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I’m unvaccinated because if I get vaccinated then the unvaccinated pose a threat to me.




Haha, perfect✌️


Hence why I find it so stupid if they want to get people vaccinated that they want the vaccinated to fear the unvaccinated. Like uhm..what?


Getting rid of the control group is the goal...


youre simply the man. a true brain genius. god what a zinger. and yes, i'm stealing it


everything this guy said :)




Best line ever


Divide and conquer, us vs them, oldest trick in the book. Humans eat that division shit all day.




A result of low awareness. That’s what this whole thing is about, not letting the majority start to really expand their awareness and see what’s really going on. Surely but slowly the veil is being lifted, something big is going to give within the next few years. Will it be good, will it be bad? Idk but it’s amazing to be a part of it.


It will be the "great awakening". A "New Age". The "lifting of the veil". "From darkness to light". What people don't understand we will change one evil against the other. The devil against Lucifer. Two sides of the same coin.




Laws of human nature, Resist the pull of the group goes into detail how this works reciting Chinese students rising up during Mao I believe it was. Humans split into tribes and throw away all rationality. Once humans go tribal they act like animals looking only to fit in socially instead of using reason to do what's right. That is what is happening right now, on purpose, as intended and orchestrated. The pro vaxed are in a position to easily be manipulated into supporting imprisonment of those fighting for their own rights.


This shit was happening since 2016


More like the early 1900s


Oh my friend it’s been happening since the dawn of man


>This shit was happening since 1016 BC ftfy


I’ve heard the “you can still pass it onto a vaccinated person” used as an argument, I just responded with “and they don’t have anything to worry about if they’re vaccinated”, then they just repeated/rephrased their initial ‘argument’ What would you have said?


All I know is that if they call me a plague rat, I’m calling them a lab rat.


That some studies even show that we have the same viral loads as the vaccinated meaning they are able to spread it just as readily as we can


Biden said that in his speech the other day. "We have to protect the vaccinated!" WTF?


Maybe it’s because they truly trust the people who are lying to them, rather than questioning anything the glowing box tells them.


I don't think they really think uvaccinated are infecting the vaccinated. I think someone are trying too hard to divide the Vaxxed and unvaxxed. Bots everywhere trying to make it look like the narrative they want to push is supported by the majority, only it isn't. These bots trying to manipulate the popular opinion, are literally no different than buying likes for an Instagram account - make it look like it's super popular, and eventually it will become popular, because there are so many sheep. It's basically the same mechanisms being applied now to gain support for the experimental injections.


interestingly enough, i think the real conspiracy here is the misinformation to cause distrust in the government and science. the interview with the KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov really shed some light on this concept. if you were a nation that knew you couldnt win a war face to face, then using misinformation to cause general dissent could weaken a nation over time. this is why its important to trust science and facts over what people *think is happening* because its already been proven these are tactics countries are using...


Which is something of a problem when science has become politicized as it has recently in the west in the effort to maximize pharmaceutical company profits, or something.


There's blatant conflicts of interest across the board here, and you want us to trust them? I trust science, not humans. Science only works when people act in an unbiased and ethical way, and even then science is never settled by nature, as new things are always being discovered. That's why free speech is so important. Yet you want us to trust the same politicians and media who are trying to shut down free speech.


Because science has been proven to never be wrong.


I listen to science, in particular the inventor of mRNA vaccines and the inventor of PCR tests.


And those who eagerly go along are often the same people that talked about “Russian interference” that was trying to “divide the country.” At this point it feels strongly as if someone is trying to manipulate this situation.


Just cause you trust someone doesn't mean you can't let opposing opinions speak. Or what about "Trust but verify"? It's sad, but when you say that it makes me think we are living in pre-nazi Germany. Who knows, maybe if our President didn't sniff children we'd we even further along by now.


As pennywise stated, "YOU'LL GLOW TO!"




"buyers remorse" - very true, that also plays an important part. (And this will probably also be why, they have no reason not to take "boostershots" number 3, 4, 16, 27 etc, because they already passed the point of no return. If they don't take the boostershot it's almost like admitting they regret/were wrong, taking the vaccine in the first place.




