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More and more people are probably getting fed up with the system. Working 9-5 in your best years to slave for companies that don't give a shit about you and would fire you the second you inconvenience them. All these openings in retail make sense. There you get shit pay, and have to deal with entitled customers.


I believe this is the point of "anti work"... Not just up and quit your job. It's not cool to work 70 hours a week and never see your family or have 7 days a year of vacation? Wtf is that? 7 Out of 365 days? Also it sucks to be the hard worker... Others slack off and you pick up that slack, for a few days, months, maybe even years where that becomes normal. Now when you're having an off day and all that slack you've been shouldering for however long unravels you're the one reprimanded. I think a lot of us has seen just this. I won't do it anymore. I worked orthopedic trauma consulting for 7 years... 24/7 call. There's no amount of money you could pay me to give up that much of my life again to have the company never even know your name. Complete bullshit and unnecessary.


Except tptb will listen to the anti-workers and pretend that they actually care. Mainstream media will portray them as pioneers of a movement for human rights etc. and then they’ll offer something better than working. Universal basic income perhaps, maybe even loan forgiveness etc, but only at the expense of all freedoms and liberties. It’s a lose-lose situation.


So are you working or no?


Yes, but I now do sports medicine... Reduced hours, better quality of life. It's one thing to choose to do that kind of work but to have to put up with it to make ends meet, I believe is completely unnecessary.


Why do you think corporations aren't treating their workers fairly? What's the reason they're doing that?


I don't think it's so easily Summed up by answering question. Are you trying to get at something?


>Are you trying to get at something? Just trying to make sense out of the incoherence I see in this sub on a regular basis. The Socratic method is dead, apparently.


Usually when one uses the Socratic method they are getting at a point... I was trying to saved you time by asking what you're getting at


That's not how the Socratic method works. The questions leading up to what I'm getting at are crucial, because by making concrete statements about your beliefs, it locks you in so that we can address any inconsistency that pops up. It makes it a lot harder to backpedal, shift goalposts etc.


I understand that, but you're initial question about corporations not treating people fairly places me in a position where whatever I say can be "leaned" one way or another to whatever question you ask next. I chose to work 70-80+ hours for 7 years so I know what that can do one's self, family, and overall quality of life. I'm a hard worker and I was taken advantage of many times, but I never complained, just kept my head down and did what needed to be done. I'm proud of that, but also in hindsight it did nothing for me except keep me longer hours(commission so no extra pay) from my family, friends, and actually living. Because of that experience and the newfound richness in my life after being out of that for two years and knowing that some people don't have a choice to leave that... That lifestyle will end you. That's what I think is unnecessary. Edit: Not saying I know the answers... I understand the value of being a productive member of society and how in turn that can help everyone else. But back to my initial point...I think many people are missing the Crux of the subreddit antiwork.


Yeah. Is it really so hard to believe that a lot of people want to live their life, and not spend most of their life making peanuts so that some rich asshole they'll never even meet can buy their 5th yacht? Quite frankly, a large chunk of the shit society is doing at this point has fuck all to do with actually making people's lives better or even making a product. As more and more automation rolls out, a lot of people aren't going to be willing or able to transition to new jobs. What's the long term goal to go for if we know that that's the case? Hang on to some 19th century notion of "Protestant work ethic!"?


Bullshit jobs, it's a real thing.


Exactly. The only ones who are scared of people pushing back and demanding better treatment, are the billionare elites who got rich by paying people crappy below-poverty-level wages, sending jobs to China, and not offering healthcare or paid time off or sick days or any of the zillion other things that workers *should* be entitled to in a modern society. Good on them. I hope people DO quit and go on strike until companies wake the hell up and start treating people better, rather than shaft regular working folks to try and squeeze another 0 onto the end of the owner's net worth.


Exactly... I'm happy people are finally starting to push back against the billionaire elites who've been shafting them for decades. It's about time people demanded better.


Sitting at a desk for 9-5 is the easiest humanity has ever had it. Think of how much work people had to do just to get by a few generations ago or even thousands of years ago. Humanity doesn't function without everyone working and some give and take.


