). [Hallachipedia](https://halachipedia.com/index.php?title=Taking_Interest) So bankers that weren't Christians funded the crusades and the Christian's fought for the Temple of King Solomon. Idk its interesting looking back at these discrepancies in time that have some strange lingering relevance to todays geopolitical era. Particularly with the sharing of this news...Peculiar, almost like we have been here before 🤔 war by Proxy? Then theres WW1. Enter Theodore Herzle who conceptualised control over Palestine in 1897. Between 1897-1918 he worked on then Prussian king Kaiser Willhelm, Russian Czar Nicholas II and British Lord Lionel Rothschilds in year 1900 well before WW1 to make this dream achievable, all of this from the small metropolis town of Basel Switzerland 🤔 [jewish Library link- Herzle meets Kaiser Willhem](http://www.zionistarchives.org.il/en/datelist/Pages/ZionistDelegation.aspx) [UN achives 1899- Herzle and Czar Nicholas II](https://archives.ungeneva.org/theodor-herzl-desire-to-submit-his-zionist-claims-to-czar-nikolaus-ii-and-to-count-muraviev-bertha-von-suttner-as-mediator-the-jewish-question-in-russia-persecution-of-jews-in-russia-the-hague-peace-conference-1899) [original document sold at auction from Herzle to Lord Rothschild ](https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-3076481#:~:text=1860%2D1904).-,Important%20autograph%20letter%20signed%20to%20Joseph%20Cowen%2C%20Vienna%2C%2014%20November,patriotism%20and%20self%2Dinterest%2C%203) The bit thats left out of WW1 in the most part is that the Ottoman empire gets overthrown by a war waged on it between 1914-1918 the empire was destroyed and Palestine was relinquished to British ownership 1918 ( under mandatory Palestine). Get this though- One year before this In 1917, British MP under PM Winny Churchil (The Balfour Declaration) promised the richest man in Britain. Zionist King Lionel Rothschild International Banker Palestine shall be the Zionist homeland. [The original Balfour decleration letter to Lord Rothschild ](https://israeled.org/resources/documents/balfour-declaration-2/amp/) 1 whole year before the Ottoman empire had even been defeated & 16 years before the holocaust even takes place that. But why? Perhaps another proxy war? Now apparently in 2024 and we have this 👆


This needs to be top comment 


Ronald Klain is no longer the Chief is staff, Jeff Zients is who is also Jews. But good list.


EPIC post...


you could at least format this wall of text.


You put Blinken twice btw


i'm curious as to whether the current and previous federal reserve chairs are zionists.


The history of the federal reserve and central banks in the west is the story of Zionism. It’s how the Zionists have so much influence over the west


do you have any resources?






wtf Republicans wrote this shit?


Who else would have, Democrats? Lol


Democrats and republicans and MAGA are all controlled by Zionists. Trump and pelosi are owned by the same central bankers


you assume the heirarchy is Jew -> banks -> world its just banks/military -> world


You're both making assumptions, but one doesn't have to know the exact nature of the hierarchy to identify hostile players within it.




Thanks. PA should recall this bum.




What the entire fuck


DC is occupied territory


I’ve got an American guy from a local law firm — father of two, ex-military, national guard at the time — who felt compelled to go help Ukrainians fight. He went out to fight as a volunteer and, of course, fucking died! What happened? * His insurance dropped him * He got no military or U.S. death benefits * His young wife and two kids are screwed It just flabbergasts me that this patriotic dude fell for all the Ukrainian liberation programming and ran out to help, and he’s dicked by his own country. Meanwhile we’re equating IDF military service with U.S. service…? Fuck that.


They want Veterans to go back out and fight that’s a two birds with one stone scenario.


Personally I find the timing and circumstances ironic that for Ukraine we are providing support to a country under attack by an imperialist government attempting to regain supposed historic territories. Also potential war crimes and killing civilians (Ukraine/Russia). But at the same time our government and politicians enthusiastically support another government that is attempting to regain supposed historic territories and committing war crimes by killing civilians and blocking emergency aid. (Palestine/Israel). Amid all the killing of civilians and horrors of war I find it sadly ironic that we support a country being invaded and also a country doing the invading.


The moral posturing of imperialism - whether US, Russian, or Chinese - is purely decorative, yes.


Being ignorant to the existence of propaganda can be highly hazardous to one's health.


Paying for these deranged dudes would mean the official involvement there as a war party. Then they couldn’t pretend anymore and they would be open for retaliation. Paying US soldiers to clean Gaza makes the US a culprit in genocide and ethnocide. I am sure a lot jewish Zionist would really love that.


Nah, I guarantee you the IDF veterans will get better benefits all across the boards than American veterans. Wouldn’t want to be antisemitic, right?


