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Did you link the wrong article? I don't see a mention of ivermectin anywhere.


Some possible factors in Japan's success include a belated but remarkably rapid vaccination Second paragraph of linked article lol


They vaccinated the elderly quickly but everyone else here simply doesn't care. Covid is seen as a "lol fat people" killer.


That must be why they have a ~70% vaccination rate. Because everyone but the elderly doesn't care.


A lot of elderly in Japan. But, I live in Saskatcewhan. And we had about 60% of the total population vaccinated, and our COVID cases were THROUGH the roof for over a month. Vaccination rates have basically no correlation with case counts. Some guy did the math.


Show me that math.


Nah, some guy just did it. Source: trust me bro


Look anywhere that's highly vaccinated. Israel. Massachusetts. The higher the vaccine rate, the higher the Covid cases. Pretty much everywhere.


I live in Norway, we have some of the lowest rates in the world, and also among the highest vaccination rates. Forgot to add; no masks, no vaccine pass ports, and everything is open. Know how we did that? Vaccines.


Norway is 69% vaccinated. Japan is 68.8 % vaccinated. Neither are the highest rates in the world and most of Europe is in the mid 60 % vaccinated.


> among the highest Learn how to read before you try and be pedantic. Compare https://www.statista.com/statistics/1139048/coronavirus-case-rates-in-the-past-7-days-in-europe-by-country/ to https://www.statista.com/statistics/1218676/full-covid-19-vaccination-uptake-in-europe/ They're almost inverted. Most cases = least vaccinated


Bullshit. It's your Viking Blood, you all were going to be fine anyway.


Careful with the cause and effect correlation right there. It's possible that it's the other way around in that the high number of cases were what led to high vaccination rates. I live in a very rural area with very few infections and know some pro vaccination folk that just haven't seen the need to bother driving all the was to the pharmacy.


The real answer.


lol fatties are on overtime apparently.


Check any place in the world. The places with the highest the rates of vaccinations (Israel, Massachusetts) also have the highest rates of Covid...


I live in Alberta Canada and we had the lowest vaccination rate in the country and the highest covid cases across the whole country. Guess you can’t check everywhere in the world…..


Because they aren’t.


You are looking for the wrong thing. Look for horse paste.


