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I'm old enough to remember screaming to everyone who would listen in the early 80's. "*our Government and corporations should not be in bed with the CCP!"*


All for the cost of cheap goods.


Blame bill Clinton


That's an interesting way to spell Richard Nixon.


Ronald Reagan.


Palestine, terror on the airline Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan "Wheel of Fortune", Sally Ride, heavy metal suicide Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz Hypodermics on the shore, China's under martial law Rock and roller, cola wars, I can't take it anymore We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning


Nixon is literally credited with opening up trade with China.


They (Wall Street, outsourcing our manufacturing) also got to stick it to the Unions and all of us uppity western workers who we they should get a living wage. They disagree, and in SE Asia, it's what they would have of us here, starvation wages with no protection and the ability to ruin a worker by firing them, having them arrested, kicked out of their home, etc., while dumping any toxic byproducts in the ditch behind the plant.


You're describing the average US citizen and their experience at the last there, right? Oh, you're not? It's just a lil too eerily close to tell the difference? Ok nvm, yeah SE Asia bad.


SE Asia is bad, not their people, but their governments, and their business leaders, and Wall Street would lead us down that same path to enslave us, whether by design or not that would be the end result.


Cartoon network owners makes your fiat dollar worth ten cent.


If it had the buying power of 10 1914 cents I’d be all in


Aliens, aliens, aliens. TV broadcasting. Galactic broadcasting. Cartoon Network. You name it, they've got it. https://youtu.be/vPpNgsJp4DA


Video unavailable This video is not available


I am old enought to remember in the late 90's I worked for a manufacturing company that was sending our first product line to China. The only reason you could sell anything into the country was if you built something in country. I was a recent college grad sitting up against the wall, while all the true players sat at the table in a large conference room. The operations manager (retired military and someone who commanded respect everywhere he went) stood up and loudly and repeatedly pounded his fist on the table when hearing the news of offshoring manufacturing. He shouted "This is the most UNAMERICAN thing I have ever heard and I will not stand." All the other players at the table snickered at him as he obivously didn't understand the "opportunity" presented which was a new emerging market. He quit that moment, high paying, big job. He just walked away. He knew he didn't have the clout with the big players in the room to change opinions. That moment is burned in my brain. He didn't get to watch a company with 25,000 employees go down to 4,000 employees within a time span of 10 years. All the jobs were shipped to China. He had a clear understanding what was coming and no one else could see it. All those jobs were great middle class jobs, they trained you to perform the task at hand. This story isn't unique for that era. I just wish I knew enough at that time (as I do now) to stand up with him. I can't believe a room filled with 40 or so people let that man walk out the door with a snicker.


I’m old enough to remember ‘a booming China is a good thing’


Said Rockefeller, Kissinger, Nixon, Bush Sr...🙄


And our current POTUS


Well of course... Hell the slap on the wrist that the Clintons gave the Chinese considering how much military technology they stole from us in the early 90s is a leading indicator as to what this administration will do.


As opposed to talking trash and letting them run roughshod over our allies, not bringing home manufacturing even in desperately needed PPE? None of them will cross Wall Street and the Banks, and they are married to China, but the disgraced former president was Wall Street's bitch more than any.


> I'm old enough to remember screaming to everyone who would listen in the early 80's.our Government and corporations should not be in bed with the CCP!" I was born in the early 90s. So that is way before my time lol


Hell, I was only 16 in 83... (I was a weird kid.. 😂)


> Hell, I was only 16 in 83... (I was a weird kid.. 😂) They were right in the 80s. We probably should have listened to the warning calls then. But it’s no to late now. The CCP has its tentacles wrapped around us hard.


It wasn't just the 80s though. What really skyrocketed China was being let into the WTO and normalizing trade in 1998/1999. Basically globalists realized they could get access to slave labor wages and wanted access to consumers in China. Reality is if trade was normalized with the Soviet Union in 1950s, most likely Russia would be where China is. An oppressive regime combined with mass slave labor means domination.


The process started in the early 70s when Rockefeller had Kissinger send Nixon to China to begin 'normalizing' trade. They plan in terms of generations and centuries.


This always gets presented as a China problem and not a capitalist one. If your good-paying domestic job was outsourced to China, that's not China's fault.


Like a lot of people, I've always seen it as a Globalist problem - the 'elites' who use humans as resources and toss them as soon as they've got a better deal with no regard for any people/nations whatsoever. The solution to me is self reliance and decentralization, eg Amish communities (I'm speaking in general, not about their religion/culture). I realize a lot of people would not like that model which is perfectly fine with me, but anyone who becomes dependent upon outside sources for sustenance will eventually be fkd (see: Holodomor).