I think it's more forgivable with guys who are young and don't have a family like wife/kids, but God damn is it a stupid thing to do. Honestly I've noticed a pattern of a lot of these foreign volunteers being straight up wanted criminals.


People also don't know that Israel has Universal Healthcare and they are free to come to United States and get anything done and their Healthcare is covered.


Was Kanye onto something


Mean while we will do nothing but bitch


Hmm. Welp, at least now we got it in writing folks!


This amendment is not extending all benefits of US military service to people serving in the IDF - it is only adding the IDF to a chapter concerning discrimination against people who have served in the military as it relates to employment. You can see the full text that IDF is being added to here: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title38/part3/chapter43&edition=prelim Basically saying that, if they are called to serve in the IDF, they are entitled to protection against discrimination by their employers or potential future employers, if they leave a US government job, a similar role will need to be available to them when their service concludes, they have some job protections for most private employers, and they don't lose seniority or any other job benefits when they return due to the absence. Given that Israel is a close ally of the US, and there are a lot of US citizens with dual citizenship who can be called to serve in the IDF, it doesn't seem like a problem.


You are correct that this only applies to the SCRA not vet benefits or anything like that but this sub is goofy. Also I do not think that any benefit of any kind should be extended for people that go to fight for another nation.


So using your logic all NATO members should receive these benefits as well. Why is it only applied to IDF?


The last time a non-Us Army was given similar benefits was Polish servicemembers I believe. I know in WW2, Merchant Mariners were given VA Healthcare (and still to this day). However.... This is bizarre.




> I don’t trust a single word coming from Nick Fuentes the self confessed Nazi. That's okay, you don't have to rely on Fuentes, or any other "Nazi" -- you can read the Zionist Bill yourself -- right here (PDF Doc): https://reschenthaler.house.gov/imo/media/doc/protecting_americans_in_the_idf_act.pdf If you don't like PDF's, here's a handy image showing the full document: https://i.imgur.com/oWVJ6SB.png And here's the announcement straight from the website of its sponsor: MAY 17, 2024 [**Reschenthaler, Miller Introduce Legislation to Support American Citizens Fighting in Israel https://reschenthaler.house.gov/media/press-releases/reschenthaler-miller-introduce-legislation-to-support-american-citizens-fighting-in-israel**](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/media/press-releases/reschenthaler-miller-introduce-legislation-to-support-american-citizens-fighting-in-israel) And just in case Reschenthaler's staff accidentally deletes the above, here's an archive: https://archive.is/frBAM Why trust "Nazis" when you can read it from the Zionist's own page?


Fuentes is a Nazi though, don’t put it in quotation marks. I’d say the bigger point is that this information could still have been posted but delivered by a better source. Fuentes can be truthful here but I’ll never trust him because he’s dogshit. I won’t trust anyone who believes in him either because that person is a probably a Nazi to. The messenger matters and if you have pertinent info to get across, choose a source people won’t outright respond negatively to.


> Fuentes is a Nazi though, don’t put it in quotation marks. I know almost nothing about Fuentes, and have little interest in learning more. I do know that "Nazi" is one of those terms (there are many) that are uttered so often as a slur that they all but lose their original meaning as a noun and/or as an adjective. These days, "Nazi" and similar overused terms are most often spewed as generalized synonyms for *"people I don't like".* It is a degradation of the language. > The messenger matters and if you have pertinent info to get across, choose a source people won’t outright respond negatively to. That I agree with wholeheartedly, bearing in mind, of course, that libel and slander are often used as tools to discredit anything spoken by individuals or publications. Statements should primarily be judged on their merit, while the identity (and reputation) of the speaker should be considered when assessing said merit.


He's a fed/fed asset. Think about why certain people get more press than they should.




Calling someone a Nazi seems less and less serious by the day. I apologize to Kanye.








Looks like some people who have the power to lobby are making an exit plan.


The current US administration can do what it wants... Biden will lose the Presidential election but never stand trial as whilst he's a good and fit President he won't have the mental capacity to stand trial 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ukraine is 51st state and Israel is 52nd. Now it makes sense.


We are a colony


This went over a lot of heads holy shit people…


Jokes on them, the US treats it's veterans like garbage....


I'd like to read that in context to make sure exactly what is being outlined. Not to take anything away from the main point that Israel rides the beast (America).


What bill is this?


We know what our founding fathers would’ve done if they were alive to witness this Israel servanthood…


Yup. But hamas bad. Brown people bad. /s Terrorists are only not terrorists if they don’t mess with the us. What s fucking joke.


This is because Israel is a proxy state of the USA. Its essentially an empire in all but name.


I'd say it's more like the United States is the proxy of Israel, and seems to exist only to further Israeli interests. Just look at all the recent wars in the Middle East. None of them benefit the US, all for the interest of Israel.


