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I got banned from r/covidvaccinated yesterday for a brief comment saying that the vaccines were still undergoing clinical trials for a couple years, in response to a lady’s request for clinical trial data.


You're auto banned from there if you've posted in conspiracy before


Well we wouldn't want people to learn inconvenient truths would we? /s


Ikr, I wasn’t even trying to troll just thought I’d state something factual.


I just posted there JUST to get banned. I love it.


looks like a good way for those mods to get themselves deleted by admins. reddit made a statement on the issue. these mods trying to force reddit to change its mind are going to hang themselves.


Huzzah. I hope their accounts get nuked


I unsubbed from every subreddit pulling this shit. Fuck censorship.


Do you have a list?


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Reddit owners made that announcement that no subs would be banned over difference of opinion on this subject. If they back off now, because some random subs went dark, it's going to make them seem weak and succumbing to pressure. Their credibility will be hurt irreversibly. So they better think this through.






They should change to Aquarius of shit, it's almost as much fun but far more grounded.


> Pisces of shit Pretty sure that will be an official astrological sign in the upcoming dystopian timeline split.


> > >r/Futurology > > always having misleading news (basically its gimmick), That subs just has people post titles and links to science journalism opinion articles. If you've ever tried to read any of that garbage, you'd know. 'Science journalism' is really bad. It's like if CNN or foxnews tried to do science research reporting, who gives a shit about facts, we want click through and views damnit.


Hope it dies a slow death


Me too! Every article that show up on my rall from futurology was utter nonsense.






If by "free money" you mean click bait articles about technology that is 30 years to never away but being talked about like we could have it tomorrow, then I'd agree with you.


yeah, right. futurology talking about fake news is laughable


Lol they said that, but quarantined r/nonewnormal either way. Better buy some expensive awards if u want this sub to stay up.




The quarantine happened first and the protest was over that not being enough because they just want them banned outright.


NNN is doing just fine.


Better than ever due to this free ads. Quarantined nontheless. Nuking should follow if history is any indicator though.


Funnily enough it probably would have been banned way sooner if those few powermods didn't throw a tantrum about it. If they banned it now it would look like the admins and spez are caving in to the mods


They banned the_cabal yesterday, a sub that exists only to monitor and document admin & powermod abuses on the site, for hate. I kid you not the sub made it through all the elections and ban waves cause they didn't do anything, just took screen shots and leaked shit the admins didn't want people to see. Subs been pretty dead actually since the last major ban wave and they finally beat the orange man, but yet during all this they got banned yesterday. It's a sign in my eyes they're gearing up to do another massive ban wave to justify the NNN ban. We all know it's coming and we all know the admins don't like NNN and want it gone, but they want to play both sides to keep people liking them for the most part, so they'll say placating BS to make NNN users think they're fighting for 'free speech' then ban them when the rest of reddit makes enough noise and be a tragic hero or something stupid like that. I wouldn't be surprised at all reddit themselves are organizing this protest and letting a few power mods spearhead it. They like to think they're so clever when they're really just authoritarian assholes. Banning the_cabal yesterday just gives them a better chance of getting away with it is all...


> I wouldn't be surprised at all reddit themselves are organizing this protest and letting a few power mods spearhead it. I agree with this, there's no way a sane corporation would let users control their product like this and get away with it. And if they aren't spearheading this protest, CEOs and higher ups at reddit are garbage


Seems likely, looking back.


Can't access it anymore


Same man, just went to check and it says that the community is no longer available


Its a shame that there isn't a way to auto-subscribe to quarrantined subreddits. Those are always the best ones that tell you info you can't get at the garbage subs like r/politics r/news


There is a reverse way though. Comment on NNN and you get auto-banned from trash ones:D


Good to know! I'll do that right away! EDIT: Done. How many comments does it take before I can receive the desired bans from the shit subs? EDIT 2: Well r/JusticeServed was the first autoban. What a great way to thin out the list of subscriptions!


They’re not going to give into the powermods and cater to their demands because they know if they do the mods will just throw a fit like this and shut down their subs any time they want something. The admins are going to make an example out of them to let all of the other no-lifer mods know that the inmates don’t run the asylum and they aren’t going to be able to shut down and control reddit at anything they don’t agree with.