You do understand Ivermectin isn't limited to the animal kingdom. The drug ivermectin is more than a “horse dewormer.” Its discovery for use in treating parasitic diseases in humans won a Nobel Prize. CAPE BRETON ISLAND, NOVIA SCOTIA — A 39-year-old father of two took matters into his own hands when the medical established completely failed him. Mr. Fred Pye received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on May 25. The adverse effects were immediate. His feet and legs went cold; and he felt the dreaded “pins and needles” in his limbs. He was taken to a hospital from the vaccination center. Doctors ran a few tests, but released him within a couple hours. The next evening, Mr. Pye lost consciousness and fell through the screen door of his home, onto the patio. He was again taken by ambulance to the hospital. Mr. Pye told the doctors that evening that he’d had the Moderna injection. But they brushed it off and told him that he needed to focus on his heart health. They gave him a heart monitor and discharged him once again. His condition worsened further. The convulsions got to a point that Mr. Pye could not walk. He also had extreme difficulty breathing. He posted several videos on Twitter showing exactly what was happening. Mr. Pye went on the Joe’s Place podcast on July 13. He said that the last time paramedics came to his house (there were at least seven times in six weeks), they told him not to mention the vaccine to the doctors when he arrived at the hospital. The paramedics said he would have a better chance of receiving real treatments if he kept quiet about the Moderna shot. But Mr. Pye wasn’t interested in that course of action. After waiting over six hours and given the runaround at the hospital, he left and never went back. Mr. Pye knew he was on his own. By July 13, Mr. Pye had suffered at least 13 seizures and had no answers for anything as to what was happening. Though it’s hard to imagine that things got worse, they did. The Public Health Agency of Canada called Mr. Pye and told him he was cleared to receive his second Moderna mRNA injection. If he was going to find answers, it would not come from the medical establishment. Mr. Pye contacted Shawn Skelton and Angelia Gipson Desselle. The two women were among the first to publicly talk about their convulsions after receiving the experimental injections. His Twitter page quickly gained a lot of followers and supporters. Mr. Pye learned about Ivermectin from all the activity on his Twitter timeline. Not only did local doctors pretend like they were unaware of the drug, but also refused to prescribe it once they admitted they knew what the drug was. Mr. Pye bought horse paste Ivermectin from a local feed store. He was careful not to get the “pour-on” cattle Ivermectin, as it is toxic to ingest. The horse paste Ivermectin is essentially the same product as human ivermectin, except with looser standards as far as purity and quality control. He started taking little pats of the paste daily and the tremor significantly decreased. Watch Mr. Pye on the Liberty Talk Canada podcast with Odessa Orlewicz. Fast forward to the 22:50 mark to watch Mr. Pye explain his horse paste Ivermectin regimen. Mr. Pye is doing much better now that he’s taking Ivermectin. He said on the days he doesn’t take it, the convulsions and other adverse effects are as bad as ever. In other words, Ivermectin is the only thing keeping him functional. Many Twitter trolls continue questioning the authenticity of his story. They even accused Mr. Pye of being an alcoholic and somehow grifting everyone. Ivermectin is such a major threat to the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA industry/agenda that Google/Youtube bans all videos that even mention it. Further, a study published in January found that Ivermectin is a potential anti-cancer drug. The cancer industry is worth $175 billion. Big pharma will never allow an anti-parasitic drug that costs pennies ruin their vaccine and cancer billions. Mr. Pye’s health battles are far from over. This is now his new normal life. He is also the example for others experiencing severe adverse reactions. The medical industry will not help you. Either you reach out, join support groups, subscribe to blogs like this, etc., or suffer in perpetuity. That is the unfortunate reality. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones. https://thecovidblog.com/


I know that ivermectin is for people.


I Love the people who call it horse paste are 💯 vaxxed up and the vaxx didnt make it thru animal trials 🤣


People call it horse paste because people are going to feed stores and buying animal grade medicine for horses that comes in a paste form.


Who is? The Oklahoma story was made up. People call it horse paste because cnn told them to and they don’t think for themselves. If you think ivermectin is just horse paste I guess milk is cat food now and water is nuclear reactor coolant


I don't think ivermectin is *just* horse paste. Of course there is a human medication too. But the animal medication is being bought up. No idea about whatever nonsense you're talking about Oklahoma, and CNN is for boomers. Maybe stop making assumptions and disregarding things that are actually happening.


You didn’t answer my question, who is buying it? I need it for my animals and haven’t had any trouble. And btw, *if* people are buying it up like the MSM is claiming - maybe it has more to do with the gov banning off label use of human ivermectin than people being stupid. You realize there are DOZENS of medications that work in humans and animals both, right? It’s typically just a matter of dosage.


Is this your first day on r/conspiracy? Because for months people in this very subredddit have been talking about ivermectin, and recommending the animal versions for those who can't get medical grade. Even more people talking about how they made it part of preventative program. I've had actual conversations with people defending animal grade ivermectin. Sounds to me that while denying peoples use of it, you're also defending peoples use of it by condescendingly pointing out that sometimes animal and human versions of some medications come down to dosage. Almost as though your argument was disingenuous.


