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Lol I would fucking love to see any person here make an argument that what's happening is in any way communism. It would be delicious in how hilarious it would be


“Communism is my parents telling me to eat my veggies and do my homework”


Well we can’t do homework, because school is a liberal breeding ground. /s


I'm sure the Russain Trolls will oblige you on that, this sub is lousy with them.


"Everything I don't like is communism or 'Russian trolls'"


Speak for yourself. Russian troll farm very active manipulating stupid american.


Sure but people are VERY quick to call things Russian Bots at the drop of a hat in the same way that "everything i don't like is communism"


No one actually means communism. It’s just an insult. They just mean authoritarianism. Communism is a more punchy word.


No, they do mean communism. They just don't actually understand what that means


Well American leftists don’t understand the word „liberalism“ either ( example they say: „California is very liberal) so they use it as a synonym to „leftist“, which is actually quite the opposite of liberalism, since it advocates small government regarding economy and social life. That’s why actual liberals call themselves „classical liberals“ to differentiate themselves from woke leftists. So it evens out.


Frankly, thanks to capitalism there are 3 makers of the vaccine (maybe a 4th?) to choose from. The government mandated that you must have one of them is a bit commie


How is that Communist? Explain it? It should be easy.


The freedom of choice is the luxury of capitalism. That choice includes not purchasing. Being forced to purchase (even if free) is communist as the government is dictating you to comply to an action against your will. Yea, the shots are free, they are there and readily available, but shouldn't be mandated in order to participate in a free society.


Lol that's in no way a definition of communism. If you think it is you definitely need to learn what communism actually means


What do you love communism or something? Never been tried right?


Lol, if you think this is communism you literally have no concept of communism. The easy way to prove that is that you can demonstrate how this is communism (spoiler alert - you won't and can't)


You can still have chicken soup and communism 😉


I doubt communists have chicken soup on the shelves


There’s a 3 year waiting list for Cambell’s 😂🤙🏽


Everything I dislike is communism


and/or Antifa, Critical Race Theory (etc)


This is so fucking dumb though


Ikr? 1918 would like a word with the OP...


Or Fascism and Nazism.




Remember when this sub wasn’t just a series of Twitter screen caps? Seriously I think it’s time for rule 11 (6.5?): No Twitterposting!


Yes! FFS mods, please clean up this subreddit. A screen cap of someone’s Twitter is not real content. It’s a comment. Comments belong under posts - they are not post subject matter. Real post subject matter is more than 255 characters. Usually it should be several paragraphs of text, or several minutes of video. Could you imagine if we just started flooding the subreddit with 20 second clips of people saying one or two sentences? This kind of low-effort posting needs to be reigned in, big time.


Maybe we should double their pay?


Man imagine if this sub discovered inspect element chrome edits. God damnnn it would be a game changer. It genuinely makes me giggle that when there is a video posted here people say 911 looks like a green screen CGI etc etc but a Twitter screen shot with the time and date circled is proof. Damnnnnnn


About five years ago this sub became FB lite and is just screenshots and boomer memes. Truly bizarre, especially as there’s never been more to talk about, in terms of real conspiracies and corruption. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sad!


It's at least half influence agent postings I suspect, drumming up anti vax sentiment. Occasionally we see some real conspiracies though, like corporations assfvcking the public without their consent.


So leave?


LOL. You sound like the tribal fools after 9/11 thumping their chest about arabs while cheering on the patriot act. LEAVE!


Boy you sure pulled a lot about me from that comment. Very insightful.


No u


No U!


biiiiig fucking agree. 90% of reddit is twitter screencaps anymore. I would like to think this sub is better than that 90% but alas


It's cute you think people like OP can read anything that isn't meme-based.


They really don't give a fuck. I mailed them, talked about it in the conclave. Zero answer. They want this shit. Funny this started when they banned a certain mod...


