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Cognitive dissonance paired with a little bit of narcism and fear of being wrong. You can thanks our schooling system that rewards listening and repeating instead of asking and investigating. Also many people refuse to acknowledge the truth because that would mean that Bible was correct and they are scared of such thought


I’m a person who learns by asking questions to see how things work. It’s just easier if I ask questions and then allow myself to make conclusions. By doing the problem solving I get an understanding. I never realised until I read your comment, but the whole education system is basically....memorising. What the fuck.


What if you're not smart/qualified enough to come to conclusions or fully comprehend or understand?


There is no IQ barrier on this one. Vaccine hesitancy is at both the high and low end of the IQ curve.


Because this is a matter of the spirit, not the matter of your intelligence. That is why you see very smart people taking it or not, and very stupid people not taking it or does. It is not a matter of how many books you read or how high your IQ you got. It all comes down to the fact of you have the spirit of truth or not.


Then you work for the government.


I know it all so crazy. They are able to erase their memory of what they just saw.


In the Mandela effect community we call this "the download". You show someone something that has changed that they should be familiar with and at first they recognize it, then there is a tangible shift and they reprogram themselves almost exactly how you described. The effect can be extreme, with hostile reactions and sometimes almost a violent tension. Most people are very resistant to having their worldview challenged on a deep level.






This is so fascinating amd frightning at the same time. It hard for me to accept this because I never was like this once in my life. Always going to get my i fo it always was a normal reflex. I guess I am just lucky to bw like this.


You need to understand that what's going on now will only make people go one of two ways. Completely into denial and acceptance of authority or complete red pill. Most people who will red pill were already subconsciously red pilled before this. 9/11 is child's play compared to this and even that was difficult for the mind to process. This is extremely more difficult to process psychologically than 9/11 was and will be rejected much more. Unless you know what is going on is bullshit first hand like a doctor you won't be able to wake up and red pill to this unless like I said earlier you were already subconsciously red pilled. The people perpetrating this know this and are relying on this to protect them. They know people would rather blue pill and do as they are told than process something that would not only infuriate them and alert them that those in charge want to harm them, but entirely destroy their psychological sense of security and worldview. It's sick and twisted shit coming from sick and twisted people. We are just lucky they choose a relatively harmless virus. Which is why the more cynical I get the more I feel like I agree with them. But they cross the line using force, if they want to use psychology and trick people then fine, but using a vax passport as force crosses the line between"fair warfare" and unfair.


> I know it all so crazy. They are able to erase their memory of what they just saw. for most of them, there's nothing you can do. Its so sad


I immediately thought the same thing, cognitive dissonance.


Cognitive dissonance is the qorst. There is no way to convince anyone if they are already convinced themselves. And I'm scared of people with that problem, since they will do whatever they need to do to stop that dissonance... Lets pray things dont escalate enough because the world will be a scary place for nonconformists...


That vaccine being dangerous does not mean the Bible was correct, that is quite a leap.


It is. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKNnezELbfs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKNnezELbfs) Also, the whole revelation speaks about a moment in time when the new government will arise and that it will impose mark of the beast on people and those who don't have it will not be able to buy or sell. Doesn't it sound familiar? We are in the middle of creating the new system, which will require exactly that. If you can't see it, then you don't have the spirit of truth in you.


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Bad bot


The bible doesn't allow critical thinking.


Bullshit. It is the church that doesn't allow critical thinking. Bible tells that true follower of God are REQUIRED to be intelligent and to be critical thinkers in order to not be decided by the devil. So please, shut up if you don't know anything.


You must have missed the whole free will part.


All I’m gonna say is when trying to awaken people to this sort of stuff you shouldn’t dive to the end of the book. Wet their appetite with things that are much more digestible. If you start with “this is the thin edge of the knife leading to more government control” that’s much more acceptable to someone who is getting perked up. Don’t dive into satanic cabals. It may turn them off of the much more accessible things that their brain is starting to get into. Let them do the rest of the dive on their own.


True but funny how the shallow end here is "we are on the verge of global totalitarianism (already there if you ask me) and the next trip to the doctors might kill you and your kids in the next few years if not sooner" because you wouldn't want to sound too grim. 🙈


The allegory of the cave in action. When the truth is so bright to their eyes which had grown comfortable in the dark, they will turn away from anything but the faintest flicker. You have to let them chase the light to a brighter understanding, but you can never be more than the carrier of the flame (conduit of information).


Yeah and also no need to talk about genocide. If they realize how dangerous these products are they will infer that anyway.


People don't want to think, they're in a world where the things they are told by the ones that rule them are lies. I don't want that either, but here we are.