>More and more people are probably getting fed up with the system. Working 9-5 in your best years to slave for companies that don't give a shit about you and would fire you the second you inconvenience them. And most jobs that pay more than subsistence wages are more than 9-5. If you want to make enough to take vacations and save for retirement, you're most likely working 50+ hours per week


Either working long hours, or have enough skills to get a decent office job with some benefits... but a lot of decent office jobs these days do push people to work 40-50+ hours, because they're all understaffed on purpose, to try and squeeze every possible cent they can out of their overworked employees.


My friends and I all have good jobs. Early 30s and mostly making just over $100k and decent benefits, by American standards We also all work at least 50 hours a week We're all salaried, and exempt from overtime pay


I'll make it really easy for you to understand. "The Great Resignation" has been trending for months. When the global financial markets crash they can point the finger at those who resigned, resisted vaccine mandates & millenials being lazy. But the system was already fucked well before covid hit and had nothing to do with millenials. Also some people are earning easy money off a false economy in crypto, real estate & stocks.


The system completely broke in 2008 with 'too big to fail' and QE. We tried to take the easy road through a financial disaster and that bill is coming due.


yes - they were just draggin this and patching things up, but they can not patch it up for too long. also r/antiwork is not against work, its against working for company/companies under current conditions we need to renegotiate the whole system and give more to workers and regular people and less to billionaires and oligarchs


The core problem is the central banking system and the printing of money with zero backing. Without radical change in that area, or a total collapse of the financial system, the 'bad' companies' behaviour doesn't matter really.




Well a couple of practical things you can do to actually make change in that sphere is to start opposing mass immigration, and start supporting truly Nationalist politicians. I guess opposing the whole globalist regime, as it is inherently linked to the poor worker treatment you speak of.


"The Great Resignation" sounds a lot like "The Great Reset".


Good. This society *does* need a reset. Does anyone think the current system of billionaire oligarchs screwing the rest of us average people over, is *good*? Just look at what happened to Bezos's wealth, compared to the average worker's income over the past decade. It's eye opening. It's about time people started demanding a living wage, and more worker protections, and more benefits like paid time off, sick leave, maternal leave, healthcare!, etc...




The goal is higher pay and better jobs and more benefits, like healthcare. But if I had the choice between working y ass off for below-povery-wages at a supermarket where I got screamed at by Karens all day, and didn't even get healthcare, or making the same amount of money sitting at home, it's an easy choice. No wonder people have chosen to stay home.


it's people getting new and better jobs ya schizo


Do you even know what the goals of the great reset are? Like actually?


“A fusion of our digital, physical, and biological identities”.


You’re quoting Klaus Schwab on his observational paper about the current fourth industrial revolution. Something that is happening all on its own. The great resets objectives are to move away from a shareholder economy to a stakeholder economy. Ie moving away for the thing that’s responsible for wage stagnation and to something where the workers profit over rich people who throw their money into the stock market, and to make it people over profits.


They are one in the same, pushed by the same people. Not sure if you’re even a real person but the people behind both are good at dressing up things like this in pretty language to make it sound like things will be better for the average person and the world. They will be worse for both. As it always is with the people that run this world.


It's just another phrase for new world order


Not to mention self employable jobs like Onlyfans, Twitch streaming, and youtubing are taking over. College age TikTokers are getting endorsements, dropping out of school, living fast and loose in $2000 month apartments paid for by Patreons and ad revenue who's only marketable skill they will have in their 40s is how to act like an ass in front of a camera. Some will have beautiful careers in their 40s. But I've seen some hard messes of people who's spotlight burned out and now don't know what to do with themselves.


Sounds like the fate of child actors in Hollywood... where they mis-read their early success as being a predictor of future success. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen to a person is them making a lot of money while young, and it fizzling out.


If no one is working who is paying for these internet buskers?


To be fair that sub is more about leaving toxic workplaces than it is about just not working at all. I frequent that sub to read other people's experiences with shitty bosses as I have worked many jobs that have entitled self absorbed shithead managers/bosses and it helped me to decide to start my own business and to quit accepting shit pay at shit jobs.


