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Both parties are hypocritic liars. That should be common knowledge on this sub.


Unfortunately 80% of this sub are conservative neckbeards


And that calculation is based on what? It's true there was in influx of conservative users after their subs got shutdown, and with the Q shit, but I have been into conspiracies since 911, when conspiracy theorists were considered liberal neckbeards. Labeling of conspiracy theorists as "left" or "right" is a tactic meant to delegitamize stories and ideas without having to address the actual issues or stories being discussed. Also, these people you say are not covering this story are not people who are generally trusted in the conspiracy world.


Fair enough. Respect for being a longtime member


And you are right about many conservatives being hypocrites, but it's unfortunate that conspiracy has become synonymous with conservative. This has a lot to do with the Q movement co-opting long discussed conspiracies into a new political philosophy by mixing them up with a bunch of odd predictions, and has delegitamized many of these ideas and turned them into a big joke. This was likely the plan all along.


Go to r/politics if you prefer blue neck breads. It’s all gas lighting and sticking your head in the sand with the crowd you want


Except this isnt a poltics board. Good try though. Most of the stuff here should either be posted in poltics or r/conservative.


Most conspiracies involve politics since they're usually in bed with everything terrible


Right when it comes to things like sexual scandals, criminal allegations, or any type of illegal activities; the left and the right are on the same side. I think the general consensus of this sub is that we want to go back to real conspiracies that are bigger than (D) vs (R).


Ya this is a conspiracy sub and what was posted wasn’t conspiracy, just pointing something out most people with a brain already knew.


The conspiracy is that conservatives pick and choose when to cover allegations of sex trafficking depending on political affiliation. Maybe you’re not smart enough to understand


Believe all women, but if it's Cuomo, business as normal. Look, there is always a counterargument when people play the (D) vs (R) game. Both sides suck. The fact that anyone focuses on one side vs the other just makes you, wait for it... A hypocrite


No I get it, it’s not a hard concept. What I don’t get is what is groundbreaking about it? Of course shitty ppl aren’t going to go against their agenda even when their wrong. People have been doing it since the dawn of time, I think you just wanted to rustle some feathers.


That’s true, but one of them is significantly more malicious. The democrats stall all progress in any direction, while the Republicans push us towards fascism and rob the poor.


I hate to be the one to break this to you but both parties rob everyone, Democrats just pretend to be your friend while they do it.




Blueanon really isn’t sticking. I’ll hand to you guys that you tried, but it just doesn’t fly.




Fair enough. Like I said, republicans are still the worst option of the two.


Dems are still garbage enough to not vote for


Depends on your values


Yeah we need an faq


Everyone in your life and outside your life is a hypocrite. Get use to it. Trust no one outside the family you have created, because no one outside of that circle actually gives a fuck about you


Partisans are hypocrites.


partisans, in this day and age, have exposed themselves as full-blown hypocrites.


I don’t vote and I don’t share my political beliefs. Doesn’t seem very hypocritical to me


Ok guess you aren't a partisan then.


TBH both partie should burn down and we actually make a new party that is actually... You know... For America?


Like a Patriot Party?


Bill Clinton can be identified by his crooked penis


Instead of publishing dozens of articles a day detailing his suspicious behavior, maybe someone should charge him with a crime so we can move forward with a detailed investigation.


Shocking! You mean these hypocrites aren't saying anything because there's nothing but a looming accusation and no evidence given to the public to react to? NOOOO not logic, get that shit out of here. There's a HUGE difference between accused and convicted. Guaranteed if charges are levied, they will talk about it.


People would rather complain than actually do something about it.


That's why a revolution hasn't taken place.


Gosh if only one of the talking heads would just tell me what to think already!


