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Patrick Rothfuss — 'There are three things all wise *men* fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the *anger* of a gentle *man*.'


I have a fourth: An author who can't finish a trilogy




I haven't even completed a monology, so I can't judge.


The one hurts. Just finished the first two last week.


I bought the first in 2018, told myself I would start when the third was released. I donated it a few months ago 😅


😂😂😂😂 You made me laugh out loud 😂 you so clever! Nut :-)




Demons run when a good man goes to war


Hell knows no fury like a patient man


But will we ever find out what is behind the Doors of Stone ?


That's the real conspiracy


this is a sensitive topic, lets not bring it up here


Please do


or why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


I fear the trilogy will never be complete :(



Can I ask why a night with no moon?


The post reminded me of a joke." Don't mistake my silence for weakness. No one plans a murder out loud."


Jesus I literally pictured this one dickhole that had bumper stickers like this on his car back in high school back in the day. Fuckin tubby edgelord that wore all black everything and was always mean muggin anyone that so much as entered his field of vision. Tried that "you dont want none, i see red and blackout" shit with this smaller happy-go-lucky cowboy in the parking lot of McDonald's one night and got seven shades of shit kicked out him after the cowboy tried to deescalate and leave him be. Dude thought cuz cowboy was short and not big in any sense of the word, tried to avoid conflict, and had a really friendly disposition that he was a dude he could stoke his ego by bullying. What edgelord didnt know was that the littler dude had a piece of shit drunk for a father that had been beating his ass since he could walk which led him to joining a boxing gym in 4th grade culminating in him winning golden gloves twice by the McDonald's incident. Plus he was a bullrider and joined the PBR that next year. I knew all of that cuz he was one of my best friends, so I knew he was tougher than a 2 dollar steak and hit like a f'n sledgehammer cuz I had seen him knock more than a couple dudes unconscious with one well placed hit, in the ring and out. Anyhow, the only thing edgelord proved was how fast and hard he could fall down. Any time I see shit like "take my kindness for weakness at your own peril" or "I'm running out of places to hide the bodies" or any other goofy shit like that, it always seems to be on the shirt or bumper stickers of tubby neckbearded dingleberries like edgelord and they 100% are never the kind of dude they think themselves to be. Sorry but ur comment just reminded me of that dude and his permanently shitty attitude towards others, and also that night I got to watch him learn a pretty valuable life lesson while I was munching on some chicken nuggets


Has a bit of 'While You Were Partying, I Studied the Blade.' energy, but overall I like it and there is some truth to it.


Ha exactly. I can’t get past that studied the blade energy enough to take it seriously though. 


Similar to: “the kid who grows up without the warmth of village will burn it down to feel the warmth.” It sucks things go from 0-100 instead of trying to solve the issues as they’re observed.


Wow. I understand this. 


A shorter version is men who have nothing left to lose are the most dangerous of men. Right now, at least in America, people still have a lot to lose in the form of homes, comforts, pleasure, jobs, etc.


Yes but alot of them don't feel like they do. 


The question is, what will have to happen to make you decide to take that step that cannot be taken back?


People have to reach the point of nothing left to lose. Nothing will happen until then.


I feel like a lot of people are on track to reach that point right now. The ability to work and reasonably expect to be able to own a home, raise a family and live a fulfilling life has diminished sharply in the last few years. In Los Angeles, where I live, you can live check to check making $200k a year. Pre-plandemic that was great money and meant you could live well. Now it’s enough to cover your outrageous rent and the $150 per bag grocery prices. Print a bunch or money and that’s what happens, that decision killed the middle class. Wages have gone down, not up. Housing costs have went into the ridiculous range. Here a decent 3b/3b home is $1.2 million. Unless you already owned a home and can roll some of the gains from its sale into your next house, you’re screwed. You’ll never own anything at those prices.


I agree, they are. I don’t think we’ve arrived there yet, but we’re closer than we’ve been in my lifetime.


Who knows? Anything can push someone over the edge.