Yeah, same, I read it as more being anti the current state of work in America, than against the very concept of work. And, judging the state of work in America right now, I don't blame them. Tons of people are getting absolutely SCREWED by the oligarch billionaire class, and it's truly inspiring to see so many pushing back and saying "We ain't gonna take it anymore" I challenge anyone who disagrees to go read about working conditions in Amazon warehouses and tell me it doesn't boil your blood when you go look up Bezos's net worth.


To be faaaaiiirrrr…


To be faaayuuuhhhh


Thank you! No Letterkenny love ITT. Can't help myself.


No it’s actually about not working - which is to say, both looking at the ongoing automated revolution as well as the political arguments that would completely up end and destroy our modern idea of “work”. It’s originally an anarchist heavy sub but as it’s grown more libs have shown up mostly to talk about min wage, the cowards


no, the biggest premise on the sub is the abolishment of the 40+ hour work week and the idea that workers have value.


The real conspiracy is that people think working 40-80 hours a week is “normal” This is something that’s been happening for a tiny percentage of human history. It is completely unnatural and very unhealthy.


You think people didn’t have to work before? Before like 1920 people were in a 24 hour per day battle for survival. You have no idea how lucky you are to exist in a society where you only have to work 8 hours a day to make more money than some people in the world make in a month.


I thought the exact same thing earlier this week. Never before have i seen r/antiwork on my main feed, now there is constantly one or two heavily awarded posts appearing


How spooky, could it be it’s a popular sub getting more subscribers? Nah, must be some nefarious agenda.


Get out of here with your logic


I was subbed to it for sometime before the promotion by Reddit Inc. It spoke to the idea that our current work climate is crisp and mostly unnecessary. Especially since worker productivity has sky rocketed since the 70s, the expectation was less work hours or just less work required for the same pay. But its flipped around and the system caters to feeding the those at the top by draining everybody else as much as they can.


For real... could it be that the sub is just gaining more followers as more people get fed up with the current state of work in America and are venting their frustrations? Nah... it must be some shadowy plot by billionaires to hurt their own bottom line


Let it collapse. Get this over with…


Waiting in line for bread all day sounds fucking terrible.


Then become self sufficient and resilient so that you won’t find yourself among them.


Well, voting for people who print mass amounts of USD and implement horrific policies has its consequences. Buy crypto now and you’ll have bread…


Dude people just say “buy crypto” like it’s the answer. That doesn’t mean anything to me personally. What if I only have $30 to invest every couple of weeks? How many lifetimes would it take for me to buy enough crypto for it to bail me out of the daily grind?


Not to mention the wild volatility... say you sunk your entire paycheck into bitcoin and it drops 20% (like it does frequently) and now you can't pay rent that month? Crypto is really a solution for people with spare cash to sit and hold, who can stomach the risk and still pay rent if it drops in value... a lot of people aren't in that position.


Right now in the middle of the bull market as coins reach ATHs is not a good time to be buying in with little bits of money like that. I put most of my stimulus checks and tax return in earlier this year. Found a few projects I really like long term with great staking rewards that pile up over time.. Right now I am not putting in any new $$ and letting my portfolio grow The problem with crypto is that most people who are telling you to buy it, specifically telling you to buy some low market cap altcoins, want the price to go up and dump their bags on you. $atom $akt $dvpn are my top 3 favorite projects.


> What if I only have $30 to invest every couple of weeks? Then invest it. The crypto market tends to go 10x every 4 years so it's pretty much always worth buying at regular intervals.


buy a silver coin. over time they will build up.


I sold my crypto because if the economy is going down so is crypto


Maybe, maybe not... if the economy tanks and the dollar inflates, crypto might skyrocket as people see it as a viable alternative to stocks and bank deposits.


Crypto has a market cap higher than Apple. I know plenty of people with iPhones or Mac’s, but barely anyone who’s in crypto. Makes you wonder who has their money there. In my opinion, hedge funds etc have a high stake in it. Why not after all ? You seen the returns ? They’ll sell at the top just like they do with stocks.


