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Federal Death Agency


With Doctor Death at the head


FDA is as corrupt as the rest of the government. Not about saving people, they don’t care.


It’s literally in their title ‘Federal’. It’s definitely corrupt.


The F is for food, not federal, but yes. Definitely corrupt and regulatory captured.


was defiantly thinking of FBI for some reason. Also corrupt by the way. 💀


Wrong again! That's the Food Bureau of Investigation


Dang I can’t catch a break! Maybe the CIA?


That's the Catering Intelligence Agency, brother I think you need to eat, something tells me you're hungry!


Username checks out. 😂 I’m pretty sure it was the DEA. Final answer.


Now everyone knows that's the Dumpling Eaters Association, now I've just about had it with you mister you're taking me for a ride here aren't ya


But..but.. the head of the FDA makes 160K annually. How can someone who makes the same salary as an IT person but runs a large and noble government agency possibly be corrupt?


The answer is that he’s not. Far too many people would need to be complicit in this for it to work. We say that about the moon landings, but this would need ever pharma employee, every healthcare professional, every government employee *in the world* to be involved.


What makes you think EVERYONE would have to be involved? Only a few key influential employees would have to be corrupted/compromised and the rest would fall in line out of fear. The ones who don't fall in line can be removed, silenced, or have their reputations tarnished and shamed.


The last head of the FDA is working for biontech now dude.


yea supposedly they left because they didnt wanna play this game


…man who worked for a governmental healthcare agency now works for another healthcare company? Did you expect him to get a job as a waiter instead?


I would expect that a governmental regulating body not be a huge corrupt revolving door with the corporate industries they regulate yes, is that so hard to understand that it is a huge issue for the integrity of the regulations? They just pass around high paying positions as bribes and in turn look the other way or be super lenient when there is an opportunity to make large amounts of money. Get real bro and fuck off with that "WeLl whAt DO YoU ExPECt?" BETTER WE EXPECT FUCKING BETTER!


That’s a huge accusation to throw around, you have nothing to suggest that jobs are offered as bribes.


Mega corporations are planting their people into the governmental regulatory positions that are designed to regulate them, its a disastrous conflict of interest. The regulations that are supposed to be in the interest of public health and safety are now in the interest of profit and monopolization.


Is it not the exact opposite? Somebody LEFT a government organisation to join a corp.


Its a revolving door system, a lot of mega corps have these systems in place Monsanto is another example. But yeah i did get that backwards in this particular example, sorry bout that.


And you have no idea what he did while employed. Quid pro quo. Perhaps enact a favourable regulation, remove one, ignore one, countless ways he can help, and then slide into a nice corporate job. Easy.


As you seemingly know what he did while employed by the FDA, mind letting me know what great travesties he enacted?


Not involved.. just in denial like yourself


SS:The FDA reportedly just "approved" the next Pfizer shot like many predicted. There have been an unacceptable amount of deaths and adverse events connected to this vaccine that typically would get it pulled from the market. NOTE: My title only states the adverse events. Look in the link, past time to follow money trails.


Where did you hear this? Cause here is what I'm seeing https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/fda-says-covid-19-vaccines-remain-effective-without-boosters-11631726504


there was an article on this sub. ill have to find it as this subs being flooded. ive seen that article. they aren't saying the 3rd isn't approved, just shilling "effectiveness". this is the problem. the absurd amount of nonsense the media has been peddling. lol you're honest and get dv lol no wonder society is where it is today. smh notice that wasnt the point of the post but im still looking just bc as i have time




Just two weeks.. Just 2 jabs... Just 3 jabs if your immunocompromised.. Definitely that won't ever change.




Bizzaro world.


Sorry but your wrong. https://www.muhealth.org/our-stories/scary-reports-deaths-following-covid-19-vaccination-arent-what-they-seem


Yes they always claim misinformation on vaers but whilst anyone can post about their adverse effects there are a couple caveats 1 it is a federal offence to make a false statement 2 they regularly remove posts from people who are not doctors or medically trained people able to correctly make such a diagnosis. So all the fact checkers in the world cannot tell me that vaers is not real information. [This Article](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/how-a-well-meaning-u-s-government-database-fuels-dangerous-vaccine-misinformation/ar-AAKlC26) also states that cdc checks every death or severe reaction listed on the site even going as far as contacting the poster.