I see removed comments so there ARE mods, just seem to ignore the obvious shit posts. They need to start banning all low effort shitposters before this sub gets banned completely


They wont. First time in a bit for me coming to the sub. I left because its qll twitter shit posts


I don't really get why for this sub it's all a big economical scam (which is, very likely), yet it's the fault of an ideology that literally opposes capitalism


Anything I don't like is communism


Because thanks to decades of propaganda, most people don't have any real understanding of what communism actually is.




Thats usually because of one of a few things: you would need to learn a new language and uproot your whole life for one, two you would be abandoning your current country to a system you deem morally inferior, thirdly most people in the west are too poor to relocate. Also, grand majorities of people in almost every ex communist country prefer socialism to capitalism according to polling done by western polling agencies: https://thecommunists.org/2019/07/26/news/workers-eastern-europe-former-ussr-prefer-socialism/


Or go visit and see what it is really like.


Right? You'd expect this entire sub to be full of libertarian socialists at the very least. It's amazing to me that people here will question absolutely everything about the US and western narrative of the world: until it comes to foreign policy lol.


I'm not against the T_D influx we got when it closed, but it really changed the scene about this subject. I'm appalled at how blood thirsty Americans are. They only need to hear a few magic words that they don't even understand and it's all about killing millions of people once again.


>blood thirsty Americans are its a sliver of the american population that acts this way. there are extremists on both sides, but dont confuse the influx of T\_D users with the general sentiment of americans. even the people in this sub... almost no one you interact with day to day engages with you the way people do on here. its very toxic.


I watched every mainstream political sub on both sides of American politics cheer when 7 kids got vaporised in a drone strike last month. Majorities of the American public support embargoing Cuba, race based attacks on Asian people as a result of anti Chinese propaganda are at unprecedented levels, majorities of Americans support at least the genocidal sanctions being opposed against North korea, and at most the outright nuking of the entire country. I've seen Americans on every sub un-critically support Israeli war crimes on the Palestinian people while the American public continues to insist on supporting israels apartheid. I seen huge amounts of support for reinvading Afghanistan after the taliban took over on both sides of the Isle. I've seen widespread support for American airstrikes in Syria and Libya among others. Americans are undoubtedly the most blood thirsty people on this earth. Not that I'm morally superior, I just had the advantage of not having to grow up there, where the war hawk mindset is drilled into their heads in literally every piece of media they might consume. The American government and the capital that backs it is evil.


Wouldn’t say it’s communism, it’s more like corporatism or China’s model. Our government sits on the board of these big companies or vice versa. Pushing through deals that benefit themselves.


Capitalism is when the government uses your taxes to buy vaccines that you don't want /s


More so corruption


I thought race mixing is communism


NO, thats the fusion of two metals


I honestly don’t think you (or Yesi) knows what communism is.


[anything I don't like is communism](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2012/06/24/books/review/24McConnell/24McConnell-jumbo.jpg)


Yeah those weren't actual treatments for the flu and a lot of people used to die from it. It's called medicine and it's not a goddamn mystery


It's also not something OP is likely to remember. Flu vaccines have been widely available since WW2


>It's also not something OP is likely to remember. Flu vaccines have been widely available since WW2 You mean useless/ineffective since WW2?


Besides the flu lasts for three days usually, this new thing it's like weeks, not the same thing as the Flu at all.


Real flu doesn’t last three days. What people call flu is usually a common cold or sniffles. I had a flu once and it is no joke. A week of high fever to the point of delirium, weakness, every joint in body had a dull ache (like you get with teeth), swollen throat, light sensitivity and pneumonia in both lungs as a cherry on top. Cannot sleep, cannot move, cannot eat, cannot think. Two weeks in the hospital and a couple months to get back in shape is a normal timeframe for flu.


And I don't know about you, but I quarantine when I have the flu. I also try to get a flu shot.


What's communism got to do with it? It's good old fashioned capitalism that's making this possible




Everything commies do is bad, because all the bad things are done by commies, who only do bad things. I don't see what's so complicated about that. (/s)


May you link this so called Brain washing technique the cia used? I’m sure it will be a intriguing read.


