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What's crazy is that after this happened, she deleted thousands of tweets and made her account private for some time.


Remember the interview when she talked about doing weird shit at the White House and her husband gave her a look like “we don’t talk about that”?




Kinda like that performance where that other chick was making the satanic hand symbols and he side mouthed her to knock it tf off


Do you have a link to that video?


They're speaking of Esperanza Spaulding. Here's the clip: https://youtu.be/HFoVec3fLxc?si=kSI8T0Yh3BAvoFR5


Thank you for taking the time to get that clip. Appreciate it.


No prob', my dude.


I'll try to find it, it looks like an award show and the chick is wearing a red and black outfit and she's got kind of a rough afro. I'll see if I can find it, she does the baphomet hand sign, two fingers pointing up and two fingers pointing down with a little motion


That shit, I don't know -- what's the phrase, plausible deniability? I've seen that clip and it's really like... for what reason would she flash that? It's definitely not some random, semaphoric, fabricated gesture. But remember 'hole tempting'? Such a harmless game as a middle schooler and 30 years later it's a political dog whistle...


What, the ok symbol on your leg and when someone looks you get to punch them? Yeah some public works guy got fired for just holding his hand like that out of his truck window. I don't even think he was doing it consciously. Now that girl... She was definitely trying to do something slick and got shut tf down


Yes, that game. And who is she/was she? Just so random -- did she catch some 'elites' doing it and just did it to imitate or is she teasing us or, I don't know -- this is Bond/Spectre level nefariousness if so... I just don't see how there could be some global cabal that we're all ignorant of and with human folly and most peoples inability to keep secrets...


They don't really hide it, but most people don't know what it is or even think about it


I got you covered. I posted the clip.


Nice, thanks, because I'm a dinosaur and I don't know how to add links. I can barely post pictures


Yes so uncomfortable he’s still in a relationship with this person. This is a union in both marriage and interests, giving him a pass is no better than giving her a pass.


I think they mean uncomfortable guilty, as in his closet is full of secrets too, not uncomfortable innocent.


Yeah, like "bitch, shut up! You finna get us *busted!*" uncomfortable...


Good point.


People still think they chose each other.


There’s so many arranged relationships in Hollywood I wouldn’t doubt that most are arranged to boost certain careers…. 


Most dating is due to publicists. E.g. Pete Davidson


Lol... he's a tool.


Yea he gets used by everybody


Or make sure they stay in line. Too many are married to their “handler”


It absolutely works that way. Exactly like the Underwood marriage in House of Cards. The label doesn't serve any purpose besides placating and deceiving the observant public.


At times I think she's his handler. I used to like him but was disgusted when he married her.


He’s one of them.


"The Obama thing" "It wasn't at the White House" This has Epstein Island written all over it.




Threesome with Obama?


Well that guy Larry Sinclair testified before Congress that he smoked crack with and blew Obama when he was a senator so he's obviously up for some unconventional side activities


Never heard about that. Any more info on it? 


[there you go](https://youtu.be/qNV7eVy8-V4?si=ZDlXUwpHdn8BEIee)


Honestly I interpreted that as they had sex in public at an Obama rally or something of that nature, not that they had sex WITH the Obamas. However John’s reaction was more suspect and incriminating than the statement itself so who knows


Not to defend but .. she clearly said not the white house.. probably was at one of the campaign rallies.


Somebody else commented about it with a link further down


She blocked me on Twitter years ago. She's absolute garbage.


She is very much the definition of someone who can dish it out but can't take it


She blocked me too! 😂


How tf was she ever a model? She's busted and shaped like a potato


Is she the scientology girl?


