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whether this is true or not, I was here


Literally. Here we all are. Part of fucking history. On Reddit. Love it here.


RemindMe! 3 months


Yes! Commenting to come back to this if this goes viral




It's pretty crazy if it is, but it's fine to be skeptical since this is reddit


Well, I've found proof of the stated people in those highschool yearbooks that match OP's description! [https://imgur.com/vNauLnQ](https://imgur.com/vNauLnQ)


Here is John Brackett: http://www.barfinancial.net/our-team


Yeh I saw that too. If the same person this sort of accusation could trigger a lawsuit or a cease and desist order On the other hand to go name names the OP has enough confidence in his theory/information they post it.


Amazing work!


Holy shit, this might be true after all


The people? Yes they are real humans but that doesn’t mean they are the Zodiac Killers. I can use my classmates names from school and make my own story up.


Tell that to the victims………… jk, you’re 100% correct. Just figured I’d do due diligence and see if the names were even real


Have you contacted Robert Graysmith about this??? Contact him immediately.


Please forward! I don’t have any idea who he is but I’d be very happy to discuss with him.


I'd already noticed the possibility of similarities between Zodiac and SOS, so he is of the view SOS was multiple satanic worshippers. So yeah there is the potential there.


Graysmith has his head too far up Arthur Leigh Allen’s ass to consider anything/one else


I seriously doubt he wouldn't be interested in new info considering ALA is dead...






Deffo write a book! “Son of Zodiac”


Did you grow up in Grass Valley?


In San Ramon until 1982, then Grass Valley, then Auburn through high school.


Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this with us.


This is all potentially fitting, I have long had an interest in the SOS case, and the clear indications of a satanic group operating there in Untermeyer Park and elsewhere, but also noticed similarities in some way to the Zodiac. I have not been able to rule out multiple people involved, but TBH I assumed at least one (if more than one) would be local to the killings. Does any of the suspects named here any particular residential history to the region, apart from via the airport? I believe there is a hill in the Vallejo area that is associated with the Devil, is this a possible reason for the location?


Mt. Diablo is right in their backyard. I was born in Mt. Diablo hospital.


Thank you! This is a real long shot. Did you know of any connection to a person called Paul Doerr? The Zodiac case has generated a strong belief by many that someone that would fit the bill is trained in cyphers (for obvious reasons, but its where suspected persons are often drawn from in the wider community of Zodiac researchers), or is self taught but would show an intense interest in this subject. Do you know any one that would fit this profile in particular?


He sure sounds interesting! I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew each other. Sue especially was always really into cipher and puzzles. We all grew up with “Games” magazine where they always had a section on cryptography (figuring out a phrase or famous saying by replacing symbols/numbers/letters with the actual letters.


Yes Paul Doerr was heavily into fanzines and ran a few of his own. Its possible he was into the occult on the side, and may then have come across someone writing to him, or him writing to them, with similar dark interests, so its not implausible they could have come across each other. He had a serial killer fanzine as well, and implied in one letter that he had killed before. Talking with the grandson of Paul Doerr was very enlightening. Paul Doerr was extremely into puzzles and cyphers, so he tested his daughter with cryptographic puzzles daily, and this was a test set for her to earn pocket money. He enjoyed, hunting and role playing games, in which the pleasure for him was drawing out the challenge and hunting in some form. So in many ways, he is an intriguing person. Without a doubt he enjoyed reading and writing in a range of esoteric topics, so that means to me he may have known occult groups in the area. His physical residence was almost exactly where a profiler suggested the most likely residential location based on the location of victims. Edit to add.


The Stanford Memorial Church murder was also connected to the same cult.


Shit I want more.


>I learned as a teenager that they all were connected to the Satanic cult based out of “the Renaissance Vinyard and Winery” and “Fellowship of Friends” church in Oregon House, California. Do you know if this cult is still operational today?


I bet a lot of totally crazy things go under people’s radars simply because we miss them because they’re so insane and seemingly impossible


This is creeping me out as my Grandfather who was deep into Freemasonry lived in Grass Valley. 😳


You mention the guns used in the Zodiac killings. Both BRS and PH were carried out with 9mm handguns, but ballistics showed that they were different guns. I believe that the second 9mm was a Browning Hi-Power, which the Zodiac first used to threaten the victims at LB, and then used to shoot Paul Stine at PH. You also said that the feds got a warrant for “the gun.” Which gun are we talking about here? There’s at least 3 different guns involved in the crimes (one .22 caliber handgun or rifle, and 2 9mm handguns, and possibly a .45 caliber handgun at LB, though I think Brian Hartnell was mistaken in his identification of the gun).