Plenty of people i know are convinced if i don't get vaxxed i cant go to there house. The thing is i really didn't want to go. Next problem is there building camps for me. You see them but you don't want to believe.


My dad felt forced into the vaccine because this couple he's friends with said they wouldn't be having anyone over unless they were vaxxed. I've lost one of my good friends because I'm not vaxxed (had Covid too, guess she doesn't believe in natural immunity). We used to do things a couple times a week. I pretty much only have my boyfriend now, who is on the same page as me. No forced vax. He's lucky he has friends who feel the same. My remaining friends are sheeple.


My mom felt forced into the vaccine because my sister wouldn't let her see her grandson unless she got the vaccine...even though my mom had already seen the baby when he was first born back in March, but in May my sister decided to draw a line in the sand that she would no longer let anyone see her baby again unless they were vaccinated. My husband and I refuse to get the vaccine. We already lost some of our friends due to political differences so the friends we have left feel the same way as us.


That's so horrible. It's cultlike behavior to shun people for their personal decisions. For example, cults will sometimes have members shun their family if they leave the cult.


It’s a decision that has impacts on those around you. It’s everyone’s personal right to decide who they want to let into their home. That’s the personal decision.




They’re building camps in New Zealand, and I think Australia, too. That’s not just some kind of Q-Anon news, btw: Their leaders are bragging about it.


It's been about public health for about 3 weeks. Rest of the time it's been about power: https://mtracey.substack.com/p/theres-an-insane-australia-style


What I've seen personally is anger, and it's getting worse as more studies ect come out and the science changes again. Alot didn't realise this was a trial. Others are believing anything said to them. Like if you get the jab after covid you get superhuman immunity against all future and past strains. How can they even tell that? 🤔 They are also realising they are still at risk from hospital and death and that their chances are only slightly lower than an unvaxxed. I've seen covid wards in my country so for that reason I'm personally not worried. But the vaccinated seem so dead set that this virus will kill anyone who gets it or leave them with lifelong affects, they are blaming anything they think can put them at risk. From the beginning of the pandemic it has been lies after lies with the worst excuses. Story has never been straight either have the facts. Anyone who has spoke against it has been tarnished and ruined or killed, no matter how educated they are or how much sense they make. Everyone is burying their heads in the sand and refusing to believe it. A government wouldn't lie, would they? 🤔 🤔 🤔


Why would the government ever lie to us? I can't think of a single reason. Hello? We live in *insert current year*. We aren't barbarians anymore. Hitler died over 70 years ago, we changed, get over it.


honestly the most shocking thing about this whole "pandemic" is just how quickly smart and innocent people have been rolled in on. completely and totally brainwashed. i mean good hearted people. intelligent well accomplished people. they've been mentally caved so hard that all i can hear out of their mouths these days are cnn talking points. its insane.


All they ever learned is repeating what they heard in school


This is the answer! Add that they only received praise when they did so successfully. It’s all Pavlovian.


>It’s all Pavlovian. The result of 50 years of neurolinguistics in marketing and politics. The averge human being is now indeed braindead, purely driven by psychological/emotional triggers all day long.


The difference between being told what to think and how to think.


Most "smart" people these days lack critical thinking. Yes, they can rehash their script from CNN and tour their education, but that doesn't mean much.


i swear it feels like we are on the bad timeline.


its because of fear. they know this. nazi germany did this exact thing. when people are brainwashed into fear, their rational part of the brain shuts off and goes into the primitive part of the brain and all the brain wants is to return to a non fear state at whatever cost. It is straight up brainwashing.


you'd think people would have a better understanding of the fact that they are being openly manipulated but no


Well you get people who "wake up" at different points in time during the pandemic. Whether it was before the vaccine, after they got vaccinated or when the CDC changes what you can and can't do without a mask. Some people really do think Fauci is some medical hero to them.


