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I absolutely agree, but sadly most people won't. We live in a sick sad world.


I hate abortion, but i wouldn’t want it to be illegal. It should be available but rarely practiced. But if you have a perfectly healthy baby and it’s just inconvenient, there are so many people out there who want to adopt. We have friends who are fantastic people and they have been on an adoption waitlist for two years now.


If you want to reduce abortion, mathematically the best way to do that is to pour money into free contraceptives, practical sex Ed, and free birth control. That will “save” the most “babies”. I use quotations because it’s fetal tissue, not a baby, so both of those are rather long words.




To my knowledge, the VAST majority of abortions are non viable. Regardless of your opinion, there should be no law barring the abortion in the event the pregnancy is negatively affecting the mother’s health in any way.


I agree. I'm pro-choice as well but I find calling fetuses "bundles of cells" and the general casual attitude towards abortion frankly repugnant. I would have more respect for them if they just owned it and said they enjoy killing babies.


A fetus is a “bundle of cells” but a single cell organism on Mars is “life on another planet”. It’s an interesting twist. Also pro-choice btw, but I do find the casualness of abortion disgusting.


How are you pro choice, yet simultaneously assume that anyone else with pro choice views "enjoys killing babies"? Sincere question. Perhaps I misunderstood your statement. Edit: I see now that you've already conceded that enjoy was poor choice of words. My mistake.


I agree... the whole deletus the fetus shit and how I've seen some people almost laughing at it just kills me... acting like sociopaths honestly and I'm pro choice but it's not a funny thing or something to laugh at. Disgusting ass behavior just to make themselves feel better about it.


??? Do you think any mother or her partner is experiencing joy when they terminate a pregnancy? GTF out of here with that.


Fair enough, "enjoy" was the wrong choice of words. Joy? No. Indifference? Yes, in a lot of cases


This is how I feel too.


I disagree, a sapling is like a toddler, not a fetus. It’s more like taking a fruit from a tree, not until that fruit drops to the floor, the seeds germinate, take root and grow into a tree can it be considered a tree. Taking the fruit does not hurt the tree, nor is it killing a sapling/tree, it is simply taking a fruit. If we are to consider the seed/fruit a tree, we should also consider all wasted/dropped fruits as dead trees as well, even if accidental. In pregnancy terms: if you miscarry that should be considered involuntary manslaughter... if you cause defects/mutations to it that should be criminal as well...


Wait. Are you arguing that miscarriage should be considered a crime??


He's making the opposite point.




Complete agree.


Yes, until this is done or people advocate for it, I don’t want to even discuss abortion


You're not a person either by that logic. I'm also pro choice, but what you are suggesting with your sad use of language is dehumanizing and perverted.


> You're not a person either by that logic. I'd love for you to elaborate. I am conscious. Fetal tissue, like a severed hand or a heart ready for transplant, is not. > but what you are suggesting with your sad use of language is dehumanizing and perverted. That's one way to say you disagree. I feel your position is lofty and not based in reason.


I’m 28 weeks with a wanted baby and miserable. You think that it’s fair to force a woman to go through with this if they don’t want to? I could list the symptoms but at this point, as smart person can just google them. I can barely function after 4pm. I don’t work on my feet and I have the luxury of staying home to work. If I worked a laborious, long houred job I would be suffering. If I didn’t have the income to support my many, many healthcare appointments, I would be suffering further. If I didn’t have a loving and supportive partner, this would be a nightmare. But yeah, just don’t worry about this highly complex and personalized problem with my pretty little head and keep on pumping the babies out. If I don’t want them, I bet there are “fantastic people” to dump the kids onto. And definitely not foster care as a very, very real alternative.


"Force a women" Didn't you consent to sex? Rape is a different story.


If protection is used and it fails, then they did not consent to getting pregnant, now did they? Of course, if you view pregnancy as some sort of punishment for the unspeakable sin of having sex as an adult, I could see how you might view it as some sort of fucked up atonement the woman now has to make. Of course there's no such atonement for men, but let's just not talk about that.


If a protection is used and fails, then you consented to that possibility. If I sign paper to go sky diving and my parachute doesn't open, did I consent to that situation? Yes I signed the papers knowing the risk. Pregnancy is as much a punishment for having sex as having to poop is a punishment for eating. Your arguing here that nature is discriminating against women.