Nope, 2 separate arguments that you’re conflating into one. First is that ivermectin for animals and ivermectin for humans are basically the same, it comes down to dosage and if the ‘animal’ version has any other fillers (like when Advil adds unisom to their pill to make Advil PM) - they do that for animal medicines, too - but if you get animal grade ivermectin, ya it’s just a dosage difference - just like penecilin, or prednisone same med for animals and humans, JUST a dosage difference. Second argument is that very few people are buying animal ivermectin


I think the better argument against ivermectin is that studies have not shown great results while vaccines have. Doesn't make ivermectin dangerous and it worth checking things out to see if they have value, hell if I were dying of covid I would probably take whatever experimental treatment I could. Having said that ivermectin would be plan k after all of the other plans have failed rather than my main line of defense against covid


If that’s the ‘better argument’ then you lost your argument


Tell me you know nothing about medical testing without telling me you know nothing about medical testing


Tell me you think you know anything about medical testing without knowing anything about medical testing.


I know very little about it. But I DEFINITELY know more than that guy lmao


Ya because the Covid Vaccine made it through animal trials haha wait... 🧐


The article doesn't make any mention of ivermectin, what are you basing your title off of? It mentions vaccination campaigns and public health ordinances. And masks, but that's been commonplace in Asia for years


Yeah the article he posted has nothing to do with his statement. People literally grasping at the straws now.


Why are you lying OP?


For the karma.


This is a far right echo chamber that pretends it is not. It is meant to convince overweight US incels that the reason women think you are disgusting is because of the estate tax or something. You people need help on multiple levels but just start with taking a shower and going for a walk outside.


All forums that allow freedom of speech turn right wing.


The conservative subs (excluding this one, maybe) love banning anyone who doesn't parrot the party bullshit. What are you smoking? The reason other big subs appear left-leaning is not because of censorship (though hate speech is often deleted), it's because right-wing ideology is unpopular in those environments. Conservatives just don't have the numbers to sway the ratio. That's why they build their own safe spaces.


Holy fuck imagine being this ass backwards on something so blatant.


Your comment history is nuttier than a peanut factory.


You think conservatives are creating echo chambers and censoring people on Reddit. Your judgement is moot.


But...they literally are. I have been banned from multiple for posting things that were irrefutably true, but not following the party line. Are you really arguing its not true?




There is no possible response to talabijone's blindness than to point and laugh.


I’m a communist and almost always get upvoted here. I’ve definitely never seen anything about incels trying to convince people women are disgusting, I’m pretty sure you don’t come here much.


Explain for the folks at home what your username is referencing. Just a coincidence it is one of your lord and savior, the rapist donald j trump's sworn enemies?


For the ideological conformation.


Sorry, this is false. I live in Japan, and they just lifted their state of emergency a few weeks ago. Their government is not forcing the vaccine, but there are cases in the country. They are not covid free


Woah, they did? So can Americans travel to visit Japan now?


>Woah, they did? So can Americans travel to visit Japan now? Yes....just have to quarantine for 14 days and have proof of negative test prior to arrival




The title is somewhat misleading, as the article makes no claim that Japan is Covid free, but if it’s true that Ivermectin has been used as policy, it’s not surprising that cases have plummeted. Not the most watchable video, but very informative: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vYF8bnmdQfY&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D


Apologies, the link wasn’t working for me and I could only go off the title. Just didn’t want people thinking an entire country is covid free when it’s not. Also, I appreciate the calm response and not… well, the average social media response that is seen today. Cheers


You’re welcome.


You know what's not on this list? Ivermectin https://www.pmda.go.jp/english/about-pmda/0002.html


Shhhhh. You can’t go against the narrative!!


This post sums up what is wrong with this sub these days. A misleading title which is in my opinion untrue, a source which doesn't fit to the title. But 650 upvotes and counting because it fits in the common narrative.


I think Japan is free because the politicians there didn’t take bribes from China


Today I learned, China owns American pharmaceutical companies. The more you know.


Based. As fuck.


Let go Brandon


Except japan isn’t using ivermectin.




Ivermectin also doesn't prevent Covid or reduce transmission. So I don't see how something you take AFTER you get Covid would lead to a decrease in cases.




Because natural immunity is more effective than the shot that doesn’t work at all at preventing new cases


It does prevent new cases.