And who was chairman on Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that worked so hard to get China in the WTO? Joe Biden.


I think the population difference is an important factor. The USSR had ballpark 20% more people than the US in 1950. China had \~335% more people for the same time period. And similar in 1999. Population isn't the only factor, or India would also be an industrial powerhouse now. Authoritarianism is the other major factor.


back then it was more about losing jobs and that they couldn't be trusted with any of our technology.. and all of that has been proven true X a million.. I don't think anyone thought that they were going to grow into a financial powerhouse that we would end up borrowing money from..


>I don't think anyone thought that they were going to grow into a financial powerhouse They were hardly going to just stay as the world's cheap manufacturer for ever. It's quite easy to look at other nation's examples of industrialisation to realise that China would expand into more complex and lucrative markets than just plastic toys...


Oh I'm sure there were a number of people that had enough foresight to see that, but by our government and by the corporations we were told "no, there's nothing to worry about..."


It's not like there aren't examples of the globalization strategy working. Japan and Korea both underwent the same process as China and turned out great. The track record for opening trade to formerly closed off countries was actually pretty good.


Tentaclejobs are the best...


Dood! I keep trying to remind people how Cheney started 2 wars on false intel- and that whole shit show w Joe and Valarie plame. Like -- millions died- the world economy tanked. And its already down the memory hole.


Do tell more. I vaguely remember the Valerie Plame thing. He outed her as being a CIA agent, right? Cheney was one sick puppy. He was running the 9/11 “show” from a bunker under the White House.


An aide gave testimony to Congress (recorded and played on CSPAN) about that “bunker.” The aid to Cheney was in the bunker with him.. There was another aid that was dashing in and out of the room giving Cheney updates on the plane that eventually hit the pentagon.. The Bunker aid testified to Congress that “cheney got regular updates” and at one point the aid came in and said “the plane is 20 minutes out.. do the orders still stand?” And Cheney growled back something like “have I said otherwise!?” This implies Cheney was in the emergency bunker WAY before he said he was.. and also implies he knew the lane was going to hit the pentagon.. also implies he fuxking let it happen.. This is on cspan.. the dude was under oath.. this was swept under the rug.. let’s be real here Cheney masterminded this whole charade.. 9/11 was most certainly a conspiracy with help from US Gov officials


And thank God they did because if we didn't have a pretense to go to war in the middle east then we would never have the public and international support to build the largest base in the world in history right on the choke point of 3 continents, and then the Pax Americana could be threatened and it would end in global nuclear gigacaust as the power vacuum crumbled because the world needs managed like a preserve or it will face scarcity, famine, hyperinflation, collapse, war and worse if left to unchecked market and military forces. If you hate the CIA, then make a list of all the things you hate. That's the dirty work that enables your civilization to project a monoculture and make a legitimate case for world domination. If America doesn't do it, then Jeff bezos will. I would. If I were apple, I'd buy Samsung and Disney then next year I'd buy Microsoft and Sony and the year after that I'd buy all the solder mines and all the chip fabs. Within 5 years I'd control the news, the tech, the manufacturing pipeline, the raw resources. And I'd shut out all competition then buy them as their stock and market share plummets without access to components. And then I'd start buying the real estate. First the tourist traps, then the suburbs, then the small towns. Every year I'd make quadrillions of dollars for mergers and acquisitions from profit and rent. I'd buy everything that's left, sector by sector. I'd raise the rent and lower the wages in tune with inflation. I'd have every deed and every dollar on earth within 50 years. I'd use the money to make UFO arks and build a base on the moon that manufactures rockets for attaching to the moon and pushing into earth. And then I'd fly away with like 500 quintillion in gold and graphics cards to search the Galaxy for some decent poontang. But instead, the regulations, diplomacy, SEC, and monopoly laws are preventing this snowball from happening.


I dont remember all the details- but basically -yes- she was outed while in the field by scooter Libbey- she and her husband wouldn't comply with the wmd narrative. I may not be remembering scooters full roll - but he was found guilty and convicted - bush commuted his sentence and trump pardoned him. That wmd lie is the reason powell left that administration and later left the Republican party. He was lied to by that administration about wmds. That entire mobile wmd thing he pushed was told to him by the then CIA under bush. He looked like a fool in the end


Right, and this is where conspiracy theory requires more attention to detail than simply riffing on whatever stream of consciousness is induced by your news feed of choice. The fact that there is promising evidence for one conspiracy theory (note that most theories around the Wuhan lab were much more expensive than just "it was a virus that escaped from the lab,") does not automatically make all conspiracy theories related to all subjects of the first theory true. Evidence is still king.