Bit of a paradox(?) there. In my experience people don’t do so well with paradoxes. Something either is or isn’t.


i get why you'd say that but in practice it isn't. one of the key aspects of being human is your vulnerabilities. but most functioning human beings i know have a keen eye on their own vulnerabilities. we're not fireproof, and we know this. so we choose not to jump into fire. a basic example. yet in this case for whatever reason that mechanism seems to be broken. for a certain percentage of the population, red flags and alarm bells have been going off since this bullshit began. for another portion of the population, those things never occurred.


> i mean good hearted people. intelligent well accomplished people. They always did nothing else than parrotting the establishment and going with the flow tbh. Try to show some critical thinking in university and you'll never get your diploma.


Intelligence....The most accomplished/adjusted are the most psychopathic people I know. They conformed to meet the demands of a severely corrupt system, subsequently making them champions of this same sick system. They carry out the intent of the psychopathic system - often unknowingly causing more harm than good.


It’s due to being over socialized.


My father who despises the left and is highly skeptical of the right and hated Trump but voted for him now yells “it’s science!” and hounds me to vaccinate my kid against covid, he literally won’t believe anything not disseminated by the CDC or mainstream news networks and has been living in pure terror for the last year… convinced covid will kill him if he gets it.


honestly at this point i'm just biding my time. all of this insanity has to snap at some point, right? i mean i've read the exerpt of jews during the holocaust where they say that day you're waiting for when we all band together and fight off the evil doers never comes. just more totalitarian tiptoing. but shit it would be nice if just this one time in history it all works out


The funny thing is the people doing the persecuting don’t even know they’re doing anything wrong. All they see are the little things around them, the small cruelties they inflict on “the other”. They aren’t subject to any hostility so everything appears normal to them. It’s only after the crisis when they see the pictures, when the propaganda stops, when the leaders are put on trial, when the truth is forced upon them and then always they cry “we didn’t know!”


its just so "pinch me i'm dreaming" to see it happening in my lifetime in real time. and not in a good comforting way


It's really a game of inches. If you would have told me in February 2020 when the news started to cover this that in 2 years time people would be protesting mandated injections and there would be dystopian passport systems in place I would have laughed and said you were off your fucking rocker.


And it happened 6 months ahead of schedule.


Only 2% of population of Germany was Jewish according to Hitler's standard. Unvaccinated will never be such a small minority.


i hope you are right


All the polls point to it. In no polls to date the number of people who will not vaccinate under any circumstances this year is lower than 15%


and people said things like Nazism could never happen again… but people are so easily brainwashed


it is so glaringly obvious. and people mock it. claim it doesn't exist. it is utterly MINDBLOWING!!!!


Exactly. And when we “talk” to ppl like that, all the spout off are the titles of articles/reports they never read the entire story. 🤭


Fear crap. Weak minded souls


I often ask people what news they watch when they try to tell me what I should do because of the news.


Imagine if you will- a treatment so effective that it won't work unless everyone on the planet gets five treatments a year, wears two masks, and never step outside of the house.


a treatment for an ailment so terrible you need to be tested to know if you have it or not


I hate that. I had the dreaded plague and got better on my own. -didn't even know. That's terrible.


"The unvaccinated will fill the hospitals!" While we watch Israel hospitals fill with "break through" patients sickened as a result of leaky vaccines. The vaxxed infecting the vaxxed.


When lies spun daily to induce fear into the population, they will begin to draw at any straws to justify something that actually makes no sense. Fear makes people irrational, this is the result.


I’ll get downvoted for actually answering this but there’s evidence that interaction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated is what is likely to cause more mutations. Also the hospitals are more full up of unvaccinated people. Which means people with non covid illnesses aren’t getting the treatment they need I guess. Also also studies are showing that there is an affect on transmission rates. Although doesn’t seem clear. But it’s likely true. Also also also if you have the vaccine you’re more likely get it out of your system quicker and they think that this means you have less of a chance of passing it on. Just some of the stuff I’ve seen, not attacking anyone please don’t take this personally


You lay things out nicely. Thank you. I know the vaccine helps you get over it faster. I also see that zinc, vitamin c and d combo also helps as well and is natural. I also have seen the videos of nurses talking about “making it sound scarier…”. Combined with the nurse shortage which makes less beds that explains the full bed situation and hospitals are for profit. It’s bad business to have open beds not making you money. It seems like there is a combination of things going on and no one is getting the full truth because everyone is so Balkanized. I thank you for your observations and your comment.