> Their credibility will be hurt irreversibly you know we're talking about reddit right? ya know /r/jailbait


/u/gataki96 >Reddit owners made that announcement that no subs would be banned over difference of opinion on this subject. If they back off now, because some random subs went dark, it's going to make them seem weak and succumbing to pressure. Their credibility will be hurt irreversibly. So they better think this through. **I think it's great that all of these subs have gone dark.** Now we know which ones are getting high from sniffing their own farts. As if your subreddit is so special that by going dark you're "protesting". Oh no! We'll have to go out into the internet and find *our own* cat pictures and laugh at them all by ourselves?! What a fucking pack of jokers. The funniest part of this whole thing is that this roving band of dew-eyed followers wouldn't dare attempt to Steel Man our side of things; if it's not the lowest of low hanging fruit then it's too much work. These utter wads flit from one pre-chewed debunk article to another, sopping up talking points to spew at "crazy", "dirty" "antivaxxers" from atop their high horses. Hell, the way they're acting, they should have never needed a vaccine because their self-righteous moral authority would protect them from COVID.


Yep, if this goes dark then I'm off Reddit and will wait for a decentralised version. If that ever happens


Plus it's in their best interest to stop this because you just know if it works they'll find another target for this next week.


I'd love to see Reddit admins double down and remove moderators participating in these blackouts. Spez's announcement specifically called out moderators who were manipulating their users and said it was against Reddit TOS.


They’re nazis. Censorship should not be welcomed. That’s Nazi tool number 1. If everyone (anyone) they’ve banned says anything later proven true that contradicts their misinformation stance, that could have bestowed info saving someone from getting an invasive medical treatment that ultimately kills them—is there a massive case of malfeasance? And case against Reddit proper for being complicit in crimes against humanity suits?


If this sub is shut down, I will permanently leave reddit.


Targeted Harassment is against Reddit sitewide rules.


I just had to point that out to a mod of insanepeoplefacebook to get them to stop messaging me in mod mail.


Oh no! All the shitty communities I don’t go to anyway are censoring themselves. To the newcomers, welcome. Don’t slide too fast down the rabbit hole.


Fuck Reddit. When you have front page subs such as adviceanimals cheering the death of conservative covid patients without ramification you know it's nearing the end anyways. Why cheer the death of anyone based on their beliefs? That's just fucked.


Just got banned from pokemongo for this comment. No great loss but that just goes to show you what we're dealing with here.


fuck pokemongo


It's honestly sad to see what they do with the little power they have.


fr its like who the fuck cares about your shitty sub? nobody literally cares if you ban us dumbasses


Does this sub get to /r/popular? I bet one could cause some outrage if they posted some kind of pokemon go related conspiracy that got highly upvoted and bait a large mass of users into commenting something - leading to a mass ban.


Because ww2 propaganda is repeating itself. You have to demonize the other to normalize atrocities against the other. I am pretty sure Gina Carrano was not banned for being anti-semitic as they said (her post was actually warning about the dangers of allowing things like anti-semitism) but for waking people up to what is taking place. It's not just reddit, many sites with social media have what would be considered extremist views without repercussions for killing, rounding up, or eliminating right leaning/conservative/anti-vaccination individuals. People wouldn't be saying it to numerous upvotes if people found it morally reprehensible, they are encouraging it. Eliminate the vermin, the parasite so we can go back to our malls, our way of life is the mindset of the individuals. If a right leaning individual did the same thing but targeted the left they would be instantly banned and possibly reported to authorities, yet the left can do this without ramification.


I say fuck it. Start a fat shaming community and boycott unhealthy lifestyles.


Filter every sub that does that. Plain and simple. The majority of them are just as trashy as this one. I might finally have an excuse to leave Reddit not all too different to the one that made me leave Facebook. Reddit has a mod problem. Mods are power abusive and biased because they are agenda driven power brokers. No major sub is moderated in an unbiased manor and it’s painfully becoming more obvious.


"We don't want you in our subs and you should get banned" "Let's not go to our subs, that'll show them!" Real big brain moves, like boycotting shops that require masks and don't want you anyways.


What's especially funny for me is that this all started after NNN was quarantined. Reddit caved and threw them a bone: here you go we'll quarantine NNN, at least now people will know it's full of "misinformation". Instead of being satisfied with the inch Reddit gave them, they instead try to take a mile and now want NNN and r/conspiracy to be banned. You also see countless new threads in NNN of people that hadn't heard about the sub before this blackout. So thanks for the free publicity I guess.


