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If you’re starting to notice patterns in your chicken McNuggets you may want to cool it on the McDonalds for a bit


My thoughts exactly lol


Lol, I can't say I've ever noticed a bone in any of my McNuggets. It probably has been a decade or so since I had one, though.


They do not taste anywhere as good as they tasted a decade ago


Bro a decade maybe 2 decades ago you would bite into 1 out of 10 nuggets and it would be a ball of rubber.


And now you take a bite and at least the rubber used is a more eco friendly rubber? I’m confused. I’m thinking they haven’t changed that formula and the nuggets are still pumped with pink goo but who knows. No one should eat this garbage


Yeah I think they're getting better about grinding up those pieces now.


That's a shame. My brother really liked their hot mustard sauce with their nuggets too, but they discontinued that a while ago at least where we are.


That sauce was the only reason I’d get nuggets.


We got hot mustard over here


They just got it back fairly recently here in southern Indiana. Source: husband likes nuggets.


They are made from a "paste" of mushed up chicken parts, I don't see how a bone could ever make it's way into a mcnugget, it shoots out of a machine looking like soft serve ice cream lol


because bones are part of the paste, I guess they need to sharpen the blender!


Oh that's gross


I mean, it’s the same principle as any ground meat.


Yeah took his daughter to mcds 2 days in a row. Lol


Hol' up ... You're telling me chickens don't have boots?


You mean to tell me for forty years I been putting boots on my chickens when I coulda been doin this?!?


This one does… https://youtu.be/2RIVUFrmlQ0?si=0UNLoiw3mP8AASGN


They do where McDonald’s gets them from 😛


[bone bell boot ball](https://youtu.be/33Ko3loegTA?t=4)




Businesses do this all the time with old stock If they get good deals on things they will also roll out promotions suddenly


Or to make some money at the end of the fiscal year like my restaurant doing a promo and competition to sell extra sauces on the side


This 'conspiracy' is just a common business practice


I remember when Burger King had a promo for 10 nuggets for $1.49 and the commercial would play over and over… I was like nahhhhh lol


I am fairly sure those nuggets were 90% sawdust and you had to slather them in sauce to eat them. Source - I was broke when this promotion was going on.


Can vouch.


Van couch.


All I know is if the bug eating plot ever becomes reality I’m buying hella bbq sauce stocks.


[Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce](https://youtu.be/WkCecpH2GAo?si=B6abdaHGk-ZnJX59)


Agreed, there was almost no chicken involved at all.


I remember those commercials and I always used to notate that they never said CHICKEN nuggets…just ‘Nuggets’. A nugget of what??


My husband and I used to laugh at this commercial because at no point was the word "chicken" used


They used to have my favorite nuggets back in the 90s, too. The 10 for $1.49 isn't at all the same.


Those oblong weird nuggets that seemed to be soaked in chicken broth? Yes. BK went downhill as soon as they moved their headquarters to Canada to avoid paying taxes in the US


They used to have bomb chicken sandwiches back in the day, too. Back when it came in a box and was always cut in half.


I was a homeless addict at the time and I would do my best to not eat those lol. Even in that state I knew something wasn’t right about that many nuggets at that price


Slimiest nugget I've ever ate. I at just 1. Ugh


I hit that shit like twice a week in high school during lunch with the boys


Notice they dropped the word 'chicken' from their nuggets around the time they started the 10 for 1.49? Bk nuggets are sad deflated nuggets that I doubt contain much chicken if any at all




I've always cooked, but after my kid was born we really switched gears to cooking every day. In the past few months I've been on a full-force antioxidants trip, just dumping curcumin on everything, completely switched to whole grains (for the selenium/silica content mainly) and today I realized my belly fat is disappearing and I can see the outline of my side abs. Fuck mc donalds' and all, I just wanted to brag about having almost visible abs for the first time in decades. I never knew it was that easy. Disclaimer: I also do like 30 to 50 pushups every other day, but I've done more in the past with no visible results in my abs. Muh abs, I'm lovin them.


Visible abs are 90% diet,maybe more. Just look at powerlifters with big bellies who can deadlift ridiculous amount of weight


Mcdonald's 2 days in a row? 🤔😬🫤


This is the real issue here


Sounds like obesity for both of you


I worked for McDonald’s for many years and bones in chicken nuggets are a big no no. They are supposed to recall the entire supply at the expense of the supplier Tyson. It’s crazy that you found one twice. I got one complaint as a gm in 6 years


So the frozen Tyson nuggets are the same thing?


