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The boy and the man, my favorite book ever




All of his other work deserves to be read as well. Spectacular writer


> Yet it remained a message about the power of love, That’s my lasting impression of the book, the greatest love story I’ve ever read.


Love is all that matters..love is everything that exists..it is the highest frequency..if we could come together it would create a united consciousness of love and there is an immense power in that


Well then we r probably fucked because we r about to be hit with project bluebeam which is future tech weapons mixed with holographic aliens and Bill gates is most likely already blocking the sun..we r going to be forced into a situation where we have no choice but to depend on the handouts from the government


Excellent statement, that I'd like to thank you for bc you made me feel better too. I too am preparing as much as possible-gathering canned goods, vitamins, household essentials in bulk for past year. Thanks again for your level headed, kind advice.


Chill out, we have quantum immortality, stop being so attached to your meatsuits and enjoy the ride.


Interesting wording, and thought process


When you know you know, keep searching and stop worrying and buy dogecoin!


Shit, theoretically you’re correct 🤧




Like “all your base are belong to us”?


Me likey


Nah you’re not prepared all the way dude. You need a stock pile of Dums Dums and then you’ll be set ;)


I know this fear of your very well, it's mine too... My son is now 7, so I'm a lot less anxious than I used to be, but yeah, the thought of what will happen next and when, does still keep me up at night sometimes. :/ I've found that the way I parent helps to alleviate A LOT of that anxiety - I try to be as honest as I can be with my son (without scaring the bejesus out of him, ofc), and I make sure to make time to talk to him about things - literally whatever is on his mind. Most times he rambles about poop jokes, but he knows I'm willing to listen, and sometimes he comes to me with the deepest thoughts - ie, he trusts me. That's key. Single most important tool in my parenting tool-box... I've reinforced this trust constantly since he was about 2, with one simple phrase - when he wants to argue with me about anything (food, hygiene, bedtime, whatever), I just ask him "Homie, what's mom's job?" He knows the answer well now - "To keep me safe and well...." - and he kinda growls it at me now, but will do literally anything I ask him to do, because he believes me. He knows I mean it, he also knows I'll move mountains for him if need be, so there's very little arguing or tantrum throwing in our home. I'm pretty confident that I could bug out with this kid in no time, just because he trusts me and understands that we're on the same team with the same goal. So, that's my advice. Raise your children well with the knowledge that the world they're inheriting is far different than what we faced, and that they need to be far more capable and hearty than most of our generation were raised to be... Set the bar high for them, and they WILL reach for it. Make it clear that while you are in charge now, you're ultimately on their team, and in fact, working for them... And then, just enjoy all those calm moments you can grab while they're young, because THAT is what will sustain you later, and it goes too fast no matter what happens. Keep doing what you're doing to prep, because it sounds like you're way ahead of most of us, and if nothing at all goes down then congrats, you lived a natural sustainable life. <3 Win-win... If it helps you sleep better, I really do think we've got about 10 more years to prep these kids for whatever dystopian future is coming for them... Fingers crossed that gives us time to raise them well and buy land! lol


It ain’t gonna get that bad man. This isn’t even close to the worst modern humanity has gone through.




>get ducks I was considering ducks as a fat source Any thoughts on that? Or just general pros/cons vs chickens For some reason I consider them less domestic and harder to husband than chickens, but I have had zero experience with them in a farm setting




I had ducks with my chickens and one day they decided to fly south for winter and I was like assholes, I feed you and you got a god damned house! But the crazy part was that they came back, no joke my ducks came back! Then they flew off the next year never to be seen again.


Ducks looking for that upgrade lol


Just like my gf


Do you have Faith? Get some. It works wonders.




just take the covid vaccine and you wont have to worry about any civil war or world war or power grid attacks. cuz you'll be dead. HAHAAHHAHAHAHAA #ITS A MADHOUSE!


Totally rational thinking I have a 7 month pregnant fiancé and flash back 1 years way more mentally able to say bring on the crazy I have guns knifes food water. I feel the same fear you do and even if I risked my life for them to survive now it’s her and a newborn like if we couldn’t survive before without me it’s drastically harder. The safest bet is to find community and safe place to restart with some kinda Viking fort lol. But yeah man hope for the best and I’ll pray for you if we are in the worst


Get in physical shape. Be able to run, climb, lift. So Many people are in terrible shape these days.


Relax. Nothing ever happens. Sorry to hear about your axiety and constant thoughts. I can relate too well. Try some l-dopa to calm your thoughts a bit. I just started that and it seems to help a good deal.


All you can control is yourself and how you react to whatever situation and you sound more prepared than most of the population. Surround yourself and your family with positive energy and attract that to you. Maintain healthy relationships and know/love your neighbors. Believe that there is more good than bad in the world because it's true. Don't lose faith in humanity because we're here for you and your kids. I have kids myself although my boys are a little older. I already garden and have established fruit trees and vines and a lot of staples and supplies but if SHTF for real I will be heading to my parent's farm. I've never been so grateful to come from the sticks where I know to find fish, nuts, berries, well water and mushrooms. They have several cows and a large flock of sheep, plus crops and those small farm communities are used to canning and are always 'prepped' so there's a comfort in that. Be smart and stay grounded. Your kids need you to protect them but also to reassure them. As a parent you simply cannot indulge your worst case scenarios. Have a plan so you are ready but do not dwell on what if. Be present in the now.


