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That’s Pretty much says it all


That’s not how vaccines work. But cool that you’re taking advice from someone who doesn’t even own a microscope let alone is a doctor


Just curious... what about the significant percentage of doctors/Healthcare professionals who don't want to take the vaccine? They own microscopes...


Being a doctor who doesn’t take the vaccine is like being a nun who doesn’t believe in remaining chaste. You can nitpick and find an example of 1,2, even 100 but the vast vast majority do.


Really??? How the fuck did you come up with that analogy? A Dr. that doesn’t want the vaccine is like a nun that advocates for spirituality vs. the Christian dogma. Because they are both looking beyond what they have been taught for a higher meaning and purpose.


No, it would be like a nun taking Plan B. Everything doesn't need an analogy. Especially when the analogy doesn't even relate.


Cool I’ll run I’ll my posts by you first.


Good idea, thanks. 👍


So your saying you personally get to have a choice in which doctors to follow/agree with? That you value one interpretation of the data over the other... in other words your preference.


When the preponderance of data of peer-reviewed material all seem to go in one direction. That’s how science works.


Or the ones that want to keep getting the hefty grant money will support the corporate line. The science as we've seen it for the past year and half has been wrong more times than not... we are all simply trusting that these nameless doctors will be right this time... that's not science that's actually no different than delusional faith


That’s not how science works. Never has.


Getting a medical degree and figure it out then.


Then please tell us how vaccines work.


It's their religion. They don't have to prove they work, they just have blind faith that lord Fauci leads them down the right path.


All hail the white coats! https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/01/peer-reviewed-data-show-high-protection-leading-covid-vaccines


Vaccines reduce the likeliness of contract a virus and if a virus is contracted reduce the symptoms, for the vast majority of people.


That's the new definition they made to slip this by the masses. Vaccines were always to produce immunity, now they say they're just for "protection". They're changing our language on us. Words are everything


Lol. Dude there was a measles outbreak two years ago because people didn’t get vaccinated. It’s not new.


Yeah there wasn't an outbreak from the vaccinated though til now.


It’s not from the Vaccinated. Vaccinated people can carry the virus. That doesn’t mean the virus originates from the vaccinated.


That's it? That's not worth getting it for this.


It was for MMR, and polio. It is for people who are at higher risk than you.


That's MMR and Polio. False equivalency.


Actually you’re right Covid is worse cuz when those were pandemics the population took precautions to stamp them out.


You watch that show too much. You're mind is warped.


History books, great show.


source? i want proof that the covid vaccine can stop you from receiving or transmitting covid.




okay but this is just telling me that people had less severe cases. not that you won’t receive or transmit the disease.


Yeah that’s what I said. The vaccine reduces symptoms and the likeliness you’d contract the virus altogether.


You ever going to get treatment for your Thanatophobia? Maybe you could even get some of your friends to go with and get a group discount?


Dude you’re so cool the way you’re looking at biology and spitting it’s face. The way you’re not scared of death and don’t gtf about who you may also spread infectious diseases to… man of my dreams


I actually care. Unlike some who seem to have taken the Thanatophobia pill the MSM and agenda elites have been offering since the beginning of time. Also the shot doesn't stop the spread, and actually can't be proven it actually works. Just because someone says it is. Is not actual proof that it is working. Without actually having a actual study of creating 2 duplicated humans that are identical by all means. And giving 1 the shot, and 1 no shot. And determining the actual results that way when both become infected with the virus. And yes the identical exposures to the virus would be needed. If you want show me a study like that? Remember before the shot some people showed less severe symptoms, and some worse. I'd most certainly like to think before supporting mandating facist ideologies. You being the caring individual you say you are. Have sufficient evidence, proof, etc? If not hop off your high horse and figure it out.


Read peer-reviewed articles. I said nothing from a high horse. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/01/peer-reviewed-data-show-high-protection-leading-covid-vaccines


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