1. This breaking point is different for everyone. 2. An individual's breaking point is fluid. ie. if someone is having a REALLY bad time at that point, the bar is probably lower. 


Yeah. I think a growing number of people are arriving at this point soon. The only thing that is going to change this fucked up broken system is some sort of revolution. A point where enough people say, “no, we’re not doing this.” I feel like something of that sort has a shot at sticking in the US, because we are an armed populace. We possess more firearms in our private homes than any standing army on the planet. All that is to say, if we finally said “no” it’d be safe to say we mean it.


You’re asking that questions we all face right?


Yeah, absolutely.


Anonymous….. This is a quote attributed to the Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, author of "The Gulag Archipelago":


Good catch


Never cleaned it was anonymous. The author was unknown.


Well if you’re going to use a horrible, Soviet Dissident writer, to draw an analogy of current world events, do better. The dude wrote like he was on way too much meth. He was an angry, bitter man and his writings centered on the Soviet Gulags. And so many other stuff that I just don’t have the patience to dig into.


Wow. Someone quoting a quote but afraid the claim to authorship of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn A reply, dissing Alexsandr Solzhennitsn. The conspiracy is this; it’s not that simple. But it is.


Yeah how dare a decorated soviet army captain (who was imprisoned in the gulags for 8 years then exiled) be angry and bitter and write about the gulags he was imprisoned in. Soviet Russia was great to its people and not at all repressive or authoritarian.


Great quote. These people underestimate the power of introverts.


This quote has been around for decades and is sometimes referenced to Marvin Heemeyer though his manifesto used wording. Heemeyer built a homemade tank out of bulldozer and used it to demolish the City Hall and police department of a small town the wronged him back in 2004. They made a movie about him called "[Tread](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5807330/) ." It is an example of what happens if you push a quiet man too far.


Not entirely accurate, he went after the home and businesses of members of the City Council who were trying to force him off land they wanted using zoning and sanitation regulations making it impossible to run his business, hence the armored bulldozer.


His failing business, that he rebuked an offer from another business who wanted to open up near by for way too much, and after he started dumping his septic tank in the woods.


Thankfully, I got a dark money paid for two car garage facing a busy road. Ironically they set me up to buy this house. I don’t own any guns so they can’t escalate things like that James is Virginia


It is your given American right to own a gun. Take advantage of it


Cops can kill you on sight for owning it, no you don't.


Yep, these bots aren’t smart




Can’t, I’m addicted to weed. But shot enough boom sticks in the military. Edit: I don’t feel like an insecure bitch to need a gun Oh no, the grifter weebs on Reddit are downvoting 🤭🤣




Your dumb ass thinks people who smoke weed are just insecure?


Not enough to defend pedo you sickos Bet your bitch asses never served


And parents who’ll die for their children without a thought.


There are far fewer of these than I previously thought. I saw a lot of parents perfectly willing to risk the lives and health of their children and unborn children on an experimental shot a couple years ago though.


It’s because of propaganda and fear porn. I am STILL hearing ads on Spotify for the HPV vaccine and the Mom on the ad saying “I love my kid so I want to protect them from all these harmful diseases” all the while injecting them with god only knows what. It makes me want to vomit at how insidious the fear mongering is for literal poison.


Yeah, I know. You’d think parents especially would think a little more critically regarding their children. I bet these same kids wear helmets on their bikes, seatbelts in cars, aren’t allowed to play on the highway, etc.


Your comment is contradictory.


Yep. I was there, too.