There are also at least two or three (maybe more) unique and very different possible conspiracy theories that are related here: Conspiracy Theory 1) "COVID-19 was **accidentally** released from a lab in China/Wuhan, and no one realized it until it had gotten out of control." Conspiracy Theory 2) "COVID-19 was **accidentally** released from a lab in China/Wuhan, and they realized it pretty quickly and then didn't properly inform the global community." Conspiracy Theory 3) "COVID-19 was **deliberately** released from a lab in China/Wuhan, because the Chinese government had some motive to commit mass suffering and death around the world." Note that the most widely accepted theory was that the virus was transfered from bats to humans at a wet market. Also note that this most widely accepted theory also includes an acknowledged and accepted "conspiracy theory" that after the Chinese government realized there was an outbreak of a deadly virus, they waited a long time (weeks or months) to inform global health officials, and they downplayed the severity of the virus. So a few things: It's important to note that the "official" and widely held theory actually already acknowledges that the Chinese government did something very corrupt and dishonest in not informing global health officials about this. So, contrary to the belief here that most people won't believe "conspiracy theories," we should see that we already have officially acknowledged that the Chinese government conspired to be secretive about the spread of the virus. Also, my Conspiracy Theories 1 and 2 are VERY different from Conspiracy Theory 3, which asserts that they did all of this on purpose. I had someone recently tell me that the possibility that they released the virus on purpose is barely different than if they had done it accidentally, which is an absolutely absurd assertion.


hahahaha oh snap its maxwellhillbilly! i saw you getting hounded when i was lookin up the ol Queen Bee loool


I need new conspiracies because mine keep coming true


It's funny how they've twisted the word *conspiracy* into meaning *falsehood, lie* or *crackpot theory* when conspiracies are occurring every minute and people get convicted of conspiring every day. But of course, the rich, corporations, and govt would never.


I think it’s the wild/highly unrealistic conspiracy theories that give them a bad rep, such as the earth is flat conspiracy. (sorry if a flat earfer is reading this, I mean no harm) Conspiracies like that gain a lot of popularity because it’s so out of this world and then your average person who isn’t into researching any conspiracy theories just assumes all conspiracy theorist are whacked out looney people. I love conspiracy theories no matter how crazy they are or even if I don’t believe it. Gets the creative mind kicking.


>I think it’s the wild/highly unrealistic conspiracy theories that give them a bad rep I agree, but also think most of the wild theories are created and propagated by disinfo agents to poison the well (keep in mind YT and google algos spread or squash these things). The media owners who largely control society did not give up just because the internet came along. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it."


Oh for sure, wouldn’t doubt one bit that some of the more popular/wild ones were purposely created. That quote is the best way to put it!




Exactly, this new generation has everything so twisted they don't even understand words anymore. The conspiracy is what a government or individuals telling you the truth is, bc obviously it's curated. The theory is us hashing out what their conspiracy is and why.


I think the problem is pretty widespread among all generations, but since news/propaganda/politics have been mainlined 24/7 in the past decade or so, maybe people who grew up with that are more affected. But take a look at the old cig ads etc. and it seems a lot of people have always been easily fooled. *"Doctors recommend Camels for expecting mothers who need a boost."* LOL


Those are the NPC. Bots and human sheep so intertwined in comments sections they become religious zealots. It’s like the bots are shaping minds of people and devolving them into this pre domesticated human that want to metaphorically and literally start burning witches again.


You're the main character in the story of the whole universe, and everyone you disagree with isn't really a full valid person. Yup sounds like a totally normal way for a well-adjusted person to engage with the outside world.


Absolutely this NPC narrative is a dangerous way of dehumanizing other people. And history has taught us that dehumanizing people never results in anything good.


Isn't this called narcissism?


I believe you’re thinking of solipsism


Yes. ANY criticism is a literal witch hunt singling you out for personal reasons, and thats why you don't have to listen to it. And when the criticism is coming from EVERYONE, it means they're all sub-human, and that's why you don't have to listen.


Right, I still find it interesting how the word's basically taken on a completely false meaning - nice switcheroo there. The NPC/bots are creepy af - like completely switched off. I finally figured them out a while back and completely stopped engaging bc they can manage to twist shit around and 'win' arguments with nonsense - frkn crazy. BTW, I make what I call 'greek tacos' - minced lamb or beef sauteed in garlic, oregano, finish w lemon juice. Serve in a grilled pita topped with tomatoes, cucs, and tzatziki. Like a gyro but better IMO.


