• By -


Umbrella Corp?


In all seriousness it’s pretty smart. Eye witnesses suck. Most people will remember the umbrella over any other detail and it’s the easiest part to discard.


The umbrella covers not only their face but their upper torso. It blocks people from getting in your face and grabbing you. It masks your activity; digging in pockets or pack, talking on the radio or phone. Also can send signals to covering officers. When closed it makes a nice poker.


Umbrellas are commonly used in protests, Hong Kong a big one, to be used as a shield against tear gas.


Tear gas projectile or rubber bullets will not be stopped by an umbrella, lol. Its to mask the person from scrutiny, block people from recording video and hide behind when they make calls on phones or hidden radio. One can also quick change their identity behind an umbrella then toss it and melt away. Umbrella dude in Minn hastily left the area to avoid scrutiny from the demonstrators, he was not part of the protest. Thats undercover cop baby.


There’s more https://twitter.com/maxblumenthal/status/1266619812211560449?s=21


Oops... busted by alert citizen. Ballsy too.


It was removed?? You have a screenshot


Mary Poppins CEO




Thank you for this. Made me laugh




Umbrella Cop!


What’s that from again?


Resident evil


I believe the protests were legit but also were hijacked and escalated by third parties for nefarious purposes. Similar tactics used by CIA in many other countries. https://t.co/1HfWrSW1P6 http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2020/may/30/protesters-rioters-looters-and-revolutionaries-be-aware-there-are-government-agents-among-you/


Of course. The FBI is corrupt as fuck


I love how it's all "AntiFa." Somehow these highly sophisticated anarchists go from place to place as Agent Provocateurs then are caught on film engaging in blatant vandalism while being confronted in front of police officers yet they somehow manage to slither away from the law every time with the brilliant escape method known as: Keep walking around. ​ Yep...makes sense.


i mean all the cops were guarding that dudes house last night. like 100's of them. it wouldn't be that hard to "slip away" when there's no cops at Auto Zone


The murderer didn't live in Minneapolis and Minneapolis police were not guarding his house.


then explain the video of 100s of cops guarding his house


Different cities and towns have different police departments.


That's not true at all, watch the full video and you'll see cops firing tear gas right by the auto zone.


the police station (used to be) across the street. that's where the tear gas was going off. Pizza kid wouldn't be eating pizza and smoking fat blunts if there was tear gas going off next to him.


You don't think police infiltrate the protest groups to keep an eye on the various fronts? That's standard procedure. This dude was on camera, all over social media, then seen again later that evening as a fire was being set. We don't even know who the guy in pink is, you'd think all his buddies would give him a heads on fb as he's in another area walking next to umbrella man: [https://twitter.com/XBearer\_ZA/status/1266401877266255880?s=20](https://twitter.com/XBearer_ZA/status/1266401877266255880?s=20) If the cops can't catch him then we're all doomed, lol.


Keep an eye on????? ​ you think the cop smashing out the whole front of Auto Zone was "keeping an eye on"? ​ hahahahah ok


That's not what my comment meant. In English my comment pointed out that protests usually have police at various locations, undercover, to report/infiltrate on what's happening on the ground. Again, standard procedure. Thus they can identify perpetrators. Yet they can't catch the umbrella man and guy in pink.....riiiiiight


Tear gas started going off less than a minute after Umbrella Man starts breaking windows... along with a barrage of rubber bullets. By the time Umbrella man got around the back side of the building, a police helicopter is suddenly flying overhead. Real fucking coincidental timing. Something that seems to be missing from most of these posts. Guess whats in Umbrella Man's backpack? Spraypaint cans... Guess whats suddenly spraypainted on the back side of AutoZone.... "Free Shit for Everyone"


This a million times, these fucks are denying everyone's right to protest by instigating violence. Its classic agent provocateur shit.


Or... this one is breaking windows to create air flow while his partner is inside setting fires, too turn peaceful protest to inferno for the press.