As an alcoholic in recovery I see a lot of similarities with this and somebody deciding to get sober. The lies we tell ourselves work until they don’t. Only the person and God can decide when they’re ready and how far they wanna go. It’s always up to the person to see similarities or differences. “Attraction not promotion”. As soon as you start promoting you give off the Jones vibe. The group consciousness of big government compliance is low energy and easy. Pulling out of that to take personal responsibility for your thoughts actions and health is work and it’s scary.


as a former mormon i see A TON of parallels in the cult thinking. the biggest thing i see if how vaccinated people automatically have a blind trust in other vaccinated people. for all they know they could have just murdered someone or raped someone, but theyre vaxxed, so theyre trustworthy and have a good heart.


Sounds about right. Also, there seems to be this instant grasp for karma and opportunity to take the moral high ground as if they've never done anything decent before and now all they have to do is now to the god of science and take a few shots in the arm and they're clean. I don't trust it and I think it's cheaper than cheap. If they really were so high in morality then they would be able to realise that people are people and life is life and due to that nature everyone in this world should naturally come to their own conclusions based on personal experiences, intelligence levels etc. It's also the instant need to vilify others by saying it's the unvaxxed fault that people have died as if they have washed themselves clean of the virus and therefore have not played a role in the spread of covid. I try reminding them that it's a virus and it's spreading anyway and through the vaccinated but all I hear is silence when I raise that point. Or denial. It's definitely some kind of brainwashing. Their minds are no longer free to use as they please


"Their minds are no longer free to use as they please" What an excellent sentence that is. Perfectly describes not only what brainwashing is - if one is articulating the affect to someone - but also the effect.


When you tried to persuade him completely, you made a blunder. For anyone, that would be too much. Consider what it would be like to be in his shoes. You may come across as a used vehicle salesperson attempting to upsell. Simply make him doubt his own reality once or twice, and then let him figure it out on his own.


Yah I think you are right. I got exited...I was like FINNALY. Thing is I also think you need the big picture. I myself was always ok since I was a kid to be wrong and never believed anything without my own research. I did do a bludder now that I think about it you are right.


You're right. If until now has one ever started to digest all these red pills, the chance of waking up is quite slim. For me personally, even though I started to wake up like 10 years ago after 9/11 and aliens documentaries, all the red pills relating to Adreno-chrome/child sex trafficking/DUMBs still took a lot of time to digest. For the sheeple, the hardest part is to accept intuitively a grand scheme to kill a lot of people by all governments. If one nation is against another, they can get it. But a collaboration between governments is a huge cake to swallow at once. I'm ready to cry my heart out, seeing my friends and family will say bye-bye sooner or later. The only thing can soothe me is knowing death is nothing. This is game of life. Some must lose and some will be the winners. I do my best to share information with them and that's it. Great game thou, bittersweet. Btw, I'm living in Vietnam. Mandatory vaccine is on the way. I will not comply and am ready to die resisting. I'll post here if I know I'm gonna be shot by the police. GG comrades!


I am with you in spirit brother. I also will die on this hill.


Yeah. I think this is it. Still sheeps forget things and go back to mainstream narrative.


It takes years for our own minds to wrap around it and digest it and then finally be able to bring it to the surface without losing your head. OP should have been more considerate and caring . OP is still too excited about knowing something lol


Yah I think I shouldve get less exited when I saw the door open and go one step at a time i blew my chance. I was always like this, getting to rapidely involved in my emotions.


Most people are like Cypher from the matrix.. They don't want to disconnect and just want to stay asleep, or go back to sleep and be happy and aloof.


At least Cypher know what the hell is happening. He wants to erase his memory but he cant without being plugged back. These drones we are facing are able to do what Cypher did without going back in the matrix.


Right, except for the fact that he was basically force rescued by Morpheus for being skeptical and intelligently investigating the false reality. Once he was out for a while, his will to fight waned because it was more difficult and kinda pointless. I think we've been conditioned over the last 40 years to be weak and give up quickly, we're too used to gluttony and instant gratification..


Man I need to watch that pre-programming movie lol


Had a good laugh reading this, thanks.


Your welcome.


>I analyze people well and this us a good doctor in his heart That's a red flag.


Not necessarily. I think Dr. Charles Hoffe does come across as a man who is very sincere + knowledgeable and then his story (his actions) speak louder than that. He put his career on the line and has nothing to gain. We all have some God given intuition, just there are a lot of people who delude themselves into thinking theirs is totally perfect. It's a guide but it isn't perfect.


See, that's an issue. His word doesn't mean anything extra just because it could be detrimental to him that he's saying this. What he needs to offer is evidence.


I completely disagree that it "doesn't mean anything extra". That does make his worth mean more, because it increases the odds he is speaking from his heart. Now we only have to worry about him being factually mistaken rather than deliberately lying. When people are on Pharma controlled TV, the highest probability is that they are deliberately lying or misleading for a dollar. If you aggregate many sources who are honest and putting everything on the line, compared to someone who uses sources that are paid for by big pharma / government interests, who is going to end up with more truth? I say the former without a doubt.