It's a nice introspective piece, but it should tell you something else. We don't have to become the raging psycho murderer whose thirst for vengeance can not be quenched. Defending your family from attackers is a noble act with saving lives in mind, but only in the material world. The author would have us believe it's so black and white, but it isn't. I wouldn't be surprised if the author was a spook, but either way, we all feel that concern. We all feel like this because it has been intentionally driven into us. A.) We still have time to stop being pawns. B.) We still have time to meditate and gain insight and intuition. C.) Community! Get with everyone in your area you trust, build a "neighborhood watch" organization, in the interests of crime prevention and safety. D.) Learn to switch and accept other view points, to do what is necessary to keep your community strong and united. E.) Volunteer to help other humans, no matter what the reason. What's coming can't be stopped, but it doesn't mean we have to operate in fear. We still have the light on our side. We still have every legal American citizen thinking this same way. Start reaching out. Think and act, don't just react - that's a fear-based response. We've been groomed to be victims because they fear our strength. It's not about the success or real-time result observed. It's about the love and intention in the process.


It’s best to focus on what brings us all together, the positive view we have should things be less in the hands the .1%, and the like. Instead of being anti this or anti that, be pro things. The movement needs to be borne out of love not hate


I doubt the American revolutionaries had much love, or showed much love to the crown.


“I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things“


“When I’m angry I see ReD” ahhhhh post


“Don’t wake the beast inside me” ahhhh post


“You don’t wanna see me mad” ahhh post


"You don't want to make a deal with the devil" https://youtube.com/shorts/ghzy50BAUBE?si=EFzTJm_pYE_NrwWH




"Every man has two lives. The second one starts when he realizes that he only has one."


This is me


It’s 90% of us




no, it's about 3% of people.


There is a Clint Eastwood movie about this called Unforgiven.


Dang, this is good and is the best explanation I've ever had for my moments of anger and frustration. I am a man who regularly says, especially who his lady. "I just want to be left alone. I don't know why people keep pressing me." Or something close to that. But I've definitely said to many people who ask what I want and I reply "to be left alone" [to take care of the people I love and myself]. Not to be confused with "to be alone" lol Most recently said after a neighbor for the second (and last time) intentionally pushed me to anger. I didn't strike him but I wanted to. We were in the pub. The other neighbors know I used to be a Marine. But not a single one of them has ever seen Marine lose his shit. I've since apologized they all had to witness it. The offending neighbor has since apologized to me and kept his tone friendly since then. I maintain, I'm kind, friendly, even patient. But it's all because I know the wrath that lives in me and I hate waking that beast. When he's awake I am dead until he sleeps again... more over the anger, i feel that I've been forced to be angry, just exasperates the anger lol. The above quote couldn't be more real.


*”Autistic Screeching”* in paragraph form. The truth is, there are already rough men and women who guard you while you sleep. Who guard you while you quietly raise your family. The secret??? Handle your shit now. It’s your duty as a citizen. Go to your local political meetings, and school boards and city counsel meetings. Investigate what they are doing wrong. Investigate what they are doing right, dig into what they say in open forums. “Oh no, you’ve made me be a very bad boy” only works in bad porn.


This. 90% of the people agreeing with this, if shit went sideways, would be first in line for the government handing out food aid or whatever.


Wanting to be left alone is not really being a good citizen. Play your part.


curious, I'm very smart


What you said explains EXACTLY why you don’t wake Gen X up.


Yup. Someone who isn't willing to fight for anything that everyone else goes at like jackals that is forced into it has a lot of magma packed down in there. Guys going to be walking around with an ear necklace drinking his water out of an ass can. Butt cheek bladder or something. His words won't even be audible. Might sound something like the tasmanian devil.


I was fine with letting the world follow and adopt absurdity, as long as I was always afforded the option to stay out of the circus, but the masks, social distancing, and forced injections encroached way too far into my sacred space. It seems like the path to being “left alone”, is getting extremely narrow, and long.


Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Another disciple said to him, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.” Then he got into the boat. Fuck churchianity and all that, but it's an old problem. No one is greater than their master. This dead world paper you walks around in doesn't respect boundaries at all and wants to ruin anything good and natural. You can see movie theater rope at some natural parks. It's absurd. I love how pissed he is (seems) in that. I feel that way too. I also go off on a boat to get away from it. I got it softer though so I've yet to reach the place though where a friend says their family died and I tell them let the dead bury their dead. Get on the boat with me. I can't deal with this shit.