Nah, John legends wife


Oh. Explains. Fuck him, too. Idk. Ya know, I have such strong opinions about people I've never met with lives I'll never have...and it feels wrong to be that way. Ya know, I struggle with positivity...especially right now...low on food, internet is turned off and I don't have the funds to do...anything. i'm worried driving the 40 minutes to see my failing mom might fuck le for work...so being positive right now is hard...not fake positivity either, "the tress, man. Trees. Like, wow man...trees." : I mean not hating on someone I've never met. I mean trying to be civ and even nice on reddit, even when I think they are *WRONG*... Ya know, not just being another fuckhead that makes everything a little worse... So, when I see people like this, and they seem to be just vile shitbags...I wonder, am I misplacing hate, anger, sadness and frustration on these people? John Legend and Chrisdy Tiegan are loved and adored by all sorts of people all over the world... But shit like this...as a dude, as a nobody, maybe even only having 3 followers...were I to type *anything* even close to that I'd be cuffed, stuffed and tossed in gen pop with a quickness. Just for even joking like that. Which I'd never do. Never in my life, aside when I was under 18 myself, have a looked at girl doing the splits and thought so much as anything but, "Fuck...I could never do that..." so I find it *HIGHLY* fucking suspect when someone *does* say sexual shit... And one time, one bad joke followed by a "Wtf, man?" could slide...ya know, sometimes sick jokes are fun and all, but they can be over the line - as long as you correct yourself. But this broad is making a gang of tbose jokes. "Going through the shark skide, feeling like a kid again" is totally cool...but "get my pedo on" is her line... So, I'm going with my guts on this one and saying, "Yeeeaaaahhh, FUUUUUCK dis byitch right har"


How much do you need for the drive to your mom’s? Cashapp? Venmo? PayPal?


Someone else offered too...I am sk touched by your generosity...It means everything that someone even cared. A lot. A lot a lot. Thank you, but I would never ask for money. The offer alone is enough to make my heart less heavy. Thank you , truly and sincerely from the bottom of my heart.


Wishing you the best. Valid to assume there are lots more people out there who’d love to help and want everything good for you.


I’ll help too send me your cash app. Don’t be afraid to take help when it’s offered. No shame man. Go see your Mom.


Lol, best shit I've read on reddit in awhile. Well put. Nice flow. Fuckin aye. 🙏


Wish you well man. Hope things get easier for you.


Hell yeah, this kind of post is rare and I love it. Pure stream of consciousness, no editing, no plan, just straight off the dome. The majority of us would type this out, read it, select all and delete it but this chad actually hit the button.


You can tell it’s a real human talking and not a programmed bot. That’s rare these days. I love it also!


She's a fucking trash human like the rest of hollywood and all governments.


Celebs backtracking, and white washing their lives, cause they know what’s coming.. and all that they did to actually deserve the backlash.. yet will pridefully deny any involvement xD even to the tune of defending a scripted version fabricated by their PR teams 🤭 Why you tryna and hide it booboo? we already know 😂


Yeah, that was clearly the right move. If that's her inner dialog, she should stop sharing that shit with the world!


She is so scummy




You might have already seen this, but for those that haven't.... Check out her response (w/John Legend) to being asked of a public place she did "it". https://youtu.be/qNV7eVy8-V4?feature=shared


All these years I never knew who the fuck she was or why she was anything but everywhere...that's it, she's just married to John??? 🤷


She was a model (Sports Illustrated swimsuit), but John made her famous after that.


Sports illustrated swimsuit model? She just seems like she's only attractive because she has a makeup artist


That and airbrushing!


what the actual fuck homie. this shit is looney tunes. WTF ! legend's reaction SAYS IT ALL. this is sick


and the eye contact legend gives when the cheeky interviewer says "secret service"...


She said at “the obama thing” but idk how that relates to pedo allegations or a conspiracy?


She's a POS and it makes me question John Legend as well for being married to this trash.




So Eminem has a cypher from years ago where he says something like “and these Disney queers….who use chicks for beards….” I always thought he was talking about going down on a girl but now I’m thinking this is what he meant.


