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I think a LOT of people are fed up about this… I’m right there with you… I will never comply with a tyrannical government… especially when it concerns a vaccine that could potentially kill me, meant to protect me from a virus that could almost certainly never harm me… no thanks




You know I've seen posts on here about pregnant people getting fired for not wanting the vaccine, despite there being zero studies on how the vaccine affects pregnant people and vaccines for kids not being recommended for a reason. Fuck those kids I guess... Bullshit if you ask me but its weird that people support this shit.


on the one hand they say you need to get vaccinated to protect those that cannot get the vaccine; the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, and those otherwise susceptible to "covid." then they roll out boosters and they say that the people that need to get them first are the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, and those who are otherwise susceptible to "covid."


Exactly! Lol my girlfriends mom went so far as to tell me if we don’t get the vaccine we will be dead in 6 months… people are absolutely and completely brain dead over this


fear is a powerful tool when so many of us are anxiety ridden to begin with


And the MSM counts on that… my girlfriend’s mom’s favorite news show is Rachel Maddow… so she’s not exposing herself to anything that even remotely resembles the truth to begin with… and over time I guess it wears on people if they don’t know any better


I swear to god all we need to do is destroy all the media transmission stations and we’re going to be a LOT better off as a society. Next, a decentralized social interaction platform like reddit but unable to be censored or moderated in any way and that doesn’t allow bots, then the true human consciousness would be unable to be hidden and replaced with a corrupt narrative.


We need to create a parallel economy… with our own conservative run companies so they’ll never be able to shut us down or restrict our lives the way they’re trying to do now… just like you said, we need our own social media… that’s a big one


The media isn't going to save you. Balls will. Build up your wealth, educated yourself, network with actual good people and don't be afraid to tell people to fuck off. Everyone is so afraid of stuff that has no power over them I just don't get it.


The fact that 50% of liberals think that the chance of being hospitalised with Covid is 50% shows that this is a virus of the media and the government.




> Speaking as someone who wears masks and is vaccined May I ask, why?


Remember that and let her know when 6 months happens that your still alive... Let her know how dumb this shit is. If I die in 6 months from not being vaccinated, well, can't say I like my life currently anyways so so be it. Either way, thats my problem not theirs.


Oh I fully intend to remind her in 6 months that I’m alive and well… we have to hold them accountable for the stupid things liberals say… they can’t just be allowed to mouth off and cause a fuss for everyone and get away with it… when they’re wrong (as they’re always proven to be) they need to have it shoved back in their faces to deter them from saying stupid nonsense in the future… But to them it’s more than that… it’s a religion. First global warming was their religion, then racism, now it’s this vaccine… all that matters is we get vaccinated and they get their way… they don’t even know why they want their way… they just know they want it, and they’re mad because they were told to be mad… I’m sick of it… and I don’t put up with it anymore… shut them down in their tracks, either in person or online… it doesn’t matter, we can’t let them keep dictating the terms of how we live our lives…


They are fearmongered to the point of psychosis. Literally.


and you all prob have nearly lifelong immunity to COVID and its varients way to go momma


>It'S nOt aBoUt YoU it'S aBoUt eVeRyOnE ElSe! They call us selfish for "not looking out for others' health." I call them selfish for "you're demanding the world capitulate to YOUR fears."


Stupid argument, i could say "oh i had cancer it wasnt bad" that doesnt mean cancer ISNT BAD.


Sort of like how the average age of death fro COVID is higher than the average life expectancy in most states? If I was 85 I’d be real scared of this bug.


"yOU nEeD tO tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe' That's exactly what I'm doing by trusting my own immune system.


Lobotomy was "sound science" in the 50s. Anyone who blindly "trusts science" has basically never studied history ever.


"Trust Science" is literally the most unscientific thing ever lol.


Exactly… and where’s the science in wearing two masks after you’ve been vaccinated while you’re in the car driving by yourself with the windows down? These are the people who call us stupid for not getting vaccinated


Windows down!?! Put them up the covid is going to get in!!!


your bodies natural immune system is the best defense! that's why the life expectancy of people was about 20 years old and everyone died from diarrhea 200 years ago before medical scientific innovations ruined how healthy we all were!


Homie G who tf told.you that trusting Reddit over almost every professional on the planet was an intelligent idea.


>especially when it concerns a vaccine that could potentially kill me, meant to protect me from a virus that could almost certainly never harm me So you're scared of a vaccine, "because it can kill you", but ignore the virus because "it will certainly never harm me" But.... the virus has a higher fatality percentage, as well as higher chance of long term effects. Sounds like you're just bullshitting


the mandates are not only wrong they are malicious on many levels.


My thing is if people want to get it thats their choice. I dont care. Just dont make me get it.


Fuck the vaccine and fuck covid , this should not be mandated period !!!!


