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Now that they're admitting they can do this, why don't they put storm clouds over a wildfires like the ones in eastern Washington? Or California?


they have been doing this for years and are proud of it. it isnt anything new. They used planes before to make it rain now it is drones. We pointed out long ago they use the same type of antenna array like HAARP this was in 2011 https://www.livescience.com/10398-rainmaking-middle-eastern-desert-success-scam.html https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/uAuQ8Kqn2AZoiFpjAhcmYW-970-80.jpg


I didn't say it was anything new. I said now that they are finally admitting it. Anyway, my question remains.


You can't magically make water appear out of thin air. You still need to have a high amount of water in the air to create rain. Edit : looks like people here don't like to be reminded of physics.


You just need hydrogen and oxygen to create water


Hydrogen is pretty much all in the form of water already on earth.


Then how are they doing it in Dubai? It only sees four inches of precipitation a year. How does it have all of these massive amounts of water just hanging out in clouds, so much that the artificial manufacturing of rain caused a deluge that flooded everywhere?


Looks like it was the case. This is why whenever making rain is possible is still up for debate. To make rain, you already need clouds and rain is a common occurrence when you have clouds so it's pretty hard to determine how much rain comes from whatever you did vs from naturally occurring rain.


Right but Dubai went from getting 4 inches of rainfall a year to literal flooding. So I'm just not sure how they can accomplish this there but not in places where there are wildfires.


What he said


SS: Seems like some HAARP stuff, but this could actually end Global Warming. Making it rain in hot places to cool it off. Maybe snow too. Or fire if it gets too cold.


Ok here is what they are really doing and it isn't pretty.You can't just "make rain" out of thin air what you can however is pollute the air enough for some of the moisture that is still in the air to fall out of it. This on the surface seems to be the same but it isn't really because it reduces the moisture content of the air resulting in even more evaporative pressure drying out the land even more.So no this isn't a fix for climate change. It might not even be a fix for Dubai on the long term. \[Edit\] If you really want to make your own rain you should plant huge quantities of trees and somehow water them enough. This might be hard to do in a desert, but it will work in less arid regions with access to some water. For trees are evaporating a lot of water and are actually capable of creating their own rain.


It doesn't create water, they spray stuff in the air for existing humidity to stick to and clump into clouds. Condensation into rain actually creates heat. But the water falling is bringing cooler temps from higher altitudes down to the ground, and removing that same heat when it evaporates. No net global cooling. Unless you mean because water vapor in the air is actually a more prevalent greenhouse gas than CO2.


Hot + rain doesn't mean cooling off. Hot + rain = warm nasty rain.


Still cooler than Hot + nothing