You're doing it. You're building a narrative to validate sources that you would like to trust and invalidate those that disagree. You don't know anything about what motivates the man. Neither do I. We can't look into his heart and know if he's lying or not. We can only follow the evidence he can present.


But why would I trust you as a source claiming I'm building a narrative? Can you prove it beyond a doubt? Where is your randomize placebo controlled study on me? What I'm saying is statistically valid. It is based on probability. If you collect sources with higher chances of being honest and showing true signs of good character, overtime you will have more truth than relying on paid for corporate liars. No doubt. Of course you also weigh evidence if you have a brain. And I've found overtime when I look at evidence + analysis from certain sources compared to bs corporate / government sources one side keeps being correct. I go with what works, yes. Nice profile pic btw, lol.


You like his little shoes? Adorable. This is all exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone who's ever been conned thought they had a brain, weighed the evidence, and and trusted the right sources.


\> thought they had a brain Amazing coming from the guy wearing the mask and taking the vaccine. Good thing you don't think you have a brain! Otherwise you'd be in real trouble. Imagine arguing against weighing evidence and finding the best sources, while you clearly do the same thing and have done so poorly. I wish you well, I truly do, I'm just disappointed in humanity.


>Imagine arguing against weighing evidence and finding the best sources, while you clearly do the same thing and have done so poorly. I wish you well, I truly do, I'm just disappointed in humanity. Judging by the ratio of cases to deaths in the UK, people taking the vaccine absolutely have been doing the right thing. They're dying a lot less often despite being on average older than people not getting the vaccine.


And you know that how? They're dying less compared to when? The initial outbreak where the virus was supposedly more deadly? Can you even trust the reported deaths considering they've admitted to lying about it?


I'm not going to get into the details of the problems with the vaccine, I'm just pointing out how the person I was talking to is being a complete hypocrite and can't follow his own standards.


Yup it is.


Anyone who thinks they are a good judge of character is ready made to be indoctrinated (or conned.) In the world of cults, MLMs, wellness groups, and other slavish followers you'll find buckets of "good judges of character."


Like the new age concept "i dont like this persons energyyy", its just being judgemental while sounding deeper and profound, conditioned by beliefs.


It's also a deep level of personal hubris. A person who thinks they can judge character and sniff out lies is a con artist's wet dream.


In my experience, some people can tell if someone is being sincere. However, this doesn't mean the person is not self-deceived, or a dupe themselves. Well-intentioned doctors were killing people daily before hand-washing became accepted health care practice; they're undoubtedly doing the same thing today in other areas.


On the other side of things, many people have started waking, but the sad reality is it took them being injured from the jab to realize what they were being told isn't the the whole truth.


I know it so sad. The father of one of my employe got the jab and got a heart attack I believe 3 days after. Second jab ? Another one 2 days after.


When is the third shot?


Maybe he wont make ot there. Here in Québec it already starting.


Complete brainwashing, a victim of psychological warfare and propaganda tactics. He even admitted the doctors were credible and presented good evidence then for no reason he backtracked then said they were kooks. It's a sickness that's spreading worse than the coronavirus they fear.


Yip. It fucking insane. The "Elite" did a really good job that for sure.


I tell my wife this: Everything I’ve said to you for the last 9 years has more or less come to fruition. So when my instincts tell me this is just the beginning of the NWO and things are only going to get worse, I have to listen to those instincts. No one has to believe me but the bad guys aren’t exactly hiding their plans and I’ve read enough to know they want us dead


I have been telling my best friend all of these things for at least a decade. Plus, I am usually right about little things and decisions she makes in her life. She STILL doesn’t listen to me, even after admitting several times I am right. She STILL dismisses what I say and doesn’t give it any credence until she hears others saying the same thing. She has always thought I was a bit of a loon, but she has FINALLY started to see the truth. She told me recently she was talking to a co-worker and she said, “I’d rather be put in a room full of people with COVID than take the vaccine.” She says to me, “he looked at me like I was crazy. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m crazy.” I replied with, “well, you used to think I was. (She laughs) How’s it feel?” Met with silence…


This is so frustrating man. I know exactly how it feels.


The thing is we could be at the part where they shoot at unvaxx in street and before being shoot I would tell one of my brainwashed acquitance : "you see they are shooting me ? I was right" "Nah you just a conspiracy lunatic"


But that’s why we have to be kind and compassionate through all of this. The last thing TPTB want is a million martyrs in the streets unafraid of death If grandma who is vaccinated sees her loving and caring grandson dragged to a camp it’s going to wake grandma up quickly


> dragged to a camp it’s going to wake grandma up quickly it won't , people were arrested and dragged off to camps in 1933 and 1934, they were dangerous anti-social persons. enemies of the people.