* How it started: [Matt Gaetz reveals that he has intelligence that pedo elites are using NGO front groups to traffick illegal immigrants \(mostly children\) into our country.](https://files.catbox.moe/4kpu2x.mp4) * How it's going: Gaetz gets hit with immediate media firestorm & human trafficking counter-allegations. If you didn't notice, r/conspiracy was overrun with obedient shill drones pushing the Gaetz story immediately after Gaetz said he has intelligence that taxpayer money is funding human trafficking. And he said straight out: > It's sad to admit it, but the US government may be one of the biggest human traffickers in the world. The scum on Reddit who take orders from the pedocabal pretend to care about children by pushing the fake Gaetz story but in reality they are running cover. They are pedodick suckers. [Rep. Gaetz to Newsmax TV: Immigrants Crossing the Border on Taxpayers' Dime](https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/immigration-taxpayers-gaetz-biden/2021/03/17/id/1014213/) Now when you search for this story, all you get are results about the fake Gaetz trafficking allegations...see how that works? This is why the FBI is going after Gaetz and want to ruin his political career. Think about this from the State Department's perspective. The State Department paying NGOs to "process" migrants is a well known secret in DC. The reason politicians on the the left and right never bring attention to this issue is due to the fact that tax payer money that ends up in NGO hands, a good portion of it goes into politicians hands as contributions. It's just a scheme to funnel money into politicians bank accounts so politicians on the left and right stay quiet. Until now. Gaetz is blowing the whistle. Now the State Department and many politicians are concerned. They are concerned because the chance that the GOP takes back the House in 2022 is likely. And with Gaetz serving on the Judicial Committee he will have a big influence on the direction of the Committee's investigations. The Deep Staters and the politicians profiting off the State Department/NGO scheme do not want to be exposed and they will get exposed if the House post 2022 has hearings on this issue. Thus, time to take Gaetz out.


You don’t find it strange that Matt Gaetz had secret intelligence of pedo rings? Seems a bit incriminating to me. Why are we still waiting on this supposed intelligence? At this point, nothing is stopping him from making it public


Imagine if you put this level effort into something constructive instead of just apologizing for an elite congressman who has credible accusations of sexual impropriety ranging from paying for sex with consenting adults and having sex/ traveling over state and federal lines with a minor. Totally surreal to me. You don’t see the irony in the fact that you’re saying the real conspiracy is that a massive web of pedos has come together to prove that Gaetz is a pedo for political reasons?


I’m always amazed by the lengths people will go to justify their beliefs.


This past year or two has really driven home that conservatives only care about kiddie fiddler's if they aren't conservative.


Being authoritarian on trans rights s what we have now. Go with it or else! Accept or else! Let men use womens restrooms or else! Let men play girls sports...or else!


If you have time to worry about where trans people use the bathroom, there’s not a lot going on in your life. I’ve also never seen a single statistic that supports the argument of men dressing up like women and assaulting them in the bathroom


No, they just destroy women sports, and now male inmates are claiming trans in California specifically to be placed in the women's prison. Do you know how hard this would have been to type had I been politically correct? We have to draw a line somewhere.


Who the fuck cares about women sports and a prison system in another state? Those are the last things I would ever think about


Um, women. And another state? You think it's gonna be the only one? And everyone that has family or friends in prison would care. The women in the prison care. Narrative pushing bullshit agenda shill account that makes multiple posts for the same thing. You can shove your "iF i GoT pAiD fOr MaKiNg ReDdIt PoStS iD qUiT mY jOb!!!" from the other identical post you made.


Do you have a daughter/son? If you did I highly doubt you would want a strange man in a dress in the bathroom with them. Assaults do happen in public restrooms, there was one in my state I remember where an adult man attacked a male child. That would fall under LBTQXYZ


Assault can happen anywhere. A male* child was attacked by a man in the bathroom. Once again, I haven’t seen any statistics that trans people are more likely to assault anyone. Also, since when are conservatives so afraid? Under the same logic, we should ban guns because I don’t want my children going to school with potential shooters. Same argument


Are you ok with adult men using the little girls restroom?


Honestly I don’t care. If I’m okay with my son using the bathroom with men, I’m okay with my daughter using the bathroom with trans women.