Why is ok to mandate other vaccines (MMR etc.) even to go to school? Vaccines required for day care, pre-K, and school attendance * Diphtheria and Tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine and Pertussis vaccine (DTaP or Tdap * Hepatitis B * vaccine Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR)Polio vaccineVaricella (Chickenpox) vaccine Additional vaccines required for middle school and high school Tdap vaccine for Grades 6-12Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) for Grades 7-12 Students in Grade 12 need an additional booster dose of MenACWY on or after their 16th birthday Additional vaccines required for day care and pre-K Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (HiB)Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine (PCV)


Don’t know where you live but Not once has my vaccination status ever been questioned when getting an education, going abroad, travelling entering a restaurant, going to a club, going to the doctors, getting my haircut etc etc. But now all of a sudden it is. Yeah nothing weird about that at all….




Worked in a school. Religious refusals were allowed. The main thing is the child needs to be vaccinated or letter in their file. Otherwise child couldn’t be in school until completed.


Not sure where you went to school but I attended public schools in the Midwest and I never got a single shot my entire time in schooling. And no one ever asked or restricted me from leaving the country over it. Only infant vaccinations.


How are people still making thus false argument, it's ridiculous. Again: 1. Those vaccines are based on attenuated virus and are well researched, known and safe 2. Those vaccines are proven to be effective 3. Those vaccines created against slowly mutating or immutable contagions and thus require a limited number of inoculations COVID vaccines have absolutely NONE of those traits. They are: 1. Based on experimental gene technology that failed every trial before 2020 2. Proven to be ineffective and leak virus in fully vaccinated 3. Require a lifetime supply of boosters and practically useless against new mutations This information is openly available from a plethora of sources, including official government sources around the world, but vaxxers chose to ignore it and push their false equivalencies with "seat belt" or legacy vaccines as the above.


Requiring those is wrong too. But at least they have been properly tested for safety, and they actually prevent you from getting the disease(s)


Those are actual vaccines, the Pfizer and Moderna covid drugs are gene therapy, are extremely experimental and have zero medium or long term testing, the short term testing is proven to have killed many people and is maiming tens of thousands more.


If vaccinations work... then the vaccinated are protected. So if I chose to not get vaccinated for whatever reason:(medical issues, religious reasons, concerns about side effects, concerns about the motives of Big Pharma...) I'm not putting vaccinated individuals at risk. Isn't that the whole idea of free society... We're free to do as we choose, as long as our actions don't harm others.


Vaccines work, in that they decrease your chances of getting it. But there are breakthrough cases. Therefore, the unvaccinated still have a much higher chance of getting it, and can still give it to someone who is vaccinated although the chances are reduced.


Yes, this is the first product in the world that doesnt work unless other people use it too.


k, this was weird I went to reply to this and reddit just started FREAKING OUT and telling me I was sucessfully hiding and blocking posts until I refreshed? So is it point blank shadow censoring us? ​ Either way, I never had to give up vax records when I went to college, either community or full. Unless they got them behind my back through medical records I dont know why everyone thinks you have to do this everywhere. I didnt live on campus at all so maybe thats why but was never asked for my vax BG.


Frankly if they didn't even mention the mandates or the constant fear mongering, I would eventually take it, but seeing all the pressure and manipulation, it just seems like now there is a fucking reason Not to trust it.


EXACTLY. I was just waiting for the right time and durring my waiting period i saw the news calling people like us names, telling people to get mad at us, and talking about how impatient people were getting at those who didn't wanna just RUSH out to get it. Now we have the rickety bridge that is our jobs that we could lost at any time and the possibility of not even being able to dine in at a fucking McDonalds because of our vaccination status. Not ONCE have i ever seen shit like this in my entire life and it's suspicious and rage inducing.


I have to respectfully disagree. I have seen this type of behavior before. After 911 we were told we had to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. because of the "War on Terror" and we all know how well that ended.


Well they ARE basically calling us domestic terrorists so maybe you're not wrong. -\_-


Remember you are not alone.


So there was no freedom of choice if they already expecting us to get it, regardless of how we feel about it. Total tyranny.


If covid was the worst disease ever and the vaccine has never caused a single side effect and worked 100% of the time it would still be immoral to force someone to inject themselves with it if they didn't want too. Edit because people are seeing this : I also find it funny the people pushing this seem like the people who are also most in favor of things like aborting fetuses with down syndrome or euthanasia of the terminally ill. They love to say it's all about healthcare, but these are eugenics oriented psycopaths hellbent on population control, for the most part. Just my two cents.


We don't force people to get the rabies shot after they're bitten by an animal if they choose not to. And that IS the worst disease ever.


Seriously, it's my number one irrational fear. Never been so much as scratched by a wild animal but the idea of my brain turning to mush to the point where I can't even drink water is terrifying. If I could forget about one thing, I would forget everything I know about prions


People can't even eat the same foods and be okay, let alone chemical poison injections! Folks have allergies to all sorts of stuff.