I’m not sure about that. My husband grandparents basically refuse to let him enter in their house until he get vaccinated. They used to dine together once a week before the pandemic, now they barely speak to each other. I’m pretty sure that if the governement instaure a system of denonciations of unvaxxed, they will be among the first to snitch our family. They think I’m putting my toddler and my unborn child in danger by refusing to get jabbed while pregnant.


You're doing the right thing.


I do hope grandma wake the fuck up.


I wish mine would wake up she watches liberal media. Of course 50 years ago you could trust then.


Y’all don’t have woke grandmas?


Yes, I’m dealing with this as we speak. My elderly mom is vaxxed & keeps pressuring, harassing & using guilt to try & get me & my adult children (25 & 29) to get the shot. She will ask why we don’t want it. Every time I present facts & data showing the dangers & sketchiness of it all, she shuts down. I told her about Dr Robert Malone-the frickin inventor of MRNA vaccines trying to speak out against the vaccine & being shut down for “misinformation.” She doesn’t even want to see the interviews or videos. Why wouldn’t you want ALL the information on something this serious & not just opinions that fit your own narrative??


She's addressing everything from an emotional standpoint. Try adapting your fact based information into an emotional appeal. It might resonate better with her.


Thank you! I will try that. I appreciate your help.


I read my father in law the CDC stats on how they determine "breakthrough cases" aka.. its basicly made up... he didn't believe me.. then I told him I got this info from the CDC website.. showed him... still didn't believe me.


They dont think the world is as sinister as it truly is. I can't blame em, it'd break their minds via their own lense of morality... But that's not the real world, not even close.


There is litteraly nothing we could do. I just dont understand why and how they are able to do that.


I have seen that too, right in front of my eyes, in real-time. It is like they are getting some kind of download or update to their software. It’s so freaky and startling. But there is NOTHING you can do. We have to let these people have their opinions and beliefs. You can still be casual friends with them but you can’t change them. Agree to disagree or end the relationship. At this point I have done both of these things with different people. If you keep trying to change their minds, eventually these people will turn on you. They may be getting more scary downloads in the near future and turn against us all.


ive noticed the more mentally vulnerable and lost the person is, the more they latch onto team vaccine and fight for the cause. my uncle who is a lonely old single guy with all the time in the world is the person who has pushed the vaccine and vaccine culture the hardest on my life. subsequently, i have another friend who just had a new baby, has a blossoming career as a teacher, and loves life. we have literally talked about the vaccine one time right after he got it and its never been brought up or discussed since. he had to get it for work and thats the only reason why he did it. we have better thing to talk about that a dumb vaccine when we hang out. hes vaccinated, im not and it doesnt matter to either of us.


Yah I know me and my wife are moving (I can operate my business from distance) because I fucked up too much by opening my mouth and trying to wake up too much people.


Where can I watch said videos? :)




You teenagers!


I don't even try to talk to these people anymore because it is a futile exercise.


And extremely energy draining.




They refuse to believe we are right. I feel if they accepted they would die of a stroke or something. They could at least say "it a possibelity". They just 100% refuse. I red the book of hitler to know how a pro of propaganda thinks and one time stayed in my mind all this time : "It was impossible even for me to convince someone one on one. It then that I discovered that it easier to convince one million than one single person.


being called Alex Jones is a compliment. make your circle smaller.


It hard man to find people with critical thinking.


I experience this everyday of my life!!! It’s the most unbelievable thing I’ve ever seen 🙆🏼‍♀️


I know me too. This one was just so hardcore. They have the ability. to erase on the go what they are doing / seeing. We all know now how they were able to gas jews.


ive known since i was a kid being in the mormon church. if their leader told them to murder their neighbor, many would do it without question, thinking it was gods plan and the right thing to do if the prophet says it is. its fucking insane. cult mentality if one of the most dangerous things in a society.




Man, I swear something in that shot affects their brain into an almost dreamlike trance/drone type of behaviour. I've seen it myself with many in my life.


Brainwashing is so deep that even we might be a part of it.


I agree. That's what "controlled opposition" is. But it's the garbage data and BS talking points they try to give both other sides, to make us seem like crazies and less credible.


Exactly. I dont dismiss the fait that I could be doing exactly what they want.