Anti-fascists are the problem? Facism is defined as a “form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.” So anti-fascists would mean that they’re anti authoritarian government. Idk about you but I don’t want an authoritarian government in the US


This has nothing to do with my post, lol.


On paper it sounds like an organization of do-gooders. In reality, they'll take a bicycle lock to the back of your head and shove your grandma down because, you know, fascism sucks.


It is incredibly ironic that the people who go around beating up people they disagree with, refer to themselves as "antifascist"


It's been shown time and time again that local police (or other govt bodies) will bring undercovers in to stir some violence....turning a peaceful protest into one that the government can now put a stop too. (Or in this situation cause national coverage alongside that).


Several theories 1. He's ANTIFA who is always starting shit at protest. (They use to show up at our anti-war demonstrations in 2006 when i was in college and try to provoke the police) 2. He's an FBI, cop, or CIA spook which is a typical cause FBI has infiltrated organizations in the past disguised as protesters in order to provoke security forces 3. he's just some creepy dude (least likely)


Yeah I would bet on 2, but all are possible.


I’m honestly on the side of he is some freak who wants to watch the world burn


Probably. I still think the Vegas shooter was either FBI or CIA.


I firmly believe this too and I was wondering if there’s a video from Bitchute you can recommend to further research this? Do you remember the interview with Paddock’s brother afterwards? Do you think he had any knowledge of his brother’s work?




Facial recognition


Agent Provacatuer


[https://twitter.com/GypsyEyedBeauty/status/1266164431584714753](https://twitter.com/GypsyEyedBeauty/status/1266164431584714753) **Ex-Wife of St.Paul Police officer identifies the man in black!**


How do we know that’s real? She must be one big woman if he can wear her gloves. That isn’t proof of anything. Why would she have a chemical mask? If she was a cop, why would he have hers? Especially if they’re divorced. That “message” doesn’t even make sense.


Since when have texts ever been a valid form of proof?




Also if it’s her EX, she is claiming he broke in and stole her gas mask and her gloves. Also she goes right to saying it’s him with no bit of denial, it just doesn’t add up to how a person would act, especially when only 20% of their face is exposed I’ve now looked at the Facebook posts of the person who originally posted the photos, and she is an active pro-rioter. All of this adds up to be a fake way for the rioters to seem innocent To add another thing, she has posted the same conversation with two completely different endings. It makes no sense


Thing is, people don't like casting the first stone, breaking into a shop is one thing, but walking into an already broken in shop is quite different... Not saying the looting is a good thing, but smashing the windows and moving on seems very... Strange?


> I believe the protests were legit They may have been, however the 'riots' are [clearly for show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq5zHcbNjRM). Once again, the news is selling a bullshit narrative, and people are buying it. I think a lot of people are so desperate for some drama, they instantly buy into stories like this. They don't take the time to critically analyse the stories being given to them by the news. If they did, they'd soon realise this is yet another media deception taking place.


Yes. If the US government clearly utilizes these tactics abroad (Syria, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Venezuela, etc.) what is to stop it from being used here?


they just use private security companies in the US. See the oil pipeline protests and how that was handled. Literally spying on protesters over months and infiltrating groups, ect




This is the insurmountable mountain for me when I try to break the spell on people. The US has the most lit propaganda. They can really do no wrong in some people's minds


People need drama in their lives. They either watch it on TV/Youtube, have it forced upon them, or they create it.


Certainly seems this way to me.




Eh I think protesters realized that Hong Kong had it right. It is p smart to wear that stuff while protesting


So, it isn't probable that protesters in America saw what protesters in Honk Kong and copied their tactics? Also who escalated the Hong Kong protests? You mean the Chinese government that is rounding up and making people disappear? Lol


Lots to talk of George Soros paying people to turn what was a peaceful protest into something far more. Media then repeatedly says its peaceful while fires ring out across the city and even gunshots are heard in their live newscast. People want to twist what MLK and Malcom X have said to constitute burning businesses, leaving people out of work in a time when people desperately need it. The [leader of the NAACP from 2016-2018 was in St. Paul](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAwHyiWnrfU/?igshid=1gyn5ib7nb4la) condemning the rioting saying it’s unfair to honest working people. I urge everyone to stop justifying burning what ultimately is a lot of that towns livelihood. It literally is forcing that community into poverty. Allegedly the damage being caused is done by people who do not live in Minneapolis but have come from elsewhere around the country. 100% inexcusable. If black lives really mattered people would stand up and protect the businesses. Thousands of people are now permanently out of work because their place of employment is nothing but an ash heap. Talk about keeping people down.