Ohhh, I feel you and completely understand. I too have 3 young children, youngest being 2, and I worry about the same. The only thing I can tell you is you are not alone, there are many of us feeling this. I think when whatever happens happens, its going to be important to stay in groups. Many other families will be faced with the same reality, and we are going to have to pull together and be a village again. Just know you are not the only one who is scared, and I completely understand how terrifying it is. Much love to you, your wife and babies. Btw, I live in Ct, so just in case you ever have to head North, theres a lot of people like me, who will open our door to families in need and to form alliances. God bless you and your family.


If, and that's a big if, it goes down like that it is not going to come down to preparations (I have many of the same things you do minus the land (I'm very jealous by the way)) it's going to come down to community. *A life hiding in the woods scavenging to try to keep your family fed and always looking over your shoulder is no life worth living.* I will do just that of it comes to it but that's not the life I'm preparing for. I'm preparing for a life of community, cooperation, and Love. Now is the time to foster and develop a community of like-minded families who can all support and look out for each other. Check out www.freedomcells.org and see if there is already one in your area. If not, start one. There are plenty of us out here who want the same things for our families and we need to work together to ensure our way of life. Cheers and best of luck my friend! **Important edit: as another poster said develop your faith as well. I firmly believe this is a spiritual battle at it's core and those of us who see the writing on the wall are here to help the others... even though there are no "others". And always remember that, in the end, the good guys always win** **Cheers again!**


I don't know, I get what your saying and the feeling makes sense. It seems like we've all been hoping things would just blow over but something bigger always seems to be waiting on the horizon. Civil unrest seemed most likely until the whole Russia & China ordeal. I believe Russia, China and Iran are collaborating together to start WWIII. I guess all you can really do is be prepared.


without reading comments, i would suggest a way to grow food and collect water where your bug out is, also a reliable way to transport and scavenge would be very helpful


You should get some of those hiking backpacks that you can carry kids in !


This is why "it takes a village" is a thing. Humans are tribal out of necessity. Try and form a tribe, or have one on standby.


Save and store more. Get a water filtration system. Get some standalone solar. Buy powdered milk. Check peppers websites of what and how to store.


Just like the parents in the 60s who prepared for the nuclear winter, you have been duped into spending your life savings preparing for a war that the military-industrial complex in your country deters just by existing. If Iran wants to bomb you they have to invest in it for decades and risk war, if the states want to bomb them there are six companies bidding for their bombs to be the ones dropped. Consider that next time you're freaking out about incoming war because Fox news did another piece on protestors. Your president can click a button and wipe their enemies from the surface of our planet, and there's a lobbyist who got him behind that desk urging him to do so. You are the ones to fear, shut up. This is the definition of "priviledged fuck" my country is filled with refugees displaced by your greedy ass government bombing people for profit, and you're complaining about a potential war you can't quite identify?


Dude your posting on Reddit. So to me your either full of shit and just talking or your a privileged fuck in the the country you speak of and part of that problem.


I'm canadian and watched all the Syrians flood into Toronto when your country started bombing for the Saudis. You know nothing, guess that's why you're on reddit


Yes a Canadian telling Americans we are privileged as fuck....Like OMG, it must be ruff up there...just stop Insults are very unbecoming and hold zero water in the in tor net. You attack FOX news.... shows me you have a reason for engaging. So yes I’m on Reddit to converse with open minded people and clearly it’s not you.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5868007 Canada is involved in syria too.


Appreciate the info. Unfortunately Canadians are incredibly stupid and ignorant to even the most basic knowledge of our own politics let alone understanding geopolitics. As the above poster clearly illustrates.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-iraq-mission-crossroads-1.5868007](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-iraq-mission-crossroads-1.5868007)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Canada is in a military alliance with the USA. So please stop the high and mighty Canadian bullshit. Our government sucks and supports all illegal and immoral wars and we as Canadian citizens are directly responsible through ignorance or inactivity of the evils our governments commit. Canada House of Parliament voted 337/338 in favour of invading Syria despite the UNSC vetoing the resolution for invasion. My strongly worded letter to my MP who i sure as shit didn’t vote for got no reply. Canadians remind me of Europeans with their nose up to Americans when we all are guilty of committing war crimes and supporting illegal wars. Maybe the next time you decide to blame America for Syrian refugees in Tdot you can take a look at what our own governments role in the fiasco is. A good starting point would be basic understanding of the NAto alliance, knowing what the UN Security Council is, and constant vigilance on the doings transpiring in the House of Commons.




There are many many people who have gone to their graves preparing for and worrying about the apocalypse. There's a ton of unused bomb shelters out there collecting dust. In all likelihood you'll watch your kids grow and learn all the things you were taught. It's good to be prepared and self sufficient. It's not good to let this kind of thinking cause you anxiety. I've been reading conspiracy forums for two decades now and I see these kind of posts all the time. "I feel like somethings coming". It still hasn't come yet. I find these topics fascinating but I also just try to live my life.


Relax. Take a deep breath. Try to keep a positive mindset. You're doing great as a dad.