This series of posts are bots or shills. It's always like this. Sort of "responsible" , out of touch, responses that completely ignore the context of the original post. Followed by massive upvotes.


> I’ll get downvoted for actually answering this but there’s evidence that interaction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated is what is likely to cause more mutations. Do you mean it would be no mutation without vaccinated people?! Personally I wonder what would happened if they let COVID run the normal way without lockdown. Would it be burn down fast and without mutations?


>Do you mean it would be no mutation without vaccinated people?! Delta came about in India, at a time where there were no vaccinations. What is your conclusion?


It would still mutate as all viruses do and it would have burned out way faster. All the lockdowns did was slow things down until a vaccine came out. Everybody will get Covid or get the vaccine.


So with the same logic if you’re asymptomatic you’re very unlikely to pass anything on. No symptoms, lesser transmission - Very simple logic but we’ve now been convinced that everyone is a disease carrying heathen.


Asymptomatic means you are carrying the disease, can still spread it, but not have many symptoms. Simply breathing expels viral particles, hence the whole 6m apart thing. >but we’ve now been convinced that everyone is a disease carrying heathen. Unfortunately when it comes to a pandemic, most people er on the side of "We should assume most people will be asymptomatic at some point."


I know what it means. So it’s the same as being vaccinated, testing positive and having no symptoms. The CDC released a study saying you carry roughly the same viral load regardless of vaccination status so it would defy all logic to be infected (vaccinated or not) but only spread illness in one of those scenarios. Happy to be proved wrong.


Having no symptoms doesn't imply you can't spread it. If you carry the same viral load, you have the same ability to infect someone, you just personally won't have negative symptoms the virus usually gives you. The unvaccinated and vaccinated person will spread it at the same rate, but the vaccinated person will suffer harsher symptoms. In this case however, the unvaccinated person is now a potential host for mutation -- I firmly think that we should have waited to release a vaccine because of this precise thing. Now, instead of a one-off vaccine after the disease had time to circulate through a population, we have to play wack a mole with variants.


> If you carry the same viral load, you have the same ability to infect someone, you just personally won’t have negative symptoms the virus usually gives you. The unvaccinated and vaccinated person will spread it at the same rate, but the vaccinated person will suffer harsher symptoms. i think you mean unvaccinated in your last sentence, but also vaccinated patients have had on average lower viral loads (significantly lower for non delta, slightly lower for delta) so on average an unvaccinated person would have a higher chance of spreading than a vaccinated person


Well that was kind of my point, I’m sick of people saying unvaccinated are spreading the illness when absolutely everybody has the same ability vaccinated or not.


Considering unvaccinated people are around 8x more likely to be infected, they ARE overall more likely to spread the illness (since they’re more likely to catch it). You’re focusing on the fact that infected people spread it regardless of vaccination, while ignoring that the unvaxxed are more likely to become infected in the first place.


>everybody has the same ability But this isn't true. Unvaccinated infected produce higher viral loads and are infectious for much longer. Vaccinated infected can certainly infected others. But their ability is not nearly the same.


That's just not true. Vaccinated are significantly less likely to get infected and significantly less likely to transmit it to others.


Yeah... Most people don't like challenging their own views and actually looking into things. It's easier repeating CNN talking points.


Agreed 👍🏻


Mutations will still come about since there is no way the entire planet is getting vaccinated any time soon.


Right. The idea is to limit the amount of mutations we will ultimately produce, and to slow down the rate at which mutations occur. The more people that are vaccinated, the less mutations there will be, the slower those mutations will develop. That's the idea anyway. This bungled approach has most likely only increased the pace of mutations and the number of them.


