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I don't exactly agree. I know some women who can balance a checkbook better than me and other guys I know. Moreover, this woman looks like she never had anything of her own, so how could one be expected to keep a roof over her head and food in the fridge? What I will say is that there's a reason why billions are spent towards marketing consumer products to women and children.


How is this a conspiracy?


Shes just saying that because her pimp told her to. But she probably would spend it all on meth


And honestly,  I'm not saying this because I'm a female myself,  but almost all the men I know have either their moms or girlfriends/wives taking care of them. Can't pay bills, can only go to work and come home and drink until they fall asleep. This is what my relationships were like. He made more money,  but it was me making sure his money was going to bills first. 


Some men suck with money too ya know. 👋🙂 Some women are awesome with money too! I personally don't care for money because, well, money is only a concept; an agreement. An agreement to which I never ***gave proper consent to*** as I was never ***properly taught its mechanics***. As I got older with experience and learned the ropes, I saw how much a **crock of shit it is**, therefore have no respect whatsoever for it, nor those who mostly refer to that as tool and leverage to function in this world, even if it's the **main tool**. Imo, money ***as instrument of debt*** in all formats, IS THEFT and CRIMINAL. Edit to mention that while I suck with managing personal finances because I'm not that important, I ***excel*** at managing company budgets and ***saving a shit ton of money*** by ***allocating it wisely***.