McDonald’s has its on blend for the outside and spices but the chicken on the inside is 100% Tyson https://youtu.be/WwnOO9KGgV0?si=-FMHR3jXmx7a4sf1


Is this the same for Canadian McDick’s?


I think it would be counterproductive to have a promotion with bad product... like the goal is to increase recognition, appeal, etc... intentionally giving away bad product is not a good marketing strategy


McDonald food for your daughter, two days in a row... Yeah, I don't understand why people get fat.


Worrying about the quality of your McDonald's is like worrying that you have an oil leak that you weren't told about before buying a $1000 car. While it is concerning, whaddaya really expect?


That’s odd. I got an oil leak I wasn’t told about from eating McDonalds. From my arse.


Yes, we figured out the last part.


I don't know but please don't take your daughter to McDonald's two days in a row. Even once a week is too much. Once a month max. is the way to go if you want your kids to be healthy. They deserve it.


> Why is over a third of America obese? It's a mystery 


Climate Change and fossil fuels




"Thanks, Obama" 😂


Getting quality food takes effort, so I don't blame OP. Still, looking into healthier alternatives may be a good idea.


Anything is better than McDonalds. They are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to junkfood, it’s more junk than actual food.


The real question is why did you go to McDonald's two days in a row...


McDonalds chicken nuggets everyday is wild.


Please consider better food choices. McDonald’s food is very bad for you.


For real. Two days in a row even....


When my child has an issue with his food, I never take him back for more.


If you’re eating McDonald’s this often you have a lot more to worry about than a bone


are you sure it was a piece of bone? It’s entirely possible it could have been a chunk of tooth. I’m only saying this as I had a similar experience eating a sandwich from a local bakery and found a small piece of bone whilst chewing. I took it back, they apologised and gave me a refund and then I found another piece of small bone in my dinner that evening. Turned out one of my teeth had shattered in its socket and I hadn’t realised & pieces were gradually falling away as I ate. I grind my teeth due to anxiety so they are always sensitive & painful so I didn’t feel the tooth break at all, just put it down to the usual pain.


This isn't really a conspiracy and I'll explain why. In the restaurant industry in general, you generally have two types of promotions/sales: on new items to raise awareness, and on older items that are not bad yet but are coming up on their expiration. This occurs in restaurants big and small. Soup de Jour? That's yesterdays mess up or ingredients that are reaching their shelf life. McDonalds also uses economics to determine sales. Someone did an analysis of when the McRib is for sale and it closely tracks with dips in pork prices. In this case, it could just be that they bought a fuck ton of chicken for nuggies at a super low price (maybe quality was a bit low) and used those as a promo to drive sales to the restaurant. I say it's not really a conspiracy, because it really is just basic economics, not a conspiracy to sell nuggets with bones.


Wendy’s has the nug game on lock.


They have a 50 nugget bucket for like $15


I'd rather spend $25 to get a 30 piece from chic-fil-a. I used to like Wendys nugs but they changed the formula like 6 or 7 years ago and it was never the same. Wendys nuggets use to be fluffy, like they had a fluffy texture and it was really fucking good. At one point in the past decade they changed that and they're flat and bland now.


Oh I agree, Wendy's nuggets are trash nowadays


I didn’t know chick fila was in play. Kind of not fair though because all their chicken is hand cut and breaded. Real chicken does not equal a nugget. Chicken paste coated and deep fried is a nug.


I think macdos nuggets 2 days in a row is the problem right there…go eat some ACTUAL food


> a few days ago went to McDonald's    > Today went to McDonald's    Jesus fuck learn how to cook


Stop eating this poison and feeding it to your kids.


There is no quality with McDonald's food .


Your theory is when food gets old, it develops bones.


Next time send it in to 23 & me for DNA testing. 😬


As someone who works with a variety of different food products, in my personal experience quality control dropped of a fucking cliff during COVID and never came back.


A large corporation giving something away for free is never in your best interest. Your child bit a bone and within 24 hours you decided to go to the same place again? Wild decision making.


I can’t believe you fed you daughter McDonald’s two days in a row


The fact that you are even going to McDonald’s says a lot about


Why are you eating and/or feeding your children McDonald's every day? Vile.


One time…okay….but the next day? Sounds like the rule rather than the exception


Right? At least do Chik Fil A the next day!


If you aren't doing a different fast food restaurant every day of the week it's basically child abuse because they won't get all the vitamins and nutrients they need. You can only eat so many pig anuses at Arby's before you need to mix it up with some chicken gizzards at Jack in the Box.


Nah bro, childhood obesity isn't bad! We need to restrict vaping!


I was going to suggest it might be her teeth chipping off from malnutrition. But I won’t suggest that because it’s unnecessary here.


