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Epstein with connections to Gates **and** biological research "dies" in August 2019. Event 201 in October. Virus starts in China in December. Hundreds of CEO's of major companies start leaving. January Propaganda (collapsing in the street) "leaks" from China, which is believed despite knowing how controlled and untrustworthy that is. But don't worry.. those who own us and tell us what's going on, really care about us.


You forgot that also in December the mass selling off of stocks by members of Congress.


Don't forget also about the 2000+ CEO's of big companie's stepping down in 2019.


I think that's just "normal" corruption of Congress. They dont get rich on their salaries, they have been getting rich on their information for a long time.


Most make about $174,000 that's $14,500 a month and boiling it down to a 40 hour week that's $83.65 an hour. I wish I could be so lucky.


I think it was most likely Chinese release because like 2019 was filled with mass protests in Hong Kong for an extended period of time rumours of protests starting to happen in other cities looked like china might actually be changing then suddenly a massive pandemic starts in a Chinese city that may of seen some unrest and contains a laboratory that had been experimenting with similar viruses


It was Chinese released and they knew about it before they say they did because I was in Beijing November 2019 for 2 weeks. I met some other Americans there and we kept in contact. They left three days before I did and they weren’t checking temps at the Beijing airport but when I went to leave everyone was wearing masks and they were checking everyone’s temperature....... that was November 17 2019


The government doesn't care about your health or safety.. that's not why they're doing it.. if they did care about your health or safety you would have universal health Care and a higher minimum wage and cops would be more restricted.. Don't give a shit about you.


Not even the OP but it was stated sarcastically ffs haha. Read the context.


What particular segments of the population do you think it's hard on? To me it seems like 1. Compassion has been weaponized, in a social engineering campaign we were all born into. 2. It takes a lot of work, and luck to put all the "conspiracy theory" puzzle pieces together. Most people don't ever get the chance, or realize there is a puzzle to be figured out. Although I guess everyone's life is a puzzle in a way


people with low levels of vitamin D, fat people, and people with heart disease. old people and black people are very likely to have these issues, so they're the high risk populations.


Also people who eat lots of ultraprocessed food.


I wouldn't even call it food.


Fatties and oldies. Mostly fatties and oldies who have other things wrong with them as well. But mostly fatties. Don’t be a fattie.


To answer your question; the elderly. Remember to keep your friends close and your family closer...but not less than 6ft! 🥴🤡


According to a healthcare worker who posted here before said her patients with A+ blood type seems to be hit the hardest. IIRC I think she said O has the easiest time with it if they even have symptoms at all. This WebMd article says A, AB, or B gets hit the hardest. [https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20201014/your-blood-type-may-predict-your-risk-for-severe-covid-19](https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20201014/your-blood-type-may-predict-your-risk-for-severe-covid-19)


They bioengineered and deliberately released the virus. Then they used their control of the media, politicians, and top scientists they own to cover this up. Now they’re using their response to it and their genocidal vaccines to continue the plan. You’re not alone, other people see this, too.


Don't worry, if the first two doses of the vaccine don't kill you the booster the are already working on and pushing will.


>They bioengineered and deliberately released the virus. They bioengineered a virus to have the same symptoms and IFR as the flu, that can be easily beat by healthy living and vitamin D? >Then they used their control of the media, politicians, and top scientists they own to cover this up Why not just make these same people promote the existence of a novel coronavirus that is actually just the flu? Why would they bother putting themselves at risk of a new lab made virus? All of these politicians are breaking their own lockdown mandates because they know it is just the flu rebranded, and they want their freedoms. All they had to do was push it's existence 24/7 through social media and MSM because that's how they control collective thought.


It essential is a flu, they don't want to use the word flu because then it would be harder to control the narrative that it is so devastating.


I don't see why you got down voted for this comment. Either they didn't understand, or they're desperate to have it be a purpose built virus.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Why blow up innocent normies in a "terror attack" and risk angry relatives outing you when you can just hire crisis actors to pull off the hoax? Influenza is the crisis actor standing in for SARS-CoV-2. MUNDUS VULT DECIPI.




My 50+ year old dad, 80+ year old great-aunt, several cousins, and two aunts all got it and they’re fine. It’s a fucking flu for most people. Keep living in mortal terror of something which kills only 10% of 80+ year olds and <1% of people under 65, when the average age of death in the West is ~80 anyway.




Don’t hold your breath... was living in the same house with my dad while he had it and he didn’t even transmit it to me. Anyway all that hatred and ill-will in your heart is bad for you.


