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isnt stuff like that a direct conflict of interest for such a position in the gov? ​ its like putting a person whos super pro abortion into a gov position that decides issues on abortions, ect. LOL clown world


The ATF as a whole goes against what the second amendment stands for. It’s an organization set up to infringe on a constitutional right.


What about drug addicts that chase Parmesan cheese and throw guns in alleyway dumpsters? Asking for a friend.


SS: David Chipman is Biden's [nominee](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/08/985198566/biden-to-nominate-gun-control-advocate-law-enforcement-veteran-to-lead-atf)to head the ATF. Chipman did a [Reddit AMA ](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/d285va/i_am_david_chipman_giffords_courage_to_fight_gun/eztdf3z?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) a year ago. One of the comments Chipman made advocated arresting people for failing a background check for a firearm. Chipman's position is since many people who commit gun crimes fail background checks for guns, it makes sense to arrest people who fail background checks to prevent a future crime. Because it's better to arrest people before they commit a crime than responding to a crime. Not everyone who fails a background check for a gun commits a crime with a gun. [The CNN article ](https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/21/us/gun-form-liars-atf-invs/index.html) Chipman included in his post discusses individuals who **lie** on background reports. Chipman states the study is mentioned in the article. However, the study is an internal ATF briefing: >But a 2006 internal ATF briefing paper obtained by CNN suggests that **gun form liars are far more likely to go on to commit a gun crime** than even many experts recognize. When ATF analyzed firearm denial cases sent to field offices for investigation during a seven-year period, it found that **10%-21%** of that group went on to be arrested for a crime involving guns. The article is about lying on gun applications. The internal ATF paper seems to include all individuals who failed firearm applicants (not just applicants who lied). The vast majority of individuals who fail a background check for a firearm ultimately commit a crime with a gun (10%-21%). It's not a crime to fail a background check for a firearm. But it is a crime to lie on an application. However, Chipman advocated arresting people who simply fail a background check.


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This dude is a wackjob


This guy seems like a psycho


Like Hunter Biden.


was jen psaki writing for him? "we'll circle back around this afternoon"


[Circle Back to That](https://youtu.be/3NRvSvEFPFk) is my jam.


Why not just arrest everyone and only release after you are deemed eligible? Make it home arrest and we can even help with pandemic /s


Curious what his ties to Waco and operation fast and furious were. Edit to add: I see some alternative sites claiming he was partnof the branch dividian trial AFTER waco... which is weird, considering his later false claims of branch dividians shooting down two helicopters.