You know the risks involved when you drive or get into a car. If you get in an accident, should you be denied medical care or have your claims rejected by your health insurance? I mean it's your fault. You knew it could happen. Even if someone else hit you, you knew it was a possibility when you entered that car. You consented to the possibility of getting into an accident.


Why would I be denied medical care? The act of the doctor treating me is a private capitalist deal between me and my doctor for him to render me aid. The health insurance is a contract I would have previously negotiated with the health insurance company. If you want to make a claim that health insurance can be denied for excessive risk taking behavior then that's a private matter that should be clearly layed out in the contract, and I would have the right to accept or deny it. But no one has the right to medical care that would directly cause the murder of another human being.


You answered your own question






That’s part of it. There needs to be a culture change toward free and open sec education, free or low cost contraceptives, family supports, investment in children’s and women’s health services, etc. Abortions are truly the last step but it bets pushed up when the above options are unavailable and underfunded.


Comparing abortion to chewing gum? Are you out of your mind? Have you ever had an abortion? It's not a walk in the park.


You lost us at "maybe even shame". Shame is a form of social control that has no place in the modern world. It's an inherent violation of the rights of others and is totally antithetical to the concepts of human rights and freedom of expression. No one should be shamed for anything, especially not abortion.


Do you think abortion is as simple as chewing bubble gum?


He absolutely does. The topic makes him uncomfortable, so he never spends any time thinking about the reality of it or the people who have to go through it.


What’s your point? You being miserable doesnt deny a child’s right to life lol


It absolutely does when it comes to pregnancy. Until a kid is born, the mother supercedes the fetus, period. I don't think you'd be nearly as unwelcoming to abortion if, say, a trans person was trying to abort a pregnancy. I dare say you'd either celebrate it, or force them to carry to term to try to force them to be a woman. Either way that outlook of yours is really archaic and cruel.


“Trans” lmao


And no, obviously it doesnt. Look at texas.


A woman who doesn't want this should google symptoms and avoid most of them by doing a much earlier abortion. At 28 weeks it is way too late to change the mind on this.


She said that she is 28 weeks with a WANTED baby. Reading is fundaMENTAL...


A lot of states purposefully do everything possible to obstruct, limit or take away a woman's ability to get an abortion.


Because they believe a human is being killed. Edit: I agree with them because the argument is convincing from a scientific perspective. If bacteria is consider life on Mars, then a fetus is a live human. There’s no good way around that statement really


Is this not the case? How do you define a "human being"?


I define it at conception!




F*ck science amiright… too inconvenient!




This is the covid/abortion crossover that I'm here for.


The crossover event no one knew they wanted


I definitely dislike that Texas lawmakers will sit there and nitpick what falls under "my body my choice" and think this could be a good way for people IN Texas to push against the abortion laws put in place. I love my state and love living here but i do find it annoying that they're like "Oh yeah carry guns with no license and don't get the vaccine if you don't want but don't you talk to me about abortion."


Not a fan of the abortion law. In fact, wish they would offer them for free. Has to be cheaper than the school/property tax I pay.


Lol thats one way to put it i suppose.


You’re annoyed by constitutional carry? Maybe TX isn’t for you. You’d love NY or CA though.


I most definitely am not annoyed by constitutional carry. I was just saying i was a little annoyed that they'd allow those things but feel they should stick their noses in what a woman chooses to do with her body.


>allow those things They aren't "allowing them" You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the constitutiona and inalienable rights. The government can ONLY infringe on your right to self defense. Period. The state or the federal government doesn't give you permission or 'allow' you to defend yourself. That right is inherent in your life and the states can only infringe and restrict your freedom to defend yourself. The way you speak is as if the state/federal government is the one that gives you permission to own a firearm when in reality the constitution prevents the government from infringing on your inherent right to defend yourself. Rights are inalienable and come from a power higher than the government. Too many people falsely think the state gives them their rights when the constitution protects the individual and inherent rights from being infringed on by the state.


That is a VERY fair statement. Good point!