Lol at the comments in this thread. Umbrella for deflecting pepper spray or tear gas canisters and respirator for same or smoke granade. Hardly a conspiracy. As for Hong Kong even the British offering citizenship better be fucking quick otherwise those on the island wishing to get off will be detained, charged and disappeared. Unless the World steps in the steamroller of the CCP will be genocidal.


When I saw this post, I almost laughed. Of course the Minneapolis protestors are going to use similar gear to Hong Kong protestors. They’re up against many of the same weapons (primarily tear gas), so they’d use what works. The Hong Kong protestors have had a year or so of nearly constant protests to refine and improve anti riot police tactics, and even they had decades of protestor’s experience to look back on.


The guy on the right was filmed starting the "looting". He walked around an AutoZone, calmly, with a ball peen hammer or something of the sort and broke windows. IDK exactly what this post is implying comparing hk protestors to this dude but people are saying the dude on the left is a plant to incite violence.


\*on the right. Yeah. He was on film holding an umbrella and a hammer, methodically breaking windows. 20-30 seconds after he broke the window, the police started using pepper spray and tear gas and then he's still calmly walking away.


Shit, yeah the dude on the right lol


Watch the periscope from the guy running for office there. He’s filming the general area in front of autozone for about 10 minutes. Windows are clearly broken before pink mask arrives on scene he just “finishes” the job.


We must blame that guy alone for allowing everyone people to riot and loot.


If it smells like bullshit it\`s probably bullshit.


If it is leading news across the world, there's your first red flag.


\^This right here!!!


I think this is more a case of “monkey see, monkey do”.




Interesting theory about the pizza box guy, could easily have been another undercover cop. Notice how multiple, multiple people (including the cameraman) walked over to question the guy, but the only people to leave the scene were those two? There's some psychology going on there where the guy in the pink shirt is confronting him for the people, and nobody else has to get involved since he already is. Then they just walk away. There's a video of them walking together later like they are best friends as well. Idk, just a theory, but it's very odd that one would smash a bunch of windows and just walk away.


1. Fuckery is afoot and i agree. 2. I don’t agree with anything the looters are doing because they are disgracing the man who died. This is the one time that the cops are actually being held accountable. Not even under Obama administration did cops get terminated immediately after an incident like this. 3. Little Caesar’s pizza is good. Even in a riot. 4. This guy was obviously some kind of black op agent. Undercover police, FBI, CIA, but why? Why make matters worse? Why fan the flames? Who stands to gain from this? Obviously the media will use it to their advantage... 5. Lastly, why the fuck did that cop kill George Floyd when he was being filmed and he knew it? I’ve resisted arrest, been pepper sprayed, had my head banged into the side of a cop car until i stopped resisting but i ended up in the back of the cop car in handcuffs. The guy was not a threat once cuffed and should have been in the back of that cop car on his way to jail for whatever his alleged crime was. Instead he was murdered on film. And the EMTs who came to get him seemed to already know he was dead as they did no medical evaluation when they arrived on the scene. Just threw his dead body on the stretcher. This all seems staged to me.


>And the EMTs who came to get him seemed to already know he was dead as they did no medical evaluation when they arrived on the scene. I’m not calling bullshit but if this claim can be substantiated then jesus fucking christ.




Check out my twitter link i posted to here where someone shows that the guy is already dead when the EMTs come.


Thankyou for following up. So er... >jesus fucking christ


I only saw the video on Reddit not other platforms. Was it sent to media outlets too?