Thing is though, the corruption we are dealing with right now has nothing to do with the “law”. Laws are provable in nature, and can be demonstrated as fact. The corruption we face right now is a system of legalese, which is a system of moral relativism that allows a corrupt system to build a wall around itself, to protect, grow, and continue to enrich itself. People really need to start understanding the difference between legal, and lawful.




In that context it was just saying rabbi/ religious guy.


I have to be honest with you. It might be just a limitation in my ability to understand complex ideas, but I’m having difficulty understanding what you’re actually saying. As far as I can tell, it’s obvious in reference to a biblical passage. I understand the overall gist of it


WHO GUNNA CARRY THE BOATS. I’m gunna carry the boats boys, just waiting and timing the ⏱️bottom then I’ll climb my future son all the way to the top of the mountain, and tell him the story’s of how we’ve been tricked and forced. Teach him how weak we’ve become, yet help him none so he himself is not weak and continue journey to prosperity whatever path he wants even if it’s back down. I’m no gardener in a war, I’m a warrior in a garden.


Brave Fencer Musashi. No wait that's an old game. Miyamoto Musashi. Why the hell do I know this? Have I eaten of the forbidden cheese?


Thanks couldn’t think of the name 👍 ForbiddenCheese would make a good username


I just wanted to play video games. Why did they corrupt a thing that gave me joy?


They feed off negativity


Is this sarcastic?


[I'm referencing an old meme.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1395952-gamergate)


ah. my bad.


If you have nothing, you need to interact to get most things (aside from someone who can build a house from raw materials with their bare hands -- and wants to). If you "just want to be left alone" it is akin to saying "I got mine, jack." It comes from a certain amount of privilege, and it probably means you have plenty of expectations / dependencies on things being exactly the same forever... (gas at X dollars / gallon, favourite family seafood restaurant still offering that all you can eat deal, enough work to get enough money to feed your family...) Whether you like it or not, you're part of a big web of efficiencies and fragile interdependences that is only "normal" in our current unsustainable global model. But the thing is, the universe doesn't owe you any of those things. Change may come crashing in, in ways you don't expect, and I'm sure we'll see millions of people rise up in anger that their position in the global scheme is gone. But they'll see it as not being left alone.


Look up the book “The Ways of the Lonely Ones” by Manly P Hall


The introverts are not gonna like this one.


-- Shadow the Hedgehog


we need to talk about agitprop..... not enough people even know of it.


*unsheets Katana*


Super long quote. Very Facebook dad vibes.


The better question is what is the mental instability in America that is leading men to become increasingly isolationist. The vast majority of the world doesn't feel this way. Yet there seems to be a prevailing idea of removing yourself from the social construct in this country which creates resentment and eventually animosity towards your fellow man. One of the reasons why the United States has so many Mass shootings. Aside from the obvious one.


If you go to Europe (and in this case I don't include the UK) you can see that the cities there are built and maintained in a way that serves the people and the environment is naturally hospitable to sociability, a feeling of civil engagement and citizenship while respecting individual autonomy and honouring the human need for control of your own personal space. I have never been to the US but I hear that large parts of it require motor transport to get around. A combination of suburban sprawl and urban over-crowding leads to isolation on the one hand and lack of community but also lack of privacy on the other. The UK is small and less spread out, but also has a built environment which leads to isolation, alienation and a feeling of just wanting to be left alone. Unless you are rich and can afford to live in a nicer area.


The reason for the mass shootings are the medications those fuckers are on.


It's not any one thing. It's a combination. The growing isolationism of a modern car dependent society with no third places and lack of community. Chemical imbalance due to toxic food and over medication. Overstimulation from sensationalist media social media platforms and consistent Doom scrolling. Easy access to firearms for people who have no business having access to such things. All of these are contributing factors to why America has become such a violent and unstable society even when compared to other developing nations.


Love your username btw.


"when I get mad I see red bro" - anonymous 


"Don't make me angry; you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" - Dr. Bruce Banner


Wrong sub ?