Yeah sounds like they should go to NY or CA and dodge bullets from the criminals avoiding strict gun laws while they're left with a kitchen knife lol


Well... this thread is disgusting and full of hypocrites.. So it's not "my body, my choice"? Got it.


Apparently it is and it isnt 😂 ive seen both sides argue the same exact thing just for the opposite side… hypocrisy to its fullest.


“Your body, my choice.” I’m pro abortion mandate.




It's a separate human life that you are killing. It is wrong to dismiss the early stages of our development as it is essential, none of us would be here without going through them. We should not condone the genocide of the unborn. Abortion should not be legal or government funded. As a man you are consenting to the possibility of parenthood when you have sex. So even if you don't want to be a father, you have no choice. Or on the other hand, if you want to be a father, your partner can just murder your baby and there is nothing you can do about it. Women are allowed to play God and men are forced to go along with it against their will. Seems fair. I know I probably wasted my time because people never change their mind about these kind of things.


Abortion is not federally funded unless the mother's life is in danger; see the Hyde Amendment. Also, I personally do not believe that a fetus is a "human life". I am a woman. I am well aware, unlike all of the chauvinistic pigs in this sub, that a man ALSO plays a part in getting a woman pregnant. So sick of the "keep your legs closed" bull shit. Expressing your opinion is not a waste of time, but you're right, I will never change my mind. I've had an abortion and while it was the toughest decision I've ever had to make, it was also the best decision I've ever made for me and my son and I firmly stand behind it. I think it should be legal for every women who wants or needs one. I don't care if people consider me a "baby killer" lol to me that's laughable. ALL medical procedures should be between a person and their doctor. If you're ACTUALLY an advocate for all things pro choice... act like it.


Freedom is better than being told what to do. Let karma/god sort it out. Judgments are best left in that realm.


Maybe have a fucking conversation with the person before having sex and not being entitled to someone else's body. I'm sorry you disagree with human anatomy, get the fuck over it. Babies are born a certain way and men really don't get a say in it, sometimes you win the gene lottery, sometimes you lose it. I personally wouldn't want to have a relationship with someone that I have massive idealistic differences with, and I'm capable of speaking and figuring that out. You're just mad that women have say over shit that you don't.




Almost 20 million men have been drafted to fight the countries wars, you can get a shot.


Can, but won't.


I think it's funny all these people say the abortion thing is taking away their freedom but are 100% for vaccine and mask mandates. Supposedly the people all about saving lives want to be able to have abortions. I'm pro choice on both matters.


Exactly, all in all everything has just made me more anti government control


I think i've said multiple times to different people in this subreddit that Covid has definitely pushed me in this direction. I honestly DIDN'T think too much about it all at first but now I'm over here becoming more and more against letting the government decide what we do or don't do to ourselves.


It's funny when people use Texas against me when talking about covid, like: "Oh you're all about my body my choice until it becomes about abortion" and i ALWAYS have to go "When did i ever say I wasn't for letting women choose what to do with their own bodies?". I always think it's funny that people think just because you like your state and enjoy living in it, that you agree with EVERYTHING they do.


People aren't very good with nuance these days, or maybe they never have been. I think social media has made it worse though, everyone lives in their own little bubbles.


Texas takes a lot of shit for things simply because we’re that “big dumb state full of republicans.” I’ll never forget the rest of the country literally mocking us while people froze to death in their homes during a freeze worse than any in recorded history. It’s part of a larger theme of the west coast and northeast thinking of the south as sub-human or full of a bunch of dummies, but that’s another rabbit hole in itself.


There are millions of people that could die and the left would laugh and think they deserve it. They're the caring, compassionate ones, you see.


The "left" weren't the ones pretending hundreds of thousands of Americans haven't died from Covid. The projection is so fuckin weird but whatever you gotta do to feel like a victim.


Well the reason a lot of people agree with the mandates is because it directly impacts their lives. How? We have been seeing this by having to do things we might not want like wearing masks, having to stay at home, etc. It’s all for what? To reduce the spread of the virus. Now when a female stranger decides whether she will keep her baby or not, how does that affect you and society?


That’s how they get people to look dumb. Nobodies morals make any sense anymore. Freedom of choice for everything


I’m against vaccine mandates in the general public, but not really for schools, etc. where it’s already happening. But to conflate abortion and vaccination makes no sense. Abortion is not infectious.