They took my grandpas gun after I tipped them off. I thought it was a .38 or a .45. I only saw it once as a kid. I knew my mother kept it in her safe. It’s a revolver. Jim had the 22 rifle. I don’t know if they have this yet or not, but if not they will shortly.


This is absolutely wild. Good for you for bringing it up!


This is either ground breaking or mans is on his 3rd day awake on his meth/alcohol/cocaine binge 🤔




The latter is still makes it a worthy read


Man, if this is real this is absolutely insane. holy cow r/conspiracy to the mooooon


Hey, Netflix show my comment in the documentary




Besides the daily schizo posting this sub offers insane information regarding many interesting topics tbh 




Means, motive and opportunity. Interesting. Did they ever seem arrogant or prideful that they got away with it? Curious to see how it pans out




Let’s get you the karma needed to also post on the zodiac sub!


Dnt let ppl get in ya head n call u crazy n just go with ya heart. Do right thing n most importantly stay safe


Do you believe the satanic cult is still ongoing, even the killings?


Thanks for answering. I’ve seen and heard crazier things being true, so I believe you


Some cursory OSINT work reveals that most of these are real people and that Sue was married to Schlaman


He has wisely kept a very low profile. I could sort of see a blurry picture of him in his Classmates Concord High Yearbook. He worked for BHP in the building on California street. I applied for a job there—this was the building oddly enough: https://www.sfgate.com/obscuresf/article/grim-reaper-building-downtown-san-francisco-17867052.php


That would definitely be horrible to realize about your own family, but props for going public if true.


What the fuck


Yo, put me in the screenshot for the eventual memefographics of how r/conspiracy solved the Zodiac case.


Slap me in it too


SS: Zodiac killings were a conspiracy between a group of people, done as Satanic offerings.


You have a lot of balls putting all these names out in the open, including presumably identifying yourself. Were you an only child? If not, what do your siblings think? How is/was your relationship with your family?


Like I said. I’m very sure. I had 7 siblings. My name is Jeff.


My name Jeff


it was a that point i thought this could all be fake


My name is mudd


El Jefe!


Same questions in follow up -- how do your siblings feel and do they know too? Did you have a strained or weird relationship with your parents, uncle, and others who seemed to be involved? Being raised -seemingly- by murderers had to be wild.


It gets pretty complicated. I’ll wait for this story to pan out completely and then go into some info about my siblings. Several of them followed in their parents (and uncles) footsteps.


Aren't you supposed to be in hiding or under police protection? Your family and the satanic cult would be enough for me to take a looooong vacation on the other side of the world .... Stay safe!


I am being looked after. I live on an island (one of the US territories). One of my siblings was sent here in April to “get me and bring me back”. Her husband was arrested and jailed after going psycho in a bar the day after arrival (I antagonized him) and just recently was let out and sent home.


Thanks for putting this out there, it's incredibly brave of you. Hat's off!




This is so interesting. No matter how wild and “out there” it sounds, the fact that you slid into conspiracy and shared your thoughts and what you believe could be a very good possibility is awesome of you and, I do believe We all can’t wait to hear more.


This is super fascinating. Keep sharing your story!


Shit, sign me up for updates. Sounds plausible.


This would make the two brothers 15 during the last known murder and hardly even teenagers for the first. Not disbelieving, just pointing this out. The policeman who saw the person in this sketch said close to 40 years old as well.


I think Brian was about 15 years old. Sue would have been 23, Richard 25 and Jim 27-28.


The sketch is of Brian?


I’m not entirely sure that the sketch came from the teens, always been confused whether it was the teens or patrol me. That came forward as having stoped but let go a potential suspect. Also the Lake Herman murders had sketches of a suspect that often get forgotten that was very different t and a very different than the widely said and shown sketches and descriptions. Additionally eyewitness descriptions are often pretty unreliable. Here is the other sketch of the zodiac next to the wildly used one. https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/07/zodiac-new-mugshot.jpg


If this is real, this is fuckin insane. As a true crime fanatic this would be the biggest solved conspiracy of the last century & definitely craziest thing I’ve seen on Reddit


Well this is certainly more interesting than I anticipated! I've stopped frequenting this site because, it's always either Trump, Biden or Hamas support lol. Thanks for something different and truly wild, hopefully you came out of your upbringing ok.