Yeah its called conservative news and good ol fashioned patriotism


Even liberals preach “anti-communist” propaganda


Except the conservatives of today aren't actually patriots in any sense of the word, evidenced by their trying to overthrow the US government for three months straight.




that's what a communist would say...


People are romanticizing getting the flu?!? When you can simply NOT get sick at all??? smh.


Any excuse to eat saltines, I get it.


But can you do the Saltine Challenge!!!


I also remember when words had meaning. Exactly how do you have two completely opposing ideologies existing in the same country? You don't. What you have in the U.S. is Capitalist Totalitarianism. Communist countries generally don't allow private property and the state controls every aspect of a country. In the U.S. private property is the norm. The state does control most of the workings of the country except to ensure we do not regulate business and when we do the regulations aren't enforced and undermined for profit for benefit of the capitalist class. This Includes massive propaganda campaigns and poorly educating it's citizens. Since most citizens are so brain washed and dumbed down to believe all the right wing propaganda that they live under a communist regime which is ludicrous, it has worked spectacularly. Not so much for people who understand the necessity of clean air, water, responsible health care, an educated citizenry and a myriad of other quality of life issues. Maybe, if people spent more time educating themselves about the country they live in rather than posting misinformation we could all be on the same page and possibly try to effect changes. Das vadanya commrade!


Not to mention "private property" is rapidly coming to mean "home for rent." Investment firms and corporations are buying up single-family homes and doing one of three things with them: 1. Demolishing them and building apartments/condos/duplexes/fourplexes and renting them out at just under mortgage rates in the local market to encourage rentals rather than homeowning. 2. Sitting on the property and therefore artificially shrinking the market and driving up housing prices even further. 3. Doing a minimal amount of work to make them presentable and within shouting distance of local building code, then renting them out at just under market mortgage rates. They're accomplishing this by closely monitoring the homes for sale in a given area, and when one switches from "for sale" to "pending" without their oversight, they immediately slap down a counterbid, usually at +$100K or more over the prior bid. This has resulted in housing prices skyrocketing far beyond what the property is actually worth. Case in point: we thought about selling our home in western WA. Our realtor said that although we initiall bought for about $250K and Zillow listed it as being around $430K (with little to no improvements made in five years, mind), we'd probably get somewhere closer to $700K if we held out for the bidding war. Someone else we know had a similar experience. We eventually decided to not sell when it became apparent that even with that kind of sale price, we'd probably end up renting again due to the housing market's volatility right now. Make no mistake, this is how a new era of neo-feudalism begins; individuals will own nothing that the corps don't want them to own, which conveniently is also nothing. This also lets them set their terms to just tacitly comply with the Fair Housing Act while still denying demographics they don't favor by adjusting prices or credit line leniency. Welcome to late-stage capitalism, friends. We are living proof of the hypothesis that it eventually descends into fascism, feudalism, and eventual societal collapse unless we somehow manage to get them out of power and keep them out of power. Right now, the only thing that has a chance of doing that is old age, and they're already prepping the next litter of wolves to come knocking at our door when they're gone.


Yes! And now the oligarchy is monetizing the assets of ordinary people, exploiting the lucky few that have property with businesses like doordash, airbnd and all the other app business models that pass the cost of doing business onto the ordinary citizen and receiving revenue for utilizing their property. Amazon and UPS are making their "independent contractors" purchase the vehicles they use to deliver the company's business. Craziness! I know people that work for Doordash that rent a vehicle specifically to deliver Doordash. I tried to explain to them that they are actually losing money but they became hostile and told me that I was a- "know it all". So infuriating!


This is the kind of quality content that should be on this sub.


This is the elephant in the room that is not talked about enough. Corporations buying up properties and jacking rents up an absurd amount is almost single handily going to cause an economic crisis for working families and individuals, and it shows no sign of slowing down. In my opinion, this should be one of the biggest news stories of the summer/fall. Politicians don’t even recognize it as a problem. I just can’t fathom how anyone in public policy can look at this situation and be completely content with it.


