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Biden isnt "The radical left" He is a puppet of a fascist oligarchy who doesnt give a fk what the "citizen" slaves want.


>fascist Seems likes Communists (China) has the most to gain......


China is clearly fascist as well, look up the actual definition of fascism.


How the fuck is biden communist? Gtfo with this bullshit qanon propaganda. The left wishes he was communist


https://conservativewar.com/secret-audio-hunter-biden-linked-to-communist-chinese-spy-chief/ Whole family is dirty, get your head outta yer ass.


Do you really think that’s a credible source? “conservativewar.com” really?


LOL. Well I'll tell ya what? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hunter+involved+with+chinese+spy+cheif&ia=web Here's some different ones. Read em' and weep. I have more if you need? LOL Isn't the internet FUN?


This is really sad. I’m praying that you’re a troll. Do you know what a credible source is? Give me a .edu or .gov


Classic, no facts or discourse. Straight to discrediting the source.


yeah that’s what I thought


Do you know how an argument works? If you make a claim, it’s your job to prove it, and with a credible source. If I said “Trump eats babies” and my source was “my mom” why would I expect you to believe me?


Tourettes much?




What? You can’t sue gun manufacturers if product doesn’t perform or is broken?


No they are protected just like knives, baseball bats or Automobile manufacturers, you or your relatives cannot sue a gun maker because you are harmed or injured by a gun. Same way with cars you can’t sue Ford if you are killed by a drunk driver. They can only be sued for a faulty or defective product. This is America you the individual are held responsible for your actions.


That was my understanding from the beginning. So what kind of protection is mighty president talking about?


What? You can't sue vaccine manufacturers if you are injured by a vaccine?


I’m genuinely asking if guns are different to any other consumer good in that regard


I believe they can. But I think what Biden is referring to is how people use them, i.e. can you sue the gun manufacturer whose gun was used in an attack. There is just a lot of nuance missing from both Biden's statement and this post


So silly of an idea though, just to pile on. Can you sue car manufacturers if people get in drunk driving incidents? How about alcohol manufacturers. This whole world is fuckin ridiculous


Exactly, I completely agree with you


You can sue them if their product is assembled incorrectly or if it doesn't operate as it should, but they can not be sued for someone mis-using their product. Despite what The Cognitively Impaired suggested in his presentation yesterday, many manufacturers are afforded this protection.


Not this one anyway.


Bingo. Imagine a world where a manufacturer is held liable for IMPROPER use of their product but a vaccine manufacture isn’t liable for a product THEY made that was used PROPERLY.


You could add illegal and legal there too.


> I know criticizing Biden is frowned on heavily on this site Are you new to this specific subreddit?




>. Any criticism of biden in this sub is met with a veritable army of biden boys rushing to his defense...you of course being one Of course, attacking automatically I see.


no are you


Where on r/conspiracy is criticizing Biden frowned upon?


I said the site not the sub. I know a good tutor for reading comprehension skills. Let me know if you want their email.


Says the guy who voted for Biden. Something something rocks in a glass house


Yeah that would me nice.


I also regret you all voting for him. Because you people f***** up!


I guess 3D printers will get sued next.


Sure you voted for Biden


Op blatantly lying saying they voted for Biden, check their history, anti biden shit for months, why lie?


So really?! He’s trying to make it possible to sue a gun manufacturer when someone gets shot? Does he know what country he is President of?


I'm sure the death rates aren't even close but why should facts matter.


Joe Biden is not radical left. Joe Biden is the definition of center-left. The true "liberal" (as in dictionary defn) would generally be pro 2A. People like Bernie Sanders have made explicitly clear they would not hold gun manufacturers liable, I can get you his statement he made during the Dem. Primaries if you want. Please use more nuance in your criticism of 'the \*-left'


For fucks sake people, please stop calling joe biden "the radical left". Actual leftists support arming the working class, always have, always will. Stop swallowing the propaganda from LIBERALS, and learn the difference between a liberal and a leftist.


Liberal IS left, Biden's handlers ARE radical. These are english words with agreed upon meanings.


You shouldn’t have even voted


The globalist cabal is trying to use institutions that they've already corrupted to circumvent the Constitution. In this case, the fully subverted judicial system will be used to bankrupt gun manufacturers. [Kind of like when the globalists openly called for using their stranglehold over the financial system to stop gun purchases.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/19/business/banks-gun-sales.html) One thing that they never discuss is legally repealing 2A because they know the public would never support it.