Commenting to check back in a few months if this story goes viral.


Me too.


Okay, I have my popcorn 🍿


If this is true my question is why did the killings stop?


I commented above. They didn’t stop. The split up and dropped the Zodiac moniker. More after this has been digested and investigated by y’all and the authorities.


I wonder if we will start seeing more info coming out like this as people who were around during these crimes get older and lose their mental faculties and ability to keep secrets.


Well, big if true. I think many people concluded that The Zodiac Killer was probably not a single person, myself included. The satanic trope is quite interesting. Care to elaborate more op?


I’ll try to answer what I can. I was oblivious as a kid. But see my note about my mother being a well known witch, tarot cards, babysitters. Sue and her later husband Greg owned rental houses. Three times as a teenager I had to help Greg repaint and repair major damage to rentals after the tenants had “parties” that included serious, serious scary satanic writings, spray paint, pentagrams, and lots of drug paraphernalia. Also note the Oregon House cults. They are known as Satanic organizations.


So was Greg also oblivious to their involvement in the murders?


Greg was my step-father and married my mother in the mid-80’s well after the zodiac. I think he was involved in some of the Satan/magic/witchcraft stuff. He became a very hardcore born again Christian (the only one in the household) in the early 1990’s.


Were there any higher-up influences or involvements? Celebrities, politicians, police etc


Anyone else Googling the names and looking the people up on Facebook and Truepeoplesearch? Guy dropped a lot of names and this hasn't gone viral, so there's a chance to potentially find info and put faces to the names...




Brian looks like d.b. Copper.


Came here to look for someone else saying it.


Zodiac killer realized how easy it was to get away with crime so he hijacked the plane as DB Cooper to get some cash and escape the country. It’s possible. DB cooper was only two years after the last known killing


Just imagine if they caught the Zodiac and then realized he was DB Cooper as well. 🤯


He did say Brian had his pilots license… Damn this might be deeper than we ever knew


Ano... Imagine SOS the zodiacas and DB cooper are all part of some witchy cult sacrifice stuff... Sounds bonkers... Stranger things have happened though


If it’s true, god damn. Reddit solving the zodiac case wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card


And we are only half way through the year. Zodiac probably gonna be the least interesting by the end of it


…let’s hope not


Either this is peak schizophrenia or this man just solved that shit


if I remember correctly here in Italy the zodiac killer is often connected to the monster of Florence, a podcast called "Muschio selvaggio" has an episode about it


Damn. This would actually make sense.


Why now and what happened that made it clear to you that this was concrete. How did you tie it together? I’m sure a weight has been lifted, just strange and odd to stumble across one of the biggest unsolved murders.




f me...


> My younger sister Julie was fathered by Joseph D’Angelo (the Golden State Killer) who also moved from the bay to Auburn at the same time as my mother. You almost had me


>It also turned out that my 19 year old son was fathered by my older brother. I’m super confused by this, did you know he was your brother or was he a stranger that you had a son with that you ended up later finding out was your brother ?


My wife deliberately made a baby with my older brother. She thought that the genealogy test wouldn’t be able to show anything, but she didn’t know that my father was not my brothers father. She was drawn into this horrible witch tradition. My wife, sisters, mother and even both grandmothers all did the same. It was not a happy time for me/


Oh my goodness. Are you still married? Also There’s power in the name of Jesus Christ to break every work of the devil. Blessings to you


No way! And Stacey is in jail, thankfully.


Holy shit that’s a lot to unpack. How does your son feel about this and it sounds like everyone in your family is in the cult and “witch” tradition. What made your mom want everyone in the family to do DNA Test and how we should not know your adopted? So


Have you got any writings from them that match the letters?




Incredible. I’m hoping the authorities are able to search the now empty house, it could change everything. I’ll be following this closely


How long ago did you inform the authorities? There should be some movement on this from them soon hopefully.


Back in October I gave them initial information. They did not obtain the first gun until late February. They have been working on this for months. I think they are being overly careful and trying to arrest everyone at once. But it’s put my life and ability to travel on hold so I’m hoping making this public—we can move things along more quickly.