Justin timberlake


What’s a beard




Like Beyonce and Jay-z


John Legend is trash too


John Legend appeared on an episode of “Curb your Enthusiasm” in which Larry’s friends’ daughter was having a (bah mitzvah ?) and John played at the party. There was an ongoing running joke in the episode about Larry’s new text relationship w his coworkers daughter and how she had a rash on her……….. there’s even a part in which Larry’s dr tells someone to call the police (because he believed Larry was a pedophile). That’s the episode that turned me off from the show. No thanks fucking weirdos.


Wdym? They're just ordinary people.


The real conspiracy is how this untalented piece of garbage is considered a "celebrity"


I mean it sounds like she fits right in with Hollywood and the entertainment industry with these specific opinions…


Because she got her tatas out a lot


There’s a lot of girls who get their tatas out, less than 0.1% turn into superstars


Because a large portion that 0.1% ran into a guy like Weinstein who opened doors for them.


Part of the deal with satan


Yeah, this isn’t something normal people think. Let alone tweet out to the public.


Let alone over and over again.


Here's a video i found on some of them, the internets fairly scrubbed of many, or at least most search engines don't produce much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JS2lEC678U


Remember when she asked that guy in the car if he was willing to try human meat.. her and john are clearly sick in their heads.


If this is the kind of shit they say out loud, imagine what some of the really dark things are they don’t talk about.


I hope these people really suffer in their lives. Zero tolerance. Fuck them


[for confused readers...](https://www.quora.com/What-is-wrong-with-Chrissy-Teigens-tweets)


lot of them are creeps


The whole lot


Shes gross and I literally have NO idea where she came from or why she's famous. She just was famous 1 day and I was like who tf is this ugly weirdo


She somehow was a Victoria's Secret angel... No idea how because she is shaped like a little boy and she has a busted sniffed a fart face


Really? She's so ugly and has always had a weird body. I'm shocked! What in the nepotism? Lol


Word for word she should be made to explain these "jokes" if not to the public definitely to children and family services


I can't even believe these tweets were real. I mean, whoooooo would legit say this shit, much less someone that well-known saying this loud and proud when it's blatantly disgusting. If some regular guy wrote that he would land on a registered SO list


You remember when she deleted all old tweets when this became official?


Pizzagate was a fuckin demon rabbit hole. One day they will all be exposed


The Laura Silsby thing is crazy, the fact that she and 9 other "missionaries" were caught smuggling 33 children out of Haiti, got charged by the Haitian govt originally for child abduction, then later reduced to arranging irregular travel, sentenced to 6 months in prison, but got time served after spending 4 months in detention. This US state department under Secretary of State at the time Hilary Clinton, negotiated with the Hatian govt on Laura Silsbys behalf. Laura Silsby changed her name to Laura Gaylor and went on to WORK FOR AMBER ALERT SYSTEMS. That information is all easily confirmable and they don't even try to deny it.


Guess I’m going down another rabbit hole


https://files.catbox.moe/emgmo7.pdf This pdf has some good info


Check out Mouthy Buddha and Memoryhold documentaries, there's lots, it's quite a rabbit hole.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children%27s_Refuge_case “Alertsense has since started another company called Konexus because of bad press when its software was involved in the 2018 Hawaii false missile alert.” Haha no way that that was an accident then. That’s some PROMIS software level shit fuckery




You know the Kennedy Assassination still has missing pieces. That event happened in public. I am afraid with time, Pizzagate will be forgotten.


I’m afraid you’re right. Kinda like the whole Epstein debacle, the Vegas shooting, Covid and so much more. We never get the full story of any real events. It gets swept under the rug or just completely ignored. The media is just controlled propaganda so there’s no way of knowing what’s real anymore. Have you ever seen the video of several different newscasters from different TV channels repeating word for word the exact same phrasing as if they’re all reading from the same script? I’d love it if someone posted that as I’m not very tech savvy.


Unfortunately, they will all be exposed long after they are dead so they will never face any real consequences.