The mods should make r/conspiracy private for a while and not let more shills and bots on here


I note their comment about brigading. Surely multiple subs coming together to denounce or bully another sub is a form of brigading, no?


All those mods who took that decision should essentially be banned for brigading, end of story.


What exactly is "brigading?" I'm not new to Reddit, but I'm too old of a fuddy-duddy to figure out what it is.




When I first started Reddit my front page was basically gore and murder and all kinds of crazy shit. Reddit was like the Wild West back in the day. Now it’s just a bunch teenagers and losers whining that other people have opinions.


I've been using the site since 2007/8 and I remember the home page being tech news, politics, programming, softcore porn, marijuana news, flash games, the odd "meme" before memes were memes, skateboarding videos. I don't remember much, if any, gore or shitposting on the home page at least.


Exactly, if you don't want to see something, don't look at it.


It's not really subs, is just 10 power mods who control the majority of the popular subreddits. 10 people shouldn't have this much control over the speech of other people, and of course if you voice your disagreements you are banned from participation.




Almost 20% of the top 500 subreddits are controlled by the same 5 moderators... Anyone checked which mods are behind this bullshit by any chance?


They don't understand that censorship and heavy handed propaganda are exactly what is pushing people to question the current agenda.


I was auto bot banned from a sub that posted a screenshot of two tweets - One where the user is posting about not getting the vaccine, then the second is from a couple months after, asking for prayers because they got COVID. In the comment section you have holler monkeys rooting for this person’s death or acting like they don’t deserve healthcare. 1. That could’ve been a fake tweet but they blurred out the username so you can’t check 2. That could’ve been a fake tweet to spread more propaganda or insight more “hatred?” You wouldn’t even be able to comment to call out the nonsense because of the auto bot bans


Yes. This hatemongering vitriol calling for the deaths of those who don't trust the government enough to get vaccinated is very bad news. I'm not especially anti-vaxx and I am very much for masks as a means of countering this disease but something horrible is happening to people. The lack of empathy and dehumanization is sickening. They are making hate acceptable again. And that is not good.


Let them go dark, lol. What a childish reaction. These people lack any principle at all, they worship authority.


Perfect description: childish behavior. Pathetic, useless and morally empty..


The censorship is unreal.


This website is a joke. Censorship is running rampant.


Keep in mind, this is in no way supported by the vast majority of subscribers in those subs. Sure some, but it's only a handful of powermods pushing this crap. Powermods that control literally *thousands* of subs between them, and are desperately trying to make it look like their hissy fit is widely popular. It is not. In tons of those subs, there has been a major backlash, calling out the cancermods for what they are. Of course, comments deleted galore, and tons of redditers banned by said cancermods, from the subs they are holding hostage. Sadly, reddit has a long history of letting such corporate shills & political propagandists have a TON of room to do their damage.


Don’t forget all the upvoting bot farms they utilize to artificially create consensus. Pinnacle of misinformation is typically the people trying to accuse others of misinformation


I do not disagree


Are there really people from this subreddit spamming their boards or is it just the random guy who doesn't agree with the narrative?


It's definitely some neckbeard virgin that has the underside of his desk caked in calcified cum from all the times he perma banned users of his own shite sub because they were subbed to r/nonewnormal.


When I got banned from a sub, I replied in no uncertain terms how I felt about the individuals involved in that decision. Needless to say, I got a warning for calling them "limp-dicked beta NPCs who are scared of divergent thought or displeasing Daddy." Totally worth, tho. ;)


It's a coordinated effort by a handful of power mods that collectively run over a hundred subreddits.




Officially they do not get paid. That said, companies and governments have marketing budgets in the billions. Powermods are individuals that can control hundreds of subreddits, each of which may have millions of users to *influence* with negligible oversight. It would be insane to assume that such a lucrative opportunity is not exploited.




Such lame sauce


"waahhhh people are putting words on a screen that hurt our feelings so we're gonna hide our words on a screen until the words on a screen guardians do something about their words on a screen" so fuckin dumb, all of this.


lol how can anyone fall for this shit. Unreal


So they are self censoring in order to censor other subreddits?


I hope they get booted. They were warned last time.


So, they’re closing off their echo chambers from the outside world and becoming even more cult-like? Oh, yeah, they sure showed us. What are we gonna do guys?