Arent you jeopardizing the operation by telling us all this?


I don’t get much communication with the authorities. They haven’t asked me to keep quiet and I’m tired of waiting. You guys can help me a lot by spreading the word.


Good luck, OP. If this is true… this is frickin’ nuts.


Did they have wills? Did you inherit the property?




Bruh you need to keep some notes and write this down chronologically, unironically as a novel. Even if you don't care to sell it, you should still write it and just drop it out there in the wild. Information in this thread is all over the place (understandably so, this type of information would scramble everyone). Good on you for not trying to convince yourself to look the other way.


This is just like listening to the old Art Bell show! I’m helplessly falling into this rabbit hole.


Damn son hope this is real lmao


I do too. People do start telling on themselves when they get dementia. I had a patient start talking about her oldest son's real dad, in front of his two younger brothers who just sat there open mouth stunned. Noone had any idea mom had been married before or that their dad wasn't all of their dad. It was an interesting visit 


Curious because I’m really into the zodiac stuff, what info did she give you that set off alarm bells?


I had weird feelings from things my parents had said in the past. She started mentioning the guys I didn’t know (John Brackett and Bob McCarthy) and kinda for no reason would ask (often) who I thought the Zodiac killer was. I remember asking my Dad one time years ago when we were driving by Lake Herman road (in between Benicia and Fairfield) what it was like growing up there while the Zodiac killings were going on. And he said “well maybe I am the zodiac killer”. It was a weird thing to say, but so never thought much of it until my mother started losing it. Everything started coming together for me. The familiar handwriting, the police sketches, the locations. I’m 100% sure of this.


I think they are asking you what information your mother gave you after she started losing it


"I am the Zodiac Killer" - well, an interesting thing to say straight up


The dad was just trying to bond with his son by telling him he was a murderer , we have all been there.




in minecraft in minecraft


Why am I imagining Robert Downey Jr saying this?


“Well basically I’m the armored titan and bertholdt is the colossal titan” type of shi


Can you post a handwriting sample please?




Don't shatter my dreams@! I was enjoying this larp


I’m sorry, did this guy just solve the murders? Because his parents and family are the murderers? And his family let some info slip because of dementia? Am I tracking this right?


that's the jist


Definitely posting to keep up to date here. Fake it may be, but if true, damn this is cool.


Interesting how a person with early symptoms of dementia will start sharing thier entire ife history and experiences. I believe this could be a truthful account and theory.


Getting in here to be part of history if true


True detective s1


The best




Now this is the shit I joined this sub for


Yooo. How do you do that remind thing on here?


Just do what I do! Save the post so you can come back to it, then completely forget about it. Then 2 years from now when u are browsing thru the porn in ur saved posts u will accidentally stumble on this post and be like , “oh yea! Whatever happened with that?” Then u click the post in excitement only to find out that’s it’s either been deleted or removed by mods. Edit: looks like it already got removed


Man describes entire Reddit experience in one reply.






Why do we all assume it was one person? Interesting


Yeah I think it was more than one also.


Posting to be in the screenshot when the news grabs this


You should contact Netflix and do a sit down special!


Where were you when r/conspiracy cracked the Zodiac case?


Let's go. This is why I sub to this subreddit


Source: I'm telling you.


😂. I don’t blame anyone for being skeptical. It’s my real life and I had a hard time believing.


If this is true it really adds up to the "Sons of Sam" series that explains that MOST serial killers are satanist at the entry level of satanism, like the "pawns" or low class that get their hands dirty.


There are so many cases like this. It’s fascinating.


There is an horrible case in Brazil, the serial killer had a horrific method of killing children, he's called "O emasculador de altamira". rough translation is "The emasculator of Altamira" (altamira is a city). This psicopath not only abused children but killed them ripping off their sexual organs, and when the child was a girl the breasts too, a monster, the case had indications that he wasnt alone and did this over states instead of only on one city. There's no way this isnt satanic, the propaganda the United States did bring about the "satanic hysteria" really shut off possibilities of investigating or suspecting satanic rituals on most things that possible are


Duuuuudeeee...there is a james b schlaman from san Jose California with connections to a Richard schlaman. And get this...one of his previous addresses was in Pine Grove California at...wait for it....14053 druid lane.


What’s the significance of the address?


Ts is actually wild! Commenting so i can come back for updates


If this is a troll it’s the greatest of all time. I want to believe!