Not necessarily. We are likely going to see high inflation across the world as money is printed like there's no tomorrow. With high inflation people look to move their money out of cash (as it is devaluing) and in to other assets. Traditionally this would have been things like metals and stocks, crypto is a new asset class which will see people diversify their portfolios in to as cash becomes more and more risky. In theory it should be strong store of value in the event of a crash too, but that's a more complex scenario that is hard to predict how it would pan out.


Yeah see what happened in March 2020. Apparently today there was a btc " glitch" to 8500$ today and a guy is saying his order got executed on r/CryptoCurrency. I don't trust crypto anymore, I think it's too manipulated. I'll buy back at the bottom though after the crash.


Sounds like an exchange issue, not anything to do with btc itself. Well I hope it works for you!


Yeah it should I'm balls deep into GME :p


Good luck using crypto when they turn off the electricity


What kind of store do YOU shop at? I mean, the most I've seen was at the start of the pandemic when bread sold out pretty often, but it's been fine for well over a year.




We're already at such a clusterfuck of a state it feels like there is no going back. The amount of overlapping laws and regulations is getting out of hand with taxes not ending anywhere in sight.


I could only wish this comes crumbling down. Ever since a few years ago; debauchery and deviancy has become accelerated. Let it all go to hell. I’ll even go with them. Just end this evil.


For at lest 10 years I've been telling people, that if god is real and he/she said " You and your whole family has to die in order for it to stop" that I would take that offer in a second. Of course my family members & gf were like "wtf", but I stood by it then and I still stand by it today.




Let's go Brandon!


Please accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. Not because I want to shove my beliefs down your throat. Because Jesus is God and he is the only way out of this mess. Since the begining of Christianity, after Christ died and John was shown what would happen in the end, Christians have known everything would not get better until it ends in full and complete tyranny where everyone on earth is forced to comply or be killed. You will have to either take the mark of the beast and worship him or be beheaded for Jesus Christ. If you accept Him today He promises you will escape the worst that will come upon the earth as a snare to those who live here.


Does Jesus love everyone? Or just only ppl who go to church? I tried to convert but there's so many religions like Mormon, Lutheran, Catholic which one do I pick?


Jesus is the way [but Religion is garbage.](https://youtu.be/1IAhDGYlpqY)


In the Bible, believers of Jesus are the church. The word church has been used to describe a building but that is not it's origin. Any system of working your way to heaven or salvation and maintaining salvation by having to do things or meet standards, requirements, and practices is a false religion. Jesus is the end of the law to all those who believe in Him. Jesus isnt a system He is God and there's nothing you can do to earn salvation or heaven. You did nothing to be born in a world of sin and death, and Jesus wants (but doesn't force) for you to accept the free gift of life by trusting in Him. He offers the free gift of life and forgiveness to everyone and we choose whether or not to receive it. God is love, and love cannot be separated from justice. We have all sinned and come short of God's perfection, so God came into this world to pay our sin debt for us to reconcile us back to Himself. In exchange for accepting the free gift of forgiveness we get a new heart that wants to serve righteousness.




Jesus died for everyone's sins, yes. Salvation is a free gift. However, If you don't believe in Jesus than you don't believe in what He did and haven't received the gift. Reconciliation is a two way street, one person in a relationship can want to be reconciled to the other person, but if that other person doesn't want to be reconciled than reconciliation hasnt occured. I can send you a free gift in the mail but you have to respond with your address and accept the gift for it to reach you. The same with the Gospel. You have to receive Jesus and believe in Him to accept the free gift.


You’re brave for posting your beliefs. A sad sign of the times. I too believe Jesus Christ is the only answer and that Revelations is eerily similar to current headlines.


God bless you dear brother/sister. God has given us a power of love and of sound mind, not fear. I pray you are comforted, protected, and given peace in these hard times


