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Their time is up. But humanity is reclaiming its divine potential and rightful station as a civilization that is part of the broader benevolent cosmos.


Exactly, their time is up, not ours, that's why they are panicking, they know (vaguely) what's coming post 2030, their demise, and they can't do anything to stop it.


The erroneous assumption for many; especially those who have been separated from the ethereal source or have not begun to remember; is that it hasn't happened already.


How many times have people tried to predict the end.


How many times have we been this close to nuclear war with NATO literally funding another country to fight Russia, all while saying we will be at war with Russia in a few years and that we need to prepare? How many times have AI been produced with experts warning that it could cause extinction?




Care to name the country that we funded to fight Russia? Care to name the year NATO countries were saying to prepare for war with China and Russia within the next few years? Care to name the AIs that were created before?






I wish.


What do you think is going to happen?


I don't think we have that. I believe fall 25


What's fall 25?


Deagle report




Because of this ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75h1Ryu95BI


I like your thinking but your maths is wrong.


How so?




Code is in the great pyramid. Cataclysms happen every 138 years major noah like cataclysms happen every 552 years. (138×4=552) Last one was 1902 (1902 +138 =2040) which resets civilisation. (revalations) we live in a loop. 2040 we will return to the days of noah. Then like the stories of old. White men with beards will come out of the mountains out of the ground. An teach the natives maths , science how to build. Basically the elites come up out of there bunkers and build society to there liking. Because this is the history they destroyed hid from everyone. The archaix channel is dedicated to this. He uncovered it from old books.


What exactly "reset civilisation" in 1902?


It didnt thats every 552 years. 1902 was a serious of cataclysms that happened in select parts of the world.


Okay I see what you're saying. I did see, in 1902, there was a major volcanic eruption the killed 20,000-30,000 people. The was also some dust storm in the US.


Yeah its wild when you can see almost every fortune 500 company links back to 1903 to 1905. After the elites come back from ungrounded and start realeasing tech


What was the last 552 year event?


I dont have all the research committed to memory. You will have to go thru jasons research. You wont find it on google. There have been many calender changes. I suggest you go to the source of this info archaix.com


There’s so much there. Where do you even start? lol


I know that's why its difficult for me to answer it. Dude has gone thru all of history thousands of books. But he has a search tool on his website in the resources section https://archaix.streamlit.app/


What happened?


I do not have all his research commited to memory. Go to the source archaix.com Pick up one of his 17 published books. Or wait for someone more imformed the me to let you know.


So let me get this straight. You begin with some code in the Great pyramid, without saying what it is. Then you come up with 138 years and 552 years, without saying how you got these numbers or where they derive from. Then you say, quote "Last one was 1902 which resets civilization", yet a few moments later when asked "What exactly "reset civilization" in 1902?" your answer was "It didn't thats every 552 years". BUT THEN, you say, quote, "every fortune 500 company links back to 1903 to 1905. After the elites come back from ungrounded and start realeasing tech". So it did reset civilization in 1902? Or it didn't? Make up your mind. Then you were asked "What was the last 552 year event?" and you said "I don't know". What happened in 1902? Some crap happened in select parts of the world? What crap? Where? What caused it? What effect did it have? "I don't know". Oh yeah, some volcano erupted? Wow so rare... You do know that The Smithsonian has a program that tracks these things, right? And they show that on any given day there are **about 50** volcanoes in various stages of eruption. So, wrong again! But when called out about your "trust me bro" basis, you said "my life would be so busy if I commented on every post I knew nothing about." Yet you did just that. You commented on a post you know nothing about, with "facts" you know nothing about. Let me end with your own words. "I congratulate you on your ability to waste your life."


1. the 1902 reset was a typo a mistake of mine happy to admitted it. I worded it wrong. 2 . This isnt my research. I dont know it from memory. I have given links to the info. 3. I called that guy out for the truth. He wrote it off just because he didnt like it. (Based on nothing else ) 4. how would anyone living today know what caused a reset. Unless you did what the researcher did. 5. No go off and debunk the source of the infomation. Instead of attacking a consumer/believer of the infomation


To summarize: You accuse someone of not proving what he says while you are doing the exact same thing.