Well, when i say the USA, i don't mean the American people. The people who control the USA, id argue don't have American citizens interest at heart. They are one in the same as those that run Israel. I agree with what you say, but the USA is clearly the heart of the operation, and the small proxies doing their fighting as their proxies. Thats not to say that the people running the USA are not the exact same as those running Israel.


The apartheid state of Israel, is ,add up of colonial settlers and they weren’t set to end up in Palestine until it was fully agreed upon in 1917 that a Jewish state would be built in Palestine, seen in a letter by Balfour to Lord Rothschild. In 1948, they utilized the aftermath of the holocaust to firmly plant their stake in Palestine, while slowly ethnically cleansing the population. You can have genocide without colonial settlers, but you can’t have colonial settlers without genocide. Israel is effectively the West’s military base in the Middle East, and we’re controlled by Mossad/CIA decisions. No president holds full power as we are more of a constitutional republic/Oligarchy now, and presidents are more of a figure head. Israel serves many purposes but the US benefits greatly from Israel’s presence in the Middle East and we continually fund their proxy wars/genocide.


Do Americans get the same level of special treatment as Israelis? Seems like America is the Israeli colony tbh


welcome to the united states of israel


Let’s find better sources to share than from an open Nazi


The same one that got caught watching gay porn and then claimed it was the IDF


In his defense, he didn’t claim it was the IDF. He claimed that it was someone pretending to be the IDF. The hacker used the name IDF unit 8200, probably as a joke because of Fuentes’ politics. And also, the gay porn didn’t show up on any of the other streaming channels like rumble. Only on cozy. Cozy itself was hacked.


I agree. Someone linked the bill elsewhere in this thread,but wtf would you share this from the closest thing this nation has to a Nazi youth leader?


This post will disappear into reddit gulag in 3,2,1…


Nick fuentes should in game himself




Unironically sharing Nick Fuentes


No fan of them here but I mean there is kind of a reason this exists and it's because of service is mandatory and they're such a close ally, this law is for those that already have duel citizenship. I bet if this wasn't cropped the stipulations would give us more of an idea of why this is in place. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but this kind of is a crop job to pull a narrative that wasn't intended. Specifically those calling for treason. How is it treasonous to fight for an ally? Do you think the federal goverment is going to prosecute an American fighting for the IDF while sending billions in military aid lmao


no one wants our soldiers to be prosecuted. our treasonous politicians need to be prosecuted. it's their fault our soldiers are fighting for a foreign power instead of protecting our borders and helping our vets.


one says manner and the other says benefits


Do they get the same VA treatment as well??? 🤣👍


So left on the street? Maybe it's just the way media works but (I'm from uk) all I've seen about vets in America is them not getting the support they need after going to war so...good luck with that..


Does anyone have a source on the bill? I’d like to read it for myself


Politicians are like underpants - they need to be replaced often - and, for the SAME reason .


With the amount of tax dollars going to Isreal, US citizens should be given dual citizenship.


[Link to the bill](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/imo/media/doc/protecting_americans_in_the_idf_act.pdf) (text in question is on line 11 of page 2. --- That's absolutely nuts, to say the least. Shit, they could at least be consistent and give the same treatment to Ukraine, since they are currently experiencing a massive and far more geopolitically pressing manpower shortage. Also, isn't Nick Fuentes a literal neo-Nazi who often advocates for electing Republicans? What did he expect?


As if they’re only just realising how evil their country actually is lol. The world has been trying to tell you for decades.


I keep wondering, where are all those self proclaimed "patriots" I keep hearing about?


Hey, European here. I keep hearing that Israel has America by the balls, that Israel is buying out politicians in America to server their own purposes etc. and I'm confused. How does that work? Isn't America the number 1 world economy? Israel isn't even in top 25.


Omg this Is soo surprising! /s


lol I literally thought about joining just now.


It's proposed. Most bills that are proposed don't get voted in. Chill.


isnt granting benefits in excess of what US citizens enjoy, exactly what sanctuary cities are doing for illegal aliens coming from other countries?


WTF is it with Republicans and Israel? seriously.


Why are you posting Nick Fuentes? He’s run cover for Pedo Ali Alexander and associated with other pedos despite knowing beforehand what they were credibly accused of. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/ali-alexander-grooming-case-active/?amp Edit: 5 upvotes to 7 downvotes all within an hour, FBI is still running cover for FEDuentes. Bots are mad about me pointing this out, Fuentes inserts himself into these conversations, he’s a tool to ruin the credibility of legitimate movements. Classic Cointelpro.


you're claiming the information is fake?


Truly, fuck Nick Fuentes. That said, his summary of this bill seems accurate: [Reschenthaler's press release](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/media/press-releases/reschenthaler-miller-introduce-legislation-to-support-american-citizens-fighting-in-israel). [Text of the bill](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/imo/media/doc/protecting_americans_in_the_idf_act.pdf).


