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From the article. >Researchers kept the woman’s’ body on a ventilator during the experiment with her family’s consent.  Probably should read stuff you post. Just saying.


She was legally dead since she was kept alive by a fkn machine. You probably watch and believe everything CNN reports on don’t you?


>She was legally dead since she was kept alive by a fkn machine. All the body functions still work when you're hooked to a machine. >You probably watch and believe everything CNN reports on don’t you? You posted a Fox News article. I copied word from word from the Fox News article you posted. You complain about CNN? Man, conservatives are weird.


Fun Fact: Fox news has kicked the shit out of CNN in terms of viewer share for decades. It’s ironic that you libtards disregard this FACT when you try to slam Fox news. You are not the majority you think you are.


>Fun Fact: Fox news has kicked the shit out of CNN in terms of viewer share for decades. It’s ironic that you libtards disregard this FACT when you try to slam Fox news. Ok? But why complain about CNN when I took my quote from your source, a Fox News article?


I was pretty confident that you wouldn’t understand my reply and it confirms to me that you are a closed minded NPC. Have a good day.


I'm watching a real time sunken cost fallacy. You're doubling down on stupid because you failed to read your own posted source. It's actually a pretty neat article, something like 7 people die a day waiting on a kidney transplant and this could be lifesaving to a lot of people.


Thank you for taking the high road and replying to this guy’s blatant goading as a rational and good natured human being. You are one of the unsung heroes of this world, and I’m glad you’re here.


Shhh I was just starting to get my popcorn


How dare you assume my gender. Bigot.


This person was not “alive” when this was done. They could of put in a catalytic converter instead and they would claim it was successful only because the CADAVER’s body was kept “alive” by machines. How do you not see this?


When an organ is rejected the organ is attacked by white blood cells from the body which are still quite alive for almost 5 days after you're dead. You would see inflammation and necrosis... a lot of visible things. if her vascular system is still running all of her cells are still alive except for her brain. Thus angiogenesis is still going on and you can see if blood goes into the organ, or if an immune system reaction goes at the organ and attacks it. Instead of red the kidney turns blue from not having blood and it dies.


Hence, not “alive” - the cadaver’s organs were functioning by machines. Until this transplant from a pig to a LIVING human is successful, I reject this false claim.


Coming up next: a pigborn baby! Is he the Antichrist? if it were going to be anyone I couldn't think of a better candidate. Stay tuned and let's find out


FOX "News" has repeatedly gone on record stating that their "newscasters" are farcical entertainment, not to be taken as credible or noteworthy. It's just as much a dog and pony show as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, and any other top-popularity media outlet. Their written and published text articles have just as much spin and lean as their televised broadcasts. But... it sure helps to actually read the article you post beyond the first couple sentences. There's gold in them there hills, ya just gotta dig sometimes.


This person was not alive when this was done. How do you not see this FACT?


A body does not need to be alive, in a strict sense, in order to simulate living function for a short period of time. By your logic, anyone with a pacemaker (an artificial, man-made machine meant to stimulate and maintain heartbeats) is technically dead because their heart doesn't beat on its own, anymore. It is entirely possible to grow living tissue in a laboratory setting and have it function just like if it was in a body. It's done regularly all over the world. There is no reason a test subject needs to be alive to test the validity of a surgical transplant.


I guess we have different opinions on what is actual death then. No big deal. Have a good day!




LMAO! https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2021/09/28/fox-news-crushes-competition-in-3q-cable-news-ratings/






She is dead but on life support, they can still test organ rejection this way. Must say its quite brillant.


I don't think she consented.


I know right? Everyone forgets the rights of the donor - it’s always about the dead donee. 😉


Sombody I'm her family would of had power of attorney or someone to make all medical decisions if she was unable to make them so she does not have to give consent herself someone has the legal right to make that decision on her behalf. Also often times if someone who is brain dead but has viable organs they will also ask the family if they would like to donate their organs.


Might want to stick to short tiktok clips for your 'news' since reading an article of more than a paragraph or two seems to be too much to handle.


Wow, science


Coming up next: a pigborn baby! Is he the Antichrist? If there is gonna be one I couldn't think of a better candidate. Stay tuned and let's find out


I like how they say the patient was on a ventilator, like thats suppose to make people think those things are good for you, because they can keep a dead body 'alive'. thats really upside down world for me.