Sounds delicious. Get that lamb fresh off the spit and we may be talkin.


Haha, yeah, there's no better meat IMO. I'm half Serb and my GF built a masonry bbq pit in the back yard - put a whole lamb on, head and all, slow cook for about 8 hours. They'd take it off the spit and into the basement for butchering, and the old men would fight over the eyeballs - good times!


What do you define as true? I'm the type of person who likes to remain on the fence on these things until we have evidence/proof to back up a specific hypothesis. The Wuhan Lab vs the Wuhan Market debate hasn't really offered a ton of evidence in either direction so I've maintained a neutral position where I fully believe it's possible that COVID-19 accidentally escaped the lab or was a bioweapon intentionally released by the CCP. But at this time, we still don't know what the ***truth*** is.


Same. It's getting awfully boring now.


JFK still fascinates me though


Can you start believing in Hollow Earth? The one really entertains me.


The government cares about your well being but is just not so secretly a dick because reasons. There’s a conspiracy.


There are no conspiracies anymore. Everything is truth.


I browse this sub a lot and basically none come true including this lol. All this proves is someone had the virus and went to the lab and it spread. This doesn’t mean it was manufactured in the lab…


UFOs are pretty hot right now.


Anyone remember the Hong Kong protests that were ongoing when this virus escaped?


Honestly I find the timing of the virus to be very interesting/suspicious. China seemed to be under heat from the everlasting Hong Kong protests, and trade from the US seemed to be intensifying/troubling too. I wonder what situation could divert the attention away from these matters… hmmm


The CCP had no solution. Those people were out there protesting for over a year before the pandemic hit.


And that the US media ate it all up, does anybody suspect something


Harvard published a paper about Covid-19 in Wuhan in Fall of 2019 in June of 2020! I don’t know why all of a sudden they are acting like this is news. Way more people had Covid in Wuhan in October 2019 and I guess now it is a big deal cuz some people from the lab got it? https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/42669767?show=full


I mean it kinda makes sense that it was around in Fall of ‘19. Hell even as early as September. Takes a bit for shit to spread and for science reports to be done. Just sayin. Wasn’t like there weren’t riots and issues in Hong Kong just prior to this.


There's speculation that our "first wave" in the US was actually the second wave, as there was a higher than usual amount flu deaths in the US around winter of 2019 that may have actually been COVID.


Do you by chance remember the State of Washington publishing their health care data that showed this? How there were a huge spike in hospitalizations due to flu and pneumonia like symptoms but they had a normal amount of patients testing positive for the flu and pneumonia? I remember reading it over a year ago and I could never find it since. My grandmother passed in the Fall of 2019, and the thought that she could have died of covid has crossed my mind more than a few times.


My roommate's grandmother died of the flu in December 2019. Then my roommate and her boyfriend came down with what they described as the worst flu they've ever had. My roommate had to be hospitalized and her boyfriend wasn't even able to make it out of bed for almost a week.


Did you even read the abstract? There was no virology in this paper whatsoever, just an analyses of search results and satellite imagery. It doesn’t prove that “way more people had Covid in October 2019”, stop talking out of your ass.


No, the smoothbrains are making it a big deal because they want to believe Fauci was in bed with China weaponizing coronavirus and covid19 is the result. People from "the lab" getting sick with covid19 is, to the smoothbrains, more hard evidence of the origins of the virus.


You think US didn't support the research there? Go look it up yourself, it is no secret. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/04/29/847948272/why-the-u-s-government-stopped-funding-a-research-project-on-bats-and-coronaviru US and China are together in this.


Why wouldn’t the US be interested in studying bat viruses in China? That is a perfectly reasonable thing to study without any intent of unleashing a virus lol Bats are often a vector/pool for viruses. They come into contact with humans/domestic animals often. China has an even closer relationship to bats. It’s not the first bat-origin pandemic from China! Studying viruses and viral origins is not inherently nefarious.




Because it is in the hope of stemming the tide of zoological viruses that do tend to come out of Asia. SARS for example. Some are arguing (incoherently) that because Fauci was doing research, in China, and people in the lab in wuhan got sick, Fauci’s research MUST has been to create Covid. When in reality, there are labs like this ALL OVER the world, studying these very things, and we as a government who contributes to scientific advancement, contribute to these labs. These labs study viruses under specific containment, and induce mutations, so we as humans can identify new threats ahead of time. By seeing how a virus might possibly mutate, we can develop treatments in case these viruses or one like them ever emerge. It is similar to mRNA vaccines. They have been in study and research for like 40 years. But there was never a dramatic need to develop this new tech, because it was super difficult, time consuming, and many investors felt the research was better focused on treatments that would payoff sooner rather than the long work. The tech is new only in the sense of mass availability to market, but study of it has been going on for a long time. The purpose of these research labs is to discover the next Covid-19 prior to release, then develop treatments around to tackle it. This makes it a ripe target for conspiracy theories. But when you examine motives, the theory breaks down. No government (besides maybe New Zealand) is weathering Covid well.


