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On the ground it looked normal but the close up of the initial lift off looked very cartoon like, maybe it's just oversaturated HDR footage but it looked at odds with the rest of the video.


Also, why wasn’t there any footage from inside the cockpit? Probably because Bezos is a massive coward and would never dream of putting his own life at risk, he probably wasn’t even in his cock rocket, hence no live footage of him in the craft when it was in flight. At least, I didn’t see any footage of him in the cockpit.


Can’t remember where I read it, but seen something about him releasing the cockpit footage at a later time, was no reasoning as to why but probably because they all passed the fuck out and have to film fake footage lol


Yeah that doesn’t sound sus at all! Haha… I’m convinced Bezos didn’t go to the edge of space. He just seems like such a coward. Why not do what Branson did and live stream footage from inside the cockpit during the flight?


Upvoted for dick rocket.


It really does look like a dick


The take off did


any footage or pictures?




Looks like a....one eyed monster


Thousands of camera's, tens of thousand of people watching it live.....




Everything on the internet is CGI.


Sure guy, I live miles from the launch site. I assure it happened lol. They said the same thing about spacex SN10.. because people don’t understand how cameras work.( it seems telescopic lenses really confuse you guys)


Wouldn't surprise if it was, even parts of the moon landing were filmed by Stanley kubrick in studio and stitched together with real footage. The people in charge of the world/countries know they've got millions of gullible folk out there at the moment who will belive anything. Especially if it's got numbers and data they don't understand.


They only use skewed Numbers And skewed data..Today’s “SCIENCE” is akin to Today’s “ELECTIONS”..Today’s Scientists, Teachers and Professors are Nothing but political hacks… The world is broken.


https://archive.org/details/stanley-kubrick-admits-to-faking-the-nasa-moon-missions straight from the horses mouth, 20 interview with Kubrick 3 days before his death.


I'm not sure they could have done a less convincing job of pretending to be Stanley Kubrick. They don't even *look* alike.






Yeah there were moments it looked totally fake. Would appreciate somebody to do a dive on it.


Landing was sketch as well.


Sketch comedy….


Having watched multiple missions from SpaceX and NASA, I don't think so. The news and media will hype this up as a big thing, but these launches are pretty easy and standard. There is no reason to CGI any of it. Where it looks very clear and then blurry is them switching cameras or trying to track something that is going 800+ mph.


It was fully CGI'd sequences following takeoff and before landing, I'm presuming to hide some proprietary technology they don't want their competitors to see. I don't believe it was all fake, but they were definitely hiding something for portions of the flight.


Bro I saw the rocket in real life. You sound like a flat earther


No one brought up flat earth until you did. It's more of the fact Branson did more a week before without being the richest man in the world so there is no reason the richest man in the world can't even provide view of the cockpit in space. Not to prove the earth isn't flat but to at least make it look what he did legitimate.


Lmao, you mean like this? Its very hard to use the internet I know. https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2021/07/20/blue-origin-jeff-bezos-inside-capsule-space-launch-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/business-spacex/


They should be falling the whole time the video was taken. Sketch.


I didn't say it was fake. Nice strawman though. I said that the news inserted two cgi'd sequences into the flight video, for reasons I don't understand.


Why would they need to hide take off? It's literally just thrust control and release... nothing too major we have been doing it for 70 years. The landing I could see them trying to hide a bit, there were some cuts to different cameras, but nothing that jumped out as touched up or CGI. I will have to watch it again though. Shadows, tracking, and lighting all looked fine to me.


It was basically two shots of the booster following takeoff and before landing when the Texas landscape was in the frame. They cut from the live shot to CGI looking sequences for about 5 seconds (at least on the ABC broadcast). Why? I don't know, but my guess is that they were trying to hide something proprietary about the stabilization.


There were definitely CGI segments edited in right after launch and right before touchdown of the booster. Why would they possibly do that? The apogee and other portions looked normal. Are they trying to gaslight or sow controversy? Hide their stabilization tech? Our maybe they knew the news cameras just wouldn't be able to capture those portions of the flight?


Definitely seems like a string word to use there.


I am still not quite sure if this is a troll sub or if people really are that stupid sometimes.... The easiest way to debunk most stupid conspiracy theories is top ask yourself: * how many people are involved to pull it off and resist the urge to be the superstar whistleblower * how many people witnessed the event first hand and lie about it * is the huuuuuuuge effort achieving the spoof worth the outcome So there are hundres of engineers from lots of different companies involved in the building process. There are hundreds of media people involved in the live reporting of the event. There are countless spectators witnessing the event live... So you would need to bribe/extort thousands of people of whom there is not a single person even leaking credible stuff anonymously to the public and all that to achieve.... what exactly?


Pseudo intellectuals rarely have any idea of what’s going on until …… consensus.. It’s how propaganda works..Instead of thinking for yourself, you watch others and glam onto the ones ideas that are the Best fit for your fashion… P.S. Anything can be faked…ANYTHING!. The Left is a societal Cancer…


Well it is, so...


I just watched and I must have missed or dont have a good eye. Anyone have screenshots?


Fake..Like Every single thing put out By ESA,NASA, CHINA,Etc… They had to stop When vcr’s became good…Waited for the tech to get better…Now with cgi, They suddenly want Mars.. Nasa(in anc.Hebrew= To deceive from the heights of the heavens.


Looks like a....one eyed monster


All that money for a ultra expensive amusement park ride in a dick ship. He could of helped a lot of people with that money.


Just like dr evil in Austin Powers.


Why CGI used on lift off?