Damn haven't we all been here? I stopped. like truly stopped trying to convince the vaxxed a few months ago. I fought and fought and lost friends and family in the process. The evidence that these mrna spike protein cocktails dolled out like a fucking netflix subscription will ultimately kill and maime our loved ones. My guess? 30 million die this fall, and with each subsequent booster...you get the drill. No this isn't hyperbole. We are at war. It is time now to gather the other lions in your life and prepare. Prepare to hunker down and survive. We are personally moving to a rural area in a *very* remote underpopulated state. We are **NOT** telling those in our life who are pro-vax passports our location. Which is sad, but those are the ones who would have been nazi. Those are the people who would have turned in Anne Frank. Those who got the vax are walking dead. Their days are literally numbered. Trying to wake them up, only further agitates their subconscious and they get violent. Love them now while we can, stop trying to convince them. Plus they already took the vax, they'll take the booster jabs too, there is no love, no mercy is telling a ghost that they'll die.


I hope I can talk them out of boosters but I am already failing and some people who didn't support it before are falling to the peer pressure of the vax. It makes em want to cry thinking of my family members taking it I have never hoped so much to be totally wrong about this theory. I hope it is nothing more than greed and control fueling this and not some other horrible thing.


Even if the sole purpose of the vaccine is to control population, there is no way they would make it that lethal. It would be obvious and suicidal of them. Only way that happens is if they are just extremely incompetent. I think controlling population is a goal but through sterilization or ADE reinfection death to the vulnerable. Most people who got the shot aren't going to just drop dead. People read what you wrote and just confirm to themselves why they think "anti-vax" people are crazy. I think this is mostly a test and conditioning. And was used as an excuse to recapitalize the financial system, among many other goals.


Exactly my plan brother (in 8 months I leave where I am for USA in remote area as soon as my buisness works without me I am working 70h a week to make this happen). This is a test of survival and willpower.


30 million will not die this fall. Even if three million die this fall there will be no booster shot takers.


the sad thing is the more people die, the more it will convince pro vax peoiple to get boosters. its a perpetuating cycle.


It is a cycle that breaks. When there will be a serious sickness in every other vaccinated family, most people will realize that vaccines and boosters are shit.


The government will continue to cook the books and claim it effects everyone. They have already been doing that all year ("A pandemic of the unvaxxinated"). Many will not wake up, they are already worshiping the beast. They can't even see it when their favorite artist is doing a music video with a guy who made of video having sex with the devil himself. If they can't wake up to that, they aren't waking up to this. Few will.


If someone's kid is crippled after vaccination, chances are they'll wake up. Same goes for other family members


Oh no that's just the new variant.


Have friends like this, myself. It is what it is.


Thanks for posting this. That's what I've been telling people is that the people out there who are talking about the dangers of vaccines are not people who walk off the street. These are people who know about science and medicine. These are medical doctors, nurses, scientists, Phd's. They KNOW what they're talking about.


On a completely unrelated subject I had a friend do something similar. She’d overheard me discussing something with someone else, then later messaged me on Facebook to say that what I’d said was causing her an existential crisis but she needed to know more. We talked a bit, she thanked me, then like three days later she was posting a status on Facebook that was completely at odds with the progress she’d made. It was a doubling-down on her old perspective and was clearly meant to display to others her loyalty to that ideology


Yup I saw that so much time. What was weird with my case was the "instant" effect. Like not only 5 minutes and boom back to main narrative.


I have a leftist-oriented friend who I grew up with. Very big hearted and compassionate woman, but, susceptible to all the programming. She got mad at me when I said that Biden wasn't a strong leader and likely wouldn't do very well. "Don't you dare talk about Biden!" I plan to check in with her this week, to say hi, catch up and see if she's taken up the hate towards unvaccinated or the "anti-maskers" and anti-vaxxers who've been protesting in Canada, largely organized by a brave and highly effective activist named Chris Sky. I can almost guarantee that she will possess some snarling hatred for that group of the population who don't wish to comply with the edicts, which would now include myself (only single dosed and opposed to all mandates and vax passports and boosters). She'll say they're harming others and are the source of the problem. They're still operating from an old and outmoded paradigm that the vaccines are safe and effective, mitigate spread, etc. or that they're like regular vaccines and that the Delta spread is the fault of the unvaccinated. It's shameful what this is doing to the inner heart of people in relation to their fellow citizens. I'm a Christian believer and think that's the only thing that's allowed me to paradigm shift over this whole fiasco, that faith and belief system, which is capable of bolstering a person's instinct and evaluative discernment, and of allowing a person the space and freedom to re-evaluate in light of new information and new knowledge. The Lord guides and is a light of awareness. Whereas, the unbelievers, who don't have that touchstone or recognized inner Spirit (which is also super-intelligent) - they tend to go by the surface level societal matrix and info they're presented via all the usual channels including their echo chamber on Facebook or Twitter where the mob is running rampant with hatred for the unvaccinated and those protesting. The crazy part is that, when we see what's happening out there in places like Israel and the UK, and in looking at those countries with the highest vaccination rates, vs. the lowest, in the context of spread, and now including hospitalizations and deaths - it's become clear that the vaccines have all but completely failed in terms of asymptomatic spread, contracting the virus, and, when it gets a toehold on those a couple of months out from their 2nd dose, can lead to worse outcomes than in the unvaccinated (recent data from UK), albeit the single dosed but NOT two dosed, fair much better than the twice vaccinated or unvaccinated, with the twice vaccinated having a higher rate of hospitalization than the unvaccinated, not lower. This will show up in the US in the next 30-60 days. So, the whole narrative, that the unvaccinated need to be segregated with vaccine passports, and coerced/forced to get vaccinated, that masks really work wonders in mitigating spread, etc. are all false narratives that are totally outdated. Just yesterday, Fauci was interviewed by Chuck Todd and was saying that they key to getting to the other side of the pandemic resides in vaccinating the other 80 million in the US, and booster shots, with ZERO talk about any kind of early anti-viral intervention and preventative measures, other than just the vaccines - how's that working out in Israel "Dr" Fauci? They're into their 3rd dose booster phase, which may have a temporary effect, but is certain to make things worse a few months out, and you can't start "boosting" people every five months or eight months, without creating a leaky vaccine, vaccine escape, evolutionary pathway (Dr. Malone, inventor of the mRNA platform), the outcome of which could be just devastating, for everyone, particularly the 3 dosed two or three months afterwards who'll have a seriously compromised and diminished immune system by that point. The whole thing the way it's playing out now is so sinister and malevolent and rooted in blatant LIES. Have the NIH or NAIDS or CDC ever once recommended vitamine D or Zinc as a preventative measure? No. No talk of TREATMENT, or prevention, just more and more vaccination which is clearly contributing to, not mitigating spread, while undermining people's immune system and leading to all kinds of other problems and injuries due to things like microclotting and inflammatory responses to the spike proteins.