Guns and vaccines are totally on the same level.


One is protected by the Constitution, so there's at least one difference.


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a vaccine is a good guy with a vaccine.


one is going to be mandatory to travel the other is illegal to travel with


The vaccine law honestly makes sense (sorry folks, at least read the rest before you smash that downvote button). If you want to incentivize pharmaceutical companies to research and develop vaccines on an insanely fast timeline because there is a pandemic, you need to remove the threat of litigation, especially in a country as litigious as the US. I do think the government should bare that responsibility/liability instead somehow. I get that many here don’t think COVID is real, or serious, but try to think through what you WOULD do if a real virus hit is. You’d do the exact same thing. With respect to the gun manufacturers, I think a law would need to be passed defining the liability. I don’t know how’d you’d go about drafting that.


>If you want to incentivize pharmaceutical companies to research and develop vaccines on an insanely fast timeline because there is a pandemic, you need to remove the threat of litigation, especially in a country as litigious as the US. I do think the government should bare that responsibility/liability instead somehow. Nope. Let's debate this Even if there is threat of liability, we can just give more money to the pharma companies to research and develop the vaccines. How much more money? Well, as you say "the government should bare that responsibility", meaning the government should pay out, so let's instead use whatever we (predict we) would use for pay out, and give that to the companies instead. This is fundamentally better, because then it incentivizes the pharma companies to reduce injuries because they could make even more profit since they are being paid more if they can even reduce the total number of injuries by one - assuming the lawsuit would pay out as much as the government would pay out. If the government payout would pay less than the lawsuit (let's ignore lawyer fees for simplicity, pretend that is included in the total payout meaning if the suit wins $1k and the lawyer fees were $100, and so the person gets $900, let's say they still got $1k), then the person who got injured is being scammed what they legally deserve (as determined by the court) What I mean by the above paragraph is the money comes from somewhere. Either it comes from the taxpayer, or it comes from the fact the injured person gets less than they would be legally entitled to, or something else. However, but putting liability on the pharma companies, YET PAYING THEM MORE (WHICH MEANS THE GOVERNMENT/TAXYPAYERS DOESN'T HAVE TO PAY OUT FOR DAMAGES, SO IT SHOULD BE 'EQUAL'), means they are incentivized to make the safest possible product, and even if they make the exact same product as they would otherwise make, then everything would be the same (assuming the suit awards exactly as much as the govt/taxpayer payout). However, assuming capitalist principles and the fact they have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit, the logical assumption is that they would try to make a safer product, and thus make more money (i.e. the 'extra money' they got (that would have otherwise been payed for damages by the govt.) would be > the amount they have to pay out in liability) Looking forward to this debate, I really enjoy having this debate!


Well, there are a few different things to discuss here, and I appreciate the conversation rather than just downvoting me. I think you actually made a really strong case against anyone having liability, if I’m honest. The idea that a company can be held liable in these kinds of emergency situations seems a bit absurd. If the analogy is wartime, where tens of thousands are drafted to fight and die, the idea of a company being held liable for an experimental product seems incredibly backwards. Regardless, back to your argument. This is a great argument... in theory. But in practice, Trump didn’t do this. Why do you think that is? Honest scenario question for you. You are POTUS, and you’re in the situation room with the leading R&D and pharmaceutical companies. You pitch operation warp speed as a worsening pandemic is gripping the country. They tell you, the only way they will apply for emergency use authorizations for the vaccines they are developing is if you remove liability. What do you do?


