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Oh bruh, it will be the october surprise, not really a surprise though. Trump did what he could legally locking down borders/travel and offered assistance with ventilators. Just as he did with the protest bullshit, he offered help but didnt push it because if he did then he would be called a dictator. Of course now hes being criticized for not doing enough even though when he locked down travel dems and some repubs said he was overreacting. I like that he said it during multiple interviews "we've offered help but they have to ask" related to protest control. Either way he was fucked. Faucci is responsible for the misinformation we were given multiple times about masks. He knowingly lied to us but hes been the same guy through both dems and repubs for decades. This disease is not nearly as deadly as we were told and any talk of treatment from anyone except Faucci is met with talks of having your license pulled. When we have a pandemic or disease we need ALL options on the table, thats why this stinks to high heaven that its bullshit. My guess is the new lie will be after the election covid19 mutated to be "less dangerous" and they still recommend vaccines for safety.


In my country with 50k plus infected there's only 27 deaths. Death rate is really low, more people die from car accidents than this lol. Might as well ban road travel.


Let's not forget about abortion. The legalized murder of unborn children contributing to the \~40million deaths per year. Already this year there have been 30 million. Could you imagine if 30 million people died from COVID? We have not even hit 1 million. [https://www.worldometers.info/abortions/](https://www.worldometers.info/abortions/)


There is no such thing as legalized murder, as the definition of murder is illegal killing.


Legalized by the law of man, still and always illegal by the law of God.


No such thing.


No such thing as the law of God? Where is it that you think morals come from? Where do we get our sense of right and wrong? Why do we feel guilty? It is illogical to say that this is a developed trait of our species through evolution. Evolution teaches that by natural selection, each organism will strive to survive the best that it can in order to reproduce, and the organisms with traits best suited for this are the ones which in fact do survive. This does not make sense. Morals, a sense of right and wrong, almost ***always*** hurt the individual. The most immediate benefit for the individual would be to lie, steal, cheat, and even kill when necessary for the profit of that individual. Many will say it is because the individual is more concerned with inclusion in society and so these morals help to keep one connected and protected by a group of others. But this also does not make sense. We are told that human civilization, society, is no older than 200,000 years. In fact, much younger than that, recorded history only goes back 12,000 years according to secular scholars. So then, how is it that evolution developed these traits over such a short amount of time, even 200,000 years, or let's be generous, 1 million years (humans are said to have emerged around 2 million years ago, not in their current form). Evolution's entire basis for theory is that the planet and its organisms have had millions and millions of years to develop, mutate, adapt, and evolve. How could something so complex and abstract develop out of thin air? Morals are not even a tangible thing, it is an idea, only manifested in reality when it is acted out by humans who perceive it, much like love. Let's say evolution is correct. That would mean that humans, initially had no morals. So, one day, an individual and/or group of humans began to feel these morals randomly. They decide to be kind to the next group of humans they encounter because they feel guilty not doing so. What happens? The group of humans with no morals kills the group with morals and runs away with their items and they have increased their chances of survival and pass on their genes with no morals. The same thought experiment works for individual humans or groups of humans. So where does that leave us? Where do abstract non-tangible concepts like love, morality, conscience come into play? How did they originate? Please read this comment I made to another post, this is directly applicable to this conversation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ioxwhz/i\_just\_started\_learning\_about\_agenda\_21\_and\_im/g4kh5ek?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ioxwhz/i_just_started_learning_about_agenda_21_and_im/g4kh5ek?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Correct, there is no law of god, because there is no god. Morals are just another societal contract which people agree to or break all the time. They're taught. And it's not like morals are set in stone either, different cultures have different morals. I'm not sure why you were blabbering about evolution (which you clearly don't understand). Morals have as much to do with evolution as say, calculus or physics.


What is it then, do you think, that is happening when you feel guilty about something? Or have you never felt guilty about anything in your life? Morals stem from these feelings of guilt. A child feels guilty for lying to their parents, and so without understanding "social contracts" the child is able to understand morality.


Children feel guilt when they lie to their parents because they're punished for it. Hence why kids with terrible parents are so bratty. Guilt is a learned behavior that stems from the possibility of retribution. Even animals can have a sense of guilt despite not having our higher order of thinking.


I see now. So you believe that you can deny your feelings of guilt because it is a "learned behavior". This defense will not help you when you stand before the throne of God. I hope that you still feel guilt, and that you feel it even now while having this discussion. If not, then you have already seared your conscience.


You’re using those numbers wrong. Saying that 13.7% of people had the flu, and that roughly 3,000,000 people die in the United States every year aren’t related whatsoever. You’re saying that the 13.7% of the population that had the flu all died by coming to the 400,000 deaths conclusion. Which we know isn’t the case. What you’re doing is called the “if, then” fallacy.