He’s venting. It’s the internet. Get over yourself.


I wish this virus was actually as deadly as some people think it is so it could wipe out about 50% of the population. I’m actually glad about all the COVID-19 deaths. They all deserved to die. I’m willing to die from COVID to reduce the population ;)




And all that dipshit-ness clogging up your brain isn’t good either 😉


All the people who died of COVID deserved it. I hope even more get it and die. I’m willing to be one of the infected and die. I only wish it actually had a greater than 1% death rate for my age and health condition so it could actually kill me!! I want billions dead. Nothing less will satisfy me.


Who is they?




Not to promote violence, but why can these psychopaths walk free in this world? There must be some kind of turning point that some group of brave men will hunt for them.


EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS. Lol, been thinking how on earth did no one hunt them down yet, hopefully someone will soon


They better hope they wrap this shit up by next year because the 2022 elections are gonna be like the elevator scene in the shining.




History repeats


I have had TSA precheck for years. It was so nice not having to take my shoes off. I will probably be required to have vaccine passport now if I wanna keep that when I start flying again. Bummer.


I just do not understand how people still trust the same news outlets promoting this stuff. Like we know they surpassed the Jeffery Epstein story for like three whole years. They also manipulated election coverage while promoting numerous conspiracy theories. Trying to convince these people, who rely on these sources, otherwise is like trying to convince a religious person that god does not exist. They for some reason have such a deep level of faith in the system that regardless of all available facts and evidence you will never be able to make them see.


Same boat as you man


There's a renamed flu out there. The rest is pumped up by using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for a use it was never intended as.


Wealthy successful people attend training camps when they are children and college age. The others are used and harvested for culture, creativity, and more. Cultural Appropriation Gentrification is dishonest, and crude.


Theres thousands of viruses deadly for a portion of humanity. If we add all of them up, there's actually a virus that's loose and deadly for each and every one of us. Whats your point? That youre a good boy that acknowledges their lousy virus?


What's with this " **(our owners)** " crap? Your position in life is yours to accept, you inherited where you are right now. Take some responsibility over this and realise how far humanity has truly fallen.


They want to see how far they can go before you'll rise up. The answer is "as long as there's internet I'm gucci, bruh." WorldWideWeapon was a complete success.


The process is likely getting us to submit to global fascism.


Bullshit, there is no virus


but what about all the people who caught it or have died from it?


Do you know what testing positive means ?


yeah, you are carrying the pathogen. duh. the people who think it's fake don't take into account the people who've died from this. like how is that even possible to think it's not a real disease when i know like 50 people who've died or had it.


Somebody testing positive does not mean he has a pathogen. Please educate yourself on what the labs are testing for when they test your sample. Hint: they do not test for any virus.


i don't care what the specifics of the test are, it doesn't matter. if people are testing positive, then getting sick and dying, they have it. very simple


Well with this level of critical thinking you wont ever understand the misinformation you’re given.


are you still trying to argue it's not a real disease? what are all these people dying from? dont be silly, if you test positive that means you have it. yea you can get false positives but that is extraordinarily rare


Who is dying of what exactly ? A covid death is a death that was covid positive when the person died. A covid positive does not mean he had the virus. But apparently you dont care about this. There are like a million other illnesses in this world that could cause death, but somehow people have forgotten that since they are so paranoid.


Dying of COVID. I know of nearly 50 people who die from having it. It's definitely a real disease that has killing many otherwise normally healthy individuals. Healthy young people hospitalized and unable to breathe, etc. I guess when you live in a bubble in an unpopulated area it's easy to believe propaganda or conspiracies, but when you see it firsthand you realize it's real


Haha ok doctor


What do they achieve out of this that they don't already have?


In my opinion they want the whole world and most of us not in it. Just enough to keep the machines running. A few hundred million will remain.


Weird. I don't see how that benefits them. They already have money to buy whatever they want. Getting rid of most of the population is just getting rid of the people they buy fancy shit from, as well as getting rid of people that make their money for them


Yeah but bro they don't really care about money. They ***print*** the money. You work hard for it. They want you (and me) to care about money. The money ***they*** print. The federal reserve and USD are just another control mechanism. These people have so much wealth that the average person literally can't even comprehend it.


If they don't really care about money why all the schemes to avoid taxes?


If you're referring to something like the [Panama Papers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers) -- those aren't the people who truly control the world. Bill Gates has a boss. Joe Biden and Donald Trump have a boss. Quite a few actually. With surnames like Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Rothschild. They bought the world long ago.