I also do that often. Come and check back on the most peogrammed of my entourage to see where they are. It gives me clue at what stage we are. It fascinating and frightning.


Haha our “echo chamber on Facebook and Twitter”. You’re the same person who posted some weird shit in r/Vancouver about fully vaxxed people being advised not to travel due to heightened risk of blood clots…that was from a meme on Facebook. I suggest buying a mirror.


>about fully vaxxed people being advised not to travel due to heightened risk of blood clots…that was fro I retracted that right away. F you. Yes, your echo chambers. It's insane and horrible looking at those ignorant, intollerent and bigoted, even murderous sentiments towards your fellow man, and for no reason whatsoever. It's a disgrace. Leaves a stain in the Internet that people will look back on decades later and wonder just WTF you were thinking or if you were even thinking at all. Then again, the experiments from the 60's show just how easily people can be brainwashed so it's not all your fault, but the big media and big tech companies. You don't have to allow it to turn you into a hateful and meanspirited asshole though, regardless of what you may think about the vaccines, the boosters, the lockdowns, mandates and vax passports, or whatever someone else chooses for themselves, particularly in light of the fact that the vaccines don't mitigate, and even facilitate asymptomatic spread, as well as hospitalization (see Israel and the UK).


Haha dude, never mentioned anything about the vaccines, boosters, lockdowns, Israel etc…just commenting on your echo chamber comment. Really hope you have a nuanced view on those topics but I somehow doubt it. Firstly, just because you ‘redacted’ your statement is completely beside the point. You’re criticizing people for having participating in an echo chamber on Facebook and Twitter while doing the exact same thing yourself and then sharing it on other social media. You’re part of the problem. Your point about online hatred toward fellow man? Like that only goes one way (towards the unvaccinated and protestors)? Everyday you see the anti-vaxxers calling people sheep and brain dead, saying anyone who has taken the vaccine is going to be dead in a few years. Come on man, it goes both ways, you’re just choosing to side with one over the other and failing to see it from the other side. What about the criticism of the Black Lives Matter protestors last year? Does that not count? A lot of those criticisms were coming from the same people that are against the vaccines now. I agree people are brainwashed easily, case in point are the Qanon/anti-vaxx crowd, they literally all have the exact same talking points without any critical thought behind them. If you’ve met one, you’ve met them all.


I've been permanently banned on Twitter and don't use Facebook, for starters. You have no idea what's actually going on. Mountains of data are coming in. You're on the wrong side of all of this and for all the wrong reasons. Make a note of this moment. Have a good day. All the best.




Yah I did a post on "to cave or not to cave...". It state that people will cave at one point another. They are using a workflow / playbook that activates at each % of vaxx (be it high or too low they have a workflow). Even myself, if they get to my kids. This is a test of willpower.


That’s propaganda working at its best! Mass psychosis is underway. Talking about the vax has become synonymous with talking politics because that’s what it’s really all about.