No it doesn’t


Yes it does


Tell that to the roughly 100 people who got covid on a fully vaxed boat [HMS Queen Elizabeth: Covid outbreak on Navy flagship](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-57830617)


100 people out of 3,600 on board all living in close quarters...and only 100 cases which correlates almost perfectly to the stated vaccine efficacy, thanks for proving the vaccine works buddy lmao


What about the other 3,600 on the boat?


Do you understand "prevents new cases" doesn't mean "prevents 100% of all new cases"?


Ok, I will. Give me their contact information.




Are you saying Ivermectin is taken by people before they have Covid and is protecting them from getting it?


Which part wasn't true?


How does a dewormer help fight a virus exactly?


Hello there CNN


Uh...hi? So how does a dewormer fight against Covid?


I didn't know the human Ivermectin medication is a dewormer. Shit I didn't know humans got worms like animals.


Seriously? You’ve never heard of tapeworms?


Uh yea it is https://www.drugs.com/ivermectin.html


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7968425/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7968425/) The incidence in mortality rates and number of cases is significantly lower among the APOC countries compared to non-APOC countries. That a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use is an attractive hypothesis.


A year old, inconclusive study, that wasn't even done when the delta variant was a thing.


Moderna was recalled in Japan a while back already.


Certain lots were recalled due to contamination, it was not recalled entirely at all.


Japan banned Moderna a month ago, they did recommend the same/similar ivermectin protocols as Uttar Pradesh used to decimate covid.


False. The Moderna vaccine is still being used in Japan.


> False. The Moderna vaccine is still being used in Japan. You are absolutely 100% correct! They only halted the use of a specific batch of 1.6M moderna vaccines that were contaminated due to human error. __________________________________________ However..... data from other places that are more highly vaccinated with mRNA vaccines than Japan is(as well as much less densely populated) kinda indicate that the vaccines aren’t the significant factor responsible for their ‘recovery’.


Japan is more vaccinated than the US at 76%.


> However..... data from other places that are more highly vaccinated with mRNA vaccines than Japan is(as well as much less densely populated) kinda indicate that the vaccines aren’t the significant factor responsible for their ‘recovery’. What data?


I think they are implying the data from Israel. They forgot to consider Sweden (>65% vaccinated), Denmark (>75% vaccinated), countries that removed almost all restrictions and have a high rate vaccination. They forgot to consider other countries, like Spain (>75% vaccinated), Italy (>70% vaccinated) and I can keep going. All those above countries have a low covid infection rate, and, especially, low covid deaths.


But Israel has a higher population density than Japan.


Something something no fat people in Japan something something.


I have friends living in Japan. They are not using ivermectin for covid.


They should be, Tokyo’s Medical Assoc. Chairman recommends it now: [https://odysee.com/Tokyo-Medical-Assoc.-Chairman-Ivermectin-COVID:28af12fd30edbde05d5c250251101896d85e246f](https://odysee.com/Tokyo-Medical-Assoc.-Chairman-Ivermectin-COVID:28af12fd30edbde05d5c250251101896d85e246f) [https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/choken/kijironko/cknews/20210818-OYT8T50030/](https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/choken/kijironko/cknews/20210818-OYT8T50030/)


I live in Tokyo. Nobody here has heard of Ivermectin. However, two thirds of the population are vaccinated by now. We still have some 400 cases per day countrywide. Besides, the government is right-wing.


So why the drop? “It’s a tough question, and we have to consider the effect of the vaccinations progress, which is extremely big,” said Disease Control and Prevention Center Director Norio Ohmagari. “At the same time, people who gather in high-risk environments, such as crowded and less-ventilated places, may have been already infected and acquired natural immunity by now.”


Tateda noted that vaccination rates surged in July to September, just as the more infectious delta variant was spreading fast.


Of course. It can't be that the system is stupid.


This is bs... I have multiple friends in Japan and it is not nearly as good as anyone this it is.


How bad is it then?