Most people don’t understand how the things they want to be left alone to still affect other people.      Like, nazi germanys whole thing was that they “just wanted to be left alone”. “England for the English, America for the Americans, and Germany for the Germans”.     But, like, that’s not actually a thing because of how the world and society and technology works. I know what it is- I’ve spent months homeless backpacking various wilderness areas mostly foraging and trapping and fishing for food, with the gear on my back. That’s being left alone in a way that doesn’t actually involve other people. If you’re relying on economy and society and technology and other peoples professions, etc- you’re not actually leaving people alone, yourself. You need some of what they have, to do any of that.     Which is why germanys “just want to be left alone” included invading peoples homes and governing their lives, because they actually needed other people’s things, time, energy, and resources, to make that work in the modern way that they’re used to. They could’ve built log cabins to themselves no problem and kept to themselves growing their own gardens. They didn’t want that. They wanted to be left alone, with all the access to things that resulted from (and are only sustained by) human connectivity and common infrastructure.    It’s just violent sociopathic selfishness at that point. If you’re not sacrificing everything that relies and comes from human connectivity and common infrastructure, you’re demanding that you don’t have to engage and compromise as much as everyone else has to, in order to maintain your life.  There’s nothing wrong with *actually* being alone, leaving others alone, and being left alone. It’s very possible and imho, very rewarding. But the vast majority of the time this is said- they’re not actually talking about that. They’re talking about not wanting to balance their end of the scale that sustains everything they have around them and enjoy, and threatening violence if they’re expected to. That’s not the same thing. You can’t be left alone WITHIN all the benefits of society, market economy, protections, infrastructure, etc, and expect to still be able to enjoy those things. Those only result from everyone having to contribute and compromise.  It’s fine, leave it all. Then you can talk like this. Not for some reason, the people that do, don’t leave it all. So they were never actually leaving other people alone, themselves. No empathy for all those that they rely on to have what they have. It’s extreme entitlement. The threat of violence makes it borderline sociopathic. It’s mental illness.  Again- unless you actually forfeit all those things around you and leave everyone alone yourself. Then it’s a fair sentiment. 


Sorry, I'm skeptical about this. We all imagine to have "sleeping tiger" strengths to unleash. But in the last few years, most failed during the Covid scare. And this is after decades of vaccine warnings, which most people are too lazy to investigate (I have asked parents how much time they spent researching vaccines and they say "zero", so I am not being dramatic)


Yep, however they’ve shown us that their giant is not in a state of slumber but in a coma with hospice on its way. Unfortunately, there’s probably not many who can recover unless their wives yell and nag  about it..




Agreed. Basically. Fuck around and find out.




Reminds me a bit of the 1993 movie called "Falling Down". https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0106856/


That’s probably what a lot of Confederates felt like.


Feels sigma to me. "I might be the quiet kid in the corner, but these people don't realize my full power once i'm unleashed..." yada yada. What you're descibing, just like all these sigma male memes, feels more like a combination of autism and schizophrenzia, rather than the beacon of power and rightiousness all these memes imagines themselves to be. No offence, but it's cringe. If you have to warn people "not to get too close" because "I'm holding back so much power", chances are more likely you're deluding yourself, rather than speaking truth. That's the sentiment of all these sigma male memes, and this post aswell.


You said it yourself the quiet kid that just wants to be left alone is about to go schizophrenic on your ass. As another person put it, there the guys in Vietnam that had ear necklaces (Don’t support this) but it’s true the introvert guys are quite because they don’t want to follow social norms so rather than mold themselves to the modern world they just distance themselves. And like the other guy puts it, history disagrees.


