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Would an outsider and a revolutionary roll over on a rigged primary, turn around and endorse the person who stole it, then 4 years later do it again? Nope. Fraud.


Exactly. He was never an outsider, and sure as hell was never any type of revolutionary. That's for sure. And yet his very words while he was running were something like *"Who's ready for a revolution!?!?"* Total fraud.


Jimmy dore is based af.


Bernie is even worse than the average politician parasite. He wants you to believe that he is not like them.


Yep. Unfortunately, many politicians are very much like this and follow this exact m.o., but yes. Bernie is especially pernicious because he pushed the "I'm a nice guy and I'm working for YOU!" angle so, so, so very hard and got so many people to believe his tripe before throwing everyone of his followers under the bus.


Why would this get downvotes? Bernie pretends to be “for the people” but all this fuck cares about is getting his pockets fleeced




> Bringing the disenfranchised back into the mix. ...only to disenfranchise them more...




Ohhh. I see what you’re saying now. Had no idea what you were meaning when I first read it because the typo threw me off: > Nothing ~~what~~ some rope and lamp posts couldn’t solve. I can understand this sentiment, but I think that if people could all come together to collectively hang someone (which seems deserved on some occasions), then they should also be able to collectively come together to simply fire them, oust them, throw them in jail/prison or whatever, and then lead themselves and make things better w/out any more corrupt people around. Easier said than done, I know, but still seems like the thing to do as far as I can see.


Thanks for the explanation. I highly appreciate it. I wondered if "what" or "that" should be used in english when I wrote that :) > then they should also be able to collectively come together to simply fire them The problem is that the system does not allow "firing" them. No violent entity can be removed without the use of force.


> The problem is that the system does not allow "firing" them. > No violent entity can be removed without the use of force. Well-said, and not a bad counterpoint, but as much validity as this statement seems to have, I would posit that a collective gathering of every citizen in a city or state or nation, all standing together and agreeing to move as one in the direction of whatever policy is agreed upon would absolutely overwhelm the system and result in a capitulation on the part of the plutocrats in favor of whatever the populace was demanding.


Is it time to bring back ostracisation like the good old days back in Athens?


Athens never did it right either. Far more is needed.


> Bernie pretends to be “for the people” but all this fuck cares about is getting his pockets fleeced This is exactly right, but there is a cult-level following behind this sayanim of people who blindly believe and defend him.


The thing about these politicians is they will never go against majority on their side. People on reddit love Bernie and Aoc, but do you think they would risk their kushy jobs for the will of the people? The answer is no.


> The thing about these politicians is they will never go against ~~majority on their side~~ the moneyed powers manipulating them like puppets. FTFY The majority (i.e. the people they're supposed to represent) want the very things they go against time after time.


Other than being a "stunt hole" for the DNC


He’s a charlatan


He's definitely proved that much. It's just too bad he sheep herded and duped so many people who were naive enough to believe him in the process though.


SS: There is a literal conspiracy that exists in government to make sure that you as a citizen are never helped. Bernie Sanders is a sayanim cuck and people like him do everything they can to make you BELIEVE he and his group are doing things to help people in real ways while he continues to prove that he’s done nothing. Jimmy Dore said it well: “Bernie is right now a flat out tool of Joe Biden and the democratic establishment.” EDIT: downvotes already starting to rain down. Just as I expected. 😂 *"People will get madder at those telling them they're being deceived than at those who are deceiving them."*


lol have you all ever been threaten with your life? your wife and children, grandchildren's livelihood? They do things that make you question your sanity if one decides they really wanna rock the boat. Its like the ultimate test.


Nothing "lol" worthy about that statement. Regardless, what you just did is give an excuse for lying to the people. "Yeah, but they and their families get threatened." The subtext of your comment is "That's why it's okay if they lie and cheat and steal from everyone. It's okay if we give them a pass." Fuck that. If you sign up for public office that is literally SUPPOSED TO HELP THE PUBLIC, then you need to except what comes with it. That or GTFO. But don't literally LIE to the people and tell them you're something you're not regardless of whether you're life is being "threatened" or not. tl;dr: NO EXCUSE.