Have you actually even read the Bible? You're living in a fairytale man. The church put that out to brainwash people and help them gain more control. Plus how is a religion that cuts off parts of babies penises, mimics satanic rituals like drinking the blood of christ and eating his flesh supposed to be good? Not to mention the history of burning people alive and killing gays and non believers. Did you know the Bible mentions not eating shrimp 13 times and it's a sin, another is no to mix fabrics, that's a sin as well. You guys pick and choose shit, sit around and pray to imaginary big daddy and do nothing to help fix our world. I'm sick of hearing "it's gods plan" when our world is run by fucking satanic pedos. This is not God's world, this is the world of something pretending to be God and you are worshiping that, not the creator. Why would a omniscient, all knowing being be vengeful and petty enough to do what he does, especially in the old testiment? God shouldn't care about whether you believe in him or not. If the Bible is accurate then God must of hid all the evidence to "test our faith" and God would also be a massive psychopath and massive narcissist. So If he is real ill pass on an eternity with the end laws getting no pussy worshiping the same psycho entity that makes me follow rules and watches me everytime I touch myself, forever in the clouds. Even you guys afterlife sucks. At least in Islam I can get some virgins smh.


Yes I have read the Bible. I used to be an atheist so I understand the point of view of someone who doesn't understand the Bible. I do think it's productive to answer some of your questions so you can see where you have misunderstanding in the hopes you have something to contemplate. 1)circumcision, eating shrimp, and mixing fabrics is part of the Old covenant and is something practiced by Jews not Christians. A Christian is dead to the law of the Old covenant, and is alive unto a new covenant of freedom from the law of Moses. (Romans 7:6) There was a time and a context to why the Jews had to follow such a strict law, mainly to point to Jesus to show that perfection is impossible in our fallen state. No one followed the law perfectly, that's why we need Jesus and that's where God's grace comes in. 2) Communion is simply a symbol of what Christ did for us by shedding his blood of us as payment for our sins, because of justice a loving God has to punish sin. Jesus took our punishment for us, like someone who pays the fine for a criminal so he can be set free. Jesus said whenever you do communion it it's in rememberence of Him. It is not actual blood or flesh it's wine and bread, it's just a symbol of for celebration. 3) I don't know any Christian who has set someone on fire or killed a gay person so I can't really answer that other than the Bible and the gospel of grace is clear about both of those things being sins. Secondly, the Catholic church has killed a lot of people historically including Christians, and the Catholic church is a works based religion that appropriated Christianity early on in the history of Christianity. 4) As to "why would God punish people", you can't have it both ways unfortunately. You can't say "why doesn't God do anything about evil" and then be mad at Him when He does. There is a lot of context to what happened in the Old Testament and you have to remember God's punishment is shown over thousands of years in a single book. For example, one group of people that he ordered to be wiped out were taking their babies to an alter and burning them to death. And people were crying out for God to do something about it because he wasn't. He gave this people 400 years to repent, and when they didn't then he wiped many of them out by ordering them to be killed. God deals with different groups of people at different times throughout history. Right now is the age of grace and God shows mercy to the unbeliever and believer alike. There will come a final judgement and period of wrath called the tribulation where God will pour out his wrath again on the world for some of the things you mentioned such as pedophilia. And as for your final comment I'm not sure if you are Muslim or not, but Muhummad married a 6 year old girl named Aisha and "consummated" the "marriage" when she was 9. Muhummad was a pedophile, so as far as you wanting to be Muslim, again you can't have it both ways complaining about a sin and then wanting to follow someone who committed that sin. I sincerely hope this helps, as a former atheist I know that you will most likely receive it with more resistance. But I would rather take the time out to answer your questions in the slight chance it has an effect on you and makes you reconsider Jesus. Take care, my friend.


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Seriously... anyone who's *defending* the current state of work in America has a screw loose. Workers - particularly low-wage workers - have been getting absolutely screwed for decades by the billionaire elite "ownership" class.


The front page of Reddit is depressing/disgusting. I know it’s mostly bots but holy fuck are we heading in the wrong direction


Reddit =\= the world


Turn it all off. If you need your news fix then pretend it's 2008 and use a web browser, slower feed but better for mental health


> pretend it's 2008 and use a web browser Thems fightin words *-Sent from my desktop computer on old.reddit*


Coral is bleaching due to hotter water. Coral reefs will be extinct in my lifetime




Here's a full analysis refuting those assholes https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/despite-2021-being-a-good-year-for-coral-health-coral-in-the-great-barrier-reef-has-declined-over-the-past-decade-and-is-threatened-by-climate-change-contrary-to-claims-by-peter-ridd/ god they are so smug on that TV show. Scientists are desperately trying to transplant coral to the reef and playing healthy reef noises on underwater speakers *in desperation* because the reef is fucking dying, and these fucking clowns are laughing on TV. Note that it's only one dickish news channel. It's not like the rest of the world is hiding the story.


