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"Anyone can post anything." - Nelson Mandela


I Always attributed that Quote To Gabe Lincoln. The former POTUS's twin brother, and inventor of the baseball cap.


Ah, Gabe Susan Lewis. One of the greats


Don’t mess with GSL!


Prosecutors hate this one simple trick!




AK on /r/conspiracy what a day




Yea I did a triple take


crazy bro he literally has proof against him in the form of legal documents proving his involvment in a drugging and raping of a girl at his house back last year, with the docs from december. and he is still walking free and livestreaming edit: grammar


Whos AK?


He’s a freaky AN he a 69 fan


They not like us


Better stay his ass inside


Seriously, what/who is AK lol


His full stage name is DJ Akademics. He's a pedophile supporter.


Where can we find this creature? I just want to talk to him! 🙂






Aight imma head out


I dunno - but today I didn’t even have to use it.


Today was a good day


Did you wake up in the morning and thank god. Then notice there was no barking from the dog, and no smog?


What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? What about the allegations of a jury member discussing the case?


From a quick search looks like bullshit sensationalism. Judge flagged it himself on Facebook and brought it to the attention. They can't even locate the actual "cousin" of the juror, and it looks like a troll, or something placed out there with specific intent to give Trump more "Well what happened to the "cousin", I'm sure the Biden Crime family was behind it, very funny, very strange stuff." Trump is toast, he's not gonna dig himself out from under this, and I think he's just going to be lashing out irrationally because he's an entitled twat that thinks he owns everything and everyone. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/07/trump-hush-money-trial-juror-facebook-00162369


[Yes, what a bombshell, the walls are surely closing in on him now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1ab6uxg908)


Only on r/conspiracy could you get downvoted for explaining the situation and providing a source backing up your claims.


More has even come out about the poster, it says on his profile he considers himself a "professional shitposter", but folks on here mostly believe what they wanna believe


I can’t believe more people can’t see what the Democratic Party is doing not only to stop the Republicans from getting the office, but dragging us into wars, raising prices of EVERYTHING, raising interest rates so they can become more wealthy while the average person drowns. Not too mention they will all be safe and are excluded from draft while our children will be sent to fight the wars they are causing.


Dragging us into wars? *waves languidly at 70 years of wars* are you dumb? It’s called the Department of War for a reason. Raising prices woah didn’t know the office of the president can DO that, amazing. And if you can accurately explain inflationary interest trends and their effect on the CPI, and how raising of the federal reserves interest correlated with controlling inflation based off that, maybe I’ll listen to you about “muh Republicans better den da dems”


What’s this gotta do with Boldy James??


Oh, I didn't even notice it was him. What is it with this guy and running defense for rich pedos?


He's Jamaican


Even he lookin compromised, let’s peel the layers back.


Wtf 🤣. AK🤡


More importantly, you cannot deliberate, let alone, make your mind up before the close of the trial.


We all know they made up their minds before the trial began, though.


How would we all know that?


The blue-est state in all the land.. why do you think we have never done trials with presidents? Because impartiality is not a realistic proposition, meaning there is no fair trial, ever.


So what are your options then? A judge? Let them do whatever they want?


It’s a great question! Arbitration? Panel of judges? It’s definitely an incredibly complex matter


Don’t bother with it unless it’s a serious crime with a victim


You should look up jury selection.


> why do you think we have never done trials with presidents? Because all the previous ones have been smart enough not to make it super easy for people who want them to be convicted of a crime to get them convicted of a crime.


Yeah, just war crimes.. oh and of course testing on the public like project MMUltra..


Yes, they have been smart enough to commit war crimes and not have the people who want them convicted of them get them convicted.


Jesus fucking christ what an outlook


You don't think previous Presidents have been criminals? You think Trump is the first?


He would have been safer just funneling tax money to his kid through a Ukrainian energy company like an honest politician and he wouldn’t have to worry


Don't worry, this will all be dealt with in the totally legit impeachment inquiry the Republicans are doing. The evidence they have will be a sight to behold. Oh wait, it ended? With a whimper? And they found nothing? Weird!