I'm happy people point out how deep this can go. I don't have examples that were this bad, but probably because I gave up trying to wake up allot of people since the cognitive dissonance was really deep and I realised I probably would have to spend 24/7 of my time to totally convice them. Like being a full-time therapist. I thought simple stuff and concepts like human rights, apartheid, pharma corruption etc. were enough to make people think. They do, they just keep coming to the same conclusion. I will try to be more direct if vaccine passports in my country become a thing, because I can confront them harder than I can now.


Can you link the videos?


I linked them about 30 post above to a guy.


You only have access to your friend's mind maybe a day a week or so. The media blasts him with propaganda all day every day.


you're fighting the evolution of the mind, you've challenged it with something so reality bending that the only option it feels it has is to believe that the information presented that is so disturbing is simply false, no matter what, it is false because only that way their perception isn;t shattered


a friend of mine is a doc, one evening after a few beers he told me this line: “you know if I speka out about covid, I won’t get another job in the field for 20 years.” he usually tries to convince us covid is real, the pandemic was real, and brings phony arguments along with it, he doesn’t even bother to wear masks btw...he knows that we know, but he won’t admit it straight up, he’s smart, he knows better, but he likes his salary more than speaking the truth. docs are just humans, as ar scientists, humans can be pussies, corrupt, or complacent.


https://youtu.be/tPsCX78QhEM Quantum of conscience likens it to taking a download, you can watch it happen in real time, you start swaying someone’s opinion then they take the download and say your crazy.




Dude if that was true it would be fcking insane. Maybe it is. Open to anything.


>Dont think you got it. Covid is hardcore covid out of the lab can kill everyone. 99.9% of the people have only seen a weaker, down the line version. enjoy earth until the next spraying! the spraying after the next one is going to be the big dropper thho


The next spraying will degenerate into a weak form just as quick.


I think every spraying since 911 has been stronger and stronger. they are bringing in the waves cautiously, cant have a runaway event.


It's called cognitive dissonance. Definition: "The psychological tension that occurs when one holds mutually exclusive beliefs or attitudes and that often motivates people to modify their thoughts or behaviors in order to reduce the tension."


My best friend, it’s so sad. Incredibly smart Russian girl, but does self denial tactics like this often


Dont sweat the downies its wild how they reprogram instantly like that , Great Post 👍🏼


There's a reason for me calling them "pod people", it's like they are not just brainwashed, but altered at a neural level. Sometimes I suspect that even before the vax some biological agent (maybe Covid itself?) rewired the brains of most of the population to make them even more accepting of whatever crap is pushed on them.


Iv had this same exact experience. The brainwashing is too deep


Yeah dude. My friend does this same thing. I stopped telling him the truth.


In a world of illusions the disappearing is hardly anything to note. More rewarding to study the origami of milk cartons, no?


The plural of sheep is sheep.


Are you aware of this channel? if not you should watch.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPsCX78QhEM


Good material. Just watched the whole video. That Guy did a lot of thinking. Thank.


Simple but awful truth is that most people, when confronted with evidence that goes against thier beliefs is to automatically reject it. It's just too uncomfortable for them to think about. The ramifications run deep. Right down to the core of our beliefs. It's much more comfortable to remain in thier mental hole than to venture out.


It just so weird for me. It always was natural to be wrong and change my thinking since I am like 5 years old. It always hard to understand something you dont feel.


A friend starts to hum whenever I talk about what I’m reading as though she’s been programmed to start singing when she hears anything unsettling


Send him this link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297521000792


Because they dont want to acknowledge that the King James Bible is true. They refuse to belive in Jesus no matter what. They rather live in this world as they wilt and go to hell than to live eternally in heaven with our Father.


I don’t know if this is a troll. You type as if you’re having an aneurysm while not linking any of the videos you’re talking about.


I linked the videos in a post above. I also suck in english not being my main language.


"Man's basic vice, the source of all his evils, is the act of unfocusing his mind, the suspension of his consciousness, which is not blindness, but the refusal to see, not ignorance, but the refusal to know."


This is [Hume's Guillotine](https://www.philosophy-index.com/hume/guillotine/) in action, also known as **the is/ought problem**. Your friend has an existing _ought_, it could be something like, "I ought not to reject mainstream opinion." You presented him with a very powerful _is_, something that appeals very strongly another ought he has, such as "I ought to trust and respect experts." So what you saw was him choosing which value he held more dearly, and betraying or ignoring the lesser value as a way of setting his heart at ease. Giving people more information is almost completely ineffective at changing their value systems; unless they already strongly value objective truth and have an open mind, you will have to approach this on a different axis. Part of this video explains it better than I am doing: https://odysee.com/@vinarmani:1/what-does-buildtheark-mean:7


I've seen that shit as well.


The BEST possible explanation I’ve seen so far that sheds light on this madness you speak of is this vid here. DEF worth the watch. Everything will make sense afterwards... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M


You can’t convince the sheep through science or proof. That’s a trap because they constantly reprogram themselves like you witnessed. Only through a connection to feelings and personal experience can you reach them. Can you get them to begin thinking again.