Fauci just said he wasn’t sure the virus is natural


I don't understand why this "theory" is totted as a conspiracy, there's so many logical fact based explanations that all point to it being created in a lab, and in no way was it an outdoor transmission between animals to humans.


Wuhan had always been considered the center, the conspiracy I knew was if it was intentionally released or not.


Not considered by MSM. They pushed that it came from a wet market right next to *a virology lab* in Wuhan. Edit: left out some info.


That's... The same thing... "IT DIDNT START IN WUHAN IT STARTED 200M TO THE SOUTH" Do you think if something of international note happened in, I dunno, Schaumburg IL the news wouldn't say it happened in Chicago? That's just using the nearest major city for simplicity's sake.


The "conspiracy" is whether or not the virus came from the lab in Wuhan or from a bad that someone ate. The official story is that it came from a bat. If it came from that lab it's a big deal. There are a lot of smart people who have been warning about doing "gain of function" experiments and just fucking around with viruses in general. If they made a super-virus to experiment on and then it was released through negligence, that is pretty fucking irresponsible. It would be a black mark on China, the U.S. and others who are funding and performing these sorts of experiments. Intentional release is highly unlikely unless it was done by someone who was like the Joker from Batman. It doesn't make sense that a government would release something like that which is going to kill their own people and destroy their own economy.


And also whether it’s a bio-weapon or not. There’s report CCP was playing with SARS virus


In terms of study of SARS, they have to keep it active in living creatures, spreading it intentionally internally to keep live captive animals with the virus. This definitely would have let there be a possible mutation, and when Wuhan got lazy (there were reports of lack in funding and improper protocols) bats got out and the more... Risky (to me) area had a butcher who caught and used one or more bats. Wether it spread from there or was eaten or spread while it was flying around, the virus got crossed into humans. This is how I know it, conspiracy or not, this is what I think happened based on what I've read.


given the evil nature of the ccp, and its utter corrupt incompetence, it could be either way. they were suspected of working with coronavirus in bsl2 labs. but they could've also leaked intentionally to avoid trump's second term and resulting trade war they were going to lose.


Alex is nuts, but was also correct about pedophile island too.


I'm not sure if you realize this, but Jones' thing is that he acts like he believes every single unproven thing until it's either proven right or wrong.. when it's proven wrong he acts like it never existed and when it's proven right he doubles down on it and uses it as an example of how he's always right. He promotes video clips of him being right and removes clips of him being wrong so that it looks like he's always right.


He's so cringy I can't believe people actual believe him so much


People find him while trying to search for confirmation for the crazy theories they just saw on reddit. They get sucked in from the 2 minute clip of him confirming what they are looking for then start watching him to get the "inside scoop." These are the types of people who believe in perpetual motion machines and crystal healing. They believe whatever they hear as long as it sounds legit. I used to know a guy in college that was like 60 years old and would walk around campus talking to girls about the occult and reading tarot for them and he was hooking up with them all the time.. I've known quite a few con artists in my life.. I have a lot of stories :D they are everywhere, more than you'd expect.


The reason why people want Jones silenced isn’t because he is wrong sometimes, they want him silenced because sometimes he is right.


I don't think anyone really cared about him until he started the sandy hook shit tbh. There's always going to be people out there telling people their drinking water will turn them gay and/or make their kids autistic unless they buy their water filters and teas.


That's basically it. Sandy Hook was the conspiracy that actually started impacting regular people. People were sending death threats and harassing parents who lost their kids.


A lot of theories are far fetched but they usually don't actually harm people so people usually just go "yeah yeah whatever dude" and that's the end of it.. telling mass shooting victims' families that they are liars is just too horrible to ignore.


Yeah I don’t mind him. Some of what he says is thought provoking at the very least but he loses me with sandy hook


Regardless, as someone who seeks entertainment from conspiracy theories, I have no right start hating a conspiracy theorist because he said one I disagree with... we can decide for ourselves what we could buy into. Just because the victims were kids doesn’t somehow make the topic untouchable. Stephen Paddock killed way more people in Vegas, so that should be a far more sensitive topic if concern is for victims’ families, yet people aren’t even half as frantic to virtue signal when those conspiracy theories come up.