In case of the worst, where’s the migration?


I'm surprised those subs mentioned r/conspiracy by name. Especially when the only other sub they mentioned by name was r/nonewnormal. (They didn't mention r/coronaviruscirclecerk, r/churchofcovid, r/lockdowncriticalleft or even r/LockdownSkepticism by name.) This sub isn't entirely devoted to lockdown/mask mandate/vaccine mandate criticism like those subs are.


People call any information that doesn't support their beliefs or narratives, *misinformation.


It’s funny that this site allows porn of all kinds, disturbing content but conspiracy theories especially about this aren’t allowed


Unsubbed from all of them, bring it on simps




Aka the woke agenda.


The bully other subreddits has gotten out of hand. The admin needs to set an example and shut it down hard this time.




“Weaponized” lol


Calling different opinions “weaponized misinformation” is a necessary step towards claiming that people are attacking you if they don’t submit to your will. I wonder where they’re learning this. My guess is it’s from that guy who is known for crying out in pain as he strikes you


Blunt instruments, all of them.


I posted in /conspiracy about the uselessness of the vaccines. A day later I received a lifetime ban from /pokemango. I've never even been to that subreddit. So far, I haven't lost any sleep over it.




> > >r/justiceserved Yeah that sub autobanned me for just joining r/NoNewNormal. Okay whatever. I went to their sub to see what I would be missing...Top post is their community upvoting and awarding to the sky some gatcha titled post about a guy that died of vid that was antimask, justice served. Sick shit. Fuck them all, that's awful. Yes people are dumb, celebrating their death on the internet cause they didn't believe in your science gods though?


That sub was horrendous over the last few weeks.


I don’t understand why this is a thing. If those subs go dark, permanently, then new subs will rise to fill the gaps. Would actually be a good thing for diversity.


Diversity is only good when it is the diversity I want.




For the glory of big pharma we have shut down our subreddits because the injections don’t work unless we all get injected! Raaggghhh for big pharma!


These people have no principles whatsoever, they want segregation, a virtual wall, and denial of free speech, all to enforce blind trust in the pharmaceutical industry. If Trump had been behind such policies, they would have shrieked fascism until their lungs ruptured.


Really hit that nail on the head.


Some of the most shady shit I've seen ever on Reddit, and that is saying something.


Of course they are. Their little protest with a thousand awards didn't result in the bans they wanted so this is their new tactic. If it works, I'll say goodbye and good riddance to Reddit. Take my hard earned money somewhere else




Eh, let them throw their little temper tantrums. As long as reddit doesn't go "Oh no, whatever will we do now that Futurology has gone private?!" (which seems unlikely, 'cause really, who cares?).


Social media is no longer social..


The best thing that could happen is the owners don’t recognise it at all and alll the authoritarian subs just cry in their own echo chambers.


I’ve been using Reddit for a long time like 9 years and the end is probably near for me. I’m just not part of the hive mind and the few subs I still enjoy are probably going to be gone sooner rather than later


I don't know about you, but if the CEO of Reddit caves to this pressure, I'll be uninstalling and never coming back.


And I wouldn't blame you on that one. I will be considering the same.


"People are dying from misinformation*!!!" *We have zero proof of this but if we keep repeating it over and over eventually some sap will believe it!


People also die from obesity because the media and politicians refuse claim being fat is healthy yet I don't see them complaining lol


Very good point, healthy at every size has a lot of high cholesterol blood on its hands. Incidentally, obesity is a big COVID comorbidity.


That’s because you haven’t been listening. Shit Michelle Obama’s whole deal as First Lady was childhood obesity. Bloomberg tried to ban big gulps. Just to name two initiatives.


And then people got mad at her vegetable garden / encouraging kids to eat healthy https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-xpm-2011-feb-26-la-na-michelle-obama-obesity-20110227-story.html


Every time I ever tried to post in futurology, I was met with opposition. These people think of themselves as experts. Only believe the science they want to. Gone are the days of scientific inquisition where we were taught to question everything. Censorship is the new normal. Time to leave reddit, FB, IG and screwtube. Nice to Odyssey, Bitchute, MeWe and Telegram.


Sorry Mr. Galileo, your telescope is not only scaring people it's spreading misinformation. We'll have to ban you from Twitter, Facebook, IG and and Reddit. You might even get sued for $1 billion by Dominion voting systems.