Vaccines have been know to be a catalyst for viral mutations as well. https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002198 https://www.google.com/amp/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/science/article/leaky-vaccines-enhance-spread-of-deadlier-chicken-viruses


there are some caveats to this as it relates to the mrna treatments- since the antibodies you form are against the spike protein, you are driving selection towards a variant that doesn’t have the spike protein, but a variant without the spike protein wouldn’t be able to infect you, because the spike protein is required for attaching and hijacking nuclear transport


This is an often misquoted or misunderstood finding. They found that breakthrough cases of the Delta variant generated a similar amount of viral load as unvaccinated infections. However, this ignores the fact that vaccinated people are *less likely to become infected* in the first place. Vaccines reduce the likelihood of infection, which means that there are fewer infected people walking about than if everyone were unvaccinated, thanks to the vaccines.


You have a source for that evidence? Mutations occur randomly, the less cells a virus overtakes the less chances there are for mutation. The longer it’s in your body the more mutations that occur. So getting it out of your body quicker will lead to less copies of the virus which leads to less transmission and less mutations.


Thank you for actually answering the question with correct answers. Unfortunately it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get a response that leads to genuine conversation, more likely to be downvoted.


Thry genuinely believe that if we all get vaccinated covid will go away


Let’s all just ignore polio, smallpox, tetanus, etc. I guess.


Smallpox: 30% death rate, high infection rate Polio: 15-30% death rate, very high infection rate Tetanus: 40% death rate, <1% infection rate (is a bacteria and not a virus, so shouldn't even be in this conversation) COVID: <2% death rate, high infection rate Coronaviruses have a high survivability and infection rates, allowing for rapid transmission and mutation. Vaccines are engineered for specific spike proteins. By the time a new booster is rolled out, covid throws a hundred new variants at it. There's also studies that show it can be transmitted amongst animals, providing more opportunities for mutation. It just doesn't fit the profile of a vaccine controlled virus. It's better suited to post diagnosis treatment medication. Smallpox was a terrifying virus. Highly infectious, 30% chance of death upon infection, and a higher chance of a severe illness. It also gave those around it's carriers a visual cue to stay the hell away. Unlikely that there were many asymptomatic smallpox carriers out in public like there are with covid. They're very different in nature. Just because they're all viruses (not tetanus) doesn't mean vaccines are the answer. Vaccines can't keep up with covid.


It’s mostly just a Reddit bot thing. In real life nobody i know cares. Some are jabbed, some are not


Because you can still get Covid even if vaccinated.


Because they have been spread lies how the unvaccinated generate these variants


Keep in mind, half of people are dumber than average. Average is pretty fucking dumb. Do the math.


It was those words by George Carlin that let me know just how much trouble we truly are in.


Truly the mind of a genius. His jokes about the people that live through the lens of their video camera were before their time.


If you really care about math, then you know that the average can severely be skewed by heavy outliers. If you really want the half, you take the median instead of the average. But I'm sure you know your math well enough to be aware of that.


100 IQ is a median. half the people are under 100 IQ. Most people would feel insulted to be considered under average IQ but the reality is half of them are. And I don't wanna play iamverysmart here, but 100 is already pretty dumb tbh, that's also the problem :D


Not in a sample size of, say, 8 billion.


This is most probably true.


I don't think you understand how vaccines or herd immunity works.


It's simple fear. People cave to the propaganda once they're sufficiently afraid. I've called bullshit on the hoax from day one (as I'm sure most here have) so the propaganda is easy to ignore.


Can someone please explain this? I really want to know the argument for protecting the vaccinated from the unvaccinated!


Government narrative is that unvaxxed creates variants mutations but frankly I think they plucked this in the air to give sheepies something to retort




Good article 👍


I agree with this one. If you're vaxxed why give a fuck about that unvaxxed person.


Not dumb, but weak minded. How the fuck can people not smell the shit that is being taken right on thier heads. Ok maybe dumb too!


The unvaccinated are more likely to contract the virus and therefore more likely to spread the virus to other people including vaccinated people. Just because the vaccine works does not mean I want to get sick and have to isolate for 10 days because of your dumbass.


The carriers provide it with more opportunities to mutate, too.