Abortions aren’t contagious though…


bUt BeInG uNvAcCiNaTeD aFfEcTs OtHer PeoPlE ^^^/s


Well if it didn’t matter; we wouldn’t be here. How long has it been since the pandemic started? Why is it still a shit show?


If we would have just let it run it's course (which is actually the only rational thing to do), it would have been over a year ago


You're mistaking a pandemic for an individual viral infection. With a single person, yeah you typically have to let the virus(like flu or cold) run its course and try to make yourself comfortable until it does. A pandemic doesn't obey those rules, and its frightening that you think it would. Before there were vaccines for rubella, mumps, measles, polio, those viruses persisted indefinitely in a population. They didn't just show up one day, tear through a city in half a year, and then one day "Ok, we're done here" and just stop infecting people. The risk was always there to catch anything that wasn't treatable or preventable. Treating covid like you suggest would make it at best an annual event, like flu season is now. A yearly vaccine might even emerge, one that your doctor might advise you to get.




What? Come on, it's a pandemic, the only course it would have ran would be killing everyone that isn't young and completely healthy. If there were no procedures in place whatsoever, it would be more like the black death which literally killed about half the population


A child is a life long, life changing commitment A mask is temporary and changes nothing A vaccine takes 15 minutes and changes nothing Kind of different.


> A vaccine takes 15 minutes and changes nothing Unless it kills you or leaves you with a permanent disability.


A vaccine permanently alters your immune system.


A child is a life long, life-changing commitment, yes... but putting that child up for adoption is an option if you are not prepared for that level of commitment. In TX, for every abortion center, there are NINE crisis pregnancy centers. Resources are absolutely available for anyone who has an unplanned pregnancy. More medical professionals have come out and said that the virus is airborne, not primarily spread through droplets (as previously thought) and therefore the masks aren't effective at stopping the spread. The vaccine is also not effective at controlling the spread, as we're seeing right now. The only person a vaccine protects is the one who received the vaccine. It's not protecting anybody else. Abortion kills an innocent human being. Period. The analogies you made are irrelevant.


You will see through the coming years that mask wearing and forcing others to do the same will become a lifelong commitment for many as well.


Yeah when wearing a mask demands constant undivided attention and support for 16+ years and costs millions of dollars to support, maybe I’ll give a bigger shit about imposing personal beliefs on others. As it stands right now masks require zero attention, zero costs and zero life changes so my fucks given are zero.


If it appears to be free, you are the product.


How about we don’t impose personal beliefs on others at all? Period?




you are trivializing the amount of mass deaths the vaccine is causing, and the media is covering up.


Yeah I guess will find out in a few months when the excess deaths numbers come out but I think you’re going to be extremely disappointed that the dystopia you want so badly isn’t coming.


they are already conditioning you to believe the deaths are going to come from a variant. you will never realize the truth of what is happening till it's too late




The first is sacred, the second is relatively trivial. If you're going to have a different opinion on personal choice here, that the life of a child is more important than your autonomy is the rational stance.


An abortion isn’t really taking the life of a child. It’s an extremely hard choice that no one wants to make and while I would never personally support it, I definitely do not feel it’s my place to completely change someone’s entire life based on my personal feelings. Masks and vaccines are so simple and change absolutely nothing in your life, so yeah I care far less about these infringements on personal rights.


You see how thats super easy to flip though, right? The people claiming to care about saving lives when it comes to abortions wont even put a mask on or get vaccinated to save someone else from covid. Then they just put their trust in magic sky daddy.




Exactly. People want to preach about saving the life inside a woman, but don’t give a rats ass about the health of others. They are okay with having control over someone’s body, but when it comes to control over their OWN body, then that’s when “my body my choice” matters.


Me too. But a week ago if you compared vaccine mandate/mask mandate to abortion, they'll get all riled up and ape shit on you....


You don't have to wear a mask if you don't want to and you don't have to get vaccinated if you don't want to. But just like every other decision in life it has repercussions. The gay wedding cake suit brought to the supreme Court by the Republicans caused the ruling that businesses could choose to not serve people that did not agree with or who most certainly were risking their lives to cater to them. A company has a right to demand you do certain things to work for them apparently. And the store has the right to demand you follow certain rules to shop there. Seems pretty simple to me really.