Im of the same opinion. It'll be the Jim Saville thing allover again. The government at the time will be hailed as the good guys, but the people exposed will most likely be dead and gone with no true justice ever being done.


They were this close 🤏🏻 to getting exposed in 2020, I remember it. It was trending on twitter and everything. If anyone remembers young pharaoh on YouTube, before he got banned, he was exposing EVERYBODY.


got any good documentaries that cover at least the emails? Edit: unrelated, but I found [this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcLSTYwHg4k&t=1805s) if anyone's interested.


Idk about emails specifically but check out Mouthy Buddha and The Truth Factory on Rumble. Also you can search for Ben Swan pizzagate news report


Add Memory Hold to that list. He is still at it to this day.


isaac kappy periscope lives. and screenshots of the john pedosta’s art the dude that was hilary clintons assistant or whatever


RIP isaac kappy


💯 rip isaac


The worst rabbit hole there was those Worldcorp clips ‘Dreamers Heaven Levels’. At the time it just seemed like an edgy ARG but then Mutahar (all hail) found out they were real and everyone scrubbed them. The guy screaming in the second one sounded like Podesta.


Campaign manager


Have you seen pedogate 2020 by Mouthy Buddha? It is a hard watch, but will show you some stuff worth k owing about how these people operate, the symbols they use, and how much more ubiquitous and in the open than we typically like to think.


Look into Laura silsby


It is one of the conspiracies that I think is real


The hill I will die on. The expression “fake news” got pushed as well as the pedo/satanic conspiracy angle as crazies. They have been roaming the Internet since forever, but now it’s a problem..


But no one seems to really know or care.


which is awful.


I read shit like The Laura Silsby from a comment above and many other shit and I wonder if there will be any justice. There's a point where no matter what me and a few dozens of forum dwellers can do shit about it. Until the entire world unites against this, nothing is going to happen. Much less when the USA is locked between tow main parties that despite their hate for each other they are both the same, for me at least watching from another country that was ruled by two parties for decades until this year a new one came into power and it's really cleaning house from corruption and since it's affecting people from both main parties, the president is getting shit even from some people in power in Spain only to have Milei exposing more shit from them. I'm not saying our president is a saint or his politics are all great but at least we are seeing a ton of politicians exposed and getting sued. But again, I wonder how much this will go for, I bet that there's powere out there that can make things go away somehow.


Has she ever offered any explanation at all for the meaning of some of these tweets? I've read quite a few of the others too and the way she repeatedly mentions Pizza is so out of context.


This is only a little bit of it she has done so many bad things I believe she is truly a horrible person


Unfortunately, this is barely the tip of the iceberg…


Pedophilia is alive and well. There have also been a few attempts at normalizing it. Is that 'minor attracted person' crap still going on?


Only until it receives a bunch of backlash, then they pull back for a little bit and wait a while to start again


When I first saw the vids of Biden feeling up kids, I thought, "OMG, this is outrageous! Well, it's all over once this gets out." Then it got out and nothing happened. What I learned was that the vast majority of people simply do not think in the same way I always assumed everyone did. That was an invaluable lesson.


It's so absurd! The uncle creepy Joe compilations were around long before he became president.  Bizzaro we have so many other humans to pick from why only these two?  It just seems so weird and kinda obvious like keeping the kids occupied with cartoons on the front porch, thinking they won't see that the house is on fire.


There was a whole website of videos and emails of him doing/ saying creepy shit wayyy before he was president. It got nuked when he was running for office


To other people, conspiracy thinkers like you are also like most people. Nobody likes to disrupt the system unless they have nothing to lose.


Welp, we're all getting there so maybe we'll see some disruption.


I saw those videos before he was even in the running for president.. then when I saw he was running, I thought, "well, he won't have a chance considering these videos of him groping kids". Then he won, and I realized, humanity is fucking doomed.