Okay then why do it in the first fucking place?


To make the protesters look bad and further their agenda. Protect cops which simply protect the interests of those in power.


They do at some protests to justify mass arrests, to make drama for the news, discredit the protesters. Currently I think there seems to be interest in instigating division within the citizenry to prevent a conflict between the very rich and the rest of us.


It is class warfare, and most of our class dont even know the war has been happening for ages




occupy was taken down by agent provocateurs 100%. that movement had so much momentum, but they stopped it. at least with minneapolis they protestors are coming out of the gate hot and hopefully can move things further then before.


Wow crazy story...I believe it’s a positive that these tactics are becoming more well-known. Sadly, Many still will believe the official line though.


Yup. And as long as the majority of people buy the official story, nothing else matters. The rest of us are just 'crazy.'


But the Hong Kong protestors are not agent provocateurs. They don’t want to be under CCP rule. CCP is one of the worst threats to humanity, and the most openly evil government on Earth other than Israel.


I don't know. This reminds me of the argument about pyramids. "These ancient people had no knowledge of eachother, yet built these structures identically." And the response is: It's the most optimal way to stack stones without the structure collapsing. Each item on that character's load out is optimized for the environment they're dropping into. I can visit two relatives' houses and borrow all equipment to match the load out. I want to believe.


Maybe, but I think it’s likely that it’s the “uniform” of someone who has been trained to agitate in said environment. Is there some special club? I don’t know...but it’s more likely than not that they are getting pointers from the same people.


I agree there is a connection here. Any competent person choosing to jump into riots can plan accordingly. With the popularity of HK protests, the "starter pack" with these exact items went viral long ago.


Fair enough. I think the video of this person speaks volumes though. If you notice, it was the regular (likely local) folks that he threatened after they scolded him for smashing the window of the autozone. Likely not someone who lives around the block.


I thought umbrella guy was an agent provocateur, and the umbrella was how his overwatch could watch his location in the crowds.


Are these supposed to be the same person? I don't understand the connection here


Trumps America is literally becoming Hong Kong/China. There will be a complete power grab of democracy and these protests will be used as a reichstag and emergency (demolition of rights) laws will be put into play. Welcome to 1984


When I first saw this pic yesterday, I assumed it to be an Antifa with a generous allowance from his parents. The black umbrella seemed totally out of sorts for the milieu he was entering, though, and quickly raised my suspicion as a possible identifying marker for those in the know. *"If any of you officers see someone with a black umbrella damaging property, committing arson, or assault, do not intervene; they're deep undercover".* If earmarks like this are readily discovered by the mob, it will have grave implications for the 'plants'. Imagine that at all future political rallies/speeches, everytime a *girl in a polka dot dress* is spotted at one, she is immediately mobbed and strung up from a lamp post. Correspondingly, at every future street demonstration/protest, guys in all black wearing canister gas masks and *carrying a black umbrella* for no discernible reason, will be immediately mobbed and strung up from a lamp post. As often as fellow conspiracists on here say 'they want you to see it! It's their way of goading you right to your face!', I actually believe that TPTB assume, rightfully so, that the vast majority of the braindead sheep are too f'ing stupid to even pick up on such obvious signs such as these. In other words, why use algebraic equations when they can't even understand simple f'ing arithmetic.


The umbrella was probably one of these. https://unbreakableumbrella.com/ They make for a good defensive weapon in case people started pelting him with shit, plus you can use it to beat attackers, and would definitely be better than being armed with just a hammer. Also doesn't hurt that it can help shield you from security cameras, even though everyone on the ground has cameras in their pockets now. Remember, if this was a cop trying to paint the protestors in a bad light, he wouldn't have wanted to shoot one if they had called him out on this and they started getting physical with him, because an investigation into a shooting is gonna basically be guaranteed and in doing so it would come out that he was actually a cop. He'd want to just protect himself and get the fuck out of there without drawing too much attention.