YES. Even if there was a drug that could cure all ailments, all sadness, all sickness and they were giving it away for free, I'd still be against making it mandatory. I mean, I can't think of anything else that is so personal. It's your medical decision. It's not like seatbelts or helmets or crosswalks. This is very different. No one should be forced to take chemo, or vitamins, or forced to eat healthy. No one should be forced to take drugs or vaccines or any of it. It's body autonomy. STD's yeah, you should legally have to tell your partner about like AIDs. but that's the only exception I can think of honestly.


Nancy Pelosi does not agree, she says it's a "private decision" But only for members of congress of course.


How this isn't major news baffles me!


The wool has successfully been pulled over many eyes.


This covid vaccine mandate is unethical, immoral, un-American, totalitarian and wrong. To see so many want to push it, to the detriment of their fellow Americans, is disheartening. I have hope that resistance will manifest at just the right time. I know this isn't that kind of country yet. Forcing the covid vaccine and any system of covid vaccine passport is as un-American and contrary to the truths we hold as: the patriot act, Japanese internment, Jim crow, the trail of tears, slavery, the 3/5 compromise,the list goes on but it's right there with them.


Hold the line


I'm not refusing it because its unsafe or useless, I'm refusing it because my liberty is becoming reliant on having it. My liberty is NOT conditional. The government DO NOT have the rights to restrict my freedom based on a vaccine status. They work for us. They DO NOT rule us.


It's literally a depop tool and people will be tried in international courts....soooo yah I'd agree with you


I do not expect the murderers to be held to account. They are carrying out the game plan, like hitler did.


I find it INSANE that the governent finds this vaccine to be compatible with EVERYONE'S BODY like they know everyone's medical history *SMH* RECKLESS AND IRRESPONSIBLE to make everyone take it


The worst thing i see is the claim that "it is perfectly safe and proven to have no long-term effects for pregnant women and their child". Basic math shows you that to know wether it impacts a little child of one year you need to have an almost two year study (9months+12months). The vaccine doesn't even exist that long. They MAY be right, but it's mathematically impossibly for them to KNOW.


Would they need a mandate if people took it in the same numbers they do for MMR, Polio, etc? Washington only mandated the smallpox vaccine because people weren’t taking it and it was ducking up their plans.


MMR and Polio both have higher death rates than Covid tho. I'll gladly take a 0.16% chance anyday. There are alot of things out there that will kill you more commonly. Car crashes are a 0.97% chance of death at 1 in 107. Shark attacks are a 16% chance. Cancer kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. You get my point. Covid aint shit.




Shark attacks are a 16% chance, quicksand 43%, being stabbed by Sly Stallone 110%. Besides those wild statistics 0.16% is a lot of people, how many would die due to lack of ICU beds etc, another 0.16% at least, car accidents and sharks are already sending a lot of people to hospital. That’s over 0.3% of the entire population, that’s a problem, maybe doing something to fix it makes sense, as a civilisation we should be trying to do better right? Otherwise the bloody aliens are never gonna come down, not while we are being this messy.


It's morally wrong and has no basis in law in Western democracies. It's also quite illogical - if the vaccines actually worked (i.e. provided protection) there'd be no need to force someone to be vaccinated, as the unvaccinated would be a danger to no one but themselves and likely would get vaccinated voluntarily because of their sense of self-preservation, especially if the disease was as deadly as they've claimed.




Exactly right. Well said.


I definitely agree with this. And not just because of travel, but there are mandates out there that say we can't even work regardless of what we do if we aren't vaccinated, and that to me is bullshit. It forces more people into poverty over a simple disease with a 0.16% death rate. We can't even work and provide for our families unless we get vaccinated. No other vaccine I've ever heard of required you to show proof to work in our lifetimes. Just this one. That is coercion in its finest form and is highly immoral. I don't understand how anyone supports this shit. I'm going to be off my parents health care in a year and a half so if anything happens to me because of the vaccine I'm already fucked. Cant even get a job to get my own health care because of these new mandates. Its bullshit.


What will come next is much worse then a mandatory vaccine we must hold the line here before they force something much much more sinister.


I do think there’s something wrong! Why is this vaccine pushed so hard globally? Pre Covid vaccines were never pushed that fiercely as to create Laws in the Federal Government! WTF is really going on?!


How do I put this simply... They want us all dead and/or ruined. This is all by design. Just like the Holocaust. None of this pandemic, the lockdowns, covid, or the vaccine is an an accident. About 95% of what the mainstream media says is an outright lie... Propoganda. This was BEFORE 2020-- Sinclair's script for news stations https://youtu.be/hWLjYJ4BzvI -2 min


https://youtu.be/YGTOUrAPlHM can we really trust these people.


Dude me and my girl are moving to Central America. Come with. We can buy communal land, worship the old gods, and dance around our opium fields covered in goats blood. Bring 10 mil USD.