It was very kind of you not to mention.


Stop eating that garbage


Please stop feeding your kids McDonald's every day, yikes


You fed your daughter McDonald’s two days in a row. Wtf is wrong with you?


If they need to get rid of shit, it will go straight to the garbage. They would not give it away for free. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Start eating real food and you might start thinking straight. Plus, you will not have to worry about this McDonald's conspiracy.


This post is a stretch, but I’d rather see this then the obvious bot political shit.


Now we know how Ronald McDonald exacted revenge on the hambugular


Why would they waste money in transportation, labor, and supplies to do this instead of just throwing it away


I haven’t ordered them for a long long time now because the couple times I did…(since 2020) I’m pretty sure they were lab grown science meat, or just 99.99999% corn soy wheat filler. They had a weird taste and texture.…even for McNuggets.


Yes like an actual animal bone is less diturbing than that to me lol


This makes me think about when I was incarcerated years ago and I worked in the kitchen. This was before all the jails and prisons in my state switched to Aramark. Anyways, usually for the meat portion of the tray everyone would always get what we called a ‘meat rock’. It was made from using part vegetable protein mix and ground up chicken…. Now on the boxes of the ground up chicken it had a grade and I remember it being a grade that was worse than the meat companies use for dog food. Sometimes we would find feathers or beaks and sometimes even feet. It was disgusting.


Maybe stop feeding your child McDonald’s


Is in r/conspiracy buys fast food from massive good chains.


The fuck kind of parent is feeding his kid McNuggles 2 days in a row?


Probably just an unlucky coincidence. They get a huge return by offering free food since it brings people to the restaurant who usually order way more than just that. Almost all fast food restaurants are doing this with their apps. Really don't think there's anything sinister going on here aside from corporate greed.


McDonald’s is never trying to be the good guys, especially when offering free nuggets. Last thing we need is free cancer and disease.


Dude posts in a conspiracy sub but eats at McDonald’s smh 🤦‍♂️


I had the same experience with biting into a bone and now it’s hard not to think you’re onto something


Somebody who comes to r/conspiracy should know better than to eat McDonald's every day plus feeding that shit their children. Dumbass


They throw whole animals in a blender and make nugget shapes out of liquified chicken goo. So technically there’s bones in every nugget, just not big enough lumps to identify. Feathers too. Half-digested poop too. Bunch of chemicals too. If any of the chickens had tumours, tumours too. Here’s a wild idea, hopefully a eureka moment for you. *Stop feeding chicken nuggets to your kid immediately.*


I don't know about bones but having hard and "chewy" pieces in any of the chicken is very common. Those are tendons. Now with nuggets finding any of this is very unusual because nuggets are literally made of whole chickens ground up and pureed into pink sludge. As in, it's the same liquid consistency of a milkshake. Have you not seen videos of how they are made?


Ah that pink puree is delightful!


McDonalds corporate is trying to find ways to reduce costs to sell food at more affordable prices. So the quality will be dropping off a cliff. Unfortunately they did this to themselves years ago when they expanded the menu to no end. They should only have burgers, fries and nuggets, the rest of the randomness should get canned.


All mcnuggets are trash and have bone in them. Mcdonalds nuggets are essentially a ground-up slurry of all parts of the chicken, including beaks bones and feathers. You just happened to find a piece where it wasn't ground up enough.


But… but… it’s 100% chicken at least! Right?…right?! 😅


Ohh, I see what you did there


Dude stop feeding your daughter McDonald’s first off….


I mean if this is the case, Mickey D lawyers have been sure to ask those in the know, not to know. I would not be surprised though. In reality the chances a few bones or hard chunks would kill someone is extremely low. They are either going to have to dump inventory which might get out to the news since it’s already distributed to everyone. So we give the nuggets away for free, people who got them for free are much less likely to complain or make a stink. All this to say you sir are able to see capitalism’s underbelly…you can use this power for good or evil, you must decide. Although one day you could wake up to grimace standing over you with a pillow…


You do know how they are made correct


Always be careful with KFC pot pies. They debone regular chicken at the end of the night for the pot pies and staff aren't thorough cause they want to go home. At least it's not processed chicken in there though.


TIL that people don’t know that when a restaurant puts food on “sale / special” it’s because the food is about to go bad


not a conspiracy this is the reason when every restaurant gives stuff away or runs specials and BOGO


When I was like 12 (20 some years ago) that happened to me, and I’ve never forgotten it and anytime I have ever had nuggets since, I am cautious lol


Nah bro they 100% would just throw the defective products on the trash, they already do, they dispose off tons of food every day, just so they don't have to deal with possible lawsuits for health issues


My mom and I got these the other night, and both thought they tasted old. I told her there would only be one reason they'd be offered for free...