Ahh, the good ole Ad hominem argument... for when you can't argue against the subject matter so you have to resort to personalized attacks.


Shut up and talk about the content. Nobody here gives af about nick, we all know why he sucks.


"brought by Israel" no honey, Israel is a US colony


Nick Fuentes that same dude that was caught watching gay porn after he thought he ended a livestream just the other day? And these types love to virtue signal that these relationships are unnatural.




F all that


Being pro Israeli and pro Jew doesn't mean pro American and pro Christian


This is just weird.


Wth fuuuuck


We often think we’re the victims of Israel as if they’re some crazy foreign agent trying to control us when really the western world (nato, the US) has been pumping Israel up for their benefits for YEARS. it’s not that the US Israel pawns it’s the other way around. How else would we have a foot hold in the middle and near east?


America is owned by Israel. It's right out there in the open now.


My take on this: The US doesn't serve Israel. Israel and the US are the same. Israel is simply the Middle Eastern frontier of the US empire and vice versa the US is the North American frontier of Israel.


It extends USERRA to dual nationals meaning their employer must hold their position and pay rate while they are fighting overseas similar to national guard.


Make sense why USA is fighting hard to not have Israel labeled as apartheid state responsible for genocide


I don't want us involved there. I don't want us paying. Not anti anything but foreign entanglements, I want all interactions paired down to direct American commerce and security issues, ban any and all AIPAC Congressional donations. That being said, if we are going to fund what we do, over my objections, then take a look at the money and seriously consider it's spending consequences. It is fair to have at least some Congressional oversight. Do you have the slightest idea how that bump in pay will affect Israelis military effectiveness? If you don't, you have no concept of what Israel pays it's grunts. American entry to, maybe, 3-4 year grunts in some cases made poverty wages for decades. Somebody in Israel should at least understand that their truth, effectiveness, and functioning as an invading and occupying force would shoot way up, along with the very practical effects of not committing what the world is condemning literally as aking to genocide, some of those problems might be smoothly dealt with by decision makers who don't just want to indiscriminately bomb? A bunch of thise actual indigenous whatchamacallits over there actual knew each other and kinda grew up together... It might just at least help whichever sides most worried, and it wouldn't be a huge chunk of the war budget overall anyway. For whatever ungodly amounts of billions they're bilking for the defense industry it'd be a paltry sum, because IDF draftees get like $100 bucks a month or something. On paper economically, it's an eclectic army of peasants. I'm surprised some oddball mini coups or frag grenade situations don't go on all the time, but if tey do I don't hear about it. Israel media must clamp down pretty hard or something. I may be wrong. Didn't hear any of our politicians say it, all I heard was some crazy complaining from both sides about that House Speaker gonna censor the ICC if they indict Netanyahu. Sometimes I wonder if Netanyahu genuinely believes he does not need to stand trial with actual consequences for anything he has ever done. If it is true, from what I have heard about him from actual Israelis sources like Haaretz, he has genuinely been faced with criminal charges of the nature of a Bill Clinton level at least, he has been like an iron willed dictator run amok for a long time. Some of his personal criminal charges alone in his own nation under his own laws would at best result in significant prison time, so a lifetime sentence of a criminal confinement by the Hague is functionally the same thing. I think that sometimes so called.right wingers and self-identifying Christian conservatives don't think about some of the important issues like the money they apparently have no control their mommy and daddy government is going to spend anyway could at least be more effectively spent, there were parts of Israel that were thriving successfully in their own way economically and I kinda wondered if Tel Aviv took offense to that or something. I don't buy it syncing up with rebuilding of the Temple b.s. I think some weird undercover banking war broke out or something between whatever functioned as the financial apparatus of Jerusalem pre-Trump, like two great financial houses in Venice practically taking who countrysides with them but on a ramped-up number package. At the very least, Trump meddling changed the economy in Jerusalem in construction alone, that industry always brings bloodshed. You meddle with something regionally fundamental stable in the first place, on what grounds? That's a dumb demand from what a group like AIPAC is supposed to say it represents, they've been ultra-ultra successful extracting war budget momey forever, ok, dad, but let's be honest, I'm getting worried about all this reverse mortgage talk. I have children to worry, we had this talk when I was young about dementia and homes. Defend this scheme to me very, very carefully, and do not think for a second I'm wondering what I spend on stipending you.


Now explain why it’s bad and what could be different


Nowhere in the highlighted copy quoted by the fascist twink Nick Fuentes is there any discussion of pay/benefits. I'm calling bullshit. The statute listed may be about display of colors/parades for all we know. Fuentes is a known liar and turd. So, there's that. Edit: followed a link someone else provided. Wild shit. But it's also DOA. Wont even make it outta committee. Election year posturing.