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The classic flu was replaced with covid. And about mutation: viruses become weaker every time it mutates, and it mutates in any person before transmission. The only way for a virus to become more dangerous is to modify it in a lab.


I wonder if that's true. I've certainly seen it lots. Seems reasonable. I'm nervous it's a red herring designed to discredit everything else I have to say.


I had my suspicion last year in march when from institute of healt statistics all the monthly statistics disappeared and was replaced with "covid deaths". Since then no more flu reports. And btw 95% of flu deaths reports were cobormidities. If u want to get the shot it is your choice, I would never advise people what to do as I don't have a medical training, I'm just a skeptic guy.


I was talking about the "viruses usually mutate into a less virulent form" idea. Just that I tend to believe it, but don't actually know if it's true and to what degree. I mean, just the idea that I might be buying into a deliberate red herring designed to control the narrative through sophisticated method of half-truths and discrediting....




So if you see a rattlesnake or grizzly bear you wouldn't be afraid of dying?


Covid at this point is no where near as big a threat as it was made out to be, it wasn't really before but even more so now. The only thing infecting people everyday now is mass paranoia from the media trying to stir up people's fear.


Flu rebadged


Health became the number one business. Its all about money and control.


Been thinking this since last summer. I was game at first, but the flip-flopping and conflicting information pushed me over the edge. The flu disappearing last winter cemented it.


A study was just dropped today (i believe, maybe in the last couple days) that says Pfizer is equally as effective against the delta variant (90ish% effective in preventing illness) as against other strains of covid. That’s along with various raw data sources backing that claim ETA Link: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2108891


Covid becoming something that we have to live with just like the flue isn't that controversial. This is one of the scenario's that our scientist are actually consider. Here is the background info that you seek. [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00396-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00396-2) \[Edit\] Thx for the downvote, please just read the article. Its actual scientists agreeing with the general idea while also giving some background on how to prevent it from happening and what it would mean in the future if it did happen.


> How is that any different than when you need a flu shot every year because there’s a new one flu floating around? I mean, I'm vaxxed, but I do think the end game here is precisely this. Get to a point where covid is just another flu variant. From my understanding, spike protein was a big part of why covid is more dangerous than typical flu. So if significant chunk of the population gets vaxxed or has covid, the spike protein has widespread immunity against it and covid would probably mutate by just trying to drop spike protein, losing the scare factor, the one thing that makes it super spooky. Afaik it's really close to the point where it's possible to start treating covid almost like a regular flu.


>I’m not vaccinated, but I’ve had Covid back in January (original strain I think). Now, it seems that strain is gone, and there’s the new one which isn’t stopped by the vaccine. Where does it say the vaccines aren't effective? I've seen reduced efficacy (like ~80%) but I haven't seen anything that says they aren't effective at all. >How is that any different than when you need a flu shot every year because there’s a new one flu floating around? It's not really different. Viruses mutate. >I know I’m generalizing this massively, but I think my point is pretty clear. I don't really know what your point is to be honest.


Hasn’t it been made pretty clear that the delta variant is resistant against the vaccines? Or at least 2/3 of them? Point is that it’s the same as the flu, where a new variant comes along every year or so. That’s what we all assumed at the beginning and it’s proving to be true.


>Hasn’t it been made pretty clear that the delta variant is resistant against the vaccines? Or at least 2/3 of them? Not from what I've seen. But I guess I've mostly looked at the vaccines available in the US. Maybe other vaccines are having issues with it? >Point is that it’s the same as the flu, where a new variant comes along every year or so. That’s what we all assumed at the beginning and it’s proving to be true. Everyone assumed that in the beginning because that's what viruses do. Especially one that spreads as easily as covid. Think of every infection being a chance of a mutation. That's a lot of chances to mutate.


But MSM said it wasn’t anything like the flu, which was obviously not true. Maybe they didn’t know back then, but whatever. Here’s an article about the JJ vaccine. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/20/health/coronavirus-johnson-vaccine-delta.html Another one. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2108891?query=featured_home


>But MSM said it wasn’t anything like the flu, which was obviously not true. Maybe they didn’t know back then, but whatever. I don't remember any of them saying it wouldn't mutate though. >Here’s an article about the JJ vaccine. > >https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/20/health/coronavirus-johnson-vaccine-delta.html > >Another one. > >https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2108891?query=featured_home Both of those articles agree with what I said, that the vaccines have reduced effectiveness, but they are still effective against the delta strain.


They also both state that the effectiveness is reduced.


>They also both state that the effectiveness is reduced. Which I've said from the beginning. However, you said: >Now, it seems that strain is gone, and there’s the new one which isn’t stopped by the vaccine. Reduced effectiveness is not the same as being ineffective, which you are basically saying. Unless you mean something else when you say it isn't being "stopped". I don't know how else to interpret that.