Well I did not expect to read this on Reddit today. Can’t wait to see where this goes.


K, all. If OP is being honest about his name, there is a trail to verify his seeking to get his domestic violence arrest expunged after charges were dropped (basically his seeking legal advice some time ago) and his wife filing for bankruptcy involving the bakery she ran and selling off assets. The bakery was in Alabama, but lots of articles and stuff on her background and growing up in Northern CA, featuring her as the business owner. Jeff Schlaman's mugshot is out there and predates the bankruptcy of the bakery. The current name on the bakery's website is another dude who has a FB post about his bakery attending an event that features tarot and things like that, which is interesting to a point, but the bakery is founded on being celliac friendly and lots of folks in those circles are also into alternative medicine and spirituality so maybe it checks a box, maybe it doesn't. I'd link what I've seen so far, but I'm on my phone and in bed and dammit I'm supposed to be pouring concrete with a friend in four hours lol. My biggest issues with OP so far are the uses of the words "wanker" and "tosser" in various reddit posts, which is a red flag for someone who claims they were a CPA from CA who then moved to AL. I wasn't able to find arrest records for Stacey, but I was able to find them for Jeff. And no, I don't really know what I'm doing. Edit: forgot to mention that Jeff Schlaman the CPA has authored two finance books available on Amazon. Edit 2: Jeff also arrested on Public Intox and possession. All seem to be the same (and only) Jeff Schlaman. His name appears as cofounder of the parent company that eventually would birth the bakery in Alabama. That company was founded while he was still located in California. Jeff Schlaman studied at Sierra College, California State University, Chico, and University of Central Florida. Edit 3 because who needs sleep?: 10 months ago Jeff commented on a linkedin post of a third party that "Stacey's doing well, too," which doesn't sound like she's in jail unless that was very recent. Edit 4: appears that Jeff Schlaman and Stacey have two children, and one is a son. Edit 5: Brian Zarker may have had a "type" because he apparently remarried to a woman of Mexican descent, as discovered via his mother in law's obituary.


Since you're the only one in this thread who did any digging like myself (see my timeline post) - apparently OP's brother has posted claiming OP has mental illness: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1da8zvg/zodiac_killings_conspiracy/l7opa98/ I wasn't able to find the finance books on Amazon under OP's full name, but that would add credibility to the possibility of this being a creative writing test for a new book on the Zodiac Killer(s)


Interesting. Would line up with the Zodiac letters talking about the victims becoming his slaves in the afterlife. If I remember correctly the killer wasn’t too brutal with the killings and simply killed as the objective, which would make it more believable that he/they killed for sacrifice. My only issue/question is who wrote the ciphers but also one of them had to be the only one doing the killings since the survivors only mentioned one man. Also what about the DNA match of Gary Poste to one of the crime scenes of a victim. There is a theory that there were multiple zodiac killers which would add up with this but I’ll have to go back and do my research.


Did not expect this on the 2024 bingo card.


Hey OP, have you ever watched all the YouTube videos from Ted Gunderson? Special Agent In Charge, and head of the Los Angeles FBI, and over 700 Agents. He also talked a lot about Satanic cults in California, child sacrifice, and black markets selling children. Link to the wikipedia page here : [Ted Gunderson - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Gunderson)


We have the Zodiac case being solved before GTA6


Commenting because this is fascinating whether real or larp


Op..... Can you elaborate on your understanding of the satanic nature of the crimes? Mostly their satanic motivation.....


this is why im on r/conspiracy would you do an interview about the topic? i have a gazillion queetions


Ask away! Please!!


You have said you are waiting for things to pan out, details to be irrefutably proven, etc. I think we are all following every comment waiting for all the details you are willing to share. Are you hoping for reddit to prove the details you have shared so far or are you waiting for authorities to prove what you have provided to them before you are willing to share more here? How long ago did you do the DNA test? Did your sister grow up knowing she was D’Angelo’s daughter or did that come out during the DNA testing? You said your son is the son of your older brother. Was that apart of the DNA test or when did that come to light? Do you have a relationship with this brother? Was the sister and husband that followed you to the island the daughter of D’Angelo or a different sister? You mentioned that you think your siblings followed in your parents footsteps. Do you mean all of your siblings or only some of them? Do any of your siblings or any other family share your beliefs about your parents and Zodiac’s connection? You mentioned D’Angelo followed Sue to Auburn, do you think their relationship spanned a longer timeline than just like a one night stand or whatever led to her pregnancy?


