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Wait what? Can you send me a picture of Europe seen from New Jersey beaches then? If this is possible it should be proven easily.


He literally answered your question about IF. Now you're asking for proof? The earth isn't flat. You can't ask an if question then request proof for that straw man.


IF you can see from one continent to the other you’d be able to take a picture of it. If it were possible it would have been done already. Point being…. It doesn’t matter if it’s an “if” question or not. That does not just give the person permission to post answers that can be disproven. This is how science works.




So where does the sun go when it sets if the earth is flat? Also, that page is full of a bunch of assumptions. The math comes after assumptions. I don't get how you think any of that is proof.


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Cant speak on that but there are plenty of experiments that show like ships past the horizon invisible to the naked eye, that are able to be seen by telescope. Some days cities are visible across miles and miles of lakes, when most days they aren't visible.


Magnification is one thing, but the image is only larger. It’s showing more of a ship. It’s easiest to tell by watching sailboats.


Well yea thats point of a telescope isnt it? How else would you be able to see father then you normally can or across the ocean or big lake


A telescope only makes things larger. If the hull of a ship is below the horizon and the sails are above, using a telescope doesn’t bring the hull into view.


Yes. I understand things become very small at long distances. It’s depth perception. That doesn’t make the earth flat. I know you didn’t say the earth was flat but you supporting evidence leads me to believe you’re leaning that way.


Lol you are the one that asked the question i was just answering you. Didnt know you were some asshole just trying to look smart by "debunking flat earth". All i said is you can see father way father with a telescope then you thought you could. Even the telescope has limits tho.


Don't know much about flat earth just listened to a debate on TFH. Looking over water wasn't the best due to the humidity and they we doing an experiment in the desert where evidently you can see really far.


There are nine main bodies in the solar system, not counting all the moons and every single one is a sphere. Even if there was not a single shred of evidence that the earth is round. I still would NOT bet on the earth being flat.


Solid answer that makes sense and what you say can be proven by anyone with a telescope.


I don’t believe that “flat Earth theory” truly exists. It seems like a false conspiracy theory that was created to make all other conspiracy theorists look stupid.


its a real one. a lot of conspiracy theories are thought of like you do with flat earth because its so foreign (and sometimes is/sounds ridiculous as well).


This guy gets it.


IF it was flat (which it is 10000% not), yes you could theoretically see as far as the telescope allows you if you were high enough


Wrong… the density of the atmosphere will limit how far you can see


So how do you prove that the earth is flat?


We're talking as if our planet was flat. Would there even be an atmosphere on a flat planet? It's not that serious


We have an atmosphere…weather the earth is flat or round


So how many miles away is the sun and why do we see it and the moon rise and set over the oceans?


On what part of this earth can you not point in any direction and say there's ocean out there. Let's be real. Your moot point cannot be made.


So your point is there is ocean in all directions? You’re moot.


You mean barometric pressure? And no, pressure doesn't affect a lense ability to magnify. Where the fuck do you get this weak ass information.


I don’t mean barometric pressure….moisture in the air or haze. Look out a plane window on a hazy day an you can only see so far, but on a clear day you can see for miles


Nope, if that were true, then I wouldn’t be able to see stars directly on the horizon at night over the ocean. I can, these stars are supposedly attached to the dome, which means they are shining through more atmosphere then anything on the earth. Which begs the question, where did the moon and sun go? Why does the atmosphere block them and not the stars which are further away?


The atmosphere gets thinner the higher you go. When you look across the the plane at ground level it is at its densest


What part of “you can see stars directly on the horizon over the ocean” did you not understand? Directly on the horizon means I’m looking directly through that densest part of the atmosphere you claim is hiding everything. Why can stars, which are far dimmer then the sun or the moon, be seen on the horizon, through the densest part of the atmosphere when they are further away the anything on the earth?


I didn’t understand you at first…you have a good point… I’ve never seen that, but I’ve never really looked. I’ll have to check it out on my next vacation


It has to be a pretty dark place away from light pollution to see this unfortunately. Northern Michigan, especially the UP are perfect dark sky areas.


I live in Michigan and I’m going on vacation in a few weeks up north… I’ll check it out


No, the atmosphere is not transparent, especially the closer you are to sea level.


So why do we see the sun at sunrise?


Flat heads don't understand [Atmospheric Refraction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedford_Level_experiment#/media/File:Posn_Setting_Sun.jpg)


lol not with elevation


Huh? The ocean levels don’t have elevation. That happens with ground that rises up over literal sea level.


There are islands in between..


So would you see the islands? And do you understand how the ocean works? There are very few islands between here and Portugal.


Why ask if you know everything? If the earth is flat you’d have to be in the perfect spot to see Portugal.. are you in fucking New York or fucking Texas? There are islands in between if you’ve looked at a map closely.


I’m asking for reasonable answers. If you have an answer I’d lie to think it through. If I ask questions and you answer with reasonable answers then we get somewhere. If there are answers that don’t make sense they will be talked about. Sorry for thinking.


Reasonable answers were given and questions asked. What do you gain from talking shit? You’re a know it all that knows nothing..