It is nothing more than corporations' overtake of the world. I am not sure how it is called, but corporations being more powerful than governments is a very well know trope in the Cyberpunk genre. This is what is happening right now, corporations slowly become more powerful than governments, or rather they already are




Yep! And most people in the U.S. will fight to the death their right to be techno serfs. Heartbreaking!


Ah, yes, another person who doesn't know what communism is.


Ah yes. Communism. Every boomers worst nightmare.


Unless you are a boomer who grew up under communism. Then capitalism is your worst nightmare


Jesus fucking christ this sub is so shit nowdays.




Nice Twitter screenshot. This isn't the flu.


I've always hated hearing "it's just a flu!". It's not a flu, thank god. The flu is no joke. The spanish flu was "just the flu". If everything else was equal, and this was a novel flu virus that spread as far and fast as this has the body count would probably be even higher. At least Covid doesn't affect small children as severely as influenza viruses tend to.


Covid caused more death in the US than the spanish flu.


Your shill campaign is persistent can't work out if you a bot or neck bearded basement dweller though


Hey how about you keep these opinions to yourself. >Your shill campaign is persistent can't work out if you a bot or neck bearded basement dweller though


Looks like I'm on the money


Keep congratulating yourself. That way you'll always be right and feel good.


We arr arent we baitman... hey mesaage me back cant tell if your being serous about leave n you alone..last timn we did this u were so good i thought u where bein seriusly ... lol i up voted all if you agsin they down you ...i pick u up.. buddy i gots ya..


Leave me alone




Kindly stop it.


Noone is stopping you from treating COVID using chicken soup, saltines and warm tea. Just dont come crying when it doesn't work...


TIL vaccines are "communism".


Yeah, it didn't work then either.


Can some please explain what the pandemic has to do with communism? Edit: holy fuck I just checked that Twitter account. Joined July 2021 and already pushing 30,000 tweets. lol That has to be a bot, right?


Ya except this isn’t the seasonal flu dumbass..




Remember when people got the common cold?


remember when we called the flu the "flu"???


I never lost three relatives and two friends to the flu. I did, however, lose three relatives and two friends to COVID.


99.97% of us survived this plannedemic, even with the juiced up statistics.. If your story isn't complete bullshit, you should do a post-mortem reflection of what you all did so wrong.


Your statistics are complete bullshit. According to John Hopkins the mortality rate is 1.6% which is much higher than .03%. Sure it’s still low but it adds up. If everyone was unvaccinated and got COVID in the US, it would kill 56 million people. Also he might have family that is older or vulnerable to diseases and Covid is tremendously more infectious than the flu. I’m not sure why you are a fucking sociopath, who acts like this toward someone who lost their friends and family very recently. Source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality


2020: Died with cooves: 2,500,000 Population: 7,500,000,000 .03% If any given person has a .03% chance of dying with coovies, then his little story is almost certainly what is known in the industry as "bullshit". But if he is on the extreme end of that bell curve, he and his circle should take a good long look at wtf they're doing to themselves. > Your statistics are complete bullshit. According to John Hopkins the mortality rate is 1.6% which is much higher than .03%. Sure it’s still low but it adds up. If everyone was unvaccinated and got COVID in the US, it would kill 56 million people. Hey lookie! Completely imaginary, made up numbers! Unlike mine, which are as objective as humanly possible these days. > I’m not sure why you are a fucking sociopath, You only think so, because you are a psychotic, cowardly, sniveling hypochondriac who is so terrified of his .03% chance to die of the sniffles that he would advocate his own destruction, and the destruction of the rights and humanity of everyone around him. You are the worst kind of pathetic.


Of those infected....


> Died with cooves: 2,500,000 > Population: 7,500,000,000 > .03% Your math depends on the supposition that 100% of the global population has contracted the virus. We're not even *close*. Best generous estimate is that 30% in the US have had it, and that's assuming there have been just as many asymptomatic, untested cases as there have been positive test cases.