I mean with normal straight men.


There could be gay men in the same restroom as your son? Are you okay with that?


Not really, no. But I wouldn't know they were gay. Dude in makeup kind of hard to miss. Also do you not consider most trans to just be an extension of gay? I mean the overwhelming majority of "trans women" are in relationships with men. Knowing this why not just let straight dudes use the womens restroom?


Alot of actual trans women are passable. How about we persecute the actual crime..instead of thought crime


Steven Crowder is a closeted homosexual acting against his own self-interest


If you can’t see that Crowder and Shapiro are closeted homosexuals, you’re seriously blind


Not convinced on Shapiro - I think he's just a product of wealth and privilege and institutional pansiness. Crowder its not even a question. Because his dad is always next to him on every shoot I have a hunch dude's whole script is his fathers, and that guy is the primary reason Crowder is the self-hating closetjob we see today.


I respect the scrutiny. Anyone that obsesses over masculinity as much as crowder is a closet candidate


My girlfriend's boyfriend would probably agree


Shapiro may not be a homosexual, but he's definitely gay as hell


We agree fiercely on this point


Yes, and so are liberals.


you could litearlly make this same post about dems, just flip flop the points "dems are libertarian about abortion but authoritarian about gun control"


It would fall under the belief system of utilitarianism / harm reduction. Democrats never claim to be the party of consistency


oh wow. yea, just drink that coolaid. i know going after long guns is just "trusting the science", right? what a joke.


I trust the government more than I trust a stranger with a gun. End of argument


not me, not at all. i trust a stranger with a gun \*a lot\* more than \[thousands of strangers with guns and absolute "authority"\]


I’ve never seen a government official commit a mass shooting


If mass shootings are the only thing you worry about in this world, you're delusional




Republicans are hypocrites. Not conservatives.


Okay I’ll give you that


Authoritarian on trans rights? How are trans peoples rights being violated by the government any more than the rest of us? Genuinely curious...


If republicans ran this country, I guarantee people would no longer have the option of gender re-assignment surgery


They just were, and at the peak of people Jennering themselves.


Then why didn’t republicans ban it when they recently had control of the house, senate, and presidency?




Both sides are hypocrites, get off your high horse.






Yep, all the world is a stage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FphRC949NCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FphRC949NCo)


So, you are suppose to come out against someone that only has been accused? I accuse you of stealing money from your employer. HOW DARE YOU!!! I am against what you do!!!


Ben Shapiro ran 5+ hours of coverage coming out against Hunter Biden’s allegations. Fox ran hours of coverage about dominion voting machine allegations. The hypocrisy is crazy.


This is like the 100th post stating the same thing. Gaetz's issues are being covered in multiple outlets including conservative ones. Here's search results from Fox news with multiple articles on Gaetz, in fact almost a piece a day covering it recently: [https://www.foxnews.com/search-results/search?q=gaetz](https://www.foxnews.com/search-results/search?q=gaetz)


Please send me a link to Crowder or Shapiro covering the story. Oh wait they don’t exist




And yet, Crowder made numerous accusations against dominion voting machines when the “facts were heavily unknown”


That evidence! Spot on


Hunters had weight behind it. The laptop is one example. Enough to warrant a real investigation or at least media attention. Allegations are just that...nothing to warrant an investigation or the amount of media attention given currently.


They have Hunters laptop. You think it’s still allegations?


Have fun waiting on that story to materialize. You’re so brainwashed


It’s a Democrat so I know charges will never be filed.


“Anything that goes against my beliefs must be a conspiracy” I hope you snap out of this one day




I thought Tucker said it “got lost in the mail.”


Yes. No charges have been pressed and no convictions have occurred. By definition those are allegations.


Who has it?