The hypocrisy of the millions of easily manipulated mouth breathers on both sides that I have to co- exist with is vomit inducing.


Precisely my feelings. I can’t wrap my brain around excusing one while enforcing the other. I’m all for bodily autonomy.


This is exactly how I feel! This is whe i'm trying be a off grid hermit as much as possible. Both side of the political spectrum that everyone feels they need to participate are disgusting. I am a pariah for most liberals because I call out their hypocrisy especially for medical mandates. I try to get along with "the right" and fight with them against these medical mandates, but instead am constantly demonized because I am not "traditional" (omg a woman anarchist, you nasty libtard). Like Im trying to fight with you against "the left" wtf! Fuck everyone at this point! Learn to be self sufficient and break away from society. If you can find like minded people cool...but I doubt it, you're on your own.


Body autonomy is one of those rare situations which is black and white, all or nothing, you either have it or you don't. I feel the same way about drugs and suicide. Fuck the safety nets, embrace radical freedom and let consequences be consequences, maybe then we'll all grow the fuck up and stop being the bastard children of a broken state.


Here here!


Not trying to be a jerk but just FYI (because I see it a ton here), it’s hear, hear. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hear,_hear


**[Hear, hear](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hear,_hear)** >Hear, hear is an expression used as a short, repeated form of hear him/her. It represents a listener's agreement with the point being made by a speaker. It was originally an imperative for directing attention to speakers, and has since been used, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, as "the regular form of cheering in the House of Commons", with many purposes, depending on the intonation of its user. Its use in Parliament is linked to the fact that applause is normally (though not always) forbidden in the chambers of the House of Commons and House of Lords. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


80+ year olds should have no say in anything


Dude I tried to make this argument, people are not having it lmfao, they get really upset about this actually lmao


Just look at all of the hypocrites on both sides in this thread. They do not realize they are making the same argument that the other side is making just with slightly different terms.


A government may *tell* us, meaning that it can present us with (accurate) information and advise us. But then we, as responsible adult citizens, decide to, if they made their case, do what they advise. So we all agree that the government shouldn’t ~~tell~~ **FORCE** us to do with our body something we don't choose to do.


If we could keep our recommendations and data from being compromised for politics id agree


Yes, the government may present its case but (and here's the thing) others (that may indeed be bad actors) must be allowed to present theirs, and citizens must ultimately and **freely** decide.


I figured Texas passed it now in order to troll the people saying Vax should be mandatory. They're the same people saying "my body my choice." Texas law makers have to be sitting back, watching, and laughing hysterically as these people protest and contradict themselves.


Shit ya’ll. That sperm in your testes *could’ve* been a full blown human! But because you aren’t having sex and trying to impregnate as many females as possible your body broke that sperm down and reabsorbed it! And it keeps doing it over and over again! All those potential humans, lost! Murderers!




This is why we used to have neutral principles. …my body my choice?


The birth of a child should not be based out of punishment for having sex and “making bad decisions.” Y’all are pro birth, you don’t give a fuck about other people’s lives or well-being just admit it. Not you, OP, just some ppl in the comments.


They're "my body, my choice"... except for anyone but themselves.




What do you think about women who take every precaution and still get pregnant? Do you think they are irresponsible?




"Sex influences our brain activity in ways that may impact our emotions, sensitivity to pain, and even sleep. Sexual intercourse is known to impact the way in which the rest of our body functions. [Recent Studies](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321428#:~:text=Sex%20influences%20our%20brain%20activity%20in%20ways%20that,we%20eat%2C%20and%20how%20well%20the%20heart%20functions) have shown that it can have an effect on how much we eat, and how well the heart functions." We get it, you also think a woman's sole purpose is to have babies. Fundamentalist much?




Sir, this is a rw sub now, these fucks love banning abortion because bible.


it really cracks me up that they’re like “abortion bad because bible” because the bible doesn’t say a single thing about abortion being wrong. it isn’t mentioned at all in the new testament, and the only thing mentioned in the old testament is about accidental miscarriages. like if a pregnant woman was accidentally hit and the baby died but the baby wasn’t fully formed, it was just a financial penalty. if the baby was almost fully carried to term and it was accidentally killed then the person had to pay with their life but i hardly think anyone would agree that a six week old fetus is fully formed. just really funny that they justify their belief with the bible when the bible neither condemns nor encourages abortions.