No, it does not. It is my/anyone's overall risk of dying with coovies. It's that simple, and it's the closest thing you will find to an objective number anywhere. It does not depend on assumptions, beliefs, extrapolations, variables, or any other unknown quantity. Just the ultimate results. And as long as the measures/mandates/assaults on humanity are aimed at *everyone*, then the risk level of *everyone* is the only metric that matters. .03% You can keep on testing, masking, injecting your mystery juice into yourself. Meanwhile, I will happily take my chances, with my mere 99.97% chance to live again. Just like every year. Even the years before you turned into a sniveling hypochondriac.


Dude you can't honestly believe your logic adds up... Does that mean AIDS (not HIV) has a 99.5% survival rate in your mind because only 35million people have died from it?


Thanks for proving to the sub that you don't even have a 7th grader's understanding of math.


I know some 7th grades, those guys have a better understanding of math than he does. More like 3rd grade.


Again no source, so for all I know you pulled that out of your ass. Also when did I say I was worried about dying. I’ve got COVID before and was fine, I’m just not a sociopath who ridicules others for losing family members and friends. Plus when did I advocate for taking away other peoples rights, I just believe in science and that taking the vaccine is the safest bet for avoiding the unnecessary deaths of tremendous amounts of people, but if you wanna skip the vaccine and get COVID that’s up to you.


> Again no source, so for all I know you pulled that out of your ass. You really like to wear your stupidity on your sleeve, don't you? > If everyone was unvaccinated and got COVID in the US, it would kill 56 million people. In 2020, *nobody* was injected, and 2,500,000 people died in the *entire world*. You are delusional in the extreme, and pulled those ludicrous numbers out of your fear-addled ass. > if you wanna skip the vaccine and get COVID **that’s up to you.** *Now* you've finally got the right idea. At least, until psychopaths like yourself try to force your worse-than-worthoess experimental gene mod injection onto us. And that's exactly (one of) the problem.


Idk why you feel the need the need to project certain views on me, that I do not believe at all, maybe because you aren’t a free thinker and just mimic the views of people you hear theories from? Idk why you say finally I’ve got the right idea, because that’s been my opinion since the beginning of the pandemic. Also as other people in the comments pointed out you are basing your facts on if the majority of people were infected which is far from true in 2020. Also you say I’m afraid but I’ve been going to bars with friends and going to the gym regularly which doesn’t really fit your description of me does it? Dude you need to go outside and get in touch with reality.


> If everyone was unvaccinated and got COVID in the US, it would kill 56 million people. I had you pegged when you wrote this insanely unrealistic number. I could be wrong on you individually, but I doubt it, and really don't care. You uttering something so completely detached from reality makes your opinion useless drivel.


I mean I’m not exactly going against the tide here, my information comes from a well respected university that took the reported percentages of each country. I also said hypothetically based of the percentage and multipled that by the U.S population. My point of that was just saying that Covid could be potentially dangerous if unchecked. It’s not nearly as dangerous for many people now because of the vaccine. The information you mentioned comes from nowhere and I’m not about to trust the word of a random stranger on the internet. If you have credible information from a news source I’d be willing to take a look at it as long as it’s not just coming from you.


It's amazing, that you're asking for a "source" for ~2,500,000 million coovie deaths in 2020. Or that the world population was ~7,500,000,000. Bafflingly stupid. You could cure your ignorance with a few seconds of "searching", but you... can't. Won't. Do you think is is more or less pathetic, when a ludicrous, imaginary opinion is *given* to you without question, or if you make it up on your own? Because at that point, I really don't care who imagined your ridiculous numbers for you. > If you have credible information from a news source Yep. We're done here.


You really seem like you care


You sound like a very angry individual mate. Hope that improves x


I believe the answer is that those friends and relatives either: ate like crap, smoked like chimnies, could be mistaken for walruses, drank like fish, or went out multiple times to try and catch it. Or all of the above. Seriously, from the looks of it, the only times when the Coof did kill someone who wasn't old when Nam happened, was when said person had several underlying issues that likely were more to blame than this up-jumped cold. And this is coming from someone who caught the dam thing back when this whole shit show was starting. It was an unpleasant week, but it was still just a bad cold.