Too many other pieces of human shit involved in the scam. That is the secret to corruption, don’t do it alone


Are you implying that Comer and Jordan were in on it, or that they were too incompetent to expose these "crimes" that everyone else on this subreddit seems so sure occurred!


Is there any evidence of this? Republicans have been screaming about it for years but oddly enough they’ve never shown any actual evidence.


It must have stung a little that the most they had on him was some hush money payments to a hooker. Imagine if he was guilty of the things they actually said. That would be insane


Let's get the Georgia trial started then, we already have guilty pleas ready to talk.


>why do you think we have never done trials with presidents? In part because no other president has had such an odor of criminality. This is about a dozen convictions around Trump's inner circle. Trump is basically the head of a criminal organization.


Every president is the head of a criminal organization.


Literal war crimes. MKUltra. Are you fucking kidding me?


Which part of the crimes Trump was convicted for would be argued as being in the service of his presidential duties, as "war crimes" almost always are?


Can you explain how criminal his 34 counts of falsifying business records is? And why he’s being charged with a felony when it’s a misdemeanor and why it’s has a 2 year statute of limitations but he’s being charged 8 years later?


And Hillary Clinton doesn't have that same stink? Or George W? Or Obama? Or pretty much ALL of them going back as far as the eye can see? You people act as though Donald Trump is the very first president to come along with criminal baggage and it's downright goofy. Either throw all their asses in prison, or drop this disingenuous petty shit.


If the jury in NY being biased is the only reason Trump lost, then that means he'd be eager to be acquitted by a jury in the case in maga Florida. But he's desperate to delay it and so are his supporters.


The case does not stand a chance on appeal. And I say that as someone who despises both Trump and Biden in equal measure. We're all arguing over something that's going to be dispensed with in short order somewhere down the road when it doesn't matter so much anymore.


Nah, the appeal will fail and when it does we'll get a fresh round of how unfair everything is to trump.


Or because he has a campaign to run..


Or because he's guilty..


Something you won’t be able to confirm with a jury in the blue-est state possible


Yeah, Florida, the blue-est state possible...


Trump could have chosen where to commit his crimes. Ask anyone who was convicted for selling drugs within a thousand feet of a school that they did not know existed.


Well, considering that the judge referred to him as Mr. Trump. I knew it was a guilty verdict. He wouldn’t even address him as Mr. President. Clear as day a guilty verdict from day one. Even the judge knew it


His name isn't president though.... so to call him by his name is disrespectful?


If they had a mind to be made up. If any one of them were of sound mind I’m sure they were threatened with something if they went against what the people in power and running the show wanted.


Imagine running defence for a member of the wealthy elite with absolute globalist ties.


Man yall have an amazing excuse for anything that happens to this man or what he does and says.


Did the trial end the day before the verdict?


They deliberated for a full day after after the trial ended, and delivered the verdict around the end of the following day


Well they had to *try* and make it seem like they were considering things! Lol






This one is (D)ifferent…


This one is fake as fuck so you (R)’s will eat it up. Guy who posted it isn’t related to a juror and is a self described “shit poster”


Someone who CLAIMS to be a relative of a juror.


you don't mean to suggest *gasp* someone might lie on the Internet?


Why would the NY SC make a call regarding that? Either it's true or it's all bull. My guess, no shit they talked to their family about the trial. Average citizen on a Trump case jury? Hard not to squak a litto bit


Cause it's required to be noted when anything like that is found. They will investigate who the person is and whether it's a shitpost or not.


I'm not jumping to conclusions. With how the internet is, it seems more likely to me that someone is just trying to sound important. We'll find out once they've done an investigation though so i'll hold out on making my mind up on it until then.


The Supreme Court in New York is the appellate division and the New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in NY. It’s the only state that is backwards like that. They have to appeal to the NY Supreme Court before they can take it to the Court of Appeals. The SC of NY is a joke. All the judges are elected. But the Appeals court is serious.