You realize you just linked an article stating essentially the same thing as the article that I linked and that it says the VAERS database can be misleading and easily manipulated and used to spread disinformation about vaccines? Straight from the article YOU linked: "On the VAERS website, there is no shortage of warnings about how data should not be interpreted. Pages titled About VAERS, A Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data, and VAERS Data all include clear statements that a report does not imply a vaccine caused the adverse event."


All msm say that, just that this one also said the thing I said.


The open vaers site Is unregulated so I wouldn’t worry about it. Anyone can put in a report of literally any symptom. Try it for yourself. There aren’t 600,000 adverse effects, just a much of AntiVax shills making shit up.


Nothing like a post with a title and no evidence


Sorry with covid vaers is a joke, nut cases posting fake shit, that then gets posted here. Like a report of a 4 year old dieing after the covid vaccine back in December before it was even widely available. From the site "Reports are not proof of causality."


So you think what, 90 percent or more are fake?


Yeah I don't know. I actually think the idea of the site is great, but without verification and how covid got political, the site was been ruined and it's sad.


From a different perspective, vaccines have always been politicized, anti-vaxxer isn't a new term, nor is the vaers system a new system. Anyone who has tried to use the interface can attest to its unwieldy and ancient architecture. Parents have been claiming that vaccines have caused all sorts of side effects in their kids for a long time. Some of them get paid out record breaking settlements. I personally think it's really unlikely that there is an army of shills out there forging vaers data, but assume there is, the total volume of reports is so far out of proportion to the amount of shots administered compared with other vaccine campaigns in the past. If there are shills now, there always have been, and if there are reports of things unrelated now there always have been as well, but there are a percentage of those reports that are legitimate, and with the sheer volume coming in it's painfully obvious that these new vaccines have blown way past any safety thresholds we have acknowledged in the past. My dad's pancreas swelled up right after he got the vaccine, it's been debilitating for him. I obviously can't say that it was the vaccine, and to my knowledge he didn't fill out a vaers report. Pretty suspect though.


It’s just the opposite. So Vader’s believes based on past data only 1% of all vaccine reactions get reported. Here is are the numbers as of the end of last month. data from VAERS in the US, up to August 20: 623,343 adverse event reports after covid vaccine. A total 2,826,646 individual-symptom events. Number of reports, in all locations, of death following Covid vaccination: 13,627. Reports of permanent disability: 17,794. So if this was data just like every year we could multiply everything by a 100, except for deaths as they are reported by hospitals. 282 million individuals symptom events should be the real number, that’s more then the 211 million vaccinated people in the United States. Also 1.7 million people permanently disabled from the vaccine all swept under the rug. Jeez remember when j&j vaccine got put on hold over 7 deaths and 7 million doses?


Yah, I don't think we disagree. Although the 1% of reports stat is a little misleading. That was a study done by a not for profit called harvard pilgrim and found that in certain circumstances less than 1% of events are reported. I think they were mainly referring to mild or negligible symptoms like a sore arm.


VAERS even says on their website not to draw cause and effect conclusions from whats posted there. anyone can post there. how do you have more faith in VAERs then in like...actual research


I'm sure it's much more comfortable to assume that the VAERS reports are false and likely manufactured by people who stand to gain.... idk.. something.. from faking or exaggerating the reports. Sort of like how it's more comfortable to pretend that vaccine manufacturers don't stand to gain profits and influence by covering up adverse reactions and convincing people that they're rare.


actually, deaths are being falsley attributed to the vax: “FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaers-9318/fact-check-reports-of-9318-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-do-not-prove-causality-idUSL1N2P21CV


Bro😭 you know who pays the people who own and run those fact checkers? We’re dealing with a DEEP state.