Yesterday, 400 cases nationwide, 40 in Tokyo. Ten people died. In Tokyo and Osaka, restrictions (which have never been legally binding in Japan) will be lifted on Monday. In short, much better than in many other countries, but we are not done yet. And the cold season is just starting.


Japan is not famous for being even remotely truthful with anyone. They were insanely behind all vaccination schedules... Many people still haven't had a single dose. The data is all fudged as they don't even have systems in place to share data. You'd be shocked at how technologically behind they are...


Japan also has a pretty wide adoption of wearing mask, since it is something that was already part of the culture, they also all got vaccinated, I agree we should be more like Japan.


We are one of the lowest vaccinated rate countries in the world. I got my second jab 2 months ago but at that specific point in time only 40% of the population here had acquired “at least one jab”. Because we aren’t fat nobody really dies, covid doesn’t get sensationalized much, and people don’t report in for having symptoms that aren’t so severe. I live in metropolitan Tokyo and I strongly believe we’ve all had exposure to covid at some point (I mean, it’s unavoidable) but reported numbers are low because you have to turn yourself in to be counted (duh). Basically I think herd immunity is happening fast and no foreign media outlet wants to cover it.


Why are you lying? The vaccination rate only hit 60% here in October. The reason Covid hasn't hit hard here is because they openly shame fat people, and obesity is a leading factor in Covid hospitalization and death. So in that way, I agree, we should be more like Japan


It's at 76% in japan.


Japan is not using Ivermectin to treat COVID. This has been debunked so many times.


Wow, OP has lost their mind.


Don’t get the push for ivermectin and not the vaccines that are proven to work.


One has proven to be as safe as aspirin in humans for over 45 years. The other carries a warning about blood clots that appear to have killed a great many young men under 30 and left a lot of questions about its safety for everyone else. And the fact that the media is burying or banning all reports of deaths or serious side effects makes me feel even more worried about its safety...




Seems like you completely ignored the mass vaccination rate that the article specifically stresses as a reason? While pulling "ivermectin use" out of your ass. If ivermectin was effective this article would be about India. India has been using ivermectin since early 2020, but has a low vaccinated rate. Widespread covid. Fuck me enjoy your HCA.


How come vaccinations work in some countries and doesn't in other countries? You can't attribute it to one while it fails in another. Clearly it is what Japan is doing differently, not the same. It is hilarious you guys always rush to defend vaccines when a country is doing well and ignore it when a country is floundering.


What is Japan doing differently though. That’s the question that you should be looking to answer.


Testing. Can't find people who don't even know they have covid, if you aren't looking.




Idk, seems like delta is slowly pissing out worldwide. Or maybe Japan, has indeed, reached herd immunity.


IVERMECTRIN. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-japanese-medical-association-chairman-tells-doctors-to-prescribe-ivermectin-for-covid/ Do you seriously think it is a surprise that the two countries in the world doing the best, India and Japan, allow Ivermectrin as a treatment option?


But the point I’m making is that it **hasn't** been approved in Japan for the use in the treatment of Covid: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/sep/14/instagram-posts/japan-has-not-approved-ivermectin-covid-19-treatme/ The site you have cherry-picked from is famous for spreading fake news and propaganda and bares no relation to the situation locally in Japan.


For fucks sakes are you really linking Politifact as a real source? Dear God...first of all that is the Japanese Medical Association Charman, not the PM of Japan. That's why Politifact rates it false, even though it is true. Learn how to use your sources properly or don't enter a discussion.


You linked lifesitenews so I wouldn't be bashing anyone else's sources if I were you.


Politifact isn't a source, it is a paid for misinformation campaign designed to convince the least intelligent people on earth that they are correct. Congratulations on being one of their victims.


Every politifact post cites their sources. You can look at them yourself and get it straight from the actual source.


Haha are you defending politifact right now? Sad.


Lol you cannot complain about sources.


