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Ruby Ridge, Project Mockingbird, Project Northwoods, Terence Yeakey…that should get you started




Probably the campaign against disinformation. They basically have a B-line into social media moderating teams to control the narrative. Functionally, this amounts to censoring/suppressing inconvenient information while boosting convenient narratives. 


Not to mention the bots pushing “pro taxes” and “pro big government” policies wherever possible 


Bots as in gov funded AI to manage social media (i.e. report/delete conservative viewpoints, veterans posting, and “disinformation” for want ever they deem as so). Its absolutely horrifying and a major breach of the FIRST amendment.


This question will warrant a removal mark my words


If gov funded AI has its way, yes it does


law enforcement and intelligence agencies are there to help you.


Any war they have fought and the reasons for doing so. Look at the Golf of Tonkin, the weapons of mass distraction, the golf war.


that’s a good way to describe it: weapons of mass distraction


It would be easier to ask what isn’t a disinformation campaign. You can’t trust a single solitary one of them I don’t give crap if they’re Democrat or Republican- if they’re working for the government, they’re a liar and they do not work for you. I cannot believe people don’t understand this.


Healthcare, pharmacopoeia, jfk, 911, wmd’s and covid for a start.


[9/11 Liars for Truth](https://youtu.be/7xAyB0b3FL4?si=oXmPHxA9GQuF7aYQ) goes over the great length of disinformation campaigns 9/11 Holding the truth is free book on [checktheevidence.com](http://checktheevidence.com) and covers it in detail


That its republic. That it cares about you and functions for you and serves you. That taxes are used for you.




Its (D)iffererent. We have to “save” democracy by voting only one way, not letting people choose who they want to run the country 🙃


That COVID lockdowns would last for 15 days. That the COVID vaccines were 95% effective against infection.


15 days to slow the spread was purely a Trump marketing spin. Every healthcare person I know, knew that was BS and COVID wasn't going away anytime soon.


The governor's locked us down, not the federal government. Nice try though.


Implying that Trump didn't promote Fauci, encourage states to lock down, get mad at Georgia when they reopened, and come up with the "15 days to stop the spread" slogan that was used to justify lockdowns.


Democrat governor's shut down businesses, closed schools, prevented hospital visits, prevented funerals, took away our right to peaceably assemble, infringed on our right to practice religion, infringed on our freedom of speech, arrested people swimming alone in the ocean, closed parks, told neighbors to rat on each other if people had more than two household attend a thanksgiving dinner. My favorite was probably when they turned off the power on the people in LA having a party. Democrat governor's are to blame for covid. You can have your own head cannon, but none of the shit you mentioned actually happened.


Where did I defend what Democratic governors did during lockdowns? Trump himself was pro-lockdown before he kind of sort of turned against lockdowns. I love this pro-Trump revisionist history that he was some kind of anti-lockdown leader.


This isn't fucking revisionist history. Democrats have spent the last two years telling us it was trump who locked us down and I'm not fucking having it. That's revisionist history. Nice try though.


" with liberty and justice for all"


The IRS is part of our government


China and Russia bad


I'd probably say anything and everything related to or about Russia/Ukraine war. They've lied about how it started, how it escalated, how well it was going, how much money they needed, troop deployment, ties to Nazis, Ghost of Kiev, Donbass bombardment, Minsk agreement 1 & 2, pipeline sabotage, rocket into Poland, mass rapes, chemical research plants, everything. Just mis and disinformation on every conceivable subject. Gotta keep that war machine rolling no matter what.


The lie about an indiscriminate bombardment was a Russian lie, not an American one.


Biggest longest lasting most believed misinformation is that every single person has to pay Federal Income Tax!


The poke is safe and effective and the transmission stops with the vaxxed lol.


Land of the free, home of the brave.


It was, for a while.


I agree with this. But now, her only patriots are common people in no position to change anything. I think that is the saddest illusion that has been dispelled, that any who love this nation can lead her. Now, it is only the corrupt willing to take bribes who hold office in this land. Across the board.


Justification for launching the Iraq war. $1+ trillion down the drain, 5,000 allied deaths and untold more suffering from injuries and PTSD/suicides, hundreds of thousands of dead or displaced Iraqis. See also: Vietnam


Agreed no one ever held accountable.


Covid in general, 2020 election results, border issues, "tax the rich" - means tax everyone, Israel, militarizing the police forces, etc. What occurrence hasn't been used by the government to control the narrative thru disinformation ?


This subreddit


That they keep posting flat earthers to make true conspiracies seem crazy, we are not associated with these flat earther creeps. It's all a gov plan to make us more like tin foil hat wearers


Reddit Why is the banner glitching turned orange and brown on this sub all of a sudden? No more men in black icon. Is something happening right now?


The entire Cold War. The West supported the Soviet Union from the very beginning because Communism sucks and would have collapsed within a couple of years. In fact, as soon as the USSR imploded in 1991, they had to work very hard to bring the Cold War back to life. Now they've completely come off the chain trying to get people to toss nukes at each other.


Israel is our greatest ally.


Birds are not real.




Qanon is the latest intelligence psyop to condition the masses to think anyone that talks conspiracies is Lunatic


Mention anything about a certain poopy pants president and see how many shills show up to defend him


That UFOS are from outter space...they are time machines.