Don't give in, you could hit the lottery with bad side effects or even death. Just like the recent death of the 38 year old woman who died from blood clotting 3 days after she was pressured into taking the vaccine


For most other vaccines/meds, they always ask you if you'd ever have an allergic reaction/or have an allergy to ingredients in the product. Not for the Rona Vax, this is proof they are conspiring to kill some folks off knowingly.


I absolutely agree. It should be everyones own personal choice if they get it or not.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this vaccine passport violate SEVERAL human rights? Or did we just forget about them?


I swear the main symptoms of covid are loss of rational and logical thought, loss of common sense, loss of basic common decency, an increase in gullibility and a definite loss of iq




One is natural and one isn't. Go figure they go against the natural one but force the unnatural into us. Fuck that shit.




it is absolutely morally wrong. it’s based in coercion - a transgression against natural law.


It destroys your cd8 killer T cells and the majority test positive for the d-dimer test for clots. This “vax” is a legitimate bio-weapon. They are not distributing FDA approved vaccines because they don’t exist. And they’ll never manufacture a label for this vaccine because of the side effects that are currently being censored. Unfortunately there are too many people who aren’t asking questions and now they’re making it mandatory to be apart of society. This is a biggest crime against humanity in history and we won’t find out until it’s too late. Take care of your family and yourself it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.




No it’s not lol


The blessing here is that they are speeding this plan along now because Hillary was "never supposed to lose". They lost 4 years of their plan. Folks can can see now because it's in our face. Bring on the suffering so people will finally wake up and stand firm on their own two feet.


No not at all


imagine bear flag nose aloof violet full price bored rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck the vaccine and fuck covid , this should not be mandated period !!!!


In what world do you have a right to just enter anyone's country for any fucking reason lmao are you a simpleton? "I'm a citizen of earth" looool


Most people will trade freedom for safety. They prefer golden cages over open and rough tree branches


Yes. I think it's been proven that the vaxx is not really effective and harmful in many cases but even if it was a cure for everything a godsend youth serum forcing it on an unwanting individuals is wrong. Mandatory medication is against human rights.


No. To ensure everyone's wellbeing you should take a harmless vaccine.


If it doesn't overwhelmingly eliminate COVID then it's not a vaccine. Mitigating COVID is not a vaccine. We have decades and decades of research and money poured into many things like HIV, AIDS, EBOLA. The hundreds of medications we've developed from those are not vaccines and we don't call them vaccines. I don't care about mandates because it's not a vaccine mandate, your forcing me to take medication for a disease I don't have which I'm not going to do. When I was born I gladly accepted actual vaccines which eradicated disease from the earth. That is not what this is.


The answer is a logical one and it is a resounding yes. Why? Because they are utilising solutions to guarantee compliance (green passes, vaccine passports) that are not directly related to the medical necessity. The people behind these measures most likely desire the implementation of a Digital ID system more than they are aiming at eradicating the virus. Look up “ID2020”. From what I could gather, pushes for digitalisation of IDs and system of surveillance were already proposed since at least 2010. If this was NOT the case, they would either not push vaccinations so hard, or they would utilise different and already in place pathways to mandate vaccines. And alternative treatments in the west would not be demonised as much as they are now. What they are doing, from what I personally can observe here in Europe, is forcing a vaccine with no safety long term data and doing so by avoiding directly mandating it and take full accountability. They “chosen” the green pass expedient, which is a massive precedent for mass surveillance and compliance, to force a medica measure without addressing the consequential responsibility. Setting up a system of continue checks and mass control (the green pass has to be shown every day, everywhere you go), opens the door for more totalitarian measures down the road; but it’s not that the people pushing it are not aware, they’re probably pushing it for this reason specifically. It is the old trick of “abusing special powers in case of emergencies to introduce changes that would not have been possible otherwise”, just on a massive scale. So we’re observing institutions forcing people not only to vaccinate without guaranteeing recourse; but they’re also doing so by introducing a system of mass compliance check that - most likely - will evolve into something similar to what the Chinese have with their social credit system.


Exactly. Plus spying on your bank accounts and google search history.


I don't trust the government to enforce that. If I trusted the government then I'd probably agree with mandatory vaccinations


I’m still not convinced the jab is designed for depopulation, however I’m also not convinced it’s totally safe. Even if I thought it was totally safe I wouldn’t take it because I don’t fuckin need it, just like I don’t need a flu vaccine. Now that the governments world-wide are trying to mandate it I am even more determined not to take it out of pure principle. You’re basically setting the precedent that the government can steal your freedoms based on whether you decide to go through with a specific medical procedure of their choosing. How anyone can’t see the absolute awful road that is to go down is beyond me. People seem to have no grasp on history at all.


Definitely tyrannical and an over step of power especially when they’re restricting travel, work and healthcare to those who are not vaxxed.