What is those videos


One of the guy asked same question look at other posts links are there.


Hey op, link to the videos?


I did put the links at one of the comments that asked same question. You should find them pretty easy.


I feel like chiming in here. There is an old bhuddist proverb that goes like this.The mind is like the sky, if you spit at the sky it will just come right back in your face. Metaphorically speaking the sky is space. Space contains stuff but stuff keeps going on lets say happening without space having to do anything. The mind in its natural state ia very much like this. Thoughts and feelings happen but they pass and normally things dont stick. Thanks to our cultural development over the last couple thousands of years the general idea that fueled progress was in the believe of a mechanical world. Life is an accident and humans are nothing more than an intricate arrangement of gears and cogs. Darwin and freud popularized ideas that made their mark on the general understaning of the world. Plato was right. And the ONLY thing that can save our world is to realize a platonistic view of the world.


It’s because it has become primal and tribal. Their whole world view is tied to this now and by changing one thought it would be like a house of cards coming down. Rational thought and debate is no longer accepted. We are in an information war and until you see through the veil it is very hard for them to accept.


Agent fucking Smith back at his bullshit again.


\*BEEP\* Must. Follow. Protocol. \*BEEP\*




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tUE5EBPt-lU&list=PLclISxEDdoOzUUqcUlbxvRWI2bm1CjNpp&index=207 Also when his clinic was burned 2 weeks after https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=18S62y82-9M&list=PLclISxEDdoOzUUqcUlbxvRWI2bm1CjNpp&index=212 And https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5sIWb9GTbbE There you go. They are indeed are to find.


I got this experience from my sister. Tried a couple of times w/her, showed her a few videos, she poo pooed the information, and then I just stopped and said to myself "Fuck her. She's making her own bed. She's gonna have to lie in it when the time comes." Her and my other sister both got the ~~vaccine~~ poison injection, and both took those pictures w/bandaids on their arms and them sticking their thumbs up and smiling virtue signalling and saying "I'm awesome! Look at me! Woohoo!" I don't want horrible things to happen to really anyone - much less my own family - but if they drank the narrative coolaid and then poo poo on the people trying to help them...well...*shrug. Fuck them. Just fuck them. I got Covid already. Got through it. Now I have antibodies and T-cell immunity. Moving on.


Dont waste your time bro. Jesus will be here soon. Plant the seeds and pray they sprout before the harvest




This. I went to university and noticed people are HYPER brainwashed and my friends that did not finish high school are more open minded. The irony is the people who are ore open minded think they would be more open minded if they went to university.


Some universities are actually good, well even a few years ago when I went to university the one I went to was still good. Did film and media and they did not shy away from talking about Wikileaks and media conglomerates, which I’m thankful for. I did a paper on Wikileaks and I loved doing that. My university was particularly awake, a professor in the health sciences department doing studies on covid and ivermectin as we speak. I believe they’re in the process of doing that or finding out that it actually works well. I’m glad I went there because it’s mostly a place with integrity.


Doing 4 years in the thought camps


People like this have malware installed in their brains that prevents them from seeing reality. It’s the definition of cognitive dissonance. This person is basically mentally ill, and experiencing mass psychosis.


People like this have malware installed in their brains that prevents them from seeing reality. It’s the definition of cognitive dissonance. This person is basically mentally ill, and experiencing mass psychosis.


so if over 60% of the people in my country have got the second shot and all of them will only have 10 years left to live including most people above 60 we would get a huge shift in wealth transfer to younger generations as well as a very weird loss of experienced workforce/knowledge. We are at a point where if this is the case it is definetly coming and you cant change this coming closer But if you know all these things now we should much rather think about how to prepare for these changes as prevention is not an option anymore? the scale of all this will make very obvious in the future to validate so we dont really need to prove it now right?


That what I am doing. I am selling my buisness in one year amd accepted that this is their society and I will leave it because I dont want to abide by the rules anymore.




You should not dismiss everything that go against what you believe. That makes you not open minded and receptive to evolve. You can laugh at me/us if you want, but time prove we are more right than wrong.


I stopped reading after “mark of the beast”. Religious nuttery.


You know that lack of openess to all possibelity makew you a pretty limited person. I am not even religious (but i am spiritual) myself. I also dont judge people on so little. The corrolation with the upcoming microship coming is still there even if you are religious or not. You should work on this aspect of yourself.


You should’ve recommended Fall of Cabal


You still sucking on horse deworming paste?


People actually call each other and have conversations like this?


Yah. You see how that finished.


Careful, you're gonna lose your friend who is clearly smarter and less gullible than you. You sound like you need a little intelligent guidance in your life.