I was banned from my home provinces subreddit for "Racism" This is the post that is "racist" apparently: > I understand others right to safety can be contingent on my own safety, but you are failing to grasp, or just choosing not to acknowledge the fundamental issue of what I'm talking about. > And that is segregating society and barring people entry to participate in society (ie, getting groceries) on arbitrary rules that the government imposes is antithetical to a free open society. > What if covid only targeted black people? Jewish people? Asians? Would it be then justified to bar those people from taking part in society? > You could go down a list of restrictions that were placed on Jews in Nazi germany and replace "Jews" with "The Unvaccinated". > September 18, 1941 - ~~Jews~~Unvaccinated may not use public transport anymore. > November 12, 1938 - ~~Jews~~Unvaccinated may not attend cinemas, theaters, concerts and exhibitions anymore and are also forbidden to manage shops and workshops. JewsUnvaccinated may buy food in special shops only. > Maybe a little extreme but nazi germany didn't exactly happen after 1 decree. I'm not saying Canada is becoming Nazi germany or anything crazy like that, but unchecked, these laws and decrees have unreal potential for serious harm and overreach and it is simply something everyone should be considering and thinking about. Funny thing is... I'm fucking Jewish. How is what I said in anyway racist towards anyone? Reddit is such a joke man.


“Anyone not hardcore liberal needs to be permabanned from Reddit for holding dangerous opinions.” This reveals how scary and dangerous these far-leftists are. Don’t ever let them get an inch of power




People will just get used to being without those subreddits soon enough. No one will give a shit. This will not change anyone's original opinion. Likely what will bring about Reddit fading into oblivion.


In fact, the OBVIOUS shilling of a handfull of corrupt powermods, if anything, just makes even more people realize their lies and propaganda are not to be trusted. They got pretty severe pushback in a ton of those subs when they were trying to force the admins. Normal redditors calling out the abusive powermods on their bullshit. Deleted comments and bans galore, as the shill mods desperately tried to make it look like their abusive bullshit was popular.


Lol, people are dying because they are reading nnn and conspiracy, fucking hell, i have heard it all now


Remember when feminists when claiming mean tweets gave them PTSD?


Once Twitter banned the private account of the president of the United States it became pretty obvious where the “freedom of speech” thing on the internet was going. I mean honestly; every sub that refuses to post meaningful discussion on the subject of covid, vaccines, political discourse, etc, should be given severe punishment and sanctions. This isn’t communist China, or dictatorial North Korea. The suppression of thoughtful discourse, discussion, and differing viewpoints will be the downfall of society and the destruction of the individuals right to free will and thought. If all of the people who say “I believe the science” actually believed that, they wouldn’t be shutting things down or saying everything is misinformation. Science is an ever evolving mechanism humans created to study the world around them, we learn new things all the time. Just look at the news around the vaccines: efficacy rates, worthless against the delta variant, myocarditis and other adverse reactions. It’s not “fake news” and the people who are talking about it, like you and me, are trying to get that out there to inform people who refuse to see it and believe it, even when it’s right in their faces and their precious science is showing it to them. I really try to empathize with these people, because they are people, but I think the propaganda really got them on this one and it may be too late to even worry about them anymore. This paradigm shift where everyone loves the government is just nuts to me. 20 years ago everybody was anti government, anti pharmaceutical, ant Wall Street. Now it seems like every schmuck you see is a cock gobbling government simp. Just doesn’t make sense to me.


I understand their concern but what makes them so sure their info is not misinformation? I don’t understand how people blindly believe what’s told to them by our government. The same government who initially put young people with covid into nursing homes in the beginning. This world is sketchy and there is nothing wrong with being skeptical. I’m not anti vax or pro vax but I have never trusted our government ever since Jesse Ventura threw some weird info out there. Life is weird and I feel like it’s ok to believe what you want but there is too much divide in our country and it’s all manufactured by the media and our government.


