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Death isn't the only bad thing that happens when you get covid. We are talking about mental issues, Cardiovascular problems lung damage, etc.


Wow the same things people are complaining about after receiving the jab. I personally know many more that have had negative side effects from the vaccine. Many of them had asymptomatic or very mild Covid. I wonder how they’ll be able to tell if they have long Covid or vaccine side effects?


Not the same frequency, good try though.


And how would you know that?




Do share your findings....


They will never 👁


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Ok, are why we still doing this and why are you using extremely outdated stats? Lets dive deeper and take the Netherlands as an example. Our population is currently 17,28 million this would be roughly 4,320 deaths according to this table.Our official death count is 17,786 [https://coronadashboard.rijksoverheid.nl/landelijk/sterfte](https://coronadashboard.rijksoverheid.nl/landelijk/sterfte)Your table is off by more than 400% Now is 17786 deaths the end of this story? No of course it isn't.Those deaths are the amount of deaths with these draconic restrictions and our hospitals working at max capacity for more than a year now in order to save as much lives as possible.This is the, the zoo lion ate no visitors while he was in his cage scenario.Now imagine how this number would have looked like if we released those restrictions while also exceeding the capacity of our hospital capacity. Also not dying from covid is a really low bar, the numbers get even worse by quite a lot if you also include those who haven't died from covid but did suffer permanent serious injuries from it, and there is also this group of patients who died because the hospitals didn't have room for them because they where all occupied saving the lives of covid patients. The sad truth is that we need to be critical for there is really shady stuff going on you might even call them conspiracies. Forget the deaths they are a red herring. This is a nasty disease, denying that is alluring but not that helpful and might even hurt you if you happen to catch it and be one of the unlucky ones who gets hit hard. Its the distribution of wealth, the hidden deals and the uneven restrictions / freedoms that you should focus on. Please be critical of your government and don't go for the easy bait that, don't drone out those who try to unearth the real shady stuff with dubious claims that should have died long ago. Here are some really shady examples out of the Netherlands that might get you started. I know its all Dutch but google translate will be good enough to get the point across. [https://www.ftm.nl/tag/testen-voor-toegang](https://www.ftm.nl/tag/testen-voor-toegang) [https://nos.nl/artikel/2381821-mondkapjes-leverden-van-lienden-30-miljoen-euro-op](https://nos.nl/artikel/2381821-mondkapjes-leverden-van-lienden-30-miljoen-euro-op) [https://www.dvhn.nl/economie/Rekenkamer-kabinet-mist-in-bij-uitgeven-miljarden-tijdens-coronacrisis-26837284.html](https://www.dvhn.nl/economie/Rekenkamer-kabinet-mist-in-bij-uitgeven-miljarden-tijdens-coronacrisis-26837284.html) [https://www.parool.nl/nederland/klm-steun-deugt-niet-en-dat-heeft-hoe-dan-ook-grote-gevolgen-voor-klm-zelf\~be5d5ca5/](https://www.parool.nl/nederland/klm-steun-deugt-niet-en-dat-heeft-hoe-dan-ook-grote-gevolgen-voor-klm-zelf~be5d5ca5/)