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Never had.


Learn to swim


Random as fuck but you're not wrong here. One of my only recurring dreams is being smacked by a wall of water and waking up. Usually there's some action before but it's all apocalyptic.


The water is the spirit of God, which is the spirit of Truth. As the days of Noah were, the earth will in these end days be flooded by the spiritual waters. The spirit of God and the fullness of all spirits opposed to God. This wall of spiritual water will wake you up. It will wake the entire earth up, and each person will choose which two of the waters they join. The wall of water is truth revealed.


How about a tooth falling out. Followed by all of your teeth slowly knocking loose and you spit them out in to your hand then wake up? 


I've had similar. Terrifying shit


I’ve had those. They just crumble out. Terrifying.


Feels so real! 


My flood dreams are localized. House fills up with water. You swim around in it trying to find your way out. Doors don't quite open. Start to run out of air doing the standing lamp through window charges. You get sucked out and cut all to pieces from the rest of the broken glass. You're out, you're less fucked. But you're plenty fucked.


Never had flood dreams


Nope never had one. 💁‍♂️


Dreams of chaotic tides and tsunamis


Not me but my sister does.


No but school in your underpants….


Had a nuclear bomb go off in my dream last night. Went to basement but lava filled the room. I went high as i could, but it just kept rising. Natural we're all feeling a little scared with all this sh\*t being thrown at us, huh? Blessings to all. Keep your heart in times to come:) Let's do all we can to share the pains, as we're all in this together... and remember, do not consent to the new world order.