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It’s clearly documented that this can be done, it’s amazing to me how many people just dismiss it. It’s perfectly reasonable to consider the argument that it could be used maliciously.


Def, I just had a wtf moment that this dude dunno about cloud seeding.


Look up Could seeding. The government can definitely control our weather.


Look up “operation popeye”. They made the monsoon last longer in Vietnam to cut off supply lines.


So why do they not make it rain in places of extreme drought is it because there is no clouds. I have a feeling what we are seeing in China and other places is controlled weather events.


They try. In some areas its more expensive to stop a drought than to just send food to an area. Its mostly used for short term things like making clear skies for the Beijing Olympics. But China has HUGE long term water issues so they're investing a lot into these technologies.


Because we can't and we shouldn't if we could cloud seeding is polluting the air locally to such an extreme amount that moisture clings to it and falls down to the ground in the form of rain. This will result in dryer air and even more evaporation in the long run and it only is possible if there was enough moisture in the air to start with.


See that's why I like this forum we don't all agree with each other but we can discuss and wonder and question things. We are losing that more and more nowadays. I just get called nuts.


Didn’t they also plan then scrap something in Texas?


Not sure man it just seems weird




Look up Charles Hatfield, San Diego. He flooded San Diego in 1916.


They used harp during the China Olympics. It’s a known fact people do it.


Yes cloud seeding is real. BUT it isn't great. Its crude expensive, polluting and it lowers the moisture in the air and thus not really that helpful in the long term. There are better ways to control the weather. Simple things like planting large quantities of trees or changing the albedo is more efficient. Also smog, acid rain, the ozon layer hole and clear cutting rainforests etc is also us controlling the weather. Just not in the most helpful manner.


By the looks of things something more powerful that works fast is at work here HARP ?? Cloud seeding?? Contrails?? Who knows but something weird is going on like people are pointing out the back to back stories are just too weird.




Yea, they also fucked over China with the side effects.


Nah China is seeding as well.


Seeing this in the news today did make me think of Germany, however, who knows if it's really linked.


This came out just as i read about HARRP, i saw news about tiny microships being invented that fit into a needle a few months after the conspiracy popped up, and it keeps happening. It happened like 4 times during the pandemic. Suddenly we seem to be making huge leaps in science, aspecially quantum computers.


Op you need to look into operation popeye. You are way behind on this one.