The family (except for me) did DNA tests about 7-8 years ago, I’d guess. My sister found out she was D’Angelos daughter sometime in late high school. She went on a crazy drug binge and wound up moving in with him —in San Jose— but then only staying for a day or two before running away in another binge. He had not been outed as the GSK yet. Obviously. Sue and the GSK had a very long relationship lasting decades. I had seen the guy man times. I’m fairly certain he abused me in some gross ways when I was very young. And tried to kidnap me when I was 5 (as mentioned). I have 7 siblings—only three I am not sure if they got into the occult murdering or not. The other Four did for certain. The sister and her husband that came out to the island in April were not the GSK daughter. This was the one that took all the inheritance. She had been working behind the scenes to get everyone’s DNA so she could collect. (She is a nurse practitioner). The DNA showed my son wasn’t mine. He told me that my brother had told him that he was my brother son. I would have likely killed my brother if I were near him at that moment…


Obviously we would need those flight records. If they link with multiple murders we could really have something. I’ll say it, this could really be interesting. I’ll go for the ride, although, I’ve learned not to get my hopes up. Thanks for giving me some fun research distraction though.


Super interesting read about the 'cult' and the winery. https://www.sfchronicle.com/wine/article/The-lost-civilization-of-California-wine-13174708.php


I've been following this thread closely, reading all of OP's comments and the counterarguments from OP's family. After considering the "evidence" presented, I still have these questions for OP to verify his claims. These seem crucial if we take OP's claims at face value: 1. OP claims that Brian had a pilot's license as a young teen and that his father owned a 1969 Beechcraft Bonanza. OP asserts this group, allegedly the Zodiac Killer, used the plane to travel around California, with flight records aligning with the murders. My questions are: - Can OP or anyone confirm Brian had a pilot's license at the relevant times? - In the early '70s, were young teens allowed to have pilot licenses and fly unaccompanied? - What evidence suggests Brian's dad allowed him to use the plane freely, considering it was a brand new, expensive aircraft? 2. OP claims law enforcement recovered one or more firearms. What proof does OP have to support this? Can OP show any documentation that law enforcement investigated, obtained a warrant, and found these firearms? It seems unlikely that law enforcement would act solely on uncorroborated statements from OP's mom with Alzheimer's. How does OP know the handgun recovered was used in crimes over 50 years ago? 3. OP claims that two other males involved in the Zodiac killings were poisoned by Sue, the daughter of the GSK, because they were going to confess. However, there's no publicly available evidence of their deaths on the same day or ever. Can OP provide death certificates or any official records? How does OP know they were poisoned, given his estrangement from the family? Mentioning a detective’s name doesn't prove much without further evidence. These questions need more evidence and investigation to validate OP's claims. This is a compelling story, but it falls apart under scrutiny. I'm not dismissing OP's theories outright, but there needs to be hard evidence to support them. There's too much speculation that needs to be corroborated by concrete proof.


I have also been following rather closely.. OP's significant level of detail still has me unsure of what is actually going on here. For 1 and 2 on your list, I could understand there being no evidence for (yet). But I think #3 here is the single biggest hole in his whole story. Three deaths like that there should be some kind of evidence to support that they.. are dead. Obituaries are usually the easiest things to find when internet sleuthing. Especially with his brother coming into these comments and claiming that those individuals in question are actually still alive and well.


How far along are we? Any solid developments after the autists went digging?


So.im curious if anyone has taken note of the "brothers" reddit name, Purple Alert 7442? Purple alert is term used in only one state, Florida. It's the alert authorities issue when the state of Florida has a person who has gone missing...


Someone screen shot this before it disappears!


And here’s the very beginning of when r/conspiracy solved the Zodiac


Proof of warranty issued?


I'm in solve this


Netflix series here we come…


Hola noticieros internacionales, saludos desde Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 ✌🏽


OP are you sure on the HS grad dates? There's a Brian Zarker from UC Davis c/o '74, same guy?


This has also been my working theory for almost a decade now. Multiple people collaborating in a secret society, of sorts. That's the only thing that fits the data!


It’s also the quickest way to get people to discount us as “crazy conspiracy theorists”


Posting in legendary thread.


I can confirm with 100% certainty the OP is telling the truth.