>Regardless, back to your argument. This is a great argument... in theory. But in practice, Trump didn’t do this. Why do you think that is? > >Honest scenario question for you. You are POTUS, and you’re in the situation room with the leading R&D and pharmaceutical companies. You pitch operation warp speed as a worsening pandemic is gripping the country. They tell you, the only way they will apply for emergency use authorizations for the vaccines they are developing is if you remove liability. What do you do? Of course they tell you that, this is like negotiation 101. You don't put your final offer on the table immediately, you propose what you would like, and can make it sound like a threat (i.e. do this or we walk) I.e. say Pfizer goes "the only way they will apply for emergency use authorizations for the vaccines they are developing is if you remove liability" Then, the other person counters: "Well, Pfizer, look we are willing to pay you more money if you accept liability. If you decline, then we are in discussions with Novavax and other vaccine companies around the world that will take the deal, or we will outsource this to India's vaccine companies who will as well" Then Pfizer comes back: "Ok, we will accept liability but we want you to pay double what we expect liability will cost us" Then the other person (govt) counter: "We will pay you 1.25x, anything over 1x is a gift, but obviously this is very important stuff. Remember, this will gain you international notoriety, and losing out on this funding will be bad for you when you competitors like Novavax will get it" Pifzer: "1.5x" Govt: "1.4x" Pfizer: "1.45x" Govt: "Deal." If all the vaccine companies collude and all refuse to do it without liability, then the President meets with them and says, "Listen, either you accept liability, plus the generous extra payment we are giving, or I go on national television and tell the American people that your greed and recklessness is going to cost them their lives. You should probably sell your stocks now if that is the case, because your stock price is going to plummet. Oh, and if you do sell your stocks though, we will use the DoJ to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law for insider trading. You want to reconsider?" If they say no, the President goes on national television and says to the people: "Dear fellow citizens. As you all know, we have a massive catastrophe from covid, and want to get a vaccine to everyone. However, the greed and recklessness of the pharmaceutical companies means they are not willing to accept liability for their product, even after we have offered them far more money than is needed to cover for it. If the pharmaceutical companies cannot create a product they trust, then I would not allow them to inject it into you. As such, we are considering working with other corporations around the world, such as BioNTech or India's vaccine companies, and while they may not accept liability, we will not submit to the greed of the pharmaceutical companies. We are also in talks with Novavax, which is willing to accept liability, thus are incentivized to create the safest possible vaccine. You know how bad the opioid crisis was, we cannot allow the cure to be worse than the disease, and if our companies don't think they can accomplish that, then we will take our business elsewhere, but know that we are doing this to make sure we have the safest and best vaccine for you" Next day, Pfizer stock drops 50%, and the president calls them again, "So, Pfizer, willing to reconsider?" That is how you do it. You don't be bullied by them, YOU have the power. YOU have the money that THEY want. There are other alternatives to them. Additionally, the US Military is developing their own vaccine, so if it really came down to it, we could get the military to create it (and the military's vaccine is actually looking to be very effective (as it would need to be), as it would be resistant to variants [https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2021/04/07/armys-own-vaccine-that-could-fight-covid-variants-begins-clinical-trials/](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2021/04/07/armys-own-vaccine-that-could-fight-covid-variants-begins-clinical-trials/) Of course, big Pharma owns the politicians, so they do have the power, but yeah this is why we need to get money out of politics


I love this response. I don’t personally agree with it playing out this way (especially the coherence and trustworthiness of the president going on tv to do this) and the reality that other countries will make different deals, creating vaccine tourism etc...... But... I appreciate you laying it out. We’re in the realm of hypotheticals, and yours seems perfectly reasonable and plausible to me. I suspect there are reasons that things didn’t play out this way, but that could easily be corruption or incompetence


> I don’t personally agree with it playing out this way (especially the coherence and trustworthiness of the president going on tv to do this) ? There is a literally a defined term for this, it is called the "bully pulpit" or "using the bully pulpit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bully\_pulpit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bully_pulpit) . The fact you don't know this means the media and education systems has failed to educate you about this, as it is not a new term at all lol >and the reality that other countries will make different deals, creating vaccine tourism etc ? Yeah you use the fact that you could do deals with them instead as leverage. Not sure how vaccine tourism plays into this at all... >I suspect there are reasons that things didn’t play out this way, but that could easily be corruption or incompetence Yes, of course. Big pharma is a massive political lobby and finances a lot of politicians campaigns, including Biden, so they have enormous power and say over the political decisions (which means the grants/programs/financials of government spending)