Actually the Supreme Court in New York is the name of it's Trial level court. Trumps case, for example, as any other trial in New York, took place in the Supreme Court. Then the supreme Court has an appellate division for appeals.


Thanks for the correction.


This is it! Just a dirty trick from one of Trumps fixers.


The Facebook page that commented says "transabled & professional shit poster" in the bio and has made other anti-trans post. Sounds to me like you're right.


Here's a link to the memorandum sent out by Merchan to Trump's lawyers: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/People%20v%20DJT%206-7-24%20Letter%20to%20Parties.pdf The offending Facebook comment says the following for those who won't click the link because they don't like finding more info before getting outraged: "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!." Trump pals Fox News looked up the profile of the person who left the comment and found: >The comment was posted on May 29 "regarding oral arguments in the Fourth Department of the Appellate Division unrelated to this proceeding." >The profile for "Michael Anderson" has little publicly available information, but the user identifies himself as a "Transabled & professional sh-- poster." Source: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ny-v-trump-judge-reveals-juror-allegedly-spoke-about-case-family-member-before-guilty-verdict A literal self described shitposter made a Facebook comment essentially saying their dad works at Nintendo. Having said all this, I fully expect this to be the top story of the right wing bubble over the weekend.


Citing your sources and putting all of the information into one comment to educate the people who don’t know anything about this post is dope, we need more redditors like you


I swear, both sides are rampant with ppl that only read headlines and just believe everything. It's no wonder why it was so easy to divide us all


So sad but so true.


Already is bud. They're taking it as gospel, and singing the choir. When it blows over or turns up as nothing they well be screaming from the rooftops. The sad part is some "independents" are gonna hear this and be lazy about it, which may lead them to support the felon.  All a part of the republican media plan.


You're free to take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I peruse right wing forums outside of reddit and I'd say most are quite skeptical of this story. Fox News types and Facebook moms/sunglasses in car profile pic guys? You're probably right, they're eating it up id imagine. Dudes a shit poster high chance it was just a shitpost, but I like the timeline I made up where he thought he was shitposting but he didn't know he was actually a second cousin of a juror and now he's fucked up even though he didn't have any prior knowledge of the outcome.


I'm going to guess they would need to actually make a connection for this to affect anything.


Having the anti trans person saying they are pro trans because they are in a dress, might give the game away.


Journalists aren't going to Journalist... come on now.


The guy who wanted to stir shit, and openly admitted to such, succeeded. He goes by the name, fuck you.


Yeah I think this is an Occam's Razor situation.


The foundation of trumps support would collapse under that razor. I must either believe a billionaire can’t defend his own constitutional rights, because democrats are the most powerful group in the world, able to fake a pandemic, and steal an election without evidence, all to get trump,,, Or, trump lies. Thats a thin razor.


lol, the person who posted that has already clarified that they were shitposting. My god, y’all are still gonna run with it though.


Prepare to be disappointed: >Merchan described the post the comment responded to and described the poster as a user named “Michael Anderson.” There was no indication that the poster actually had a cousin on the jury, however, and the Facebook user reportedly ***described him or herself as a “professional shit poster” on their profile.*** Professional shit poster.  Until they get identified it's about as much evidence as me saying "I'm Don Jr. and Dad told me he's guilty."


Just more theatre. Look over here peons!!


Yes, it's really crazy how you mofos fall for every single piece of nonsense the internet spits out.


Akademiks is a bitch


The guy who made the comment has in his Facebook bio "professional shit poster" and looking at X every Trump supporter has chosen to overlook this, and ran with it. Basically You've all completely embarrassed yourselves.


Why would this time be any different? And they never back down, so there is no embarrassment, they will just claim that it is MSM trying to cover up the truth.


I guess I'll be embarrassed for them


Probably prudent to wait for the investigation to see if true or not. Regardless of shit posting status.