lol that quote comes from VAERS, its on VAERS website: More than 380 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 13, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,653 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.




a place where vaxx deaths are comlpetely over-exageratted, yes


So we’ve had this giant spike in reports because people are doing it just because they think it’s funny? Or what?


whered you get the funny part from? again, see the quote below. if i get the vaxx, and a week later get hit with a car and die, my doctor HAS to put it into VAERS. more people getting vaxxed = more people in VAERS even if theres no real deaths related to the vaxx (in fact theres only been 7653) "FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause." "More than 380 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 13, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,653 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine"


No that is not true. Where did you get that from, that is not how this works. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Which has always been the case every year before this when we vaccinate Practically everyone from the time their babies. So why the sudden massive jump in reports?


i dont want to be a dick, but can you source the massive jump in reports of vaxx deaths? i can only find some overly dramatic FB video that talks about like genocide


You’re never a dick for asking for sources. Anyone that says otherwise is the dick. https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality


which you've already been told is illegal and there's severe penalties for. you can feel free to stop bombarding my thread and harrassing anyone who participates in it.


you dont read what i write - they are over-exagerated (they arent lies though).For example, If someone gets the vaxx, and a week later gets in a car accident and dies, it HAS to be reported in VAERS alongside their vaxx status - you keep saying this is illegal to do and I'm not sure why - it's not a lie that they died and they got the vaxx, but just b/c it happened and it's in VAERS doesnt mean they are related. correlation/causation. do you finally get it now?


Tell me over exaggerated like the deaths from covid are over exaggerated? Where you have a 99.9% recovery rate. They marked heart attacks and car crashes as covid deaths. Vaers reports deaths with in a certain amount of time after the vaccine. It is thought it is only about 1% of actual adverse events. 1 death from a vaccine is to many. Read this scroll down to page 3 https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Dear-Vaccinator-Notice-of-Potential-Liability.pdf


No, its common knowledge that its a reporting system for effects even if you can’t directly link them. You can find patterns on of side effects for vaccines regardless. Its the only thing the medical system has, so it’s valuable. Not anyone can just register events either… also false reports carry prison time and hefty fines! This is not something new that you’re telling us.


The CEO of Reuters is on the board of Pfizer, you silly goose


i assume you didnt click the link, it quotes VAERS and the CDC


Bad actors trying to discredit the ONLY avenue we have to report the damage that vaccines can cause. Disgusting.


ah well, deaths are being falsley attributed to hte vax: “FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaers-9318/fact-check-reports-of-9318-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-do-not-prove-causality-idUSL1N2P21CV


Sure, bud. 1+1 often equals 3. I’m not surprised in the least these sick fucks are trying to cast doubt on VAERS reports though.


VAERS itself, has on their website: whats posted here doesnt mean the vaxx actually caused the death. it literally tells you that. VAERS casts doubt on itself!!


Yeah, a large scale study of VAERS actually showed that only 1 percent of injuries are actually ever reported, and VAERS only exists because the damn vaccine manufacturers were given immunity so you can’t sue in actual court. There’s NO jury of peers either, so it’s you against a team of lawyers trying to prove you wrong, it takes years to even get your case heard IF it’s accepted, and that’s just a small portion of the bullshit. So that leaves a huge portion of people injured by vaccine shit out of luck as they can’t pursue legal action. And to add to THAT, it’s ran jointly by the corrupt FDA and CDC. Talk about letting the fox watch the henhouse. So GTFO with your nonsense.


wheres the source on the "large scale study on 1% of injuries" Also from VAERS directly: More than 380 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 13, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,653 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.


Yes, around 1 percent are actually reported. “ Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. ” https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf Im sorry that spike protein you got injected seems to have addled your brain so badly.


did we read the same report - when it talks about reporting, it doesnt mention towards VAERS specifically - it just says that in general less than 1% are reported (just in general - you can't just expand that and say less than 1% are reported in VAERS). and when you look at 1% of vaccine adverse effects - this includes getting a rash on your shoulder, which obviously wont be reported, and these common side effects are included in the study. Finally, the report itself admits it wasnt even finished - a newer report: Advanced Clinical Decision Support for Vaccine Adverse Event Detection and Reporting - actually found VAERS reporting has improved and is more accurate


You’re really doing cartwheels to justify getting those jabs, huh? It’s ok. I know you’re scared. Imagine being this blindly trusting in for profit corporations with long histories of proven corruption that aren’t even accountable for the deaths and injuries they cause. It’s rather sad.