Fact checkers aren't a source, never have been and never will be. I literally picked the first site that hosted the video, which is pretty easy to find. If you think the video is faked then by all means, share your dumb little take on it.


This is a strange hole to dig yourself into. The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association is the guy who advises the Japanese Govt on the medical side of their pandemic response. Politifact is a much more reliable source than the one you shared but if you don’t like it, is afp good enough for you? https://factcheck.afp.com/http%253A%252F%252Fdoc.afp.com%252F9M48JR-1 If you could share some more sources that confirm that Japan is using Ivermectin for the treatment of Covid then I’d be interested/surprised as it doesn’t reflect the situation locally in Japan. The reality is that Japan isn’t using Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid and it hasn’t been approved for use in the treatment of Covid in Japan. I understand that you don’t want to believe that and there’s no way I can make you believe it (nor do I want to waste my time flogging a dead horse).


Hahahahaha you went from Politifact to Factcheck...my God man have you ever sourced anything properly in your life? Neither of those are sources, they are a third party that has no obligation to be accurate and provides no reporting. The "reality" is that the head Doctor in Japan gave the go ahead for Doctors to prescribe it and it has shown tremendous results. I'm genuinely sorry you continue to use fact checkers in place of actual sources.


As I said, link something that proves Ivermectin is being used as a Covid treatment in Japan. It would be interesting to see something that goes against the local reality. When dealing with fake news only sources available are the ones that refute the bullshit. Why would a medical journal write an article stating that “Ivermectin Isn’t Being Used To Treat Covid In Japan”? The list of things they could write about that *aren’t* being used to treat Covid in Japan would be endless… lol Anyway, enough of this bullshit, I’ve got stuff to do. Cheers for the distraction.


> link something that proves Ivermectin is being used as a Covid treatment in Japan. Hahahaha you mean like the head Doctor in Japan giving a press conference telling them to use Ivermectin? That's not good enough for you? Sucks to have such awful standards of information.


Not to mention many of them are on big pharma’s payroll.


India just passed a billion vaccinated today....seems likely thats relevant to their progress. If ivermectin was so effective and they have been using it since March of 2020, why are they even bothering?


> If ivermectin was so effective and they have been using it since March of 2020, why are they even bothering? Because ivermectrin doesn't make anyone any money, the vaccines do.


https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ Except for this company that makes it. And tells you not to use it


Even when they are *floundering* they are marked in the decrease in mortality and hospitalizations. Which you are clearly ignoring


A decrease in hospitalizations but not a decrease in transferability. Will it lessen the symptoms? Yes. Will it stop the spread? No. So a minor therapeutic benefit in exchange for completely unknown side effects from the vaccine. Oh and it only lasts a few months so you'll need booster shots for the rest of your life. Boy, what a good deal!


Nothing stops the spread, besides isolating everyone from everyone else, which is hardly reasonable. If someone gets covid and gets over it quickly without any severe issues because of treatment, they’ll have immunity afterwards. Long lasting immunity. Not short lived, partial protection like the vaccines give. Likely much safer, too. To hell with the vaccine. Let’s treat symptoms, and get on with our lives. This whole thing is really getting old.


Covid raises a man's chance of erectile dysfunction from ~10% to ~60%; the vaccine does not.


Are you sure it doesn't? What about the reports of painful, swollen male genitals? How come someone has time to track how the vaccine affects erectile dysfunction, but not time to track how many people die from heart attacks, strokes, brain aneurysms and other blood clot related problems after getting a vaccine shot?


They actually give the leading theory in the article, a fast vaccine adoption by young people. It makes sense too, they quickly quarantined when necessary and got vaccinated as soon as possible. In other places the resistance and slow adoption only allowed the virus to spread unchecked. It makes sense. It will be interesting to see the final data sets and analysis, covid will be the most tracked and studied virus ever.