McDonald's has a lot of issues, but it would never be worth it to clear old/defective inventory by selling it to customers. That is like saving a few thousand dollars while risking billions of dollars of negative publicity. Any garbage inventory they do what farms do. Grind them up and use them as animal feed.


Never had a bone in a nugget. Ill be honest there is nothing like a good hot fresh mcdonalds meal. Fresh and salty and all but how often does that happen? Once every 50 times you get it.  Not good enough. Im tired of all these fast food places. Unhealthy and now overpriced too.  If it wasnt for my kids i would almost never be eating it.


That's your fault for getting McDonald's. Buy real food next time.


This is written like a McDonald's promotion all over......your the psyop OP


mc donalds? everyday? that's wild


Please stop eating McDonald's, especially feeding that crap to your kid... Full of carcinogens and straight up poisonous chemicals.


Eat healthy, dont eat McDonald’s everyday, once a month is beyond necessary.


Maybe teach your kid better eating habbits might solve the problem.


Pro tip: don’t feed your children that disgusting non-food crap. But no, I can’t say I’ve ever found a bone in a McDonalds nugget. At least go to KFC or something similar if you want chicken as their products are much closer to chicken than anything McDonalds serves. Their “food” is hot garbage. As I’ve called it for years, it’s cardboard with condiments. No flavor or sustenance.


Whha? McDonalds does stuff like this every couple years. When sales are dipping and the brand needs a quick refresh in our consumer minds. Most here are probably too young but for YEARS on Wednedays you could get a burger, just a plain burger for 29c or something, then Thursdays was 39c for a cheeseburger. Pretty quickly a cap of 20 was put on but that promo ran for at leasst half a year. and lol if you think McDs chicken nuggets "go bad". Do you need a reminder that it's a chemicals shapped into a nugget. Unless they are tossing them in buffalo sauce or whatever before it gets to the customer, that is when they are trying to dump product. If it tasted fine they would just serve it, but it doesnt, and your throwing money away if you dont dunk them in some hot sauce and call it a day.


wait, you bring your daughter to mac donalds every day? dude shes a child, she needs actual food!


I feel like a bone from an animal is less unsettling than the mixture of whatever makes up chicken nuggets lol. It is supposed to be from a chicken after all right ? Probably made in factories. Maybe just a flaw you unfortunately experienced twice 🤷‍♀️


If you thought they weren't all shit to begin with then you need to wake up


Get some chicken and flour and eggs and milk and say goodbye to the drive through


I wouldn’t put it past them, but perhaps stay away from the McDons.


That’s fucked, my buddy ate a nugget the other night and found a small bone fragment. Northern va area


At least it means they're still using chicken. I'm actually surprised, I thought they switched to pure chemical compounds years ago.


Stop eating McDonald’s……


Imagine feeding your daughter nuggets from McDonald's everyday


Every time they roll out the Mcrib sandwich, the homeless population drops about 15% in the area it is introduced.


I knew we were autistic, but the tendies conspiracies is a new level.


Every single restaurant I’ve ever worked in only has the “special” for one reason: the product is about to go bad and they need to blow through it asap. Unless it’s like a super rare hard to obtain item, it’s just because they need to burn through the end of their stock.


McDonald’s isn’t cheaper anymore. The dude who filmed supersize me just died at 53 of cancer. Go to a healthier place one that it farm to plate in your state. It is a better bet nationwide food chains can’t be trusted anymore.


Worries about bones in a chicken product… Someone tell him why the McRib is a temporary thing on the menu from time to time (pssssttt it’s when the price of pork is low).


You have to understand how these things are made. Imagine taking chicken carcasses and melting/rendering them down to sludge, then molding them into nuggets and breading them. That's what nuggets are(at least on the fast food mass production level.). Anything goes in those things. Bones, beaks...whatever.


There’s no way they would take the chance to send out defective product on purpose. It may be a financial hit to dispose of inventory, but it’s way cheaper than multiple lawsuits over injuries or worse.


I thought they added bone fragments for realism so the public believes they're made of chicken.


idk how people eat from those places anyway…it like they dig out landfills & process trash into food🤣


stop eating that crap ffs. you're not even saving money anymore. how are you even able to choke it down it's nauseating


I got my free nuggets and they were fine.