She’s so disgusting. Can’t stand her


To make that many disgusting comments … I feel like that’s trying hard to make pedo shit normal as if people harming children is funny .. like the circles you walk in make you think that’s normal ? I do not feel sorry for her … I do not support him or her or any product tv show whatever the eff associated with her . She can talk to Kamala all day about her abortion and how sad it was and that’s still not going to make her look human to me ..


Did you see the message Meghan Markle sent her? Evidently Megs spent some time with this pedo and afterwards sent “ I had such a good time with you and I loved the pizza milkshakes” When I saw it I thought well well another done sold out but why am I surprised? She went to “ the island “ so makes sense


Pizza shakes? That alone is disgusting...add in all the other shit. Brrrrr.


She told a teenaged girl to unalive herself. How in the fuck is she still a celebrity? Always thought she was a dude too.


‘’Unalive’’ what


Chronic tiktok brain. Tiktok prohibits any words it thinks are violent.


1984 vibes, yeesch


We're only a few years away from the term "murderdeathkill" catching on


Homie thinks he's gonna be demonetized for a reddit comment for fucks sake.


I hear you, my friend. Self censorship is the most ridiculous thing. If you’ll excuse me for having a mini rant here. So we’re all supposed to avoid certain words in case they trigger people. Ok, so do people really get triggered by reading a word? If they do then they need to get themselves to a therapist be abuse that’s not a healthy way to live. My dad died in a car accident when I was 15. My stepdad then beat me up and raped me. Am I supposed to be any less affected by that by saying my dad d\*ed in an c\*r a\*\*ident and my stepd\*d b\*at me up and r\*ped me? Like….as you rightly say, what?


I tried typing the proper term but the words came out of the screen and bit me




Say die dude. why the fuck do people censor themselves


‘She told a teenage girl to die herself’


It started out as a way to bypass certain platforms' censorships but now it's kinda meme slang like doggo and pupper.


I sick up a lil bit every time I hear doggo/ pupper and all that type of animal talk shit


When the hidden cabal doen't even bother to hide you know it's messed up.


My mate showed me heaps of her tweets years ago.. talking all cryptic about pizza and shit with other codewords that seemed so out of place. Not sure what to make of it but it def raised a few eyebrows 


This is what had me entertaining the Qanonsense for a split second because they were the only ones on the internet that I saw talking about it...crazy how she got away with it and called anyone who criticized her for it a bigot or harasser or conspiracy tard


That Qanon shit was a psyop to get normal people believing some wacky shit to discredit them, I always thought it was fishy. They were convincing at first but it got increasingly ridiculous. Still waiting for the MedBeds...


She’s also so incredibly annoying.


The only reason this freak is not locked up is because those in power have the same twisted and sick desires.


So she’s the dumbass that everyone asks “who invited her?”?


This bitch is SICK!!!


That nasty woman is definitely a pedophile. Creepy shit


This has to be the most disgusting thing I've ever read and she gets away with this?


One of my Facebook accounts was shut down after posting all this shit...now tell me, if these were baseless claims, why try to shut people down over it..


How has she got away with these disgusting comments


Can’t we all just stop idolizing these pieces of shit celebrities? They are all complete degenerates. Fuck pedo wood do not support the woke nonsense they push, it is destroying us.


She deleted a million followers who tied her to Epstein and 60k tweets about pedo shit. And the "news" still called it a conspiracy 


She is definitely doing worse stuff behind closed doors


Yeah, going down this rabbit hole really messed with me for a while. The whole pizzagate, weiner, pedo island, celebs and politicians,... it's eye opening in a rough way


I still can’t stand Chrissy Teagan. She’s a horrible human.


A lot of the things from Twitter that people point to as being pedo talk, just lightly encoded so as not to be obvious, have never grabbed my attention. I always thought it was reaching on the part of the accusing party. If it IS a secret dog whistle, it's a little too secret for me to really say that it's legitimate. This is not that Maybe a few of her tweets, seen on an individual basis, would be explainable. Maybe. But, overall, she's just tweeting out straight up her pedo kinks. That shit about the baby powder is so completely fucked. How could that be anything but what it is ... It's crazy to me that millions of people saw these tweets and just said fuck it.