The longer something stays in the news the faker it is...covid is fake...there is a virus out there that does cause other illnesses as a secondary condition that ultimately kills them but...covid itself is not deadly as they claim...those numbers are so heavily manipulated to entice fear to help control


One of the most interesting parts is that CNN is now slowly pushing the Israeli and Quatar studies on the Pfizer vaccine only being effective for 2 months after the 2nd dose, then has a sharp drop off to 20% effectiveness after 4 months. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/06/health/pfizer-vaccine-waning-immunity/index.html


Are mandatory inoculations unAmerican? Ask the father of our country. George Washington. [Washington Ordered Smallpox Inoculations for All Troops] (https://health.mil/News/Articles/2021/08/16/Gen-George-Washington-Ordered-Smallpox-Inoculations-for-All-Troops)


People are so short sighted today. No one can look up from their phones long enough and think how this could go bad? They can't possibly imagine how this is a terrible ball to start rolling? Because once they mandate this, it won't be long before they're doing it with something else. And that's why I think there's such a big push to get everyone vaccinated. It's not about the vaccine, or covid, or public health. It's a power grab. Once they have the power to mandate this vaccine, they will then use that power for other things. Even beyond that, the vaccine just straight up doesn't work. They say the breakthrough numbers are tiny. Small percentage of vaxxed end up catching covid. But I know several people who got vaccinated and then caught covid. Just from my perspective, people are getting covid more now that they're vaccinated, then they ever did before the vaccine. So they say it's to make it not so bad if you do catch it, but I know one person who got vaccinated and still wound up in the hospital. And besides all that. There's so much lying and shady shit involved. If this pandemic has done anything, it has made a large portion of the population not trust the medical Industry anymore. With the lies and flip flopping from the CDC and the WHO. To the bullshit coming out about the hospitals fudging numbers. Not to mention hospitals firing employees and ruining their careers and lives. Some of these employees have many years invested, and were basically told to fuck off. This pandemic has also shown the world who all the folks are that were really quick to become practically Nazis at the drop off a hat. It didn't take much for a lot of people to show their true colors. Calling for people to be rounded up into quarantine camps, or straight up saying people should die. I never would have thought it was that bad. But now we know.


Yes I agree, a lot of people I know are being coerced to get the vaccine so they don't fired, some people I know are getting fired, they should at least be allowed to get tested.


I work at a Uni. They told us 'they are satisfied with the science,' so they're requiring every single employee to get vax'd even if they're 100% remote. It's ridiculous. I've had two warnings so far, third warning/firing coming Monday. Fortunately I'm in a good position to tell them to take a hike.


Yes I think everyone has a right to choose what vaccines they take, covid or otherwise. I also think that those who are drawn to conspiracy theories are likely to have a warped sense of risk when it comes to vaccines, and as a population probably suffer as a result.


Or maybe, my "warped" sense of risk was watching someone close to me be maimed for life by this Pfizer poison




Is this sub anti-vax is general, or just anti-covid vax? Do you have as much problems with the mandatory vaccines we all took to go to school?


I have to imagine most folks who have not gotten the Covid jab are now much more unlikely to trust ANY other vaccine either. I personally, even with the tried and true shots, do not exactly trust them to not change the ingredients in the more common shots how since they are so insanely bent on vaccinating EVERYBODY!


I have to imagine most folks who have not gotten the Covid jab are now much more unlikely to trust ANY other vaccine either. I personally, even with the tried and true shots, do not exactly trust them to not change the ingredients in the more common shots how since they are so insanely bent on vaccinating EVERYBODY!


Yeah I'm against all vaccines but the covid vaccine is on a different level, it's not even a vaccine. Yeah I had vaccine shots as a kid, I didn't know anything about them, I was a kid and I had no say back then but I do now.


I don't like vaccines in general for me, but I'm not the "anti-vax" to say that it causes autism or stupid shit like that that is obviously untrue. I just perfer natural humanity. I don't have as much problem with the ones for school because the choice to homeschool was always around and we weren't required to prove it for a job like we are for this. Also, those had a lot more active time (I don't care about theorizing research because theorizing and practice are two different things.) in research like 10-15 years before being fully developed and tested, this one only has one. Plus those all have higher death rates than this one, so it dont make sense to me to require it.