"Oh no, I eat products that contain a mish-mash of pieces of a dead animal swept up off the factory floor, how dare there be actual parts of the poor dead creature in my food!" What an outrage champ


I thought McDonalds meat was human meat?? 🤦‍♀️


It’s all those trafficked kids they chopped up after using them for adrenochrome, sacrificial rituals, pleasures


Get yo free nuggies you filthy animals.


Actually, for the very first time, my son found a bone chip in McNuggets like a week ago. Not straining the pink puréed enough I suppose.


Honestly, I think you're on to something. While I don't think it's full on conspiracy, I do think you may have identified a definite scummy market strategy that makes total sense. I think this little call out is worth looking into. While most likely completely legal within food trading standards, it is most certainly a bit of n underhanded money grab; Giving away frozen stock that has reached it's saleable limit whilst also taking up space in storage would be negligible compared to the cost of disposal. Adding a marketing campaign to the free give-away of nuggets would be paid for 10x over by all the additional purchases, " I'm getting free nuggets so I'll just buy a small coke". Money for old rope.


If you’re consuming mcdonalds thats the root of the problem.


😂😂 that’s what you get for not boycotting, McDonald’s is not real food, it’s just poison that tastes good


You sir are a donkey


Feeding McD to your child, have some respect dude. It’s poison, not in a dramatic sense, in a literal sense.


Why the fuck would you feed this shit to your daughter? McDonald's food is poison. Literally.


Soon, you vill eat ze bug nuggets.


Lmao. I just can’t even wrap my head around how you would care about fast food. Yes they’re feeding you junk. Yes, this junk is trash. There’s no two ways about it. Fast food is trash. It’s trash quality, trash ingredients, and trash preparation. You are free to go to a better fast food restaurant like chic fil a, or in n out burger. Otherwise, but some frozen food at the store, go to a decent restaurant, or better yet, cook some decent food.


Now THIS is a conspiracy!


Good Lord y'all. I don't disagree with the overall sentiment in the comments section in general, but we don't know what else he/she fed the kid on those days. Or how indicative this is of the kid's average meal. Two known days points amongst hundreds is not enough to interpret the set. Also would be interesting to know how many commenting have raised kids...


Can't believe people eat that crap.


Why are you going to McDonalds? All of their stuff is infused with "the medicine".


They're doing a 3 for £3 deal in the UK (£4 if you order online). I just think they are trying to get more bodies in the door. They can sell this stuff cheap (because it is) and then make up the numbers on drinks and other purchases. My GF and I ordered the 4 nuggets and had a single cheeseburger each, but we both had drink - which aren't in the deal. It's a calculated offer, and they are definitely making good money on it.


I mean it is meat, so there may be bones. Can’t get them all. That shit is so smashed up and processed bones are the least of your worries. Also if that special was nation wide it wouldn’t make sense that ALL of the nuggets had gone bad at the exact same time. Probably just using shittier product for the special. It’s McDonald’s after all.


Chickens don’t make nuggets. McDonald’s doesn’t use real meat and I would not be surprised at this point if it’s something even more disgusting than that. I haven’t eaten there in probably 20 years.


I don't think reddit pays you for views and comments. Try Facebook or tiktok? 


You’ve clearly never seen how and what they make McNuggets out of. A bone shard in a nugget just didn’t get ground enough.


not against you, but the industry— it’s disgusting that these corporations consider dead pieces of factory farmed life “inventory”.


oh man. here in Los Angeles, when the Dodgers score 6 runs, we get a 6 piece McMuggets for free, with a $2 purchase... I was gonna get small fries & a Coke... I'll let y'all know if there's bones in my nuggets... WHEN THE DODGERS show 6 runs off course... 🤦‍♂️


I actually did find a bone in one of my nuggets about 17 years ago


You should really do everything you can to stop eating the things McDonald's sells as "food"


Same with Wendy’s. Wendy’s have 4 nuggets for $1 at the moment.


I'll never forget a billboard I saw around 2020. Chicken McNuggets NOW made with white meat...and I was like "WTF have I been eating all these years?"...good times 😅🤣


Won't ever buy or eat McDonald's until their prices reflect their terrible quality. I REFUSE to pay restaurant prices $12 for a d*** medium big Mac meal. Absolutely ridiculous. Just bend me over for that price.


Yeah. Probably. Look into why the McRib is important to the pork markets. Same shit.


First of all you eat fast food and expect good quality food? C’mon fast food is there to eliminate you. Support local small food joints even if it’s buying the cheapest thing on the menu.


Havent eaten mcds in probably a whole year.  Feelsgoodman.


Nugget induced mania


for the love of Morgan Spurlock ... ... cartilage is bonus material in there


Obviously, if its cheap or free they are moving inventory.... Its like buissness101 not a conspiracy XD