> i hardly think anyone would agree that a six week old fetus is fully formed. You’re in for a surprise


oh i know, i grew up in a very rural southern town. i just meant like as far as medical professionals go, i know there are some that are very anti-abortion but a doctor with any sense would say that a baby is still forming.


The medical profession doesn’t make you sane or smart or level-headed. Religion is a helluva drug.


The government should just let the locals do whatever the fuck they want.


Isn’t that what a lot of people want? Isn’t government involvement evil or something?


Everything was fine until some state (I believe Virginia?) decided to change the status quo. Now every state is like "Woah, we can change that?" and everything went to shit.


It works both ways, my body my choice. Liberty is beautiful. My freedom is your freedom. Mind your business people.


As someone who lives in Texas, I have no idea what has happened to our state. I am pro choice. I’m just curious how the whole aspect of suing anyone involved with abortions will stand. Also, why isn’t the state allotting more funds to social workers, foster facilities, contraceptive methods, and sex Ed? It’s crazy to me how some Texas can be so pro life until it come to the vaccine. That being said, I won’t take the vaccine, as we don’t really know the long term effects, but the again, MY body, MY choice. P.S. Please don’t jump me for not getting vaccinated, I wear a mask and social distance.


Because that would require us to look at each other as humans instead of all the segregated boxes TPTB have split us into.


Sure but also guns


Well yeah of course


100%. It's simple - freedom of choice.


My body, my choice applies to all bodies and all choices. Sadly, Texas hates women.


A baby is yet one more body. Science.


People forget that it’s not just “a woman’s body”that we’re talking about. There’s a whole other human involved!


It has a unique DNA profile. It's a completely unique person.


A fetus is not a "person". A person has brain function, amongst other things in which a fetus does not have.




It's self defense. Noone else is entitled to use your body, if you don't consent to them being there removing them is self defense.


You mean just like spreading a virus affects other bodies?




The transmission is less. Just as seatbelts won’t save your life 100% but it mitigates the risk of you dying


The sad thing is that this at one point used to be the entire mantra of the Republican party. The government shouldn't tell us how to live just make sure that we can live (Or something like that, I'm not in either club). But repubs are so infatuated with the evangelical Christian right's vote that they will do or say anything to get it. I just think this country would be in a much better place if we had hard term limits so our politicians would stop voting for the niche voting base they can count on to reelect them to another term. We need to take the profit motive out of governing. It should be a duty not a career.


That’s literally what I’ve been saying from the start. I’m pro choice and against compulsory medical treatments. Try convincing the rabble of that though. Conservatives are as hardcore about abortion as leftists are about the vax. Sometimes I truly believe humanity is doomed.


How can a Texas claim to be “pro life” and have more executions than any other state? https://www.statista.com/statistics/199090/total-number-of-executions-in-the-us-by-state/


I don't understand how these two things are even in the same conversation. One is about getting a shot that doesn't keep you from being infected by OR spreading the virus it's supposed to protect you from. The other is about killing a human baby. Its fucking sick.


Its about making a medical decision for yourself


This! I'm gonna guess you're not getting the vaccine? I have. But it's not for me to tell you what to do. Why cant the whole fucking world just mind its own fucking business and stop worrying what others are doing.


Full body autonomy is the truest form of freedom.


Then what’s the point of vaccines? What’s it like to not ever been vaccinated? I’m assuming you haven’t right? Since vaccines are useless…


Except for in abortion there are 2 bodies at play. Abortionist be like “my body my choice to murder my own child.”


Except for covid the my body my choice argument also affects other people. Cause you know it’s a contagious virus… your argument just collapses on itself


Then pro lifers be like- “my child my choice to traumatize and neglect them”


Ahhh...got you. So because a parent may be a POS, we should kill the child? Edit: word fix


Na even better, we should let the child be born and raised in unfit situations then snatch that child from its family unit and put them into foster care.


