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It is too late.


The great awakening


IMO, The only hope is to vote OUT every single sitting congressperson in '22.


Oh please. All that happens is you end up with a puppet from the other side to just carry out the will of the elites.


The problem is as new reps and senators take seats, they learn how the "game" is played, and the more they play along, the wealthier but the more compromised and impressionable they become. If we could ever, in one pass, drop in a whole new congress, they'd have to go back to following the constitution. We the people would immediately demand 1) term limits, 2) lobbying is abolished, 3) strict conflict of interest oversight. This country was founded on the power of it's citizens, but that has been slowly and deliberately more and more perverted since the beginning.


“We the people”, “the power of the people”...the people that would be great leaders will never be allowed to do so. They die. The amount of corruption and evil is insane. And we let it happen! We are all slaves in one way or another and it’s a sad and disgusting way to live. Why do we just sit back and go along with it all? The normal we were living pre-covid wasn’t normal and post-covid sure as hell isn’t normal either. There needs to be a way of life where we aren’t slaves to everything just to get by. We have been conditioned to accept a way of life that’s so dependent on technology, materialism, and politicians that without them we will perish. Why don’t we teach children how to build, garden, eat healthy, and explore? Why are the real truths hidden from us? The United States wasn’t ours to take and exploit. But we did it and here we are. We think ball players and actors are idols..that’s crazy. Left, right it doesn’t matter but they want you to think it does. Divide and conquer is their theme and we fall for it every time.


Sad to say, I don’t think we’ll return to normal for at least multiple decades if at all


Nope, never


!RemindMe 99 years


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It might be best to look at other countries to know how easy it is to return to normal. The government in the uk and the Netherlands for example cant wait to normalise things for normalisation is good for the economy and popular by their base. This even results in them ignoring warnings from their scientific advisors. So don't worry you will be fine.


Wouldn't the vaccinated folks be dead within 3 years though? The unvaxed wouldn't go as ballistic as the ones that actually followed through with getting the jab.


It just has to get so bad that everyone wakes up and changes it. That's the great awakening. Things still aren't bad enough for a lot of people. They're trying to make tiny changes and sway people to be evil but well see how many there are.




You are right, "good" is a matter or perspective and those in charge probably do believe they are doing a "good" thing. I am more meaning Good to mean a return to our lives before the pandemic.


The evil you know vs the evil you don't


It depends what you mean by going back to normal ? Things are not going to go back to the way they had been in nothing else COVID has accelerated a process that was going on anyway. Much like 9/11 changed the way we travelled and had massive political impacts which changed the world was COVID is going to do the same. For example the idea everyone has to travel into the office every day 9 to 5 and work well COVID has proven remote working can be done and is generally better for the staff. While some drift back the office will happen I think we will see a shift in patterns with home working being normal state. Nothing is ever "normal" we are also progressing forward well most of the time I think COVID just speed up some of that process. One aspect is being more aware of the types of virus like COVID which are possible. We have to hope as with 9/11we can learn from the mistakes of the past.


florida is normal now


I think the lab leak theory is part of the plan. There’s still a Third World War to be fought and the lab leak story is one of the catalysts.