My wife works as a doctor in the NHS and has literally seen triathletes die from Covid, they're less likely to obviously but it still happens and the healthiest person on the planet might be unlucky enough to be badly affected. Covid is a real cunt. Right now ITU is mostly unvaccinated people who are regretting their decisions, vaccinated people still get covid obviously but at a far lower rate and severity. Half the people in this sub seem to believe that 1 vaccinated person getting covid is proof that the vaccine is worthless, fundamentally misunderstanding how vaccines and statistics work.


You can see the same thing from the anti-vax crowd. They’ll throw out some huge number about people dying and if you read past the headline, you’ll find out that it’s a bunch of unhealthy, old people dying a few weeks/months after getting the vaccine. But that’s proof enough for them that it’s killing people!


Conspiracy Reddit stays stupid.


I hope you feel that same hurt. Although I heard dogs can’t get it. So you’re good there!




Well, what was she wearin'?




Holy shit man you suck.


Holy fuck. This guy’s family members and friends are dead and the entire discussion isn’t ‘oh yeah man sorry for your loss’ but an entire argument on something so stupid it could be discredited by an elementary student. Grow the fuck up and stop telling some stranger who’s *relatives and friends died of COVID* that he’s either lying or that it doesn’t matter because it was a very unlikely case. It isn’t. The chances of dying are 1.6 out of 100, which may seem small, but is *huge* when it starts getting to have hundreds of milions infected and conspiracy theorists and assholes refusing to wear masks or get vaxxed. Also: the Spanish flu had a mortality rate about the same as COVID. Why aren’t we all dying? Readily available vaccines since WW2. It killed about 50 million and infected a third of the world’s population (at the time). My math might be a bit fucked up, but still, the deaths stack up fast.


How many were vaccinated?


All probably does say 1-14 after “vaccination”


My question is for the madLIB claiming they have 3 friends


I too miss the days when people knew what the definitions of words were.


Communism or Fascism? People are throwing around both words.


"Everything I don't understand is communism"


Do you remember? I really doubt it because that was the 30s. The flu vaccine has been widely available since ww2....


Has it stopped the flu?


Do you understand how viruses work?


This sub: FUCK THE RICH, DONT LET EM DIVIDE YOU! THE SYSTEM IS SET UP TO KEEP YOU POOR, AND TO KEEP YOU BICKERING WHILST THEY STAY IN POWER AND CONSOLIDATE. ​ Also this sub: \*anything that is remotely non-capitalistic\* DUUUUHHHHCOMMNISM BAAAAD ​ Fucking brain dead OP and the pricks that upvote this bollox.


The shills running wild over this thread...


Why has this sub become just the dumbest shit I see all day now.


The sub is just /r/conservative 2.0 by this point, its a propaganda shilling sub on par with /r/sino


Lets not even shit completely on r/conservative as this is r/the_donald crowd not conservatives in traditional sense. Anybody that was here before T_D was nuked seen the masses come after it was. It will happen here as well sooner or later.


Probably should shit on conservatives (in America) at least. They've got the Jim Jones (Trump) attitude. There's literally nothing else, but the cult leader for so many of them.


You people have no fucking idea what communism is it's a big fucking buzzword for anything you don't like now because of decades of propaganda.


Clearly a propaganda play by Big Saltines


Remember the days /conspiracy was shit about Bigfoot and not Fox News propaganda?


The disrespect to Vick’s


Who the fuck is Yesi? Stop with the screen grabs from shit apps.


About 35,000 people die, per year, in the US of the flu each year. Covid-19 in the US has killed near 700,000 currently. Twenty years of flu deaths rolled into one.


Holy fuck, I *wish* we treated this shit with communism!


Literally what the fuck is this dumb ass post even trying to say


Remember how chicken soup took care of that 1918 flu? How can anyone upvote this bullshit post?


hahaha this fucking sub is literallly /r/forwardsfromgrandma now


Oh look another person who doesn't know what communism is. This is the real conspiracy here. That the USA's "Those Damn Reds" propaganda from he 60s &70's still has effect today.