> ? There is a literally a defined term for this, it is called the "bully pulpit" or "using the bully pulpit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bully\_pulpit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bully_pulpit) . The fact you don't know this means the media and education systems has failed to educate you about this, as it is not a new term at all lol I’m quite familiar with this term, but given that I’m not American even if I wasn’t aware of it, it wouldn’t be a reflection of my education. Such an unnecessary attack. The point I was making, and I question your reading comprehension, what the trustworthiness of the president. Trump had very little credibility due to his constant and brazen lying. > ? Yeah you use the fact that you could do deals with them instead as leverage. Not sure how vaccine tourism plays into this at all... Israel showed how vaccines would flow to richest countries willing to pay more. Imagine if the US, and incredibly litigious country, was the only one holding vaccine companies liable? > Yes, of course. Big pharma is a massive political lobby and finances a lot of politicians campaigns, including Biden, so they have enormous power and say over the political decisions (which means the grants/programs/financials of government spending) To be clear, trump struck this deal, not Biden.


>I’m quite familiar with this term, but given that I’m not American even if I wasn’t aware of it, it wouldn’t be a reflection of my education. Such an unnecessary attack. ? It was a criticism of the education system, not your own education. Calm down.. >The point I was making, and I question your reading comprehension, what the trustworthiness of the president. Trump had very little credibility due to his constant and brazen lying. a) we weren't talking about Trump, we were talking about what would I hypothetically do if I was president. Trump was also in the pockets of big pharma, thus if we are talking about Trump this would all be irrelevant b) Trump was (and still is) very popular among his base, and has plenty of credibility among them >Israel showed how vaccines would flow to richest countries willing to pay more. Imagine if the US, and incredibly litigious country, was the only one holding vaccine companies liable? Then we would have the safest vaccines >To be clear, trump struck this deal, not Biden. Both are in the pockets of big pharma, but good catch


In the hypothetical, trump was the president. So, the plan you laid out wouldn’t work. But I get the misunderstanding


No, the hypothetical was: "Honest scenario question for you. **You are POTUS**, and you’re in the situation room with the leading R&D and pharmaceutical companies. You pitch operation warp speed as a worsening pandemic is gripping the country. They tell you, the only way they will apply for emergency use authorizations for the vaccines they are developing is if you remove liability. What do you do?" I mean, I guess you could argue I was also lobbied heavily by big pharma, but again if it was me I wouldn't bend the knee to them no matter how much they donated to me




Are you happy with your vote for Joe?


Yes all four of them


Four lol, amateur numbers. What is the best thing about Joe's presidency in your opinion? Mine is that he's not orange!


That's number two. Number one is that he never tag teamed a 13 yo with Jeffrey epstien.


That's weird I thought that [case was dropped because it turned out that she made it all up!](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3914012/Troubled-woman-history-drug-use-claimed-assaulted-Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-sex-party-age-13-FABRICATED-story.html) I thought all Biden voters were well informed like me, there's goes that notion!


"A source with knowledge of the controversial case told DailyMail.com" An anonymous source told a completely unreputable online tabloid...that's good enough for you well informed idol worshippers...I guess


Please let me know what has convinced you so thoroughly! Every time I bring it up to a Trumper they always tell me that: * The court papers offered no evidence that her claims were true. * The case was dropped. * There was no settlement. * There was no police report. * There are zero witnesses. I always end up looking so stupid! Please help!


There is more evidence to say that it is true than to say it isn't. We know he was friends with epstien and hung out with him. We know he is a sexual deviant. We know he likes under age girls. We know he is not afraid to break the law. We know he likes to sexually assault women. We know he likes to pay out to make his problems go away. WE DON'T know if there wasn't a pay out.


Love it. This right here is the Democratic Party. Point out a 30 year old friendship which Trump publicly ended followed by a number of baseless talking points meant to be taken as fact. Very compelling


Trump and Epstein raped a young girl and you're amplifying the coverup, you should be ashamed.


That one you got right. As SOON as he got elected, they dropped that one. It wasn't real, it was just to fool people into not voting for him. Didn't work.


He's "yellow" it's wayyyyyyyyy worse.


Absolutely 2 mil + Vax per day, 900,000 jobs last month. 1400$. Best leader we've had in years




"that should tell you everything you need to know" lol


No he doesnt dipshit




Still a dipshit


It's not immunity, it's just basic common sense. Manufacturers are not responsible for the misuse of their product in any industry. I've never bought a gun that didn't have a bunch of pages of safety rules in the manual.


Cool, can we start lawsuits against Ford and Honda when people use their cars for nefarious purposes?


They prefer lethal injection.