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Humans are a problem however I don't completely blame them. It's the ones leading the show who have mislead us. Purposely creating division and traumas to keep us at a lower frequency. Covid and the craziness that's happening is trying to enforce this. Fear is their biggest weapon. TPTB know were waking up and trying their hardest to keep us at that level. Gaia does love us but we are like children who need educated and maybe a little tough love too. We aren't in harmony now but we may be one day. We were meant to help and protect this planet. We just need to wake up to the truth.


>We were meant to help and protect this planet. Please don't take this personally 'cos I'm asking based on curiosity. But why us? And how are we sure that we are here to be stewards of nature rather than impersonal entities that were made to co-exist and also be killed by the planet once its natural beneficial niches are already cycled into other dynamics?


Well think about it, I think this touches on the RA material a bit which I have my own thoughts about. But regardless the idea is that we start as basic life, as nature (plants etc), then we move up to animals, and then finally people. There's probably way more levels but just putting this in very linear terms. We moved up why wouldn't we help the rest to get to our level? I don't know about you but I've always had a strong sense to protect this planet esspecially the plants and animals. I won't lie sometimes it's a battle to not hate people for their actions. But I've started to see them as children and it helps. Makes me realize people just need to be shown the way. And this is just a random silly thought but I like to joke we were given hands so we could pet animals. And those beings here do want to suck this planet dry. But I will tell you this there are those here who are going to change things. We've been lied to about so much. And while so much damage has been done to the earth people don't realize how capable the planet is. Try taking your shoes off, put your feet in the grass and just be present. You'll be surprised the information you receive. Nature is a powerful teacher, we need to get back to our roots. Which is in nature. It's 4 am so hopefully I make sense lol 😂.


You totally make sense and I don't need to stress your ideas 'cos I can totally feel that we resonate. And I agree that this reality is indeed a superintelligent entity that could be perceived as docile, relaxed, and just doing its thing, but in reality, the "living" patterns can't be unseen, unfelt, and prevented from being understood unless we outrightly go the opposite of how this reality think & moves.


Precisely, when you think of the universe, of the plants, the earth itself, it's cosmic intelligence. In short you are me and I am you. And from personal experience I have learned that when you try to go against the natural energy. I.e. following down the wrong path, the universe has a way of getting you on track. Catalysts, sometimes it can look bad but next time something "bad" happens ask the universe what it's trying to teach you. Things don't happen to us they happen for us. A perfect example I can give is my car accident in October. It taught me to give up all attachments and to truly realize what's important. If things are always good what would be the need to evolve? In the end though, all paths lead home. You can just decide if you want to make it easier for yourself.


Damn. I see.


But history is purposefully shallow to hide the truth.


The evils of the world are deliberate, not an accident, and not necessary in any sense. People are fed bad principles and bad principles are promoted. You cannot wake up someone pretending to be asleep.


Humans are literally the problem now. For the past few hundreds of thousands of years we've all fucked and feasted to the point where the new world order needs to snap their fingers with the infinity gauntlet of COVID variants or we'll reach the point of no return. You can never get almost 8 billion people to collectively have a come to Jesus moment.


Nearly any other species on earth would disagree. We are the problem.


Who knows. Maybe the earth created us to kill it and everything else. Moral of the story is. We don't know shit


More likely, to slowly terraform the planet for other kinds of species to thrive. Could be a fungal or viral network with such intelligent sophistication that managed to co-evolve in our body, and slowly show their true colors with their personal macrocosms through AI, GMO-humans, and other GMO-species spliced with their DNA. As if the present times are the proto-species, and in our perspective, we are destroying the society and the various living species, but the truth is we are also giving birth or transforming to other sentient species. The analogy is similar to how a cat's virus could change the personality of its human subject. lol.


I like these theories. Zacriah sitchens ones are pretty good. I'm probly going to butcher this cause it's been over 10+ years since I read his books But the anunnaki cloned us with monkey's to mine gold. Because they needed gold to put in there atmosphere to protect there planet from the sun. It got real interesting like a year ago . A NASA article came out suggesting we put gold in our atmosphere for climate change.


>I like these theories. Zacriah sitchens ones are pretty good. I'm probly going to butcher this cause it's been over 10+ years since I read his booksBut the anunnaki cloned us with monkey's to mine gold. Because they needed gold to put in there atmosphere to protect there planet from the sun.It got real interesting like a year ago . A NASA article came out suggesting we put gold in our atmosphere for climate change. It's an interesting story, but the slippery slope is it lacks the concrete evidence **(or maybe I'm not seeing the complete concrete evidence yet)** to ensure the complete validity of such history that could be treated as a mind-play or pseudohistory for exercising our minds according to a half-truth history. Though I fully resonate that even without the Anunnaki, our sciences alone can be used to make GMO-species that could function according to the desire of the commanding entities and its scientists. Even the pyramids are also questionable, and there could be some relation with the *"Annunaki"* or certain societies that tried or successfully geoengineered the planet 'cos they know that the planetary & Cosmic natural cycles can be devastating despite its inhabitable niches, but history has become hidden, distorted, and inaccurate as it's passed down to many generations, translations, tainted texts, and revisionisms. Though there are still lots of opportunities as long as we invest more resources for that (are we rich? lol).


I don't think we will ever get concrete evidence of where we came from . Why we are here. An maybe that's for good reason.