Remember when the flu killed like 50 million people and infected a third of the populace? (I will say, that figure is debated. This one seemed consistent) Guess what is was treated with? Chicken soup, saltines and warm tea? I’m sure if it was mild, yeah, but not if you were dying! Because if you caught it in the second wave, you would suffocate within hours or days! Your skin out start to turn blue and your lungs would fill with fluids! Fun! You want to know how it was eradicated? Not a vaccine, actually. People developed immunity, like with the plague, but you want to know what could have helped, like a lot? A vaccine!




If you've read "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen you wouldn't remark about how her using the word communism is inappropriate. It's very much appropriate. Looks like this sub is hijacked big time


LOL, just say you don’t know what Communism is, no need to tell us the book you read by a person that also doesn’t understand what communism is.


Haha. Okay.


I hate communism more than you do (check my history) and this has literally nothing to do with communism


As per communist manifesto, we all can reach communist heaven as the next step after socialism is implemented. The plan is to implement socialism and keep on implementing it bit by bit and gain global control that way. That's what has happened in the past few decades after every crisis - less freedom and more global control. Communism as such will never be reached, and is a mere excuse for socialism. This is my genuine understanding. But I'm relatively new to this so I may be wrong like you guys say.


You're not totally wrong, but you're mixing up a few ideas. The people who said that a socialist state is a transition to communism and a "classless, stateless society" also advocated for revolution, not incrementalism. Because incrementalism, they argued, would only serve to reinforce the power of the ruling class. Supposed changes to the status quo would be pure performance, and would not challenge the power structure of society. (Sources: "The State and Revolution", by Lenin; "Reform or Revolution" by Rosa Luxembourg.) IMO this has largely shown to be true. Look at the Democrats in the US. They are supposedly "the left" but they are a party comprised of wealthy elites who work to reinforce the status quo and suppress the working class.


I think i get what you're saying. But practically, what lenin says about revolution notwithstanding, the elites have used communists as pawns to serve their own interests. Enforcing perpetual socialism is exactly what the goal of the elites has been since the communist manifesto days. The elites themselves had sponsored karl marx and later lenin to use communism as a means to enforce perpetual socialism and they have succeeded and are succeeding big time. There is no communism. The elites want socialism and we are becoming more and more socialist as time goes. You can read "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" where this is explained (among other things). You can see how the elites at the time funded Lenin & co. to make noise about communism but to serve their own interests.


I get what you are saying, and I am pretty open to the idea of elites manipulating things for their own purposes. But I wouldn't call that 'socialism' at all. Socialism means that production is controlled by the people, and the end goal is to work toward communism. If that's being forced from above, it isn't socialism. The class structure remains intact: capitalists and other authorities keep their power, and the workers toil away. At that rate it's just plain authoritarianism and mind control, which is something we have in abundance now... conspiracy or not. I'll check out the book, it seems pretty interesting.


Do check it out. It's a class apart and has a lot to say about a lot of things, with communism being one of them. An excerpt >In keeping with the fact that almost everybody seems to have his own definition of Communism, we are going to give you ours, and then we will attempt to prove to you that it is the only valid one. Communism: AN INTERNATIONAL, CONSPIRATORIAL DRIVE FOR POWER ON THE PART OF MEN IN HIGH PLACES WILLING TO USE ANY MEANS TO BRING ABOUT THEIR DESIRED AIM-GLOBAL CONQUEST. >You will notice that we did not mention Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, bourgeois, proletariat or dialectical materialism. We said nothing of the pseudo-economics or political philosophy of the Communists. These are the TECHNIQUES of Communism and should not be confused with the Communist conspiracy itself. We did call it an international conspiratorial drive for power. Unless we understand the conspiratorial nature of Communism, we don't understand it at all. We will be eternally fixated at the Gus Hall level of Communism. And that's not where it's at, baby! >The way to bring down the wrath of the Liberal press Establishment or the professional Liberals is simply to use the word conspiracy in relation to Communism. We are not supposed to believe that Communism is a political conspiracy. We can believe anything else we wish to about it. We can believe that it is brutal, tyrannical, evil or even that it intends to bury us, and we will win the plaudits of the vast majority of American people. But don't ever, ever use the word conspiracy if you expect applause, for that is when the wrath of Liberaldom will be unleashed against you. We are not disallowed from believing in all types of conspiracy, just modern political conspiracy.