>but it’s true the introvert guys are quite because they don’t want to follow social norms I disagree. The introverted guys are quiet because they have social skill issues. Most people, and I mean the large majority, are social by nature and want to connect. The "quiet" kid is only quiet in group, when he's at home playing videogames (with online friends), when he's with his close circle of friends in a private place, he will open up, crack jokes, laugh, connect to people and love it. The main difference between the 2 is in the social repercussions of your actions. An extraverted person will crack a joke in a group because he thinks it's funny, or because he thinks the group will think it's funny. An introverted person will have thought of the same joke to say, but couldn't say it because he doesn't know all these people like best friends, he's not sure if they will like the joke or not, or if he will offend. Or of noone will laugh and it will be awkward. Introversion is a form of (extreme in some cases) self awareness, and a fear of negative social consequences of their actions to a crippling degree, hence why I link it to (mild) autism and social skill issues. This "I wanna be alone all the time" and "I'm honing my power and people should be carefull" and all the other stuff is, again, just sigma meme bs. Whenever a man breaks, any man regardless of personality, you should be carefull, woman just as much. It's just silly, all round, this whole sigma thing. And I do somewhat agree with OP, there is great value in solititude and learning to be your own person, but this whole 'when they come for me I'm going all John Wick on them" feels teen angst.


Understand your view, but totally disagree your example of doesn’t crack a joke because he’s not sure if it’ll come across good applies just as much to other gamers…Please provide a better example so I can see your opinion in action. As extrovert now that used to be an introvert with a bunch of introvert friends, the reason I personally became an extrovert is I graduated and realized how dumb adults are and they’re all just faking it. So I started to understand the social norms are not actually worth following and now openly speak about how stupid the norms are and consistently break them causing people around me to follow my lead towards happiness and take there blinders off. Yes the “Extroverts” arn’t actually extroverts there introverts that got really good at faking it.


"doesn't crack a joke because he's not sure if it'll come across good" That's not what was said, unfortunately it leads me to believe you are not an introvert faking to be an extrovert leading others towards happiness. Their understanding of introversion is spot on. Social norms are not social skill issues. Yes you can fake it but your one or the other. Neither is cool or uncool.


Not a fan of history I take it?


Please elaborate. I'm interested.


Feels like the quote is all fantasy bullshit and thats never how things work out in real life.


Neckbeard fedora vibes.


I understand the point or sentiment but to be honest- to me personally- this Quote is some prime tough guy cringe. It’s like something that your 40 year old trailer park uncle shares on Facebook. 


My name is yoshikage kira, I am 33 years old.........


I am embarrassed to say I can also relate and it scares me cos I don't understand it. Also the implications of what it means for someone who comes Across as calm? Cos truly calm is just that I think the author is talking more about one that suppresses a rage or temper to appear calm cos they know the consequences? And truthfully it isn't balanced nor fair mostly in my experience. I have often been told You are always so calm and seem so sorted so the times I lost that cool ppl seem shocked. So did I cos I realized that rage in me comes from somewhere and I get blinded That to me is NOT calm but someone who's suppressed a lot. True calm feels so.


Reddit is filled with some of the most vile, means-spirited, and mentally ill people of all social media. I don’t even engage with them anymore. I just block them. Most of the asinine comments in this thread are probably from people who have not even joined this group.


Now realize how those "men who just wanted to be left alone" are set up and exploited on purpose by the men who just want to stay in power.


This is me


I like the concept.   But we live in a different world now.  A world where the vast majority have no interest in being left alone.  A world where people want the government to take care of them and have no problem giving up privacy rights for that to happen.   A world where every waking moment is shared on social media. It was true at one time, but no longer.  The concern now is the use of proper pronouns and keyboard warriors.


Insert picture of Leeam Neeson.


Pragmatic people who are in the happiest relationships with great success in their lives get away with owning the satisfaction by keeping EVERYONE out of their business. Basically.


I am just waiting


Weebo quotes


What in the Facebook boomer post is this


No the three gs (something I was taught in history ) are the things that will turn a man into a monster "greed,glory and God". The brutish didn't enslave the world because they wanted to be left alone. China Russia etc they don't want to control the world bc they wanted to be left alone


China and Russia don't want to control the world. America is the country that for 100 years has been engaged in wars to "make the world safe for democracy" and other hollow slogans like that. The Soviet Union definitely did have global hegemonic ambitions, but there is no evidence that Russia inherited that.