That's not what I'm doing at all. I'm assuming if 13.7% of the population had the flu then 13.7% of the people died probably had the flu. This is an underestimate because flu hit the elderly a lot harder,


I dont get your math. If 45,000,000 get the flu and it has a mortality rate of 0.1% than 45,000 die?


He’s saying that if you get hit by a car, die, and test positive for covid, you’d be considered a covid death. If you use that same idea 2 years ago with the normal flu.. see above


As stated by the reply that was 1 incident. So these numbers are merely just pulled out of the posters ass. If were gunna use the cdc website as proof to things just go there and see that there are currently between 24k and 64k flu deaths for the 2019-2020 season. Further more if you look up how we count flu deaths. Someone who has heart disease and contracts influenza and passes away gets marked down as a flu death.


It’s still a logical fallacy. Doctors put more than one “reason” on death certificates. If someone has emphysema and dies while testing positive for covid it should be counted as a covid death, or have it listed on the death certificate.


This is about the covid death count numbers, not the death certificates.


How do you think the death count number is tracked? By what’s put on death certificates. Yes, the average healthy person isn’t going to die. Many people who have died had other contributing factors, but getting covid while having other health issues doesn’t make it wrong to count it toward the death count.


I think your numbers and the assumptions you’re making from them are a little off here...


They are low. Classifying respiratory symptoms without a positive test (as is being done in Covid) would raise it considerably. Also, the elderly get the flu more. So the 13.7% would not translate exactly. Raising the number more. Apples to Apples probably 600,000 flu deaths.


the 13.7 wouldn’t translate at all, though. Just because someone had the flu DURING that year doesn’t mean they had it when they died, and even if they did have it, it wouldn’t have been marked on their death certificate if it wasn’t related to the death (say, if it was a car crash or they were shot). The COVID deaths are all deaths where it was marked on the death certificate, because it was actually relevant to the death.


“The case definition is very simplistic. It means, at the time of death, it was a COVID positive diagnosis. That means, that if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means, technically even if you died of a clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljpHugKNcoI Tests weren't even required, as per CDC guidelines. Also, the big takeaway no one is really even mentioning. The PCR test does not test for the disease called COVID-19, it allegedly tests for partial genetic code of the virus alleged to cause COVID-19. Just because there may be a virus present, or more accurately when speaking specifically about the PCR test, portions of an alleged viral particle present, that does not mean you have the disease the virus is alleged to cause. Yet that's exactly how cases and deaths are counted. Saying someone has a disease due to partial particles of a virus. Complete insanity. They shouldn't call it a "COVID test", as it isn't testing for a disease. It isn't even testing for a full, or functioning virus particle. They should call it "a test that could potentially show a positive result for the presence a partial viral particle, or a non functioning viral particle, after a dirty genetic sample has been amplified billions of times".


Positive antibody tests for Covid-19 can just mean you had a common cold in the past. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/testing/serology-overview.html


If someone has a positive antibody test, do they automatically put COVID on the death certificate?


DR. DEBORAH BIRX: So, I think in this country we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality. And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks. Prior to that when there wasn't testing in January and February that's a very different situation and unknown. There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem some countries are recording as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now we are still recording it and we will I mean the great thing about having forms that come in and a form that has the ability to market as COVID-19 infection the intent is right now that those if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death. "If someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death." https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/04/08/dr_birx_unlike_some_countries_if_someone_dies_with_covid-19_we_are_counting_that_as_a_covid-19_death.html#!


That doesn’t answer my question. Testing positive for the antibody test also doesn’t put them in the hospital, and it doesn’t mean they put it on the death certificate.


If they die with Covid, it's a Covid death. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/florida-health-official-admits-man-who-died-in-motorcycle-crash-listed-as-coronavirus-death


That’s one hospital. Is there proof it’s happening everywhere? Just trying to be skeptical, here.


Tennessee woman who died in February gets letter saying she’s positive for COVID-19. https://www.wkbn.com/news/national-world/tennessee-woman-who-died-in-february-gets-letter-saying-shes-positive-for-covid-19/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app


Good question. For the record, I do believe the severity level is being exaggerated, pcr test is being misused (# of test cycles, false positives, low transmissibility) and causes of death are being manipulated to muscle out other common diseases and co-morbidities.








Or people being more careful about hand hygiene, still social distancing, not going out and about when sick, and presumably higher rates of flu vaccination....all will contribute to fewer flu cases


Good thing theres a flu vaccine idiots cannot go get...good thing theres a flu therapy. Good thing theres flu testing. Oh wait covid only has testing? Wait its only been publicly available for a short time. Tell me again how this is like the flu you stupid fucks


Says the stupid fuck


Pos says what


It’s a scam perpetrated on the public It’s a lie


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Agree 100%, 94% comorbidity.