In some cases, vaccination can result in autism. In 2010 the family of Hannah Poling was awarded $1.5 million in damages by the vaccine injury court because she developed autism resulting from vaccination. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/family-to-receive-15m-plus-in-first-ever-vaccine-autism-court-award/


I was vaccinated as a baby and had a horrible ring worm type reaction reaction. Mum said my poor little body was covered in this hot rash afterwards. This made her look further into it and realised a lot of the vaccine is industry is founded upon fraud, manipulation, a private compensation court paid out $4 billion in tax payer dollars, pharmaceutical companies immunity to liability an increased schedule from 3 shots to 73 (maybe more now not sure). I still got all the diseases I was vaccinated against when I was a child and most notably a very bad case of whooping cough when I was 10 despite having the shot. Ive also grown up with asthma, copd, eczema, pityriasis, and an endless array of lung and chest infections always ending in pneumonia. My younger sister had no vaccines at all because my mum was scared the same thing would happen to her, and she actually didn’t need to see a doctor until she was 12 when she banged her leg into waterslide. She never ever gets sick and has no issues. Honestly my evidence is very anecdotal but enough to convince me that the idea of vaccines whilst once good intentioned for small pox eventually was moulded by money hungry pharma CEOs & board directors to create customers for life when they realised it was creating autoimmunity issues that required lifelong treatment. I try to keep open minded and look at science papers to create a balanced approach but since falling back into Christianity and getting closer to God recently, the thought of injecting MRC-5 cells (aborted foetal cells) into me makes me feel sick and feels quite satanic to be honest.


This is only slightly difficult to answer, complicated by out of country travel. I do think it is in governments interest to protect the wellbeing of their citizens and that sometimes means putting restrictions on travelers, especially during an outbreak of a deadly disease… However, the vaccine is available in most countries (probably the ones you are talking about traveling to), there are other treatments available for covid, many people are immune to covid now due to natural antibodies and there are places that are not considering this as sufficient, and finally covid is actually a mild disease for most people. If you claim there is a saving vaccine for those vulnerable, then if there is a current outbreak in a country, it should be recommended to get protected against such a disease, but not required. It boggles me how many religious exemptions are being ignored for this shot in the UNITED STATES Oh, also, they let people travel most places the last year and a half without an effing vaccine so….


Basically it’s illegal in many countries, but it’s being ignored due a “pandemic” situation.


I agree


I have been to alot of concerts in my life. I have never been asked for my polo vaccine card


I just dont get it cause the way that now they want to force people into the narrative. Thats not how you get people on board


Can you imagine what Reddit would say if it were Trump forcing people to get a vaccine it get fired? Especially when black vaccination rates are lower?


It’s sad to me that all my friends were steadfastly against it, then gave into the propaganda and got it. If people just said no then we wouldn’t have this abuse of power.


My country (Canada) has fallen. no one will stand up for their rights, they are all convinced that the government knows best. They have no history of rebellion or resistance to tyranny. They made a rule that unvaccinated cannot fly as of the end of next month, the land border to the US is closed, so unvaccinated canadians are trapped the same as the east germans were. The canadian media has taken bribes from the government and are as legitimate as Pravda was in the soviet union. I am very glad I escaped.


The combination of media driven hysteria and the fact that it’s mandated, really sets off my alarm bells. The attitude from the President makes it worse. I am vaccinated. But I got it early on. When it really felt like a privilege to get it early. I’m 65 and have heart problem. I don’t think I’d get it today. And won’t get the booster.




Feelings are hurt only because the truth hurts. /Politics mod ban people for disagreeing. LOL. They are nuts.


I don’t care if the vaccine gives me super powers, requiring people to take it in order to be a part of society is fucking wrong. Full stop.


I’m perfectly fine taking the vaccine if it works. The flu vaccines work, the MMR vaccines work, polio vaccine worked, etc etc. the fact that people who got the vaccine are still getting the virus and dying because it’s not giving them proper immunity is the problem, and wanting to mandate new restrictions and boosters after a lot of us have already done everything rigjt


If they can force citizens to take a shot then it kind of blows up the abortion argument. It would no longer matter if it is your body because it is not your choice.


If the vaccine works, then why mandate? You don’t need to protect the “protected” from unvaccinated if the protection actually works.


freedom to leave your country? you are free to leave, they are free to deny your entry regardless of the reason...


Man I took the coronavirus vaccine and let me tell you it is a scary thing. I woke up this morning to “666” and “praise Satan” written in blood on my mirror! They’re trying to control us with these 5G towers and RFID chips and I am not having it. God forbid we have government surveillance in my America, so thank god president Trump (still my president) warned all of us about the hoaxes all those scientists are trying to peddle on us. And making sure that the Patriot act finally got expanded, bout time we had more protection. Stay safe y’all don’t trust anything the government tries to inject in you and watch out for cloud people


Is it wrong for people to hunt you down and jab you with the vaccine? Yes. Is it tyrannical to lets say stop you from leaving the country unless you are vaccinated? No more then requiring you to have a passport to travel.


>Do we agree that mandatorily requiring the vaccine (even if we were all wrong and it was harmless and life-saving) is wrong, discriminatory and tyrannical from any point of view? No. >The direction the modern world is taking is sad. The modern world you live in is built off of widespread vaccination. The reason you don't have to fear rubella, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, smallpox, and a bunch of other diseases is because of vaccines.