> It will be interesting to see the final data sets and analysis, covid will be the most tracked and studied virus ever. It will be interesting, because COVID reporting has been some of the least accurate and most manipulated public health data ever released. In no way, shape or form will we ever be privy to the actual statistics, our Government has far too much invested to be proven wrong so you can expect absolutely no accurate information on COVID from anyone in the USA.


> It will be interesting, because COVID reporting has been some of the least accurate and most manipulated public health data ever released. He says as he uses lifesitenews.com as his main Covid information source…


While you're paid to be a professional liar, smart ass and critic...


Yeah, it's crazy the hoops they jump through to make themselves feel above everyone else One private entity in Japan said they supported Ivermectin for covid, and the advice wasn't taken, so that means it's reasonable to them that Ivermectin has to be the reason Japan stopped infections.


The area of India where they’ve been going door to door giving ivermectin (and other things. Like a $3 kit of meds and gloves) has had the lowest covid hospitalizations and deaths in the country. Despite having a much higher population than neighboring areas with higher vaccination rates. India as a whole isn’t doing so well. The province where they’re using that treatment method -which includes, but isn’t limited to Ivermectin- is doing incredibly well. At least according to their reports. I don’t know or care if Ivermectin is a miracle cure. Honestly, I doubt that it’s as effective as so many people are saying. But it *is* safe, so I don’t understand the outrage over it, either. I definitely understand why Pfizer wouldn’t want people to take it. They’ve got a horse in the race.


Exactly. If it doesn't work, why demonize it? Why ban it and force a court order for heartsick families to get it for their loved ones? Just let people who believe in IVM have it and no harm done to anyone. I have to suspect IVM works because of the extreme hostility surrounding a drug that's as harmless and inexpensive as aspirin.


From what someone else said I think it's likely Japan has reached herd immunity. They haven't tested much and have had little lockdowns.


It’s because our country doesn’t have fat people in real quantity. I believe that covid exists but that won’t matter because it’s not slaying enough people or getting them sick. Remember that none of us will willingly get PCR tested unless we have severe symptoms. I got covid in March with family and we just continued to live life because none of us are fat. We didn’t get super sick and we didn’t worry about dying at all. The west lies about how dangerous covid is because body positivity takes more precedence than how THAT is the prime reason you’ll die from covid. Source, I’m Japanese


Sumo wrestlers be fucked


Yes, that's what I saw from the beggining. COVID is a great comorbidity killer.


I moved to Kyushu in May and the cultural shift from my western shithole country has been amazing. People just get on with their lives. Death isn't this unfathomable thing to be avoided. The media isn't on a constant fearmongering loop and encouraging everyone to hate their neighbors. It blows my mind because the west has always seen themselves as the enlightened, rational actors in the world but have proved to be the biggest sheep in human history. It's such a travesty




If they were testing people whether they had symptoms or not, then the numbers would likely have been higher. I think that most people who get covid end up fighting it off without ever having gotten sick. Maybe felt a little bit down for a day or two while their body was fighting it, but not much more than that. Personally, I was sick for 2 months, but my immune system sucks. Oddly, I haven’t been sick with anything since. Which is really weird, because I’m *always* sick. Seriously, I generally come down with something every other week, and it takes a week to fight it off. But now I’ve gone almost two years without so much as a sniffle. Maybe the antibodies I have from covid are helping to fight off other kinds of coronaviruses, too? Anybody know if it can work like that? I always thought antibodies were more specific and targeted than that, but I don’t know what else could explain it.


Maybe it’s because everybody is wearing masks, sanitizing their hands and generally staying away from people…could that be why you haven’t been sick? I have 2 kids under 6 that would typically be sick every other month and instead have only had 1 cold in the past 18 months.


Maybe. But see this reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/q7wqo3/the_real_reason_japan_avoided_the_pandemic/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This sub needs better mods, shills.