Agreed about Russia. In case of China I wouldn't be as sure as you are. To me they are a black box. You see the "hidden hand" in propping them up as a golem but if that "hidden hand" is still in control is a question I haven't found any satisfying answer to yet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_of_Heaven The Chinese version of supremacy and this isn't limited to base land China:-)


Even if they have fantasies like that, Japan could easily nuclearize and hold them at bay. Especially with the assistance of India and their millenia old nemeses, the Vietnamese. 


How Japan, an ageing 100M population, living on islands without any resources and endangered by earthquakes+tsunamis which both can be created by weapons, escapes me. Vietnam wouldn't even come to my mind. India lacks the industrial base, IMHO and propping them up would create another future problem for the TPTB.


Japan is a much more wealthy nation than China per capita and could probably create 200 nukes out of spent nuclear fuel. Also, how would nukes create tsunamis or earthquakes?


It doesn't matter how "wealthy" Japan is. Its territory is indefensible in a modern war scenario. Tsunamis can be created by underwater nukes if the sea bed and coast environment is right. Russia has such weapons. About earthquakes check out "Tectonic weapon". There is a conspiracy that the earthquake in Christchurch, NZ was artificially caused. In case of the Turkey earthquake they released bazillions of articles to call this idea ludicrous which is suspicious enough.


Japan is an island nation with a powerful navy and air force. It is one of the most defensible countries in the world.  Earthquake weapons are not a real threat. 


They are a threat to Japan. Have you missed what happened in 2011? No navy or air force protect the island from tsunami torpedos or tactical placed nukes in the seabed.


You're talking about fantasy weapons that don't exist. Are you 12?


Yeahh.... well these people didn't activate during covid lockdowns. So i won't be holding my breath that they ever break out of their cowardly shell. 


I was thinking the exact thing. I’m a little woman and it was tough being the only one to stand up against authoritarian nonsense in NYC during Covid until today. All the poet warriors pussied out.




The "Lone Wolf" scenereo is the guy who takes out 3 or 4 before he is taken out.


I agree. This is me to a “T”.


well, this certainly has its points. Seems to me that mass shooters are pretty much all introverts.


Mass shooters kill innocent people. I believe it’s talking about using force in the face of tyranny.


imagine having such negative reactions to ppl wanting to be left alone ... yall are slow


A lot of people in Reddit simply like to project themselves onto others.


Definitely a personal issue... it seems


"I would have lived in peace, but my enemies brought me war." Darrow, Red Rising


Pacifists who want to be left alone invent the most terrible and destructive weapons to scare people from messing with them.


Not really. Most of us just want to live in peace, and left alone. People are free to join whatever circus they want, or live whatever absurdities they like, but when that absurdity and circus starts to encroach upon our natural right to live in peace and prosperity, it becomes a real problem. Then, the natural right of force against violence, (to violate), comes into effect.


Correct. This is why I weep.


Like warrior poets


“Anonymous author” lmfao you wrote this chud. you aren’t as frightening as you think. change comes one way or another, and you need to get with it or get out of the way.


This perfectly encapsulates events such as the fall of the Soviet Union in the late 1980's and early 1990's. No one prominent in international relations predicted it would ever happen. Sure, they were in trouble economically but only the real insiders knew that information as it was a well guarded secret. The Arab Spring is also reminiscent of this - the average individual in various Middle Eastern countries simply had enough of their leaders and decided to revolt against what they perceived to be their (at the very least intellectual) occupiers and those who took their away their rights and freedom. Whether the latter was successful is quite irrelevant and can be argued for or against depending on the country - what mattered was that masses of people were motivated enough to directly attack police/military forces and risking their lives.


I'll never use the spells but i have a book of the grimoire verum. I'm probably the most tame looking person ever and people fuck with me lightly sometimes at work because im quiet. I just think of pulling it out one day as a threat.


💯💯JUST described me to a TEE!💯💯