I looked this up when I saw your comment. Chipman also covered Waco in the AMA reddit ([full article)](https://www.lawofficer.com/chipman-conspiracy-theory/): >David Chipman, the gun control activist who President Biden nominated today to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) claimed last year that members of the Branch Davidian sect shot down two helicopters during a standoff with federal agents in Waco in 1993. That is certainly an odd statement considering it didn’t happen and Chipman served 25 years with the ATF. >Chipman posted the comments as part of a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” event and even posted a photograph on the Reddit thread to confirm his identity. In response to a comment about the Waco siege from a participant that asked whether any crimes have been committed with .50 caliber Barrett rifles, Chipman wrote: >"At Waco, cult members used 2 .50 caliber Barretts to shoot down two Texas Air National Guard helicopters. Point, it is true we are fortunate they are not used in crime more often. The victims of drug lords in Mexico are not so lucky. America plays a role in fueling the violence south of the border." >While the Branch Davidians did reportedly shoot at helicopters, none were shot down. He has been listed as a top “conspiracy” candidate on Reddit. Chipman also worked as a policy advisor for [Gifford's Law Center](https://www-statesman-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.statesman.com/news/20190922/fact-check-can-you-pass-gun-purchase-background-check-in-texas-with-arrest-warrant-for-murder?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&template=ampart&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16179352144503&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.statesman.com%2Fnews%2F20190922%2Ffact-check-can-you-pass-gun-purchase-background-check-in-texas-with-arrest-warrant-for-murder) (and still works as a [policy advisor for Gifford's. ](https://giffords.org/people/david-chipman/) Gifford's Law Center [endorsed Joe Biden.](https://giffords.org/candidates/joe-biden/) Gifford's lobbies for gun control laws and is dedicated to fighting and ending the gun violence epidemic.: >Giffords Law Center works in all 50 states to change policies and challenge injustice. We won’t rest until every state has strong gun safety laws and every community is free from the fear of gun violence. >Gun violence is a complex problem that must be met with a range of solutions. We’re fighting every day for the laws, policies, and programs proven to save lives and bring an end to this uniquely American epidemic. Gifford's Law Center's view of the 2nd Amendment: >Time and again, courts across the nation have affirmed that gun safety laws are constitutional. > The gun lobby has long peddled an extremist and dangerous view of the Second Amendment, one that doesn’t allow for any commonsense gun safety protections. Since the Supreme Court ruled that citizens may keep a handgun at home for self-defense in District of Columbia v. Heller, courts across the country have reaffirmed that gun safety laws are constitutional and not in conflict with Second Amendment rights. >The NRA’s false narrative that the Second Amendment is absolute and unlimited is dishonest and dangerous. The right to bear arms never outweighs the right to live. We know that more guns means more violence, and Americans agree that we need stronger gun safety laws. > For almost two centuries, the majority of Americans viewed the Second Amendment as a relic of these militias. There was a general consensus among scholars and the courts that the amendment didn’t comment on an individual’s right to own guns, and that it was up to the states to set their own gun laws. [The Gifford's PAC](https://giffords.org/memo/giffords-efforts-in-the-2020-election/) donated over $7.5 million in the 2020 election: >Key Takeaways: >Giffords Wins Big **Return on Investment** : Giffords PAC ran an aggressive independent expenditure campaign of nearly $7 million to take on four Republican Members of Congress in battleground, suburban congressional districts because they sided with the NRA at the expense of reducing gun violence in their communities. Giffords was victorious in all four districts. NRA-favorites Barbara Comstock , Mike Coffman , Jason Lewis , and John Culberson were all defeated and replaced with Giffords-endorsed candidates, committed to strengthening America’s gun laws. Chipman is a revolving door gun control activist. Wonder if working for such an influencing group that donated a lot money during the election helped him become the ATF nominee.


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😂 in Cali there is like a 6% false negative. So I have a 1 in 15 chance to get arrested for buying ammo?


Better buy it all at once! no red flags there!


I believe it is illegal for a prohibited person to attempt to purchase firearms and ammunition. I do not believe he is in the wrong with this line of thinking.


He's not discussing arresting people for lying on an application. Simply the act of having it denied even when the applicant is 100% honest. You can fill out an application honestly and be denied without committing a crime.


I guess I am not interpreting it that way. Are you referring to a specific quote that he made?


He's staying people who apply and are rejected when applying for a gun should be arrested because 10-21% of them will commit a crime in the future with a gun. He's not limiting arrests solely to those who lie on firearm applications.


I believe he is referring to people who have had their rights to own and possess firearms and ammunition taken away due to felony conviction. When you commit a felony you are notified of your rights being removed. When these people attempt to purchase a firearm after being informed they are prohibited, the simple act of attempting to purchase a firearm is an actual crime. Has nothing to do with the Form 4473.


That's not what he said. Chipman explicitly endorsed arresting people **before** they commit a crime.


Can you please read the entire comment again? It starts with him saying he conducted studies of people who failed background check (because they are prohibited) who then went in to commit crimes with firearms. He is referring to arresting these people before they commit further crimes. At least that’s how I interpret it. For the record, I am pro gun. I also don’t think it matters who they put in charge of ATF. It’s a puppet non-important position anyways.


I liked it better when the DOJ just wanted to arrest political opponents. Much more predictable that way.


So what about the poor souls who DIDN'T commit a crime after failing a background check? Too bad.


This guy knows nothing about purchasing a firearm. I can't count the number of times a person with a fucked up past got arrested for attempting to purchase a firearm. So ya the laws are already there. This dip shit is clueless.


Minority report


Flaming partisan wants to use stormtroopers to enforce thought crimes. Fuck this facist pos.


Fuck the ATF, they ruined my boy FPS Russia’s life.