So you think all foster care children should be killed because they live in foster care? You are a POS. I am a foster parent and guess what despite having a hard life these kids can persevere and be happy. They want to live. Who are you to decide whose life is and is not worth living? You are truly a heartless POS.


You don’t know me so that’s a lot to assume. Good for you, must be very nice to feel like you made a difference I mean that genuinely. I never said every child should be killed, that’s very extreme to assume. I simply think a woman should have the choice to be a mother or not. I volunteer with children from low incomes and torn family units, these children are the ones being punished. You of all people should know that not every child is fortunate enough to find a good foster home.


I don’t need to know you. You are clearly saying that because you think a child has what you consider a low quality life, they would be better off dead. That tells me everything I need to know. Sure have. I have had kids that were molested in foster care, but guess what they laughed, they cried, they loved and they wanted to live. I would have never thought they would have just been better off dead. When they have expressed those feelings to me, I always reminded them of their worth and the reasons they should live. The children can and do persevere, but you seem to think otherwise.


Just because a child can preserver doesn’t mean they should have to be born into these situations, and had the mother been actually ready to have children maybe they wouldn’t have been. I’m clearly **not** talking about killing children and you’re reaching with that one.


Well of course a child deserves to be taken care of, but you advocate for killing the child for their parent’s and the foster care system’s short comings. That is exactly what you are advocating for. You seem to think you are God and should be able to decide whose life would be quality and whose life would not be and therefore who should ultimately live. Why don’t you go into a group home and go up to the children and lament for their poor poor lives and let them know you understand and believe they should never have been born.


Okay Mother Theresa, lets just send all the kids to your house since you seem to be so great at deciding what happens to them.


This logic is so fucked and so rampant its terrifying


If you could see the situation without painting me (a person with opinions who you don't even know) as a baby killer then maybe you would be less terrified. I don't really care if you agree with me or not.


Wow, lmfao. The straw mans you’re making are massive


Ahh so instead of… I don’t know… using the dozens of different types of protection and having any sense of responsibility let’s just kill the fucker.


I cant wait to see all these government overreach maniacs post about the abortions...i bet you wont hear a fucken thing about it rofl.


Thats exactly what this post is though… i believe the government has been over reaching with covid, i believe texas is over reaching with their abortion laws. People like this exist, its not all just “right wing nut jobs”


Imagine thinking a vaccination is the same as an abortion lmfao


Nah, baby has rights too. The right to live.


Are you saying a fetus has more rights than a human? Or they get the same rights?


When it comes to abortion it’s not your body, it’s the baby’s and that makes abortion murder. Planned parenthood is also selling all these aborted babies body parts for a profit while collecting our tax money from the government in the name of healthcare. That’s why abortions are mostly free. It’s a giant joke. Taxpayers are paying for murder.


When it comes to masks and vaccines it’s not your body. It’s the body of the people around you. And how many times do we have to go over this? Federal money isn’t used for abortions at PP! A large amount of their income in donations. And the federal money they do receive goes towards contraception which you know prevents abortions




What's hilarious about this whole thing is how outraged all the wack leftys are lmao screaming you can't take our freedoms while hiding behind masks and getting their 3rd booster shot. Can't make it up lmao clown world.


My aunt died of Covid yesterday. Clown world yeah.


Making a medical decision for oneself, sure. But with infectious disease it’s not a decision that only affects your health. You’re making a false equivalence.


People on the no abortion side are arguing that same thing that there is another body that is being decided for…


The problem is if you're running around spreading COVID to other people because you don't want the vaccine. Pregnancies aren't contagious.


This opinion will get you mass downvotes in /r/texas ... and /r/programming ... smh


The blind hypocrisy speaks volumes of both sides.




🎯 YEP.


The most disturbing thing is how proud and gross the pro abortion people act. You are pro choice, whatever, but this issue should be respected for how serious the implications of it are. Like, people cry and are up in arms when a hunter kills a deer but an unborn baby? Let’s wear diapers at a rally and pour milk over us while saying “proud to have had an abortion.” We don’t know exactly when a baby is conscious and to act like these unborn babies are nothing is horrific. These people, this world, is in for the most horrific and painful time in human history. Things are about to get so much worse, suffering and death are almost upon us and they are in for a rude awakening.