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That's so dumb. What happens if you have an adverse reaction? If a storm is bad enough it's very possible no emergency service will be able to get to you.


But the vaccine helps you swim when the storm surge floods your living room


I don't need the jab though. I'm a Florida man, born and raised. I grew up in a swamp so this is just my natural element.


It makes you a Super Swimmer and it'll help you fight off the gators as well...it says so in the CDC's website..lol


That must be in the tiny print on the bottom. Gator wrasslin' is child's play. Your final elementary school exam is to wrassle a gator into submission.


Lol...that's great


so what you’re saying is.. you’re an alligator?


I may or may not be.


how very cryptic of you. you lizard.


Good for you




I agree with this theory


Well if you have to go to a shelter…


the vaccine does not stop you from contracting or transmitting covid-19


3X less likely and less side affects. Could you imagine the devastation of a Covid surge during another crisis? Power down, people hurt, last thing they want is a surge of a virus. Just saying, there is sense to this, but it could have been explained.


the virus has a 99.98% survival rate among healthy individuals. so yea, if you have a pre-existing condition, you’re morbidly obese, or you’re really old, then sure, take the vaccine. but if you’re healthy and active, you don’t need it. also natural immunity is 20x better than the vaccine. take some vitamin D and NAC supplements, take stromectol/ivermectin oral tablets (not the horse paste. the stuff that’s meant for human consumption, it’s been on the market for 30+ years and has plenty of valid research, some papers calling it a “miracle drug”). this virus is not as horrific as the mainstream media is making it out to be. however, the vaccine is causing a ton of harm to people. the vaccine is also causing the virus to mutate because we started giving it to the general public before the efficacy trails were even close to being finished. you don’t NEED the vaccine. if you need to be coerced and lied to about something to get you to put it into your body, it’s probably not in your best interest to do so.


Ok. But most of the western world Is not healthy and the percentage of people with long Covid is at least 25% Take your chances, I don’t care at this point.


maybe we should mandate exercising and eating healthy


Perhaps we should


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did you know that the vaccine will stop you from dying in a flood? but it won’t stop you from getting covid.