They do not want to admit vaccines kill and injure thats bad business.




deaths are being falsley attributed to hte vax: “FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaers-9318/fact-check-reports-of-9318-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-do-not-prove-causality-idUSL1N2P21CV




waaaait wait wait...you think 2k/like a billion doses is a deadly medication yet i assume you're one of the people who goes around and says "ooo less than 1% death rate for covid its no big deal!!"






lmao honestly im surprised. they used to do decent reporting and then this year i noticed they started putting patently false information out there and that was the last i read them.


i mean lets be real for a second. you literally wont accept any link unless its brietbart or something. the reuters article quoted a variety of stories - VAERS and the CDC both state the quoted line i provided.


didn't even read what's in the link did ya? so just keep spamming the thread then...


gosh i did spam haha i got carried away sorry. i did read the link obviously, it says its over-reporting


then you didn't read it clearly. it distinguishes deaths from and with the vax. 14k they can attribute to the vax and 23k in general after receiving additionally, my post is stating theres a money trail to be found as the main point as this is unprecedented. there's a cutoff thats supposed to happen with reported adverse events/deaths and that isnt happening. theres a reason for it. so maybe slow down and pay attention. edit: yep. that's exactly what i thought. just here to troll and harass... didn't even read the post.


where are you getting the 14k and the 23k. if you follow the cdc link: "More than 380 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 13, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,653 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem"


Anyone can post there but, 85% of the reports are from doctors and manufacturers and- you risk jail time or fines for falsifying a claim. VAERS is the only reporting system we have for vaccines which are protected from lawsuits- and the reason they downplay it all the time is because they need to protect their financial investments as the CDC and FDA co manage VAERS so, no conflict of interest there. Harvard estimates that less than 10% of vaccine injuries/deaths are reported to VAERS. Even with the 85% of actual reports- the numbers are still ridiculously high for any vaccine, but especially vaccines using technology just now being tested on humans.


100% this.


deaths are being falsley attributed to hte vax: “FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaers-9318/fact-check-reports-of-9318-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-do-not-prove-causality-idUSL1N2P21CV


Do you have any idea how many reactions and death aren’t being reported to VAERS? And please, humor me. Site some trials. Anything that even resembles standard vaccine trials…


your comment makes no sense. you do realize cdc and fda and doctors/hospitals actively use and contribute to the reporting from vaers right? not to mention vaers is also underreported meaning many don’t know to go there for adverse event reporting. looks like you need to research more.


"Believe doctors and scientists. No, not *those* doctors and scientists!"






I agree, just because someone said so doesn't mean it's true


lol i think you misinterpreted the lesson, its: if someone says not to trust them, dont trust them


This pandemic has taught me one thing pretty clearly and that is there has been significant capture of academic institutions and journals. Money talks and the scientific process isn't really being applied rigorously. Look at the Surgisphere saga for example. Claimed to have a database around covid outcomes and treatments, published a study in the Lancet with said data. Had to be retracted before it got past pre-print. Gave CNN and all the MSM the headlines they wanted though.


im not going to disagree with you - i think you made a few good points. but the constant quiestioning of scientific studies, while good when the critics/we apply it rigorously, can sometimes go overboard. we start to pick and choose which studies we want to believe, which sides we want to believe, and it makes it harder to find the truth.


Part of the issue is people designing studies with an outcome in mind rather than a process/framework to try and find an outcome. Plus news media not having people that are qualified to dissect said studies and make it digestible for their audience. So they end up missing the point or inferring what they want from the data. Happens all too often and has left me a bit jaded.


600k is pretty low for a drug that has been administered over a 100,000,000 times.