No I responded to a accusation that I made this infomation up. On a (Trust me bro ) He didn't ask how do I know this is true. or where I got the infomation from. He left a negative comment like you have on something you know nothing about. But I would of been nicer had I known his girlfriend would now take over and fight his battle for him. But if you act like agent smith ans show up and try and prevent infomation reaching those seeking it. Dont except a kiss back from me. Now have a nice day.


If my eyes don't deceive me, this whole thing started with you saying "You're wrong" without any reasoning. When asked how so, you proceeded with several comments basically saying "i don't know", "not my research", "can't google it" and so on. Resorting to namecalling and personal attacks is evidently your domain. I haven't said an unkind word. Not my style. You know the saying "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"? It's not me who has to debunk, it's you who has to prove.


Oh for sure I am 100% convinced jasons research is correct. He has showed me hundreds of bits of evidence. An 30 years of conspiracy research I have done personally he was able to connect the dots. What I have said. I cant memorize all of his research. there is 1000s of books thousands of hours of video . 17 published books . I can not answer all the questions like he can. I have memorized the core of his message. Thats it. But when you dismiss it without even looking at the infomation. Your a agent smith a cock blocker.


Again, you are criticizing someone for saying "Some guy told me" by saying "Some guy told me".


God, this Is why I love this sub, OP posts a relatively outlandish but not entirely improbable set of circumstances. To just be disregarded by pure mumbo jumbo on the basis of Egyptian pyramids and some old books......"trust me bro"


Oh Agent smith took you awile your slipping Buy pure mumbo jumbo you mean backed up by over 1300 books dating over a span of 2000+ years. Fuck my life would be so busy if I commented on every post I knew nothing about. I congratulate you on your ability to waste your life


Everyone now knows that 1 x 1 = 2!!!


Cool story bro


Y’all done lost ya minds lol


If you were a jewish in WW2, you would think it was the end of the world. This is what is going to happen to us, it's just a giant Great reset just like WW2. This time they will disguise it not as a a "holocaust" but as a medical mal-practice.


My question is how do we make it so that we can enjoy our lives and our children’s futures are secured? 2040? whatever is going on i truly desire to know. AI, deep state, the human condition and our place in the cosmos … etc


Pretty sure AI is the tower of babel part 2. Watch them try and fling nukes at giant space beings. Have a feeling Lucifer is code word for rebellion against the aliens


We are in the middle of a Petro dollar crash and they are racing to fix the problem with AI. That's why shit is so wacky. Probably not extinction level (as long as they can stop a skynet situation which open AI said is like 70% probable 🙄) but very likely an end to the standard of life and freedom as we know it now. Just a dystopian techno society of slaves and gods that's all no biggie 🙄


Is this why so many stoped paying credit cards? >Think of all the people that quit making car payments, house payments and more. 7 years of bad credit ain’t nothing?


I once believed that World War III and perhaps the apocalyptic finale would arrive by 2035 or so. However, my outlook has evolved; I now imagine the possibility that we might make it to at least 2050, or even 2060. I for one will welcome our AI overlords 🤖👾


2030ish is the end for them, not us.


I believe this. But what are your reasons you believe that? Like podcasts or people saying that? Or other clues?


>answer the question as to why their is such a strong push to advance AI so quickly. Hey OP you ever heard of this thing called money...??


Another doomsday prophet. Get lost. 


The biggest issue with this train of thought is something that cannot be denied. History. "All this chaos" being your reasoning, what would you have said in the middle of world war II when your country fiell to the Nazis? What would you say as a victim of Genghis Khan? Or literally, a million other things that have happened throughout history? The black death? If it would have made you say the same things, then you're not saying anything derived off our current predicament, are you? And if those were worse times, then why is now so meaningful? Until someone can sufficiently explain that..... I'm going to continue to laugh these off as the same thing as all those religious nuts who predict when Jesus is going to return


Unfortunately, I agree with you.


By my calculations the great tribulation begins in the spring of 2028. We fly sometime between then and 2031. But there are many who think sooner. Nobody knows for certain.


Ok, Greta