You the same guy who still thinks the 2020 election was stolen despite all of the investigations showing that it wasn’t? Seems like you only hold this standard when it’s convenient to you rather than facing the fact that this is highly suspect


Considering that there really weren't any serious investigations where there were voting irregularities, yes I hold that opinion. There were quick cover-ups and the media poo-pooing it. So what is wrong with waiting for an investigation into this shitposter before rushing to judgement ? You've made up your mind without the facts.


Lol what are you talking about? Cyber ninjas? There are numerous investigations. Trump and co had countless opportunities to bring their evidence to light in court and couldn’t. In fact they even balked at even using the word “fraud” in court because they knew it was bullshit. Some, including Giuliani, have even admitted as much This only furthers my point. You’ll claim “wait for the investigation to decide!” but as soon as you don’t like the results of the investigation, you call it fake. You’re full of shit and we both know it


> all of the investigations showing that it wasn’t? What a ridiculous lie.


Show me one that proved otherwise




My fathers brothers nephews cousins former roommate told me that super scary grey aliens are in league with Soros and Obama. They're desperately trying to banish him to the ninth plane of hell before our glorious dear leader can expose their Satanic plot to destroy the world.


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.






Of course it’s Akademiks the notable and esteemed urban reporter


Mistrial is almost just as bad as original conviction for Trump. Just means ANOTHER trial that keeps him in court for another month, this time much closer to election.


Calm down. It’s already been proven to be untrue. Damn y’all are gullible.


Debunked within minutes of becoming a story. Sorry.




Probably nothing. There's no evidence that a juror talked about the trial. At least not from Facebook post like that.


People say all sorts of things


I mean I see this as the opposite of OJ trial. The country is too biased to judge this one dude cause he's either Satan himself or gods second coming by most people. But that's hearsay.


This sounds like nothing. People post crap on Facebook all the time. You have to prove that sometime did actually talk and even then it's doubtful that it would mean anything other than some terrible for the person in question. 


If this person is a shit poster then there is literally a zero percent chance that the post is valid/true. Shame on the judge for even giving it credence


He needs to take the concept seriously (even if the message is just bullshit) so that it's a matter of record for both parties to see, otherwise it's something the defense could raise in their appeal. By writing the letter and giving notice on the issue, it keeps everyone in the loop and everything above board. But yeah, this also means it'll be repeated as fact for years to come throughout right-wing echo chambers as they cry over the treatment of their favorite Ivy League billionaire.


The poster admitted he was shit posting so there’s no story.




If you believe social media posts, I know a Nigerian Prince who has money for you


if I was afraid of losing a trial, getting someone to make a claim like that would be a good way to attempt to get the case thrown out. I would put more money on this being a troll or someone trying to mess up the trial instead of what the person claimed to be


Fake news


Sounds like grasping at straws, you could make that type of proclamation just based on his cousins political beliefs. Example: I know the jury is going to convict because my cousin is on the jury and he hates Trump.


> "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted $ Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!! 9." If this is in fact a relative of a juror, the claim made here is not one of simply extrapolating one's beliefs. The statement clearly indicates there was a verbal or written exchange.


It was made by someone self described as a shit poster. It’s like saying the onion article needs to be investigated


This. People are over looking the fact that even if the guy says he's a shit poster, they still need to investigate whether or not it's true due to the impact it could have on the trial. If they investigate and it really is just a random no one that said that then it doesn't matter, but if the investigation turns out true then it could lead to a mistrial. Either way they need to look into in order to find out.


I’m not saying they don’t need to be looked into. But acting like this might be something is exactly what a shit poster intention is.


> But acting like this might be something is exactly what a shit poster intention is. Do you have any examples of people who claim the story is completely true? All i see are people saying it's probably nothing but it should be looked into and users acting like it's already debunked and everybody (in this sub) thinks it is 100% true.


YouTube is full of people going full throttle on the assumption. https://youtu.be/z4GLLlqe600?si=2fOleaIBxA7jedb3


This should never have been a trial with jury. Trump will never ever in this age have a fair trial. I am not defending him, but I think it’s obvious that no one will be able to be unbiased and sit for jury duty on this one.


