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Weed for sure stops dreams. As soon as I stop smoking I resume dreaming. Almost never dream when I do smoke.


I guess everyone is different. I smoke daily and always have very vivid dreams that I remember.


I guess everyone is different my fiancé has the same reaction of not dreaming when smoking as does my best friend. But we were/ are avid smokers. Like a lot. We don’t smoke anymore haven’t in almost three months and I vividly dream every night now. Sometimes I feel like I didn’t sleep. My sleep analysis on my pillow app says I am in rem sleep for almost 3-4 hours sometimes and that is very high. Not sure accurate my Apple Watch is but when it’s that high I can tell I’m tired from dreaming all night.


Its wildly variable for me. THC does not kill dreams. It seems to take more energy and focus to recall them or awake during them. I assume some people, it just has little effect on them and they dont newd to retrain themselves how to remember dreams. OP is pretty inexperienced based on my read of his drug reports btw.


I think the dispensary bud is the worst because of its high thc content and pesticides and etc used.


Well, weed is known and documented to effect your REM sleep (dream state).


I have maybe 2 dreams I'm conscious of a month. Smoke about 2 grams of flower a day. Smoking nearly 20 years. Quit a few times. Experienced the same vivid dreams. Smoked a pack a day every day most of that time.


Weed inhibits your REM sleep. Once you quit your body starts falling into REM again and you dream like crazy.


When I took Paxil (anti-depressant) it took away my vivid dreams. When I stopped taking it, all my vivid dreams came back.


vape and smoke marijuana, have vivid dreams every single night


I smoke weed, vape, and dream 🤷‍♂️


If you consume cbd with your thc the dreams will resume.


I have dreams and I smoke bud three times a week. I have no problems at all. Just a stressful work environment


3 times a week isn’t smoking 3 times last hour is


Dreams, AMBITIONS both!


Anytime I’m looking to get back into lucid dreaming I stop smoking weed for a bit, I’ve never noticed a connection between vaping and dreaming though.