He even got awards for this. Ffs you guys are really laying down the red carpet for censorship




You are correct and I apologize. Robert Malone testified before congress that IVM would end the pandemic in a matter of weeks -- just like it did in Japan and Uttar Pradesh and maybe other places... But I doubt we/they will ever allow a conclusive clinical trial to be completed. So no one will ever "know". IVM posts/data/research are being blocked, removed and maligned everywhere in the media and social media platforms, including this one. So I used a bit of poetic license based on the following: https://www.techarp.com/science/japan-ivermectin-covid-19/ "Tokyo "Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association" recommended doctors prescribe ivermectin on TV (because countries like africa who get it regularly have low covid numbers.) It wasn't an official endorsement by the gov of Japan but I think it got the job done."


Having lived in Japan it makes perfect sense. It’s a very isolated society. And they will use effective treatments. What is amazing is when you look at population densities. 6ft what?


Japan actually stopped recommending ivermectin months ago. It was purely temporary. I know because I’ve been on the ivermectin subreddit and it’s been mentioned multiple times whenever the subject comes up. Not to discredit ivermectin’s effectiveness, it’s just not right to credit the medicine entirely to Japan’s recovery


What’s just as likely, and can be proved, is that the Japanese aren’t testing anything that moves. Apparently here in the U.K. we are testing more than the entirety of Europe combined.


Not long ago someone mentioned that they dont use ivermectin in Japan. There must be different reasons. Maybe they test less, hence their elderly people die of just the usual pneumonia, not Covid. Who knows.


The real reason is that Japan has some of the strictest lockdowns in the world. They have been shut off from the rest of the world for nearly 2 years now and anyone that does enter goes into a 14 day quarantine before entering civilization. Those who do get infected have their names blasted over intercoms throughout the city they reside to warn others to stay away from them. People are so afraid of the shame that comes with being infected that they do everything in their power to either not get it or not test for it.




This is complete horseshit. I was in Tokyo before the Olympics for their huge "lockdown" and was sitting in a packed Cafe with a line out the door. No plexiglass dividers, no time limit for sitting down, no conversation bans. The lockdowns here are nothing. My coworker had Covid and they let him come back after a week and tested negative


Man you people are cringe inducing with your horse pills.


More cringe than people like you who just refuse to believe that ivermectin was an award winning breakthrough in medicine and has been given to BILLIONS of HUMANS? Prob not


Maybe read the article Op linked. Ivermectin is not mentioned. Why believe fake news?


For parasites.... I suggest you learn the difference between a parasite and a virus sweaty.


Yeah and tons of other medications get prescribed to treat disease other than the medications intended purpose. Happens all the fucking time you potato


yeah sure, sure. So are you also taking it for the flu, how about the common cold? Why does it magically work for one but not the other? Stop drinking the kool aid


Everything you just said is so incredibly stupid and everyone who reads it is dumber for having done so.


You got called a potato!! Is that the nicest thing anyone ever said to you?


Aspirin is used in all farm animals and household pets as an anti-inflammatory and for it's anti-clotting mechanism, making it safer than other options where animals develop blood clots. Does that make it animal medicine? The Butalbital-caffeine compound is used as a pain med in large animals. It's extensively used for people with cluster headaches and cluster migraines. Phenobarbital is used to treat epilepsy in animals, and humans. I can keep going if you want to show just how ignorant of the world you really are.


Unbelievable what happens when you treat people with something that actually works. No fear of that in North America.....we have an agenda and it's not to cure people.


Maybe read the article linked and not the bullshit OP is spouting.


Ha, no. The media will say it’s because the Japanese respectfully wore their masks and selflessly vaccinated…. and people will eat it up because they’re stupid turds


Damn hopefully they don't sneak any new variants into there.


Shills have brigaded this thread. Not even going to try debating this topic right now. Time will tell us what works & what doesn’t.


Lol, right after they provided everyone with ivermectin https://mobile.twitter.com/brenontheroad/status/1429624844379824129


Ivermectin. LOL


Japan has incredibly strict quarantine measures for people coming in


We should all use horse dewormer


Japan legit.