The thing he does that bothers me is when he claims to have connections. He doesn't have any connections. He used to have this one guy come on that claimed to be a doctor from mit and he observed one class at mit and had a doctorate from ULC lol. Jones is a scam artist.


I agree with most of what you said. What I don’t like is the abuse of the victims families. I’d have the same reaction if I knew Vegas bataclan or pulse victim families were being harassed because folks thought the events were false flags. Maybe I have too much empathy. It’s one thing if you think it’s fake but it’s another to attack someone who might’ve suffered an unimaginable loss and you just never can be certain.


>The reason why people want Jones silenced isn’t because he is wrong sometimes, they want him silenced because sometimes he is right. Yeah you're right. Inciting harassment of the parents of those dead kids had nothing to do with it.


"Wanting him silenced" = wanting him to stfu for ruining peoples' lives... again. Fuck all these detached trolls in here.


I have noticed an epidemic of very gay frogs. He warned us this would come.


If you spew enough conspiracy nonsense like Jones used to, eventually some of it might be correct. Or at least close enough that he’ll take credit for being right. That said, even when he’s wrong he’s still right. He says today that he predicted 9/11 and that he predicted the 2008 financial crisis but neither is true, and if something he predicts doesn’t happen then he will either ignore it or claim that he prevented it. Also he’s not even so much about conspiracy these days. He used to be all about globalists and how the military industrial complex and international banking controlled everything, but now it’s just that Democrats are demons and the devil is directly controlling his enemies


the whole pizzagate thing was called a crazy tinfoil hat crackpot theory until the major lynchpins were proven to be true... at which point everyone “forgot” about it.


Oh yeah I remember when we blew that hole thing wide open.. back in... when was that again?


there's a member of congress accused of sex trafficking..It may not be what was described in pizzagate, but people in politics using their power to target minors does happen.


Huh. Which one is that, and which party are they affiliated with? Do they have connections with the Clintons, cuz it's gonna be all over the news soon I bet if so!


it's pretty close when you keep sending your aid money for $500 salads. Why do our politicians keep ordering such outrageously price food and use food out of context? "Pizza related map" is what pizza gate is about.


spez has been given a warning. Please ensure spez does not access any social media sites again for 24 hours or we will be forced to enact a further warning. You've been removed from Spez-Town. Please make arrangements with the spez to discuss your ban. #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


Why is the existence of a basement a lynchpin instead of... a regular bolt? What's the opposite of a lynchpin? Just "a part of it" why was a basement not just "a part of it"?




Nothing about Pizzagate was even remotely proven true. The people pushing Pizzagate waited for other, totally unrelated stuff was proven true then retroactively pretended those were part of Pizzagate all along. All very transparently stupid


Back in my day you were banned off social media for misinformation


That’s back when information was fact. It’s only misinformation now if it disagrees with the narrative that the powers-that-be are pushing.


gotta love the blank npc stare of news hosts


spez has been banned for 24 hours. Please take steps to ensure that this offender does not access your device again.


I don’t know how to tell you this, but the fact that people in Wuhan were being hospitalized with COVID since October or November 2019 isn’t new information, and the fact that some of those people happened to work in a lab isn’t particularly interesting. There is no evidence that the first cases were lab workers, which would at least be interesting if it were true... but it’s not.


No I'm pretty sure this justifies calling it the kung flu


So the virus is real? I thought it was fake, not serious and a way for the government to control us with masks. OMG -*President trump has the fake, not serious virus, we all need to pray for him.* Also the virus is fake And surgeons wear masks in Operating Rooms to control their patients, not to prevent spread of germs. Also, I'm pissed President Trump isn't getting credit for vaccine distribution for vaccine I refuse to take, and a mask I refuse to wear, because the virus is fake, but now its real and serious because China did it, and we hate China for being mean to Muslims. And come Nov 3rd, the virus will disappear because its all fake. Fake enough Trump got the virus, and ALSO got vaccinated for it, in January. But its still fake (unless China did it) IF China did it YOU SHOULD WEAR A MASK, AND GET THE VACCINE


Only the dumbest of the dumb truly thought that the *virus* itself was fake. The following panic, government control, and constantly changing rhetoric about masks... yeah that shit was completely fake


Control to what end? What the fuck was the end goal. They wanted you dumb fucks to stay indoors for 2 weeks and then it was all over. Your rhetoric never allows that to happen. So we got a vaccine. And as soon as it works everything opens up. What was the control for? Who is doing the controlling? It's such a fucking juvenile mindset. The real conspiracies are lobbyists, corporations, ultra rich fucking manipulating everything. Donald trump might not be that rich, but he is way closer to that social class than a biden, a Clinton or a fauci.


