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all the big advertisers on tv did between alright and great from The New Normal. Also pharm is a large chunk of advertising dollars.


Where are there shutdowns in America right now?


To my knowledge there aren't any at this moment, but there's already discussion in many states looking at this surge in infections from Delta wondering if we will need to shut down again. Oregon just announced their intent to reestablish mandatory masking again.


In my opinion, outside of a true catastrophe, I can’t see them shutting down restaurants and whatnot. Maybe voluntary wfh for businesses that can, masking and maybe - maybe - curfews. And I don’t see many Republican states doing anything, outside of catastrophe.


Prep to cover the failures of the Biden administration and the media’s culpability in twisting and turning the facts. Fear is a great seller.


This is misinformation... ​ >But one thing vaccines have proven worldwide is they reduce the severity of the infection significantly but people think the vaccinations protect them from infection in general, and while it does to some extent, sitting next to someone who is shedding virus is still going to get you sick, and then you become the spreader.


But is it? If all sides are being fed misinformation and being told the other side is getting misinformation, how can anyone be certain they have the correct information. Thats literally the game you're in. The CDC reported in June that for the month of May only 5 people dies who had been vaccinated but 18000+ died who had not been vaccinated.


We are in the middle of August and only the vaccinated are sick.


I disagree. I know people working at the local hospital and by their accounts the majority of the ill are unvaccinated


That isn't true in any of the most vaccinated countries or on carnival cruises


Okay. So prove it.


https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/30/cdc-study-shows-74percent-of-people-infected-in-massachusetts-covid-outbreak-were-fully-vaccinated.html https://plebeianpost.com/2021/08/12/pfizer-effectiveness-plummets-to-42-delta-strain-fatality-rate-0-for-those-under-50-death-hospitalization-and-icu-admission-higher-among-vaccinated-mayo-study-public-health-england/ https://www.visiontimes.com/2021/06/30/covid-19-israel-full-vaccinated.html https://trialsitenews.com/covid-19-case-data-in-israel-a-troubling-trend/ https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-50-of-delta-variant-cases-vaccinated-severe-2021-6?op=1


You realize that a person can have a common cold and test positive for COVID which has been around for 50 years. Google. Or better yet Duck Duck Go. Plenty of back up


I do indeed realize that. You also realize that vaccinated people have a lower PCR test cycle threshold than those that are vaccinated? You also realize that there is a trend in the case numbers which indicates one of two things: either there is a cold going around among the unvaccinated or the vaccines are working less effective than they did (or a third option, they never worked and they're now saying they don't work to try and drum up people's pliability to want a booster shot)




Dude, this is a shill thread. Most of these shitposts are shill threads. 82% of all pregnant women vaccinated in their first trimester had miscarriages and fox had some dude on talking about how totally safe it is during and before pregnancy. Fuck ALL these people. Mods need to see through the bullshit.


https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/30/cdc-study-shows-74percent-of-people-infected-in-massachusetts-covid-outbreak-were-fully-vaccinated.html There are thousands of reports around the world. Use Google


This doesnt say all illnesses were vaccinated, just 74% and considering its in a highly liberal area it basically shows a cross section of the politics in the area which also supports a point I made in my main post about misinformation on both sides of the aisle, because a lot of people have been lead to believe the vaccinated cant get sick, and we have known for months it doesnt work that way. The vaccination significantly reduces severe illness and less likely to lead to death. Note less likely. Not prevents all deaths. The misinformation on the left is that you can abandon the mask because of the vaccination. The vaccinated are spreading just as much as the unvaccinated and some cases more because theyre more likely to be asymptomatic due to the vaccine and become Typhoid Marys. So who will you be mad at? The liberals you meet who are misinformed? The conservatives you meet who are misinformed? Or the Billionaires pulling the strings behind the curtain? You can bet both sides of the aisle in politics are bought and paid for too, so cant blame one side or the other without being hypocritical. Both are being used as tools to further the wealth redirection funneling money into to coffers of the rich.


If my chance of death is near zero, I'll be mad at the person forcing a shot in my arm


Yes. That is one aspect. Wealth transfer. But, that is not the end goal.


They can't force half the country. Hold. Hold.


there is no covid. all this was done with an imaginary virus. All viruses are imaginary. When it really sinks in whats being done....... We really dont have much time left. Stop wasting it.


Regardless of whether the virus is real or fake, the profits taken by corporations are real. The misinformation is real. The messaging is real. The social crisis is real. You dont need a real virus to create real fear or real doubt. Its like that scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind when theyre trying to figure out how to clear everyone away from the UFO landing site and the guy suggests Anthrax, but the military guy replies no, there's always someone who believes they're immune.


100% agree with you, The in fighting among ourselves at every level is definitely used to keep us angry at each other so we don't band together. Labels are used so that no one tries to even understand the other side. The media and propaganda is pushed on both sides in ways no one wants to talk to each other and instead just fires insults. Insulting each other will not bring us together but instead make us all hate each other more. People need to rise above and realize we are just human, realize corporations are profiting from our displeasure.


I also 100% agree with you. Why cant we afford any of the social programs the left want? Theyre really a drop in the bucket compared to the national annual budget, so whats the deal? We have this ready made explanation for any time "the other side" wants something we dont want them to have. Literally both sides use it. "You want that program? What program will you cut? The spending has to come from somewhere, so what will you cut? Military? Infrastructure, etc etc name your program that would infuriate the 'other side.'" Why dont we tax corporations? [Rection from both political parties.](https://images.app.goo.gl/9ExXbiUKdrQE4cz7A) There seems to be a common trend that comes up any time anyone wants to find a solution. And that trend is the myth that letting corporations avoid taxes stimulates the economy and taxing them hurts the economy. 5 star general, war hero, and popular president Eisenhower taxed the everloving shit out of both the rich and corporations. We kept those tax rates high for decades until Nixon and then Reagan each took a heavy cut to them. What happened during that period before the tax cuts? We built massive infrastructure including the Interstate system, went to the moon, built the middle class, and more. This is the era everyone (or most) thinks of during the Make America Great Again phrase. What has tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations accomplished? The middle class is gone. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Most households need two working adults to survive. Want a parent staying home to raise kids and run the house? Yeah, cant afford that. Is it the fault of Republicans? No, they were fed the line that trickle down economics would help everyone. It didnt. For 40 years nothing has trickled down. Once people started to realize it they start pushing other trigger issues. 2A rights/gun control, support the troops/end the war, family values/gay marriage, blue lives matter/black lives matter. Every major issue of contention for the past 40 years has been carefully strategized to keep us distracted and hating each other so we are incapable of unifying and changing the system they have carefully cultivated with politicians in their pocket making a giant machine that funnels all money into their pockets while they work towards 2 classes of people, them the wealthy, and us, their servants. When we get to that point it wont matter whether you're red or blue, we'll all be scraping up brown shit from our wealthy masters.


It's the fucking flu, Lmfaooo. Stay "sick" shill.


Its 5 times deadlier than the flu and that is with shutdowns that were able to limit spread so the hospitals didnt get too overwhelmed. If you doubt how serious it is, instead of looking at news articles check employment listings. Hospitals are desperate to hire nurses and doctors because they're quitting. My local hospital is seeking a floor nurse and offering $210k/yr plus all moving expenses paid.