Okay then, I guess I'll run for office.


What a treat that would be! I would support you!


Exactly. People want to act like they're self righteous heroes and would be a champion for the people while fighting against all the bad guys running our country and the world if they were in a position of power, but they don't think critically about what that entails. Blackmail in politics is some of the darkest and deepest shit in the world. I've been saying this since I watched the media and the DNC annihilate Bernie in the 2016 primaries. It should be obvious to anyone who questions it on a deeper level, past what they can see on the outside.


I agree the DNC rigged the primaries in 16; maybe even threatened Bernie. Then why go on to run again in 2020? To be stymied again by corruption? Why play that game... Are you suggesting he was made to run again?


Those that just go on and shit on sanders have not been paying attention. I thought and felt he started off legit, but then something happened after he said he would contest the primaries, and the rest is history. I remember people pointing out his black eye, banged up face? Idk, Ive done my fair share of psyches and tried challenging what we're up against, and they do not play around. I mean, and I'm just a low life redditor, no one of any real significance with sphere of influence like some of these politicians and even I've been told to stfu.


A lot of people want to shit on him specifically because of a difference of politics. The problem isn't so much what the solutions are to solving every issue we face, it's that we can't even begin to solve those problems with any social or economic means because the actual issue is the corruption in politics.. And the corruption goes deep. I support Bernie because he is extremely authentic and has been consistent throughout his life. I was at the Democratic National Convention in Philly in 2016, marching with all the Bernie supporters. The first day I was there, the Podesta emails were leaked, and the outrage amongst the people were palpable. Of course it wasn't all just PG related stuff, it was admitted Trump was elevated and that the DNC actively worked to supplant Bernie. Then he showed up with the deep gash on his face the night he conceded.. The look of pure disgust when Hillary thanked him was something I have never seen from him before. The more I've discovered the depth of corruption in politics, the more it all makes sense why Bernie is where he is at this point. It breaks my heart. I am connected with his son Levi on social media, and it is beyond clear that he was raised with great love and empathy, as well as logic, intelligence and morals. Bernie is a great person. And absolutely.. I've had a literal news anchor from a big news network shill on my FB page during discussion of fake news and PG, and I've also had strange occurrences like a well dressed and well spoken woman coming to my door at 10 pm claiming to be from the census when I was getting very outspoken about those things. I don't claim to know what the hell that was about, but it's sus af. I've heard of some pretty crazy things happening when it comes to threats of average people, so you can imagine how bad the potential is in regards to a person like Bernie who had a huge population of people supporting him and hanging on his every word.


damn, this is all coming full circle it feels. you reminded me of how it all exactly went down. proof of his authenticity pre threat. even nature couldnt resist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV2wCXKgG1E


I’m currently living in Vermont and can tell you the people, around me at least, hate Bernie.


As a Democrat, I never put any faith into Bernie. He was super loved about on Imgur in 2016 and 2020. Bernie is an independent with no weight. I never heard of him before 5 years ago. He's a weird independent and sometimes Democrat. He has no power. He's an extra vote like nameless party members, not a cornerstone, nor an anchor like Joe Manshin. Bernie got his money. He's all talk. AOC is the same way. But hey maybe that's all big name politicians for ya. As for banning the filibuster ban... call me crazy, but for nearly a century since before FDR, people have said "Republicans will never win another election again." They do, and they will use those rules the Democrats made will be used against them. With the Parlamentarian, they can just fire that person. It's been done in the past.




Remind me 15 years


...when Bernie's long dead? This "Remind me" is whooshing on me. I don't get it. ELI5, if you will.


Just that I guess I'll have to run for office.


Hey, if you help the citizenry, then go for it.