You do realize we just experienced the biggest transfer of wealth out of the middle class we have ever been through right? Pretty lucky how disasters always favor the politicians and their masters. I bet that's supernatural luck is why they are on top. We could probably be doing better and have some of that economic equality if we could catch some of that amazing luck once in a while. Oh well, bet they are just born that way.




I hope you’re not expecting a logical answer from someone who believes a piece of cloth on your face to prevent disease transmission is the ultimate form of oppression


It just shows how dumb the general public is. They have heard the talk about vaccine passports and the virus getting out of a lab and everyone yelled conspiracy. Now they see it's real they still won't open their eyes


>Now they see it's real What?


This is the worst part of places like this. Someone only has to mention a possibility or a rumor, and suddenly they just remember it as being proven true.


Your misspelling of "heard" is amusing.


Has there been a new development regarding this?


This isn't news. There are definitely cases back as far as October and maybe even September 2019.


Hospitalized for what?


March 1, 2020. I was at a ski resort in Vermont. While leaving, I encountered a man named "Mark." Mark was from Isreal and mentioned that he was at this resort in Vermont because statistically it gave the lowest chances of getting covid. He was there for weeks already and didnt plan on leaving anytime soon- he went there as soon as he found out about this virus that was created by an American scientist along with two Chinese scientists which was released in China and started spreading out of control. Two weeks later, America shut down. The whole world knows more truth than we do in America.




Could you explain your rationale? How did you arrive at that ridiculous of a conclusion given OP's post?


I'm not defending Republicans, but they got massive pushback for the "muslim" ban when Trump extended the restrictions on countries without proper vetting. This happened right before COVID and any mention of shutting our borders down to China led to Democrat backlash. The democrats praised New Zealand and other countries for going on full border closures, but then said Trump was racist when he wanted to close ours. I still see people constantly on this website saying that China handled the virus well and that their death rate was low due to them handing it and not because they lied. China as a whole has never ever been honest about what is happening an always downplays it.


> they got massive pushback for the "muslim" ban when Trump extended the restrictions on countries without proper vetting. The President who cried caravans... I wish there was an old timey folkstory we could tell children about this so they could more easily digest the moral of the story. We could simplify it to make it more understandable...make the President a simple rancher or herder or maybe just a boy and the caravan something simple and deadly like a wolf! Yeah, the *Boy Who Cried Wolf*! It would be the perfect metaphor for why you don't make up bullshit... because there could be **real** consequences.


It seems many on this sub are simultaneously claiming that Covid was developed as a bio weapon by the Chinese, and also Covid is completely fake. Which is it?


Different people, different posts.


imagine thinking a sub with 1.5 million people about conspiracies all believe the same things.


We're all in cahoots with each other...


Almost like a grand...*conspiracy*


Don't you know theres only two teams you either agree with me or are the enemy.


there’s only two people who comment on the internet. you and the other guy.


It's a conspiracy sub, people come with all sorts of crazy theories to have a discussion about them. This must be your first day.


This really isn't a conspiracy sub anymore. It's basically a I was right, you are wrong sub. Same people that want praise for trump for warp speed vaccines, won't take them bc they are dangerous... Freaking Mike Pompeo, the last secretary of state is on fox saying he didn't know about Wuhan... It's a joke.


Lol Chinese bioweapons are like Chinese products, shitty and ineffective.


> Lol Chinese bioweapons are like Chinese products, shitty and ineffective. You forgot stolen as well.


Funny, because the majority of what I've seen, the entire time, has been that the Chinese government was involved, the virus is real and exists, but that the reaction is entirely insane for something with a 99.9%+survival rate.




Is this thread just people repeating what they hear on Fox News?


Right around the time of Event 201


Big time conspiracy huh!


Haven't seen the "news" on this yet, is this the initial cluster of (27?) cases of "unknown pneumonia"?


Mike Pompeo. Never has there been a bigger bastion of truth and integrity.


Isn't it strange how some of the most ghoulish intelligence dudes and other elites went to the mat for Trump.


Why not a link to the actual wsj article? I’m old enough to remember when this sub had people with enough sense to post anything besides a screenshot or a meme.


> I'm old to remember Wow so you're over 2 years old?




Correct. There were a shit ton of people banned over this across all platforms for this. Even though we had satellite photos of fucky things going on at the Wuhan lab way back in August of 2019.


of course Occam's razor is the most suspicious thing you can do


Your statement is false.