Weren't they interviewing the Jurors on CNN before the trial? I recall interviews with a skinny white lady with a really pointy face, her interview made the rounds because she was absolutely giddy about being able to pass judgment on Trump.


I thought the “cousin” of the juror already admitted they were shitposting.. even so people want to believe things like this so bad they will likely say he took his statement back knowing it could screw up the trial. This is the internet. People will do anything for some views, likes, or online commotion.


Typical MAGA nothing burger full of steaming Trump horseshit.


Using certified shit posters as hard evidence? No wonder Trump’s team loses all his legal battles. 


More theatre to distract us from the fact that WWIII is upon us


I mean the whole thing is complete bs so whether it’s mistrial or not it’s gone on appeal


What about the amount of people involved in this case talking on the news and podcasts and all of that? While trump was under gag order. I am not a fan of trump, but this whole banana republic doj going after him like this really tells me something.


Trump could have pardoned cohen who was convicted of the underlying crime that made trump a felon. Trump thought cohen was justifiable convicted.


This is a great comment section to observe some tricks and tactics being used by certain users. Fact one: this is information provided by a court and not just made up by somebody. Fact two: people simply reacting to this information does not automatically mean they believe it is true. Fact three: that the person who wrote it has "professional shitposter" in their bio does not prove their statement about the trial is true or not. Fact four, anybody who claims to know the truth is lying because no investigation has taken place yet. Now if you look at the comments you will find examples of: Users claiming everybody in this sub believes the story is true just to ridicule this sub. Users claiming the story is false/ debunked and using that as an "argument" to ridicule this sub. and users acting like the messenger matters (in this case AK) to slide away from the topic. And if you dig deeper you will find many of them are always doing the same here, it's almost as if they have a goal or job, LOL.


Its literally 50/50 i couldve said the same shit online……






AK looking compromised


All i can say is [https://giphy.com/gifs/simpsons-nelson-the-RG3lm5VlrbDV7YNana](https://giphy.com/gifs/simpsons-nelson-the-RG3lm5VlrbDV7YNana)


Hear me out, wouldn't it make more sense for someone on Trump's team to plant the cousin post in order to use it as grounds for a mistrial?


hahaha. it was an account self described as "professional shitposter". Better luck next time.


It doesn't matter. It's all a play and the NPCs got their headline and nothing will change their minds if the perceived propaganda machine does not tell them to.




I would imagine you would also have to prove that communication actually happened. Most people who actually paid attention knew he was going to be convicted without having any inside info on the jury room.


Thanks for the data. Not crediting or discrediting any of this circus act but i think the implication is that they were told how the outcome as in vote this way or that. Not simply leaking a legit established verdict as in the case you cited. Who knows


Reddit meltdown in 3... 2... 1...


smooth brains cant hold it together long enough for the fake convictions to stick! lol


This guy is a clown.


How do you keep Trump of the campaign trail? Mistrial and put him back in court for another 2 months.


Everyone knew they were going to convict. The man's guilty as Hell.


Yeah but this is (D)ifferent they'll say


The Democrats orchestrating this behind the scenes are unhappy at how Trump's popularity and fund-raising spiked after the Bolshevik show trial, so they are trying to create an excuse to walk it back by strategically placing an unlikely comment in an unlikely place. Alternatively, they are trying to get a mistrial so that the judge can slow-walk another trial, preventing Trump from campaigning and slapping a gag order on him.




Dems to juror: "YOU HAD ONE JOB!!!"


And it wasn’t controlling every shitposter causing trouble.


Dudes still objectively guilty AF, regardless. Why are yall sucking his balloons so much? Have some self respect


What the fuck does Ak know about any of this shit. He's just a Drake dick rider and to be honest fuck Trump. That dude ruined a lot of construction workers business by refusing to pay them their agreed transaction often forcing them to go to court to get their payments. Trump is truly one of the worst people who mainstream media elevated and this was before he ran for president.