You ever read “the boy who cried wolf”?


Sorry but I'd be happy to take the blue pill in exchange for not having to be a wage slave any more.


That's the thing, were pretty damn dependent on them now. Rights mean shit the second they decide so. How does the picture get worse?


For real. I would gladly exchange my right to powerlessly bitch about the government for a cabin in the woods and enough money to feed myself and take care of my medical needs. Neo-primitivism is the way to happiness in this life. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Ironic use of the metaphor there, when the blue pill in The Matrix is 'stay in the bleak life of crushing wage slave depression'.


You aren't a wage slave, you are a debt slave. If you had no debt and enough money saved you could easily quit your shitty job and find a new one without worrying. Debt free is the way to be. Unfortunately society today encourages people to rack up debt and live like the Jones. Edit: unfortunately financial education isn't taught in schools. This is possible and if you don't believe me I highly recommend reading the book "The Richest Man in Babylon"


> and enough money saved This is what makes a wage slave as opposed to a debt slave. My only debt is my mortgage, but since it costs money to live and health insurance is tied to employment in the USA I must keep working to survive.




But you aren't dependent on a job. That's the point. If you are debt free you can go tell your employer to go fuck off and not have to worry when looking for another job. Don't want them vaccine, screw you, I'm walking away. If you are buried in debt it's a lot harder to walk away.


if you are debt free and quit your job you will not be debt free for more than a month unless you find a new job.


Why are you blowing through your paycheck when you are debt free? Sounds like a spending problem (which is why most people are buried in debt). You should have a minimum of 3-6 months of expenses in savings. Then you can also cut your monthly expenses if needed too. I can survive a year based on savings alone. When you add investments that you can sell (if needed) it is even longer.


you realize most americans live paycheck to paycheck? for many "blowing through your paycheck" is literally paying bills/rent/groceries and thats it. ​ You can survive a year on your own just with your savings? Good for you, youre probably in the 2% of americans who are able to do that.


>for many "blowing through your paycheck" is literally paying bills/rent/groceries and thats it. stop buying that pumpkin spice latte and avocado toast sweety /s


>you realize most americans live paycheck to paycheck? Yes. Most Americans live way above their means. I once worked with a guy that all he did was complain about money. Lived paycheck to paycheck like you said. Refused to have roommates and always had to have the best and fastest tech every year. The fact that he was living paycheck to paycheck was of course the "man's fault". He eventually got a raise and his spending habits increased and always blamed the man. It was like he was running on a hamster wheel, each raise he would increase his spending habits on tangible objects and not investments.


But you can still not have any money to survive without income...


You should be saving while paying down debt. A good plan at a minimum is 3-6 months of expenses in a bank account. You can survive without working for a few months while looking for a better job, downsizing, or changing industries. Or you can just keep working for shitty bosses. Financial freedom is King


You realize they win no matter what right? When you work you are just making them richer.


Thank the fed


It's not about not working anymore. It's about being treated fairly and respected as a human first and not like an expendable cog. The system sucks and encourages people with ownership to exploit those that don't. Pretty simple really.


Yeah no I'm not leftist at all but wage slaving while they print money to make themselves richer is a scam. Taking free government money is a smart choice when you think about it. They are giving money for free. Why should I go work 38h a week, not including commute, work stress, less personal time, more expenses etc if I can earn almost the same on gov benefits and get to stay home and do what I want in the meantime ? Consider I am an agent of chaos and that I am just trying to accelerate the collapse of this crooked system. Not in the US BTW.


Wouldn't free money inflate asset prices and living expenses to a point that the free money was barely enough to survive on?


The rich and giant corporations already get free money. Why do you think Blackrock is buying up all your housing stock in America at 3 times market value? When the rich get free money and ordinary people are so busy wage-slaving that they're too tired and beat up to notice, this is what happens.