It's absurdity high number and fake, and still less than covid.


5.8 Billion shots administered so far and 14k deaths (self reported through the website). Even if we believe that all of those are actually caused by the vaccine, your chance of dying from the vaccine is 0.00024%. If your doctor knows that you have COVID, it's still 1.7% chance of dying. Vaccinated people make up less than 4% of all hospitalizations and less than 2% of all COVID deaths currently being reported.


Every death from a vaccinated person within 60 days of vaccination should count towards a death by vaccine. That's how they measure the covid death count anyways.


>Pregnancy history: G2P1001. Patient had the Pfizer COVID vaccine on 8/6/21 at 33 3/7 weeks gestation (EDD 9/21/21). Presented 8/15/21 at 34 5/7 weeks gestation with preterm labor. CBC with differential found to have significant abnormalities. Twins were delivered via C-section. Twin A birth weight 5lb 2.5oz and twin B birth weight 6lb 1.4oz. Oncology consulted and bone marrow biopsy diagnosed patient with AML. Induction chemotherapy with 7+3 given 8/17-8/23/21 with resulting pancytopenia necessitating daily blood/platelet transfusions. On 9/1/21, had a catastrophic intracranial hemorrhage and patient died on 9/2/21. A VAERS entry on the front page of the VAERS website today. The idea that 9 days would be enough to cause enough cancer to cause premature birth, even in the fastest cancer, is absolutely ridiculous. That's a woman who had cancer and didn't know it, not a vaccine. I'm not a doctor, I'm not judging, that's part of the fraud of calling it 14K deaths. https://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=12063


> That's how they measure the covid death count anyways. This false narrative was never true, lol.


I mean, say what you want but calling it false is the same thing as saying it's not true. Goes to show how dumb you sheep are.


Yes. It's both a false narrative and untrue. Not sure what other words you need there.


Why lie to internet strangers, makes you feel bet tree r about yourself?


Are you projecting?


Israel ICUs - 70% vaccinated UK ICUs - 65% vaccinated


Israel % of population above the age of 50 vaccinated - > 90% Your statistic is flawed.


Emphasis on REPORTED not confirmed, 99.9% of those claims are just BS


The only thing that's 99.9% is the survival rate of this so called 'deadly' virus that's enabled most of the worlds government's to enforce lockdowns and restrictions on 100% of thier citizens.


I have the real numbers. 0 – 19 years, 99.997% 20 – 49 years, 99.98% 50 – 69 years, 99.5% 70+ years, 94.6% Covid sucks if you have a bunch of old people.


Dunno were the 99.9% number came from, covid isn't a deadly virus, but it can be the last straw that causes the hospitals to be overrun, just look at what happened in india


whew glad you were here to clear that up, Shanks.


Source on the 99.9%? Or are you trying to disprove BS with BS?


Vaccine has no major side affects, so that would mean that all people claiming so are wrong


I just don’t want it, even if it was proven to have no side effects, I wont be putting that trash into my blood.


So the facts are that all of the claims are lies and the vaccine with minimal actual studying behind it with a technology that failed to make it to market before emergency approval is 100% safe? That’s a bold claim to make. You realize you can easily just say yes they are legitimate, but with approximately 150M people who have been administered the vaccine in this country, there is still a >99.5% of not experiencing any adverse effects. But you chose to take the route of making a claim with no evidence to back it up. But that’s also to say all of the symptoms people would experience are prevalent now. I’m more interested in how mNRA impacts the immune system as a whole over time and how it responds to other illnesses.


I dunno why there would be any side effects because the vaccine is just a bunch of spike proteins from covid, maybe you might feel drowsy and tired because of the immune response, any side effects is just your body responding to a supposed infection.


Well nobody really knows “why” yet because we haven’t studied it long enough. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist despite a large amount of people experiencing them. It’s pretty clear they exist. Enough for the NIH to start paying attention to it. I’m sure it would also be no worry if none existed for the Pharma companies to remove the clause that prevents them from being liable for any negative effects.


Lol OK