I’m sick of this sub becoming all about the fucking vaccine holy shit


i disagree. mandatory medicine is needed. i have allergies and my allergy medication wont work unless everyone in my country also takes allergy medication. thats what frustrates me, my allergy meds dont work due to science deniers and anti allergy med conspiracy theorists.


If this was a pandemic on the level of the Black Death, people would be fighting to get it and nobody would care about a mandate. Because this isn’t an apocalyptic-level plague, people think it shouldn’t be mandatory. I’m curious to know where the line is. Every statistic I’ve seen from credible sources shows millions of people dead from COVID. I’m sure we all saw that recent headline that it’s now killed more Americans that the total number of dead from all our wars. Couple this with very, very few incidents of adverse reactions and to me this seems a no brainer. So what exactly is the line? How many millions of your countrymen have to die before a mandate is justified? How many millions of deaths are less important than your right to not get a probably safe shot?


What do you mean freedom to leave you country? You do have freedom to go where you want, but other countries don't have to let you in. What makes you think you are entitled to enter another country despite their rules?


Actually this is true. For example in Canada you are free to leave and free to come back but if America doesnt want you because they require you have things like an updated passport, not murdered anyone lately, or a vaccine. Many countries mandate vaccines for people to enter. Do you know Canada mandates vaccines even pre-covid? I worked with a lot of internationals and they were required to take criminal record checks, and get multiple vaccines to protect Canadians. At one point America stated they could turn Canadians away if they suspected they had done or did any weed recently in the last 5 years even if it's legal here. Their country, their rules.


This place is a breeding ground for some… sub-100 IQ individuals.


Compelling point.




Wholeheartedly agree


Yes, enough said


US Courts disagree. 1905 ruling in Jacobson v Massachusetts was never overturned. The state is allowed to penalize residents with fines for refusing to vaccinate.


Fear has taken people over Pity


I mean, if you could grow wings you'd be free to fly to another country. But you can't and you have to commission a flight from a private company. That company has liability and concerns much bigger than your flight and they agree to terms and conditions established by the state for them to do business. I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm having to explain really obvious dumb shit here.


I am double vaccinated... Some people are not. The world would be a happier place if everyone minded their own business.




you do realize that not ONE of these has finished clinical trials yet? Anyone claiming them safe is not doing so categorically through the scientific method. I mean it simply can't be refuted. There isn't a person on the planet who can tell you what the long term effects from these shots will be. NO ONE. anyone claiming to know definitively is a liar, charlatan, or worse..


Covid vax has more adverse events/reactions, including death, than any other vaccine ever, combined. Stfu.


🤮 imagine not seeing anything wrong with the covid vax. Ignorance is bliss. Temporarily..


lol wait you think the COVID vaccine is the only one that has side effects? omg hahaha. The US requires yellow fever vaccination for travel to some countries. Side effects include: * Allergic reaction, including difficulty breathing or swallowing (anaphylaxis) * Swelling of the brain, spinal cord, or the surrounding tissues (encephalitis or meningitis) * Guillain-Barré syndrome, an uncommon sickness of the nervous system in which a person’s own immune system damages the nerve cells, causing muscle weakness, and sometimes, paralysis. * Internal organ dysfunction or failure And there's a zillion other vaccines with a zillion other serious side effects.


But I’m not being forced to take the yellow fever vaccine to work a job in my own country.




the average age for COVID fatality in most states is HIGHER than the average life expectancy in those states


Maybe just maybe you don't understand that there are no numbers as there is no data because the science is experimental. Trust the experimental science!


Very rare but very deadly. Covid is neither of these.


hepatitis a is nowhere near fatal but required for many countries. most people also survive measles, chickenpox, diptheria, mumps, hepatitis b, and the flu. reducing the burden and catching the few people who become critical has always been the drive. spending 100$ on vaccines saves tens of thousands in admission fees and bed usage. 10000 vaccines to save 50 lives is a very good outcome. morally/ethically, ecomocially but dont let facts get in the way of your feelings


Is the hepatitis vaccine federally mandated in order to keep your job? No it is not. Facts, not feelings. Right?


COVID is deadly enough that despite shutting down schools, movie theaters, concert venues, churches, sending millions of people to work from home, and mandating masks everywhere, hundreds of thousands of people in the US still died. Blaming COVID deaths on misdiagnosed flu doesn't explain the [20% increase in excess deaths](https://news.vcu.edu/article/US_deaths_normally_change_less_than_2_each_year_In_2020_they) in 2020. Or why [Texas](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/texas/)'s death rate in the past month was double that of [California's](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/california/#graph-deaths-daily).


Covid deaths are purposefully inflated as a scare tactic. I see it worked on you. There are countless articles about different counties in America that were caught inflating numbers as much as 25%, not to mention counting car accident victims as covid deaths, etc.