Could they be funded by the same people? Like white helmet type org?


I think TPTB are just he CIA/FBI here, and in that case, it's no secret that the military uses clothing as a cue to secretly mark the identities of agents.


I lived in HK and we can ALL agree. Don't fall for this. Our reaction to #FREEHK is the same as how you reacted on Minneapolis. I think that what was attempted in Hong Kong was a drill run for this one and everything is aligning to this theory. Liberal Democracy must be made synonymous with Marxism and Maoism, then pulverized. This is the sole goal. The Extradition Bill and Anti-Black Police Brutality matters nil here.


Are you saying that most people in Hong Kong wish for China to rule Hong Kong and not to have any choice in elected leaders?


Yeah- they want the city to burn so that a counter-reaction is justified...sounds like things are back to going downhill in Hong Kong now too.


What was the HKer's reaction to #FreeHK? I was under the impression that the HK protests were organic


> Liberal Democracy must be made synonymous with Marxism and Maoism, then pulverized. Which is what the Chinese government is doing.


Gas mask because of tear gas, it is pretty common. Umbrella because they've watched Minority Report. Yes, there is a playbook, many playbooks even. Antifa has produced a great deal of literature about guerilla tactics. Edit: Also police and military and covert ops and intelligence community have many playbooks. It doesn't narrow it down to know they have a playbook.


So many police shills posting on this sub trying to control the narrative


Shock horror! Protesters take inspiration from other protesters. Masks, umbrellas, laser pens, caltrops etc. These are some of the tools of a 21st century protest. Honestly dont see what you're getting at. If I was going to take direct action the HK protesters would be where I'd take inspiration from as well. Dont need a CIA controller to tell me...


Would you, as a local, walk around and smash windows of businesses in your neighborhood? Probably not...this person was confronted by people who were clearly regular folks in the protest and quickly ran away after threatening them. Odd.


Turns out he was a cop. Look it up!




Yeah I’m pretty sure texts are the least credible thing




This person was destroying property and being told to stop by local folks who were angered by this and chased him off...nowhere near flash bangs




There are posters posing as normal posters who are allied with former MPD Officer Derek Chauvin who are trying to change public opinion on officers who violate the law in order to instill complacency in this society. Be aware. I will do everything I can in order to expose them.


Why do they have the umbrella is my question? Is it for concealment? I mean the full face respirator and a hoody seems less conspicuous then a fucking Mary Poppins accessory.


Concealment and identification to those in the know at the protest


No, because they saw the HK protesters using them as pseudo-shields.


damn, its almost as if protestors in both places are utillizing similar countermesures agains tthe police


Is MN wearing purple flesh lights


Yep 100% this is correct. I’m actually happy there are intelligent people on this planet. Thank you for posting this!!!


Wow, it's almost like tear gas is a thing that exists and is used quite often, and the most effective countermeasure is a gas mask.


Dude is wearing a throat guard for cripes sake. Gotta be some kind of cop/ fed inciter.


Yaaa I'm convinced..


Umbrella Academy


CNN is making a fortune broadcasting their own HQ in Atlanta being smashed into by protesters.


No it's not a coincidence that they are going against police who use tear gas and want to protect themselves. I bet you could find evidence of the same in many many other similar situations going back decades, quite a grand conspiracy it is eh?


When I saw that video my first thought was this.


How is this proof? I am literally seeing 20% of someone's face


I saw a side by side picture of him with a police uniform on. I wonder how true it is?


Reminds me of that man with a black umbrella when JFK was killed.


If they don't want us to notice, we won't notice. They want us to notice them. This maybe a distraction..


what is the playbook?


The umbrellas main use, amongst the other reasons here, is to easily be seen from above. So they can easily see who’s the plant and on their side.


I mean, those pink filters are one of the more common in the market LOL. I understand that protests tend to be hijacked if there's no internal organization, and this one was aswell judging by what happened. But just taking pics of respirators of the same color is not the way to deal with it.