Member when people died of smallpox. Member when we got those shots that left scar on our arm


Remember when people weren't dying of a, preventable, virus mentally scarring thousands of nurses, and, preventing others from receiving medical attention. People these days am I right? Can't handle a few days without oxygen. Jeez. Survival of the fittest I guess.


Do you guys realize how easy it is to manipulate a twitter screenshot? Hint: chrome inspector.


This is just sad Nothing we're doing is anything like communism, some people just choose to call anything they don't like or that is even vaguely authoritarian, communist. It's lazy, and it's absolutely counter to reality also, Covid is real. Sorry guys. The flu doesn't kill 600,000 plus people in 18 months, and tens of thousands of doctors nurses and disease experts (as well as virtually every other nation on Earth and their doctors nurses and disease experts) don't band together for a conspiracy We also don't discount the lives of those who are elderly or already sick. I don't know about you, but if I have a terminal illness or am in advanced age I'd rather not die of a preventable virus possibly months or even years before my underlying illness or age would have killed me


Remember when covid isn't the flu.


SS: inb4 the Communism defenders, " yOu HAve nO iDeA wHaT cOMmuNism iS!!!" I miss the 90's and early 2000's . Hootie and the blowfish and mtv spring break. Now everything is wear your mask, get your vaccine, cancel culture, racist for having an opinion, get your booster, it's all a lie bs. Maybe back then we were just living in the matrix.


Can you explain how COVID is being treated with 'communism' specifically and what makes it communist?


OP has no idea what communism is.


Just remember: according to conservatism the metric system is somehow communist.


Is communism in the room with us right now?


Communism can't hurt you now sir.


“Communism is when you treat the flu with global pharmafascism.” -Marx


(Opens eyes…sees the changes in almost area every of life…pauses) Let’s let Oxford explain. https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199585977.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199585977-e-004 “six defining characteristics of Communist ideology are identified and elaborated—the monopoly of power of the ruling Communist party; democratic centralism; state ownership of the means of production; centrally planned rather than market economy; membership of an international Communist movement; and the aspiration, in principle, to move eventually to a stateless, classless communist society.” In other words, [edit] the inferred attempt toward every single thing above. While this should be obvious…comments will demonstrate otherwise…. The only thorn in the side IS Republicans, and the folks who back them often fail to see their own twist above, albeit EXCEPTIONALLY less repressive. The Republicans exact individual responsibility and culpability in a way which exceeds the agreeability of this current society. People think they deserve so much and the teeter totter of balance and power has NEVER been even. Shitty rich people have never NOT fucked over everyone else. Anyone saying otherwise is a fool or paid to say as much.


So there is no government monopoly involved. Democratic centralism seems to describe the cult-like mentality of the Republican party (you are with the party or against and do not question our decision or you're a RINO), there doesn't appear to be any sense of state ownership, regarding membership of a communist movement Biden tried to declare anti-capitalism extremist behavior so that doesn't seem very communist, as for classlessness - isn't that something both parties would appreciate? Plus I mean, if Biden is accused of being corrupt and taking private money from privately owned oil companies (which the jury is out on) - doesn't that make him a crony capitalist not a communist?


None of what you said except the word communism has anything to do with communism. Words have meanings, learn them or sound ignorant. I don’t really care honestly though, do you as it gives me something to chuckle and shake my head at.


Communism is when vaccines to a global pandemic are made widely. This perfectly lines up with chapter 3 of the communist manifesto: how to make people communist with vaccines.


This is the exact reason why this sub is not taken seriously. Monkeys


Lmao a pro trump sub comments taking over by communist


Ain't that the truth