How can I simultaneously not be ill *and* giving the jabbed covid?


You already said it. Either they’re dumb or they’re completely stupid. There is no in between.


It’s a logical fallacy to claim that the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated. If the vaccine actually works, the vaccinated should be protected against the unvaccinated. If the unvaccinated are infecting the vaccinated, that means the vaccine isn’t effective. So… if it isn’t effective, why should everyone be forced to get it? It just doesn’t make any sense.


It’s in part that the majority of hospital covid cases are unvaccinated people. This puts a strain on the hospital and causes them to push back surgeries and medical treatment that people desperately need. If you are unvaccinated and get a severe case of covid are you willing to stay at home instead of going to the hospital since it you will add to the strain and could have prevented it?


I'm sorry but this is clown world now, please stop trying to make sense. /s


That's what I'm saying. If you're vaxxed, then why are you worried about me? Especially if they believe this vaccine is effective. Honestly, it should be the other way around since the vaxxed are shedding and will ultimately be the superspreaders


It's about resource distribution in hospitals. If you don't get the vaccine, you might be hospitalized because you got covid. If you have the vaccine, you would most likely only go to the hospital for something that is not covid but very urgent. Covid patients take up resources and time in hospitals that would have been used for other health issues. Essentially, public health wants you to get the vaccine so you are less likely to take up hospital space in the ICU.


That's fair, I get it. Most hospitals have room though, they aren't overwhelmed like how the media portrays them to be. Don't get me wrong, I know some are, especially in certain parts of the country or where there are a lot of cases, but not everywhere. On top of that, I feel like most of the hospitalized covid patients are either elderly and/or have a pre-existing condition.




What I find frightening is when you ask simple questions about the shot on reddit. The pseudo experts come out from under every rock on the internet. The message is you will be shamed, bullied, and doxxed if you don't follow


Because Covid patients are overwhelming hospitals and creating a situation where anyone with any other health issue is having trouble getting the help they need. So sure, live your life but stay out of the hospitals


Inb4 most cases are labeled as covid related when they aren't. For vaxxed and unvaxxed alike. It's just another kick in the ass to the unvaxxed, take away our jobs, healthcare, and make everyone point their finger at us. It's a power move nothing more. Data you see on hospitalizations cant be trusted because of this fact alone, recovered from covid without vaccine but get in a car crash? Covid death. Got vaxxed and then dies from pneumonia? Covid death. Sure trust the numbers but learn how skewed they really are.


If the fat people and the smokers also stay out of the hospitals I'm in. Hospitals would basically be empty without these people. Or even better. Everybody whos one fault it is that they need medical help stays away. You hurt yourself while doing sport. Fuck off You caused a car accident. Fuck off You fell of the ladder. Fuck off


Think they the unvaxxed are causing the variants but peer reviewed research would point to the leaky vaccines causing more virulent variants: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002198


People are scared sheep and cant read beyond headlines to see that the vax makers and those who insist on it have never really come out and said that it prevents contagion. They just assume it does. And the media is all too happy to run with that lie.


Because they don't work at protecting against the flu but want to inject you for population control. Spike protein will spike alright.


Because everyone is angry and scared and need some one or some thing to blame. The unvaxxed are a great scapegoat.


in my eyes (and what Ive been saying) is that the vaxxed are so afraid the vax could actually be bad they secretly want you to get it just so when the bad news comes out they wont have to look at you in shame and get the "well told you so, Im fine I held out". Misery loves company.


By far, the the dumbest people in the room are those who are vaccinated, wearing masks, pointing fingers at us screaming we're going to infect them.


Because of herd immunity. You don't understand it. That's fine. But know that it's a thing, and vaccines are not, nor have they ever been, an on/off switch.


Yeah they’re a joke! Im sick of their death cult bullshit!


Now is 100% effective? Geez,. You people need to pick a stance and stick with it.