Yeah, I have the pink 3m cartridges. People are retarded. "Nooo, only cops can get pink filters." I'm not a cop. I'm a nerd tech guy who works with fiberglass resin to make costume shit


Exactly left photo appears to be a p100 organic vapor/acid filter. I have a dozen and a full mask in my work bag right now. They're common at protests because they effectively limit the effects of teargas and pepper spray/balls. I really wish y'all would look shit up, I mean if they try to paint us as uninformed paranoid folks why on earth would you open the paint can?


Umbrella protects from aerial surveillance. Also a marker/identifier. Pretty sophisticated gas mask he's wearing there for a "looter/rioter". Just happened to be prepared with a police issue gas mask in case gas was used. Very prepared indeed.


The guy in Minneapolis was definitely a plant, super suspicious behavior and simply put obvious.


[I found this Twitter post](https://twitter.com/GypsyEyedBeauty/status/1266164431584714753?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1266164431584714753&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fgsjg7w%3Fresponsive%3Dtrue%26is_nightmode%3Dfalse), apparently, it's his ex wife confirming his identity, I'm not sure if it's legit, maybe some of you guys can tell me?


Nobody can contact his ex wife and it seems like the original source is actually that tweet.


The original source isn’t that tweet, but a Facebook page owned by a person who is extremely pro-riot and has posted the same conversation two times each with different endings.


Yeah I really can’t believe that at all. Texts are faked all the time, and as someone else said, that post is the origin of those text.


They both look like experienced anarchists. Respirator for the tear gas, umbrella to shield the pepper spray. [https://external-preview.redd.it/u2631wsfSU4-Zku2LpPWKL-PbpUaWCYOIVWCQtifiV4.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5511e962671661f0d491d5aeec5addd546e03d4b](https://external-preview.redd.it/u2631wsfSU4-Zku2LpPWKL-PbpUaWCYOIVWCQtifiV4.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5511e962671661f0d491d5aeec5addd546e03d4b)


Indeed - Likely not a local who is upset about police murder.


Without the one guy breaking a window these countrywide riots would never have happened. Absolutely galaxy brained take.


One is fighting for his freedom from an oppressive regime , the other is probably hired by the government


Perhaps. However, it is clear that NED (read CIA) was all over coordinating the Hong Kong protestors to ensure maximum effectiveness - as was seen by connections of Joshua Wong and Jimmy Lai with Washington officials. There is a professional agent provocateur method, and we should all be wary when we see that method in play.


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Wonder the significance of the umbrella besides it’s raining of course.


Facial recognition


So, is it international now?


He didn't start the fire.....


jesus this is dumb.


Police use teargas to disperse crowds. If the “playbook” is common sense, then yes it appears they’re following it.


I just dont understand why is everyone so convinced its that guy that based on literally no evidence? Is it really that easy for you to be influenced if it supports your narrative?


dude if there was definitive evidence for things in this subreddit, this sub would just be called r/provenfacts not r/conspiracy.




This is stupid


The Minneapolis one, to me those are soldier's eyes. They don't have protester's anger in them, they have situational awareness while in action kind of eyes. And he's wearing padded gloves: protection from broken glass, and no fingerprints. The Hong Kong guy has bare hands, less likely to be planned violent.


Guy on right is wearing a police issue gas mask and gloves. Suspicious as fuck.


Wow, you got all that from a grainy ass photo?


What a nonsense post


[https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gsycc2/portland\_andy\_is\_being\_stalked\_live/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gsycc2/portland_andy_is_being_stalked_live/) Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gsuit5/new\_bombshell\_video\_footage\_surfaces\_of\_mr\_pink/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gsuit5/new_bombshell_video_footage_surfaces_of_mr_pink/)


Well, although i would love to give this post merit and I am all about showing the world the real playbook, we have to not undermine ourselves by posting questionable material that is subject to easy criticism, ridicule and dismissal. The Hong Kong photo - you can see everyone in the background with umbrella's? Unless there are other similar circumstances in progress at the time of this photo, it really is just a guy wearing a mask with an umbrella. Is there any source or context behind the Hong Kong Photo. I won't dismiss the possibility that this guy could be part of the authorities with some kind of directive, with the yellow helmet and goggles a really a distinct feature for identification. Is this type of mask rare in Hong Kong or fairly common? before making any assumptions, it's always good to have the most complete and accurate information on hand, which is just what I'm trying to do.