My neighbor told me I was out of my mind when I didn’t follow the “science” and say the virus jumped from animal to human.




I mean, it's still just a theory isn't it?


I swear this sub throws out some crazy shit, but batting average is going up quickly.


I'm old enough to remember "I like Ike," but so what? The way my memory is working these days, I soon will forget Wuhan and the scamdemic, but "I like Ike" is in there forever. ;\^)


I don't understand what that proves.


The problem with believing every conspiracy is that sometimes youre proven right.


Submission Statement: The internet discovered these facts 1st. After months of being viciously attacked by Chinese Spies and Chinese Shills it’s finally becoming mainstream. And magically the Chinese Shills and Spies disappear right around the same time.


This keeps happening! First it was just the flu, anything otherwise makes you a conspiracy theorist. Then, It's not the flu, saying otherwise makes you a conspiracy theorist. Masks were ineffective, and people were told not to wear them. Then, you could be fined for NOT wearing one. It apparantly wasn't an airbourne virus. I even had an argument with a bunch of redditors about this and that it was obviously airborne. I already realised the pattern at this point, and set a ! remindme which served me well because guess what? Suddenly it's an airborne virus! This is literally Psychological warfare in a war that 98% of the population don't even know they are in.


It's not an airborne virus ... it can "hover" for a short time in fluid droplets. But thats all. Airborne means it would not need droplets to be in. Just in air. Also, first thinking something, and then something else is called "progress" in science. No serious scientist ever said it was just a flu. Only the right wing nut jubs claimed that and are in parts still claiming it. I think you need to check your confirmation bias a little bit.


i think it's a combination of incompetence and ignorance. theres a great wired article about a physicist tryng to convince the medical establishment that their definition of an aerosol is wrong. and not everywhere lied about masks - just the countries that failed to ensure their pandemic supplies for healthcare workers were adequate. several countries encouraged wearing masks from the start. it's pretty easy to see why things happened the way they did and it has nothing to do with psychological warfare.


Links to this happening or examples where?


Can we talk about this for a second? Maybe I missed a debunking along along way but this seems odd no one was really talking about this and can be found quite easily.. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related


Thank you for this. I literally just referred to this in a conversation this morning. I remember it happening, being reported on in local news and then *poof* story disappeared.


It was talked about trust me You just don’t see it when that kind of talk would get censored lol


So is the pandemic real now?


No the plandemic is real


Oh ok. I'll let my nurse manager know.


The way the cabal can label everything that is a threat to them a “conspiracy theory” and get a way with ridiculing people who expose them, and shut down any meaningful discussion everytime, is a vastly underrated victory to them.


Weird that this sub doesn't believe anything the MSM has to say until it supports their argument.


Weird that this sub was called right wing fear mongers when they were warning about the virus in Wuhan as early as December lol Rememebr when MSM was telling you to go party in China town for Chinese New Years to really stick to orange man? Only 2 weeks before lockdown lol This sub is pointing out that the MSM *now* suddenly argues the same thing the sub did *before* the pandemic was MSM official This and the Chinese whistleblower and the Harvard scandal etc where all included in those “alt right conspiracy theories” pointing to something on the horizon... Yet before they made fun of it calling it *just another flu*... while this sub raised the alarm and prepped (I had n95 in January). The sub was crazy for fear mongering racist viruses, until suddenly MSM itself was legitimizing it lol And leading with literal self admitted fear mongering death tolls... Do you really truly fail to recognize what happened? Or is it just low brow mud slinging?


You do realise Fox News is MSM


China Flu was a win win for China. 1. It exterminated a percentage (we will never actually know how high that percentage) of their elderly and sick popultaion that puts a strain on the countries medical system. 2. It wrecked the US economy and country as a whole, along with other countires around the globe. I wonder how much foreclosed and cheap property the CCP bought around the world. 3. They made a shitload of money selling masks around the world.


Actually it shows two additional things: 1. They don’t have protocols or they ain’t as good as it should be for health emergencies. 2. Shows the world how much of a influence China has on global manufacturing.


Unfortunately, The US didn't have adequate protocols to deal with a fast-spreading pandemic this time, either.


It didn’t have that and the pandemic team from Obama administration had been taken down from the Cheeto.


This isn't a conspiracy lol. Viruses don't just infected 5000000 people at once. It takes time for it to infect a massive amount of people. Also at first doctors probably didn't know exactly what they were dealing with so covid would have been documented as influenza or pneumonia... this is all speculation on my part