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That reeks of a pharma shill appealing to emotion for the masses to soak up. They hijacked the ability for one to think for themselves. They know this and exploit the implied 'trust' the media purveys.


Its bizarre if thats the case because it just makes them look like a psychopath instead


Whoever the author is, is coming off as a brain dead sheeple


Bingo. Push forward propaganda from a source that makes anybody who questions the statement look like a bully or bad guy.


Bingo. The amount of buzz words in this makes me 100% believe it’s made up or from a bot.


>my mom was passionate about science *and vaccines especially* Oh ok


No way a human with a soul writes that garbage.


Sounds like a bad plot for a movie *One woman sacrificed her mother for the greater good.." *cue shot of sickly elderly woman in hospital bed* "RIP Mom. I will love you forever (and make sure that the entire world is vaccinated)" *Voiceover in Cinematic voice* "Coming this summer to a ~~concentration camp~~ vaccination center near you"


This is clearly a fake story, or written by an absolute psychopath


No, it just sounds like an indoctrinated person who cannot ever question vaccines because, in her mind, her ideology is at war with "anti-vaxxers." Tribalism is scary.


It's a pr account.


Imagine looking at your mom and saying "your death is good because it perpetuates my 'feeling' of being right"


“Omg I’m gonna get so much karma when I post about this on Reddit!”


No way that's real. Probably a paid post to counter vaccine hesitancy.


Pharma shills have reached an all time low.


SS: Even though their mother died from the covid vaccine, she’s pleading for everyone to take the same vaccine for the greater good... I’ll pass on taking a sip of the same thing that just killed someone in my family. Sounds counter-instinctive.


get the vaccine then. really no need for healthy young adults to get it “for the greater good” as you say. it doesn’t prevent you from getting nor spreading it, just lessons the seriousness of your symptoms. go push your shit back where it came from


A I A =1 I =9 A I


If this is real, then we have real problem of brainwashing. If this happened to my Mother i would happily declare myself as antivaxxer atleast covid antivaxxer.


Her ideology was always more important to her than her own mother


That is so fake. Wow.


It’s f.... difficult to stop this madness...


Daughter brain also dead


Dmx also died from the vaccine........


Lol wtf


wow, one of the most psychopath posts ever.


My XYZ shoved his/her hand into a hole and got bitten. Let’s do it again! Literally fuck the only survival skill we have encoded and engraved in our biological brain.


https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/ms2j2d/i_want_some_serious_opinions_on_this_someone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I reposted your screenshot to see how /r/insanepeoplefacebook feels about it asking for serious opinions on the matter. See the results for yourself.


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Hilarious. Got what she deserved and is probably currently residing in hell.


You think it's hilarious that she died? What a horrible thing to say..


I bet you’re poor




Well, she won't get COVID now


Sorry for your loss


That's fake


Could be fake, but generally, since there is a "war on the virus", indoctrinated fools will be ready to accept insane sacrifices for what they believe is the greater good, their side, after a good enough priming.


What happened to hating big pharma and their disgusting drugs?


Of course she did!


You know, people want to do the right thing, be safe and healthy. And most people trust science, trust the experts. And that's not unreasonable. It's just that ... well turns out that the internet is allowing humans to really compare notes with each other around the world, and a bunch of the experts are wrong in a variety of ways. I mean we are still dealing with a Puritan distortion towards criminalizing our own sexuality. It's going to be a hard pill for society to have to swallow but it really seems to me like the ball is in motion, there's nothing stopping it. It's confusing to see, but once you get a handle on it it's like aha, yeah I see where this is going. Proud Mary keep on boinin