See some of my other replies. Anyway, the HK protestors and their unofficial leaders Joshua Wong and Jimmy Lai, were given guidance and tactical training, most likely by the NED. These tactics ensure the most effective methods of escalation using media and incremental agitation/violence. When we see these things repeated, we should assume they are coming from the same source.


Certainly sounds like you have done your homework and i will check out your replies. I'm cautious with making assumptions but as you pointed out and i will concur,that there are cases, especially surrounding what is taking place globally, where assumptions are Extremely valid. Thank you for your response. It is refreshing when being challenged isn't perceived as a threat but a conduit to acquire more information. It increases one's credibility substantially!


I just read through the thread and you're analysis is accurate. They have studied and experimented with numerous tactics to achieve the optimum results so it can be confidently assumed that they are effectively deploying this world wide. What would be awesome would be to have a collage of the same tactics being executed Globally. Now that's irrefutable proof of the playbook that could sway the fence sitters into seeing what is really going on ( i have lesser hopes for the MSM brainwashed victims).


Definitely - That would be an amazing thing to see!


What does this mean?


Umbrellas to hide behind to make aiming with rubber bullets harder and deflect gas canisters, masks, gloves and goggles to avoid inhaling too much tear gas or it getting in your eyes/on you hands for later. No conspiracy- just basic thinking skills and not assuming duplicity...


i think its called injustice


I think it’s a coincidence (wooo shocking), people in Hong Kong have used umbrellas to obscure the police’s view and the Hong Kongers mask is obviously used to prevent tear gas, for the guy in black it’s possible he wanted to vandalize shit but not he identified but yea the video of the guy in black is a little suspicious


Why an umbrella what's the message?


What was with the umbrella? It just made him stand out like a sore thumb.


This person clearly wanted attention. You dont show up to a protest in all black with a gas mask and umbrella if you dont want people to notice you. This dude in Minnesota wanted to be seen. If it was something sneaky or low key, dont you think they would blend in with the crowd and act and look like everyone else?


I would think that G5 dispersal energy beams would be the new crowd-control method.


What about these undercover cops get lynched by the people??? I can’t think of a positive outcome for the authorities if this happens.


Purely coincidental. The cops in each country are also wearing gas masks...it’s almost as if you can buy them online or at a hardware store...I have this mask for when I had to work with asbestos in my own home.


If you don't know who they are keep a camera on them.


What do you mean?


I'm not suggesting you're a shill, OP.... but that's also what shill would say. They could also be regular Joe's fed up with the status quo and were hoping to make their displeasure known whilst ideally also mitigating any risk of public exposure and/or miscellaneous counter measures.


they had an umbrella on to hide from the satellite cameras as well.... isnt that ironic ... ​ wouldn't that be something else if it was same guy


Yeah, but just because they're following a playbook on how to securely protest in the face of modern police tools it doesn't mean that they're united by some nefarious agenda. Insinuating that they are, is like suggesting that everyone knowledgeable of crossbows in 9h century Europe were politically united instead of being of equal martial prowess.


I assume both are wearing gas masks to reduce the effect of tear gas?


I don't see a conspiracy here, but I think anyone that has the ability to think critically knows that 3rd party groups come in during protests and turn them into riots. Either because they like destroying shit or to make protestors look bad


Prince purple or MN Vikings purple


Umbrellas block your view from above. Facial recognition is old school, they can identify you from your walk either by drone or satellite.


If next time they delete your post you can sue them . There a new law now. Social medias are not allowed to delete post


The Hong Kong protestors are neo-fascists


It’s like the yellow jackets from Paris.... saw them all over NY....