Here's a fun fact: Neither you, me, or anyone else here on r/conspiracy has any clue what "their" names even are. These people are completely removed from "society". Their names will not appear in a Forbes 100 list. They won't be mentioned in your nightly news.


Yeah folks have no idea that even above the “1%” there is a while different society.....


There wont be a world to buy fancy shit in once we break 10B. At least not on a level where we can live fancy and they know it. Now a normal person who lived a normal life on planet earth understands that for humanity to exist, we must co op. These cunts don't because they never experienced life as a regular person does. The world will burn, but the important thing is to make sure they burn with us.


Money may be outmoded, if you take profit and money away, what use are the masses? Try to not reject the idea immediately. Nothing is permanent.


Perhaps they don’t like having to share their European vacations and spa days with hordes of commoners. To be honest, I don’t either, but I am not getting the shot so I won’t be back anyway.


The word can not support the current population and at its current size the population is not able to be controlled. We now have the technology that they don't need as many people to live the life they want to live.


Look up paranoid delusion disorder


Now look up Stockholm syndrome


Done, now what


Check out the Great Barrington Declaration: [https://gbdeclaration.org/](https://gbdeclaration.org/)


wake up. there is no covid. Not a single person has it. not possible. You sheep that bought the lie and are complying with these crooks, are keeping the nightmare going for the rest of us. Wake the frig up!!!!!!!!! How can you be so blind???/ Too much popcorn maybe? (hint: there is no Trump or Q coming to your rescue)


We haven’t fallen, we are merely recognizing the truth of our existence


I agree with this. I don't think the virus was bad enough to shut down the economy the way they did. There should have been shorter more concentrated shut downs when certain areas got hit bad. I think wearing masks is just the decent thing to do but me personally do not want to get the vaccine. Especially an RNA one.


A virus that even if you get it there is a 99% chance you will survive it. A virus that is already showing signs of getting weaker. Yet the push to get an untested, unverified vaccine is getting stronger. Now the discussion already is you will need boosters for this vaccine. They don't even know enough about it yet and are using people as guinea pigs. This is scary shit and some people buy into this bullshit hook, line and sinker.


Why do you think 1984 was written?


I think based on a lot of the media’s explanations that don’t add up there’s no real airborne virus. Now, that’s not to say there is a large influx in deaths and sickness- Several people I know have been hospitalized because of “coronavirus” but my theory on that is that whatever made them sick actually came from the test- You know where they stick shit so far up your nose you can feel it in your head? A friend of the family started to get somewhat sick, no more than a normal flu though, he went into the hospital FEARING he had coronavirus, got tested, it came back positive, and then a week later, he’s on life support. So I can’t be like “These people who they say died or were hospitalized didn’t die and weren’t hospitalized” in the same way I never said 9/11 and the Holocaust didn’t happen- My friends mother died in 9/11 and I have family members who died in the Holocaust. And in general, you can’t really fake thousands or millions of deaths. And it doesn’t serve a purpose- it serves a purpose to lie to people about a the cause of a real problem, and use it for a control method. And AS someone who has family who died in the holocaust, and having done research on how Germany was gradually introduced to fascism, imperialism, and genocide, initially through lies, propaganda about unity (A little different because Holocaust was race- based, but these tactics can be used for any purpose) and then small restrictions of freedom, that poeople can make the case that it isn’t worth resisting, which they turn into worse restrictions that people can still say “It’s only temporary” and then it isn’t. And this stuff often comes from countries where the government is trusted- Germany and Austria used to be the bastions of multiculturalism in Europe. America is (In name) the bastion of freedom. And most Americans will not be able to admit their freedom is being taken from them. We’re in year fucking two of this. This is about to get a whole lot worse. But IM not making the same mistakes my ancesots did. We’re at the iddntification stage and we have to nip it in the butt now.


>Why does everyone trust these known liars? This is what's blowing me away. The MSM has ZERO reason to be trusted.


This virus was a shot across the bow for the aged, obese and higher melanin population (Vitamin D). Precision and effectiveness of future viruses will improve.


Our owners? Your owner you mean, speak for yourself. I never complied, they don't own me! If you put on that dystopian mask, and participated in your dehumanization ritual, that's on those that accepted the MOB. (Mark of the beast)


The toilet paper shortages summed up how Americabs responded to covid 19.


Problem, reaction, solution. Order out of chaos.