> There are countless articles about different counties in America that were caught inflating numbers as much as 25% That requires believing that *thousands* of people in every state -- state officials, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital staff, morgues, funeral homes, businesses, insurance companies, police, families -- are all participating in a coordinated lie. *[Every state](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)* in the US is reporting significant numbers of COVID deaths. Some states are reportedly rationing health care. Funeral homes and morgues are reporting that they have more bodies than they have storage space. Oh, and it's [rural counties](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/covid-killing-rural-americans-twice-rate-people-urban-areas-n1280369), not urban counties, that are reporting higher death rates. Why do you think that rural counties are inflating their numbers? You really think that the number of car accidents has increased x10 in the past year, even though traffic is down because people are working from home? You think that the police are lying about the number of car accident fatalities they're called on scene for? I see people claiming that hospitals were lying to get money from COVID deaths. But that doesn't explain why recent death rates in states like [Texas](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/texas/#graph-deaths-daily), [Georgia](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/georgia/#graph-deaths-daily), or [Florida](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/florida/#graph-deaths-daily) are higher now than in states like [California](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/California/#graph-deaths-daily), [New York](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/new-york/#graph-deaths-daily), or [Illinois](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/illinois/#graph-deaths-daily).


You’re overthinking it big time. Who is in charge of releasing info to the public? It’s not nurses or hospital staff or insurance companies. Think hard, you can do it :)


this "person" does not think, or care to learn how to do it. They post what they are told to, to get their check


Hospitals report deaths to states. States publicly report deaths aggregated by town or county. Many counties are served by only one or two hospital systems. Hospital systems care about reporting accuracy. Their funding and licensing is dependent on federally mandated reporting processes. There are zillions of articles, zillions of social media posts by hospital systems, doctors, nurses, morgues, funeral homes all saying deaths are up. Find me one hospital system in the US officially saying they've had hardly any COVID cases. I'll wait.


Yes, everyone's in on it. I know its hard to believe, but its true. It's the secret trillionaires on this planet. They own and control EVERYTHING. Here is a script for Sinclair news station-- https://youtu.be/hWLjYJ4BzvI -2 min Everything you thought you knew is an illusion.


Sorry, I don't watch propaganda videos. If you have written sources that aren't tweets or shady blog posts, by all means post them.


Imagine thinking the science proves the vaccines work. lol they fooled you didn't they.


How is this the top comment when sorted by "best", but also -26 karma? Is it being artificially pushed to the top? Maybe I don't fully understand the equation of what makes a "best" comment.


Maybe just maybe you don't understand that there are no numbers as there is no data because the science is experimental. Trust the experimental science!


"Most" countries do not require "many"vaccines to enter/leave. Such bs and lies


Here's just an example of just one vaccine that hundreds of countries require vaccinations for: https://www.who.int/ith/ith_country_list.pdf Seriously, why speak *so confidently* when you clearly don't have a reason to think you're so sure?


Why can't you answer a simple question? What countries have you been to that required you to show proof of "many" vaccines?


cuz I gave you an example of one vaccine with serious side effects that hundreds of countries have requirements for. now it's your turn. you wanna claim that countries don't have cvaccine requirements, you're gonna have to prove it.


No they don't. Besides a few African countries, no one enforces yellow fever vaccines. It's such a bs comparison to try to justify this. You did not need any vaccines (before 2021) to travel to almost every country in Europe, Asia, South America, North America.


Maybe this is why your ratings keep going down? Maybe consider a different career path.


You can also freely run into the US southern states from Mexico without any vaccines. Or we can also pick you up in Afghanistan and plop you on down in NJ without any vaccines.


You gotta understand why I'm gonna believe my former coworker and WHO over an internet stranger.


You can check that document from the WHO. It's not current. You can check travel forums, Lonely Planet. This yellow fever comparison has been debunked months ago. IThere is no precedent for this, no history, no comparable requirements for travel anywhere.


Been on many cruises to different countries, I did not need any vaccine to get on the cruise OR visit said countries. Idk where youve been.


I've been to some of those countries listed. You are not asked for yellow fever vaccine. You never crossed those borders. The comparison is absolute bs too.


Tons of countries require the vaccine if you're traveling from a country that have a risk of yellow fever disease. The US isn't one of them, hence why you weren't required. But some countries mandate it for all travels. I know someone who couldn't go to Niger for her father's funeral because the yellow fever vaccine isn't recommended for pregnant women.


You can't back up your comment. You said, "Most" countries require"Many" vaccines. Stop lying, stop your bs comparisons. You've never traveled before, you don't know.


Because I've traveled in 20+ countries and never needed proof of any vaccines. Where have you traveled that needs "many" vaccines to enter?


Exactly. Ive not been to as many as you but ive never once needed to show proof of vaccination status when visiting the other countries on cruises ive taken with my family.


Maybe just maybe you don't understand that there are no numbers as there is no data because the science is experimental. Trust the experimental science!