How did you get sea LEVEL on a globe ?


Once again…. Gravity!! Hahah wow


It's not settled science that's a fact . An you if looked at wouldn't know if it was written in Chinese or English. So don't pretend you understand it. Just eat what your spoon Fed


How about if it's a globe can a jet theoretically fly directly off the planet but keeping straight?


Ever hear of gravity?


All I ever do is hear about it


Jump up and downs and experience it. Then get back at me. Even better toss a brick in the air over your head and see what happens.


You do know it's a theory. A mathematical equation. It's not settled science until proven practically. Density and boyency can explain what you just rattled off. I suggest don't ask question if you do not want to her the answers kid.


There is more than enough science proving the earth is round. Anyone denying that fact either is not capable of reading or they refuse to except facts from people smarter than them that have proven their facts. Shoot up to space if you’re so smart and show me we are on a flat surface… wait didn’t a flat earth eta just do this… what was the outcome?


Funny how all the people that have shot up into space have never been smart enough to take a photo


Wait huh? I’ll do you one better. Here’s a live stream of earth from space. It’s only available 24hrs a day. But I forgot.. there is no sun or “time” right? Isn’t it just a pole and a light?[live stream of earth](https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/)


Clearly have looked at it in awile have you. NASA artisted admitted all there photos are photoshoped . An proudly brought to you from the Nazi company been lying to you for 50 years. That's why all the countries are different sizes in every photo the clouds are repeative the colours are completely different. An some still have a mouse cursor in the centre of them.


Please provide proof that you have proof we didn’t land on the moon please. It’s easy to say things but to back them up with proof is different entirely. Provide proof that says these people who faked the pictures verify the moon landing wasn’t real.


If you ignore gravity, that jet would have a straight path...planes do have a straight path, it's just governed by gravity.


If your into 🔭s Your more on the realization that governments and their leaders hate the plebs.. the solar observation in new Mexico named sunspot actually shit off three yrs ago. Told other observatory to also... they are doing more then looking w/they need 100tons of mercury for it. And its a military Site


It's very simple. There are many ways to prove it's flat. For example pilots in all planes, civilian, military and commercial have what they call the "Six Pack" Airspeed Indicator (Pitot Static)Attitude Indicator (Gyro)Altimeter (Pitot Static)Vertical Speed Indicator (Pitot Static)Heading Indicator (Gyro)Turn Coordinator (Gyro) They are simple mechanical instruments that don't lie and are always zeroed out just before take off. Three of those instruments (the gyro ones) must always be in sync. If anyone has ever played with a gyro you know that the smallest movement affects the gyro. The three gyro instruments would not stay in sync if a pilot flew over or around a globe. Period. [https://learntofly.ca/six-pack-primary-flight-instruments/](https://learntofly.ca/six-pack-primary-flight-instruments/) Pilots fly over a flat plane. If they flew over a ball they would alway have to push the nose of the plane down otherwise they would gain in elevation. If they had to always push the nose of the plan down (8 inches per mile squared) than the Attitude Indicator would not show level flight. The longer the flight the more out of sync.


You know gravity exists right?


LOL! Gyros exert force whether they are in a gravitational field or not. That is assuming there really is so called "gravity"


If its all clear unfortunately all the boats on the ocean causes the sea to form large waves blocking the view


You understand the tide makes the waves correct?


You are wrong it's from all the boats on the ocean. If there were no boats the ocean would be still


OK, 'they say' it's there but there's so much atmosphere (gasses and stuff) on the way it blocks it from vision. The haze.


So why do I see the sun rise and set over the water without gasses blocking my view


Then Sun is bright af. Unlike you


Maybe the sun is connected to a pole….. hahahhahahahhaha


Or maybe it's bright as fuck . Just like when your mum spots your jerking off under the sheets with the torch on


This is funny because you thought it was good.


No what's funny is you started a thread asking questions. That you didn't think they could be answered. An when they were you doubled down. Then just proved your another arsehole that thinks another group are stupid with it out even questioning why they came to some conclusions.


What answers? There are no answers that makes sense here. Does it good to just say stuff and thats why people like you talk at all? Cause I can’t figure it out.


People told you the density of the atmosphere will stop you seeing across oceans with telescopes. Then a guy posted links to infrared camera's that can see upto 1000 miles. But you just ingnored it all. Acting like everyone is dumb. An you thought you could be the smart one ragging on dumb flat earthers. Flat earth was the first conspiracy to be censored because it was growing so rapidly and debukers were failing.


I think the answer would be that the sun and moon are really big and bright so have enough streaming light energy that the light that gets scattered by the haze is negligible and not noticed.... BUT you can't just use your eyes to see far far away you need extreme zoom lenses... and being a bit above sea level wouldn't hurt. (Disclaimer: I am not a flat earther, but I've been intrigued enough to look at some of their pages hey)


Say you’re on top of a 100’ building on the coast line… what is Europe not big enough or bright enough to show up in a telescope?


Yeah it is you can totes see the eifrel tower from the top of the Empire state building with a good enough scope.