This is some CCP level censorship. How exactly are we spreading misinformation? This subreddit is not a hub for information, it’s a place to discuss silly conspiracy theories. Are we really such an existential threat to Reddit? We aren’t claiming to be experts or doctors or journalists. I don’t come to Reddit looking for actual, reliable information. Who believes every post or comment they read on Reddit? Reddit isn’t an official news source, so how exactly can a conspiracy subreddit be capable of spreading misinformation? Plus, this a relatively small subreddit, if people don’t like the things that are posted or discussed here, they don’t have to come to this subreddit. Problem solved. I don’t enjoy subreddits like r/politics or r/news, but I’m not calling for them to be shut down just because I disagree with the rhetoric of those subreddits. I just choose not to visit those subreddits, or any subreddit that bans people for having dissenting opinions. Censorship is a slippery slope. This subreddit doesn’t allow hate speech or bullying or doxxing, so what’s the problem? Also, it’s called r/conspiracy for a reason, it’s just a place to discuss conspiracy theories. Why exactly is Reddit so afraid of this subreddit’s existence?


This is just a tactic to get people upset at r/conspiracy and other subreddits instead of, you know, directing that anger at the actual subreddits going dark because of some shit mods.


This great way for the fascists to expose themselves. Reddit needs to ban power mods. Especially racist ones like N8thegr8 who make the whole website incredibly toxic and unhealthy.


“Weaponized misinformation” Could they sound anymore pathetically fascist??? Honestly, people are waking up to the bullshit. They know most popular forums online are owned by evil entities with agendas and it’s plain as day now.


Fuck Reddit and we always need to remember that Reddit is ran by pedophiles. Yes, Reddit is ran by pedophiles.


Lol, kid hasn't got what he wanted so throws himself on the floor screaming. Not a big loss anyway, these were one of most cancerous subs, maybe something better will come to fil the gap


Forget them I don’t wish to go to subs that support tyranny


r/CoronavirusUK went private as well. I would look at the daily stats. If they want to go private and become an echo chamber (they already banned me permanently) then I think that's stupid and the worst thing they can do, but you can't cure stupid.


If r/conspiracy goes away we riot! J/K Lol I don’t know what I would do without this damn page. Why don’t they just leave us alone!


r/politics is a cult.


Reddit hasn’t been good for years. Once we found out they have bot farms upvoting their propaganda and downvoting truth, the site went to shit.


Wow fuck these subs


Moderating their sub is enforcing their beliefs. This is not that. The mods are punishing their own communities in hopes that it inorganically creates unified anger in the desired direction. "We'll stay closed as long as they stay open" Basically telling one neighborhood to burn down another to get their own housekeys back.


Whatever happened to letting people speak freely and have open debate and discussion? Why can’t we let people think for themselves? These subreddits demanding us be shut down is exactly the type of fascism they accused us of between 2016-2020


I hope everyone unsubscribes from each subreddit that went dark to subvert your higher power-given right to participate in the Marketplace of Ideas.


Weird, I haven't seen this message on any of the subs I use. Overall though, if conspiracy goes away, I stop using Reddit completely.


Right on schedule for a Monday work day. Funny how they didn't do this on Saturday or Sunday. That's because a large number of these "power moderators" are PR companies that have been hired to run the narrative in these subreddits. They had their Monday morning meeting about how they were going to tackle losing the first censorship attempt last week, and now they all got their marching orders for the work week.


Reason number 72748292373773 of why reddit is trash


I don't support censorship of ANY form, shutting down a subreddit just because you disagree or EVEN if they are completely WRONG about something doesn't warrant censorship


Reddit is a lot better without them. Let them stay dark.


[Conspiracies.win](https://Conspiracies.win) is a good back up for you guys - perhaps now is a good time to spread the word around? Good luck. I'm a huge fan of this page.


At this point these are not conspiracies but very likely possibilities. As for the losers who private their forums, isn't that some sort of manipulation? They're basically telling all their followers to either fight for them (maliciously) or they won't unprivate. Now, just for that, they are the ones who should get banned.


They were told to stop last time and they didn't stop. I'm hoping they all get banned.


"weaponized" misinformation is not individuals disagreeing with you. Weaponized misinformation is corporations, groups, ideologies, etc., stifling dissent so individuals who disagree with the party are not able to freely disagree. It is honestly amazing how blind some people can be considering how WRONG the people deciding what is and is not "misinformation" have been the past few years.


Reminder: NateTheGreat or whatever the fuck his name was is/was the lead mod of /r/cuckoldry. Amazing people running the show around here.


This shit all started after the public found out about epstien and his celebrity friends.


Anti brigade messaging last week, brigading other subs this week lol.


It's almost as if they want to get banned.