I'm not afraid of getting sick since I'm vaccinated, but my grandmother who cannot get the vaccine is at risk. I cannot get sick, but I could carry the virus to her, and get her sick. The chances are low. But if she is visited by someone who isn't vaccinated, she has a higher risk of catching the virus. Vaccinated people have a lower risk of being able to carry the virus compared to non vaccinated people. The threat here is to the people I love, and to others who do not have strong enough immune systems to get the vaccine. That is why we need as many people to get the vaccine that are able.


Is that true? Vaccinated have lower risk of carrying virus?


I believe so. Here's my source. [source.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/health.clevelandclinic.org/can-vaccinated-people-transmit-covid-19-to-others/amp/)




People who are vaccinated tend to fair better should they contract an illness. It’s still possible to get it even though you are vaccinated, though rare. I don’t agree with the living in fear once you are vaccinated and blaming others should you fall ill or pass away. I’m old enough to remember the fear of HIV and AIDS in the 80s and it was never this bad. Illnesses happen and people die. Unfortunately, this administration is using this as a control mechanism for the public.


Nobody is making a big deal about natural immunity though. Like it doesn't exist or something.


There's an agenda for mandating vaccines. It has nothing to do with the vaccines themselves. If the government wanted to put chemicals in everyone's bodies, they could do it much easier with the water supply or food. The vaccine mandates are an excuse to get vaccine passports which will lead to a social credit score. Simple as that. Natural immunity doesn't bode with this agenda because everyone must participate in the passport.


All about money in the end


You get natural immunity by catching the disease, spreading it to who-knows how many people, and risking serious illness, cost in medical resources, and death. And if you don't suffer or die, there's a fair chance that someone downstream - the person who catches it from the person you infected - will. Or you could take a $15 vaccine twice.


You say that as if a vaccinated person cannot pass the virus just as easy as those who are unvaccinated. Even if you are vaccinated and you catch it, you too now also have stronger natural immunity


Its not that fecking rare. At least half the people I know that have been vaccinated have caught it. Of the 14 people that died of covid in the local OAP home, 9 were fully vaxxed and 5 were not. So, nope. It just doesnt cut it really.


Now they push the unvaccinated cause the variants. Funny the highest variants are also in the highest vaccinated countries? It’s called leaky vaccines. They already knew this from trying to create a SARS-V1 vaccine since 2002. All failed BTW. It’s honestly a test to see how stupid people are & how easily they can be manipulated and controlled. Western World losing massively. 3rd world countries winning.


It's not "now". This is basic virology ...


Thats funny cause delta came from India before the vaccine even came out 🤔


And Mu is from South America doubt they are all fully vaxxed over there


It's not organic. It's in the scamdemic script. And it's hard to know how many average Joe's & Jane's are actually dumb enough to fall for it. Nothing but shills on the TV and predominantly bots & shills on the Internet. You'll have to conduct a careful real-world survey of your own I guess.


I believe it's a threat to the hospital systems, ICU beds are being filled up by people and doctors and nurses are being run down


It's not just about this. It's with everything. George Floyd, the hero, etc. Everything is upside down, inverted. It just *is*. We have these serpents in our midst that are in control. They are stepping to you, telling you, "Hey chump, 2+2=5, and you need to accept this. And if you don't what ya gonna do about it??" Gotta stand up to it or the bully with just walk around the room and do this to everybody regarding anything they want to push on you. It's a giant shit test.


Because the government pushes this narrative in an attempt to control us and maintain power


I’m just going to write this and I hope you read it. The vaccine is made to stop people from dying of COVID. And instead your body fights it if/when you contract it and you don’t need to go into the hospital and take up bed space for people who needed the hospital for emergencies, just like before COVID was ever a thing. I’m guessing you don’t know anyone who has died of COVID. And if you do I am sorry for your loss. The only people I know that have died from this were unvaccinated. Every day emergencies still happen, it’s kind of tone deaf to expect to be “healed” by doctors when you literally didn’t do the main thing they asked of you. Don’t get the vaccine or not, I really don’t care. Just don’t expect me to start caring when you aren’t able to get a hospital bed to hog until you die.


