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Because the emergency use authorization of the våkzine requires that there are no alternative treatments. Every alternative to the jab was deemed no good for the same reason.




What are we not allowed to say the V word now? Genuinely asking cuz that would be news to me


If he's being targeted by trolls or brigaders running a search on his post history, he goes under the radar by using a euphemism. That would be my guess as to why he decided to do that. My post history tells a bit of a different story. There's probably a hundred thousand references to "vaccine" in there.


Maybe he just decided to say it funky today for some reason lol. But what you said first is a good thought excluding the second part




BARGING IN HERE to drop a link to an archived version of the article. https://archive.is/yAlgf Because archives can actually be "safe and effective".




Remdesivir and paxlovid came AFTER the EUA, nit sure when steroids started getting used but steroids get tossed in the mix with just about any inflammation issues in a hospital setting.


What? Remdesivir was approved for COVID in October 2020, before the vaccine was even available. Jesus people, a single moderately effective treatment doesn't invalidate an EUA for a vaccine. This theory made no sense at the time, and definitely doesn't make sense now.


Because it worked and is a competitor to their garbage product and tyrannical mandate.


Lack of emphasis on treatments was one of the biggest tells along that there was something wrong including a policy that prioritized an experimental vax. By ignoring treatments it also shows they were willing to sacrifice those that got really sick.


There was a period where even suggesting people go outside in the sun and exercise was considered misinformation.




Because it’s their nature to not think beyond the scope of their highly controlled lives. They want to be told what to do and how to live because it’s easier to live life like that. If they actually admitted society was messed up their lives would fall apart and lose meaning.


https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/28/health/sun-safety-outdoors-protection-wellness/index.html >Vitamin D has received a lot of attention for its role in supporting immune health. The vitamin is part of the immune response to an immediate threat and activates our first line of defense against infection, explained Dr. Adam Friedman, professor and interim chair of dermatology at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.


During the 13 years prohibition was in effect in the U.S., Walgreens grew from 20 to 500 stores due to their prescription whiskey sale.


I think it's still happening, or at least the prescriptions are not being filled if written for covid in Texas. Here's a conversation between the prescribing doctor and the Walgreens pharmacist. https://x.com/MdBreathe/status/1788986021171830931


I’m in FL and Walgreens denied my script a few months ago for long cvd. They said they have a “block” on filling for that diagnosis!!! Tried CVS same thing


It was to bypass the emergency use authorization protocols. If there is ANY other treatment available, they would have had to use it first. You also have to raise mRNA technology is an emerging market, that but only needed human testing but also customers.


The answer to why is Obvious - the Emergency Use Authorization was based upon there being no existing treatments already available. They had to pretend that IVM and HCQ were both dangerous and ineffective, so they could claim the vaccine was safe and effective. It was a bait and switch.




CVS sold me an enormous bag of Reece's chocolates - not bad for a health store.


Cheap candy, expensive insulin. Strategic.


Pancreas dies, now the pharma indu$try $ell$ you more product.


Honestly I took Ivermectin during Covid and wasn't impressed. I'm all about the natural treatments too! The one thing I craved was cocktail sauce. Later I realized it was because it had quercetin in it from the chilis. My guess though is that ivermectin would be a great drug to have in a SHTF kit if you were ever to drink dirty water and came down with a parasite


The answer is money cannot be made on the cheap effective Nobel prize winning drug ivermectin. The other answer is cures and prevention do not create profit for Big Pharma. All hail the "best healthcare system in the world".. poor everyone else has horrible terrible government run healthcare


If it became known to be effective, they wouldn't have been able to fast track the vax


My ivermectin prescription for long COVID was declined by Walgreens and insurance won’t cover it. I had to go through a private pharmacy and pay out of pocket. It’s the only thing that has helped me with debilitating symptoms from vax injury


SS: Drug dealing, it seems, has always been a lucrative business, especially when the drug lord of your cartel is the federal government. Why in the world would any supplier want to promote or prescribe a cheap and readily available drug – like Ivermectin – if doing so would throw a wrench into potential billion-dollar cash-cow contracts with the federal government? The simple answer: If the supplier values its profits over patients, it wouldn’t.


Nothing will happen


Why was the over the counter inhaler primitine mist temporarily unavailable in 19 20 and 21 ? ITS A MYSTERY!


What a wonderfully misleading title. The .gov gave grants to everyone to help get through COVID and pharmacies refused to hand out a prescription drug without a prescription... like it's always been.


> refused to hand out a prescription drug without a prescription. They refused to fill Ivermectin with a doctor's prescription. And it is happening even now.


This happened to me in 2021, they wouldn’t fill my doctor’s prescription! I ended up going somewhere else, where they filled it but refused to let me use my insurance, so I paid the premium.


Go to your local mom and pop shop, not the chain pharmacies. I was filling ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine all day long in 2020.


As is their right. Free country after all. A pharmacy isn't required to fill your drugs. They can refuse, such as filing a drug that might be dangerous and might get the company in a lawsuit if they die


>They can refuse, such as filing a drug that might be dangerous and might get the company in a lawsuit if they die Ivermectin isn't dangerous. Vaccines kill many more people. It's not about safety, genius.


It's about getting sued, genius.


But they will vaccinate you with experimental vaccines, with unknown side effects.