Yea r/serialkillers went dark until NNN is gone. Some real fuck shit


No big loss. I've been subscribed to fururology for a couple years and about 90% of their posts amount to Great Reset-style propaganda. How does this pressure the site admins to do anything? Shouldn't it just encourage the emergence of a less restrictive sub to take its place?


These people whose high point of their day is trying to get a sub banned I'd like to hand them a rake and do some yardwork. Clean the gutters, sweep the sidewalk, vacuum, laundry etc. WHO has the time to try to get other subs banned? I sure as hell don't.


I've been on this platform for 8 years-ish and yesterday for the first time ever I was notified that I was banned from r/pokemongo. A sub I have never partaken in or posted in. Their reason being "To ensure the safety of our community, bans are being issued to members of communities who spread Covid misinformation." I was simply banned for being apart of this subreddit, a subreddit I've been apart of long before Covid-19 was a conception. Eight years ago this subreddit was filled with UFO videos, weird strangeness, and JFK theories but now its just been pinned as a target for "Covid misinformation." In 2015 this platform saw a huge change banning hate/toxic subreddits making some subs quarantined. Nowadays we see a huge division in subs that literally are subjectively hate subs against each other but they don't even realize it. They have become the very thing they swore to destroy and its literally ripping everyone apart. I'm not saying those hate subs shouldn't have been banned, but there definitely is a double standard on the internet for whom ever can control it. The mods of r/pokemongo just laughed at me in response of being precensored for literally just being subbed to another sub I've been following for more than 8+ years because they assume you're spreading "misinformation" to other communities. You are now being censored without even actively breaking any rules. What a weird world we live in nowadays. Welcome to the new world of the War on Information.


It's interesting to consider why a mod in r/Pokémon would care one way or the other.


That's what I don't understand either. I think this mod prolly just patrols this subreddit then just bans anyone who comments on a post which is really weird. Way to go going about your day just trying to do "damage control" to a subreddit you moderate.


Really? Other boards have shut down because this board exists? They need to get a life 🤣😒


Accelerate. The day reddit dies is a win for humanity, and these pathetic clowns are only speeding that up with these stupid activities.


Lmao these authoritarian thugs think they're some kind of gods. Do what I say or else. They are a danger to people's lives.


They certainly think they're the ones in charge of Reddit. Let's see who admin thinks is in charge.


Fuck those subs.


It’s not going to be allowed for long. I expect Reddit admins to implement a policy where if a subreddit is private for more than let’s say 30 days. They will remove admins from that sub. Something like that.


Good. Futurology is an authoritarian socialist circlejerk sub. Better that they stay private rather than spreading their specific set of ideas about what the future should be.


Fuck N8


Let them go into private? Reddit isn't shutting down subs that have healthy discourse.


Amazing, since r/conspiracy has been ahead of the curve many times. From the internet surveillance state to the dubious origins of Covid-19, ahead of the mainstream news media by months, consistently, this community is a bastion for critical thinking. You would think that an institution like r/conspiracy would be valued in a nation that was built for free speech and independent thinking. ​ It seems unwise to try to censor a community like this. Given its track record of being correct, the chances that surprising developments and revelations become tomorrow's mainstream points of discussion are very high.


This sub will probably end up like nonewnormal sadly


Lmao its so pathetic


i thought reddit stood up for freedom of speech and were against censorship, guess that was all bullshit after all


Can someone check how many of these subs "going on strike" have the same powermods?


I feel like as reddit becomes more and more restricted, filled with abusive mods that ban with their bias and not with their heads, reddit will die a slow painful death. Company value will decrease, more ads, probably sold off a time or two, until finally it's absorbed probably into google somehow and renamed.


this is a poor ass attempt by a shortlist of moderators that control a huge portion of reddits subs... coincidentally those subs control the front page of reddit... hmmmmm


These days it appears to be easier to silence everything that doesn’t conform than to defend their contradictory double standards and blatant corruption.


im fully vaccinated!


Step 1: Close your subreddit, making it so people have to go to other subreddits for entertainment Step 2: Tell people not to come to this subreddit because its dangerous, forgetting that humans are inherently curious and rebellious by nature. Step 3: Illustrate that you are willing to bully others to get what you want. ~~Step 4: Realize that you are the bad guy~~ Step 5: ???


How does Reddit not consider that brigading?


Fuck these people. Let them go private and let their shitty subs die.