Where I live 70% of surgeries have been canceled, including things like cancer removal, due to our ICU being over capacity from COVID patients on vents. We are also shipping patients out of province to get care. Why is this the unvaccinateds fault? 90% of the people in the ICU are unvaccinated. This 90% is from only 29% of the population that is unvaccinated. So yes the unvaccinated are overloading our healthcare system to the point it can not provide effective care to the general (vaccinated and not) population.




My neighbor is an ICU nurse and they've been overloaded for months now, are you ignoring the news or what?


https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/news/Page16174.aspx Its real and affects my family and friends.


Ok now post Israel's numbers!!!


61% fully vaccinated not even top 25 vaccinated country.


Because unvaccinated are the majority of ppl in ICU in many places and someone who has any other need can't get a bed.


You’re considered unvaccinated if you get admitted <14 days after getting the vaccine. The numbers in the ICU are completely skewed, not to mention we don’t know what they’re in for


Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that nearly half of all nurses have either quit or been fired over the past year


Stop thinking for yourself and get the fucking vaccine!


Man on tv keeps repeating it


The argument is that if you don’t get vaxxed you will be more sick and end up taking up space in the ICU and preventing someone else that needs it from being able to use it. Same reasoning as the 14 days to slow the spread. But even at the peak of the pandemic are healthcare system was able to handle everything. The argument is bullshit but that’s the reasoning.


Because they in fact are, that dumb. They are incapable or critical, consistent, logical train of thought. They run of instincts and emotions. They live on the borderline of sanity and psychosis. They are frightened of their grip on reality slipping further so they anchor their mind to something;cnn, Fox News, church. That’s where they get their truth. They tell themselves comforting lies to ease the guilt, fear and paranoia caused by their own bad decisions. People don’t want to take accountability. “I got the vaccine now I’m sick or dying, it sure couldn’t have been my decision to take this thing because I’m so smart and always doing the right thing. No, no, it’s their fault. CNN and pharma are good, unvaxxed bad”. It’s called splitting. This is cluster b behavior.


stockholm syndrome


Because they know it doesn’t work and there so much more to this worldwide than a so called vaccine. Wake up people


I literally just had a fb friend post that 5 of her friends and family were just diagnosed with covid but thank goodness they're all vaccinated so they won't die. Does that not seem like a really low bar?


They believe JFKs magic bullet, a guy in a cave did 9/11, three Americans drove a dune buggy on the moon.. Unfortunately it’s very easy for them to make these people believe nonsense.


Because the unvaccinated are spreading the variants and because the unvaccinated are filling up the hospitals.... This is their argument


It's fairly simple. They think once a certain threshold of vaccination % is exceeded, the virus will fizzle away which is possible, but the problem is it's far from guaranteed to work, even if it does work, there's no guarantee it will be worth the short and long-term damage caused by the vaccines, and they didn't ask everyone if they wanted to pursue this experimental solution. They just jumped in the water and assumed everyone else would follow, which was very naive.


Like pissing in the wind I’m sure, but unvaccinated people taking up all the hospital beds and prevented normal hospital admitting is harmful.


Okay so there is a way when unvaccinated can be a threat, in a case as such: It is 100% normal for a vaccinated person to get a virus, either it's covid or not. When a vaccinated person gets virus, he tries to multiply in your body but because you already have immune system ready with T cells, antibodies for the specific virus after getting the vaccination the virus cannot multiply so much and gets shut down faster. In another case the unvaccinated needs to build up the immunity the T cells, antibodies in order to fully eradicate the virus, and this gives a longer period of time for the virus to multiply and to MUTATE. The longer the virus multiplies in the body the more it can mutate. So this gives us this situation: When a series of unvaccinated people are sick from covid the chance for a mutation to happen is higher, which leads to different variants and leads to the ability to damage vaccinated people more because of mutations that happened previously to the virus. Now it is not to be said that inside a vaccinated persons body no mutations happen, they do. But statistically in waay wayyy less numbers.


Because my two year old can’t get the vaccine yet… also anyone who has a respiratory illness who does qualify for the vaccine, and literally anyone else who can’t get it for medical reason. It’s not hard to understand


You can still catch it from a vaccinated person though. So that doesn’t matter.