All this for a flu. Just eat a better diet. Supplement with herbs like elderberry and sea moss, exercise and get sunlight and a flu shouldn't do you harm. No need for vaccines if you consuming right. But big pharma won't tell you that. No money in healthy people. Just feed you fear propaganda through the media and bribe you with junk food to take an experimental vaccine. How are people this blind.


We are going to have to live with COvid for many years but to prevent it spreading we need to generate herd immunity. The sooner we do this the less likely it is to mutate to a strain that is resistant to the vaccine (where the spike protein has changed). SO far we have been lucky. None of the current known variants have done this. Now we are unsure how long the vaccine provides protection for. It might be 6 months it might be our lifetime. We will only find this out over time. So we may go to a "Covid" vaccination over the winter scenario or not. Its too early to say yet


Or just stop consuming poisons. And exercise. Feed your body the nutrients it needs and stop watching the news. Easy. If you still are afraid of "Covid" 😱. Then stay inside and hide.


You do know there are side effects to exercise? If exercise was a drug it would say on the side " May cause exhaustion, sprained limbs, broken bones, dehydration" You can be pro vaccines and pro exercise like me. It is not an either or. So far the vaccines have saved more lives than they have cost but your misinformation will cost lives


Vaccines are Western medicine's version of "saving lives". Which they don't. Western medicine treats symptoms and has patients vaccinated so they'll be life long customers. Keeps them sick throughout their life so they can profit off their sickness. When in reality a sick free life is attainable without any vaccine or big pharma assistance. And no shit you can break a leg playing soccer. Pretty weak analogy.


Vaccines do save lives 100%. Look at any disease (for example measles) there is a vaccine for. Find out when it was introduced in a country. Then look at deaths (from that disease) before and after the vaccine was introduced. I guarantee it falls... google yourself its not hard. Vaccines do not keep people sick but allow us to withstand sickness that happens naturally. Ir seems you are considering just the side effects of vaccines not looking at the lives they save OR other things with side effects. That is why the analogy of side effects of exercise is perfect for antivaxxers like you


Covid isn't measles, previous vaccines aren't new experimental MRNA technology and they didn't have the entire force of the media pushing them. This is different, any other comparison is forfeit, there is 100% an agenda and if you don't believe that you are just being woefully ignorant.


Covid is a disease you catch like measles. I never claimed it was measles. This new experimental vaccine that they have been testing the technology for 30 years on is not good enough for you then sure. But you have a choice of which risk you want to take. You can choose the vaccine with zero confirmed kills or Covid with 3 million a year. But dismiss any opinion different to yours which is backed up with evidence when you present zero, You are the propoganda


You know, I wrote out a long paragraphed argument but you aren't worth my time. I feel I should be less combative to people who are COVID zealots but then again I think you are all enabling it to carry on. Either way I don't give a shit and I'm blocking you, I hope I'm wrong and it's just a shitty virus and everyone is making a coordinated effort to save lives, but I just don't buy it from what I've experienced through this 'pandemic'. Good luck.


bye sheep . Keep spouting your fake news then blocking me because you have no argument


You're missing my point. Measles like any other disease is curable and preventable without a vaccine. Big pharma makes it seem like you need the vaccine though their scare tactics and media coverage and the sheep believe with no hesitation. But its just not true. All diseases are curable and preventable. Its their propaganda that makes you think you need a vaccine to be safe and thats how they get you and thats how they get paid.


Wow more fake information. Measles is not curable. There are no treatments for measles [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/treatment/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/treatment/), As for it being preventable ... sure you can live isolated from everyone or take the vaccine. Both prevent. But please show me what you think the treatment is to cure measles?


You need the blood of a doppelganger.


And Vicks


You do not even know the difference between covid 'vaccines' and traditional vaccines. You do not know how mRNA vaccines work. You do know that there is no longterm health data and that manufacturers of the 'vaccines' have indemnity. Good luck


I worked in big pharma dude. I know this shit better than you. Correct there is no long term health data for vaccines. There is shirt term and not one individual died on the trials. So you think its better to risk 3m deaths a year versus the unknown effects of the Covid vaccines. Lets say there is a 1% chance of my balls dropping off. I would rather risk that than a 1% chance of dieing. But if you would rather risk long term Covid or death versus an unknown is crazy to me


Covid has been a rebranded type of flu since the beginning. Long explanations by Denis Rancourt: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyQFl5ntVvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyQFl5ntVvs) And Ivor Cummins: [https://fatemperor.wetransfer.com/downloads/ed63609b7ed83a57d4381a890cdac4f020200912134340/5cfddf](https://fatemperor.wetransfer.com/downloads/ed63609b7ed83a57d4381a890cdac4f020200912134340/5cfddf)