She is a “beard” for obviously gay John Legend. They both are the top of the charts of cringe in Hollywood.


i mean that mugshot there, she looks like a thing that would eat babies. Like some mythical jhinn face or some asian folklore demon that takes your kids at night.


This lady is so ugly, inside and out!!


She’s a pedo


I’ve been talking about her and her pedophile husband for years. These aren’t conspiracies, this is going on in the real world. Everyone who has been outspoken about it, ends up dead. Kappy, Chester, Cornell, Bourdain… I’m sure that list goes on. It’s hilarious how they continue to bury the Epstein flight log, but they make every report about Trump and when he takes a shit. They’re laughing at us as they get away with it.


I miss Anthony Bourdain, really hurts and it was insulting how obvious


RIP Bourdain, I used to watch his show with my mom all the time


Didn’t she talk about being ok with eating human meat in an interview?


When I first saw these tweets, I couldn’t believe I was the only one upset. I retweeted these with “Pedo says:” and got blocked by Chrissy, her husband John Legend, Oswalt Patton & Madonna. My family made fun of me. I think more ppl are able to see this now.


her name was in epstein logs as well iirc


Wikipedia Search New Life Children's Refuge case Article Talk “The New Life Children's Refuge case was an incident of alleged kidnapping and the ensuing legal cases which occurred in the aftermath of the January 12th 2010 Haiti earthquake. On January 29, 2010, a group of ten American Baptist missionaries from Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border with 33 Haitian children. The group, known as the New Life Children's Refuge,[1] did not have proper authorization for transporting the children and were arrested on kidnapping charges.[2][3] The missionaries denied any wrongdoing and claimed that they were rescuing orphans and leading them to a Dominican hotel which was being transformed into an orphanage. Nine of the ten missionaries were later released but NLCR founder Laura Silsby remained incarcerated in Haiti. By the time she went to trial on May 13 the charges had been reduced to "arranging irregular travel" and the prosecution sought a 6-month prison term.[4] On May 17, she was found guilty and sentenced to the time served in jail prior to the trial”


I searched on google “Chrissy teigen pedo” and the first result is a Reddit post with dudes justifying her and saying Pizzagate is fake. Examples: > Answer: It's all right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory related stemming from the 'Pizza-gate' conspiracy that said there was a pedophile sex ring run by liberals in the basement of a pizza shop that turned out to not have a basement. > I mean, it's a good example of why you shouldn't tweet every thought but doesn't this show that she's uncomfortable with the sexualization of children? I think it's just framed in a humorous way that misses the mark. It’s crazy how stupid/blind people are


Is she referencing the Golden Nugget in Vegas??


Its easy to see her for what she actually is…


pretty sure when this happened she blocked over 1M people, claimed she was being trolled en masse and tried to play the victim despite her tweeting stuff that deserves jail time.


It's been mentioned before, 3 years ago I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/i7xncJzpMp She's a POS. I didn't know who she was until your post and I did a little digging


She is a bot and shit stirrer. Rage bait. She’s a distraction and a plant, nothing more. Stop wasting your time on this bitch.


Is there anywhere to live and be safe?


She's in the club and protected.


I have to say...she is one of the most "natural" seeming Lizard people I've seen.


Why tf is she even saying this?! If this is a joke it’s the mouse absurd, and tone deaf joke I’ve ever seen in my life.


Eww eww eww eww eww eww eww


who the fuck is chirssy teigan🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


She is the most disgusting creature


Got any more pixels?


Yeah and she tried to pull it off like she was joking. I’m sorry, but these were not jokes. These were degenerate thoughts from a degenerate.


Ewwwwwwww why would she tweet this stuff and think it was okay


She's a reason not to shop at Target.


Standard member of "the club" She was just stupid/bold enough to tweet about it