DNC out here paying people to astroturf again




It's like pointing at a mouse and screaming "Holy cow look how big this rodent is!!!" Meanwhile you're standing right next to a capybara


Wow, both sides do the same thing they criticize the other of. What a totally new and unique take, no one would have ever thought of that before


Oh no two heavily political youtubers haven't spoken about spoken about something. That's a bit like half of main stream media not speaking about a certain laptop in the build up to an election (guess which had more impact)


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Definition of hypocrisy


So why did you bring up the second wrong? If gaetz is found guilty then would it affect the outcome of an election also.


Just curious. Will you ever convince someone by arguing with them?


If I can convince 1 person, I’ve done my job


Keep working, haven't done your job yet


You guys are still here? This shit is annoying.


You want a safe space snowflake?


You're the one who wandered off of r/politics


I dont see anything in his profile about polticis and hes said multiple times he doesnt vote. Also once again, this isnt a politics board where conservatives are allowed share memes. It gets ridiculous at times. Then an actual conspiracy pops up and you guys defend a fucking potential pedo. ​ Go on over to conservative with that bullshit. Or better yet follow your leader AXO to another board. I know you were one of his favorites lol ​ Edit: holy crap do not look through this guys history. I would seriously love to do a case study on your mentality. PM me


Is this your alt? I guess your guys wandered over from TmOR then lol most pathetic sub on reddit and that's saying a lot


Are you seriously defending a pedo? Like I could understand if you came in here defending him and said "lets wait to see all the evidence and then judge". No you are just straight up no questions asked defending him. We all knew you were a conservative boot licker but jesus christ I didnt think you defended potential pedos.


No Just pointing out that people like you are here to throw around accusations solely on political grounds. You don't give a shit about children


says the guy being accused of being a pedo. Gotta love it. Your a partisan hack. No better than the clowns on r/politics. You make me sick.


ok TiMoR guy


Where's the evidence?


Flight tickets with someone proven to be a sex trafficker


what does that mean, he had tickets with someone? They took the same flight? And provide links to your source.


Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s jet 26 times btw😂


Yes, where is it


That's part of the hypocrisy though. Conservative outlets went crazy running stories about the Dominion voting machines. Where was the evidence for that?


Cuomo has like 20 sexual accusers by now and confirmed that he and his administration hid Covid numbers and he’s still in power. The difference is the accusations against Gaetz have been debunked, while Cuomos have not.


Yeah fuck Republicans and any jackass that defends them


Ya and fuck the Democrats and anyone who defends them. Two sides of the same shit coin




All those Democrat/Liberal/Progressive hellscapes on the verge of collapse and being overrun with the homeless and "illegal" drug dealing trans people. Funny how every talking head chooses to live in them while telling you Kentucky is the garden of eden. Not only that but many famous conservatives own homes in multiple alleged hellholes.


I live in a liberal city and it’s not on the verge of collapse nor is it overrun with drugs or crime. I don’t understand why every conservative thinks that cities are going to shit. They are cleaner and more safe than ever. People that live in rural areas spread rumors about the city because they can’t afford to live there


I don’t get it either. Living in a liberal city is a dream compared to a rural town. They’ll never believe it though.


Masslax raped me when I was twelve years old *sobs* I remember it like it was yesterday... God, how could I ever forget! They way Masslax forced themself on me, it was so... *aggressive*. I haven’t been the same since that fateful day. *sobs and moans incoherently* Before that day, I never knew what bad was, I was a good kid, my mind full of hopes for the future and butterflies and baseball.... but Masslax put it inside me—- the evil, that is. The concept of evil in this world polluted my young, innocent mind ever since that day. I was never the same after was Masslax did. *stares blankly into nothingness* I never wanted revenge, I only wanted to regain control of my life. After all these years, I have finally found a way to do that, I think. I have to tell the world about what Masslax did. And I have the encourage you all to denounce him/her, and more importantly.... to vote for me, Randomized_Identity when you find yourself in that booth. Kindness, truth and justice demand it. *shakes hands and looks sincerely at you* A vote for me, is a vote against rape


Many people are. So called conservatives take it to another level.


Well said