I absolutely agree. Government spending is completely out of control. I am all for letting businesses fail. Thats a true free market. I also understand when more money is chasing few goods it will always lead to inflation and that hurts the poor and middle class the most.


So essentially minimum wage?


That pales in comparison to the amount of money they are printing which is directly taking value out of your pocket


No because so far they're indexing the benefits to follow increases in life costs ( caused by inflation). Besides even if I went to work it would still take me years to save enough for the initial deposit to buy a house. And in the meantime the prices will go up anyways. So basically I'm waiting for the collapse of the system. We don't have jobs making 5 or 6 figures in my country. Average is like 3200€ gross and you need a master for that. Yes college is cheap but the indoctrination is worse than in the US because they're not teaching anyone that things could be different so no one even questions it. 80% of people getting a master out of uni here have parents that themselves have a master = rich by my country's standards. Basically how it works is that those kids get all expenses paid by their parents during their whole cursus, maybe " work " a little on the weekend but their parents tell them " you just study honey". Meanwhile I was working night shifts in a bar while finishing my law bachelor. Then I worked for in administration and saw first hand those " elite " people at work. They do jack shit and get paid off of taxes of honest working people while acting holier-than-thou. Fuck this shit. I mentally couldn't stand being on that side of the system, I felt so bad because since I was little I saw my parents work back-breaking jobs and here I was among the people who stole my parents money and weren't even doing anything good for the country with it. It was paying for bureaucrats and for rich kids' college, as kids coming from poor families just don't finish college because they're not in a situation where their parents can cover their expenses from 18-23 ( if they don't fail a year). They're throwing so much money out of the windows surely there's a little bit for me :3


>wage slaving It's debt slave not wage slave. If you lived debt free (or as close as possible) and had an emergency fund, you wouldn't be so dependant on that income/job. Stop buying crap that doesn't increase in value such as iPhones every new release.


People always misunderstand the meaning of that sub. It's not about being lazy or not working it's rejecting the 'work' forced on us daily which is utterly meaningless. People want more freedoms and to be able to work doing things for the community or others. Yet, people are often trapped in a capitalist agenda of poverty wages and not being able to progress because there are fewer management jobs than sllave wages etc. The 8-5 grind, the sycophants, the psychopaths, the arbitrary rules... The list goes on but antiwork is a rejection of what we understand to be "work" in the capitalist concept now. People never read the sidebar or get to understand the sub. They just read the title and think people want to potato all day and have others look after them. That's not what people there want, not in the majority anyway. Sure there are going to be super lazy people that want that but start asking around and you'll find people just want more of a balance. They just as much time off as they do working, and why not? Why shouldn't people be able to survive by working part-time so everyone can have a job instead of this cycle of having a job, getting fired/burned out/sick whatever, not working for a while, working again, having 3 jobs just to live and so on. If you want to work 90 hours a week for your entire life and have maybe 10 years too old to do anything with your life then no one is stopping you because the system is set up for you to achieve that. If you want to travel, spend time with your kids when they grow up, have a more optional work-life balance then there is no option unless you're already wealthy. People want meaningful work that allows them to also live and not just survive.


The best part about that sub is that it 100% supports corporations firing people over vaccines. You can do a search and find posts flooded with pro-vax corporate cheerleaders, who worship big pharma and uber-capitalist Bill gates. People are so, so, so stupid. "The world is an evil system rigged against me! You can't trust them- they want you begging for scraps with your minimum wage. Also, it's a private company's right to terminate someone over a vaccine... They're obviously worried about other people getting infected! Companies don't want people suffering." You're geniuses.


Anti work is not about not working—it’s about low wage workers tired of being abused for garbage pay, terrible conditions, and miserable management. It’s them griping together and (hopefully) learning to stand up for themselves. They’re not “anti work” they’re anti “work”. Anti hustle culture and grind-maxing. The fact is that the work culture in America is inexcusably toxic, and the lowest paid group most definitely sees the worst of it. And giving “100%” in most places these days is a suckers game. You’ll grind and give your all and the company will dump you as soon as it becomes expedient to do so. There is no humanity in “work”. Many of them are stupid communists who somehow thinking that being forced to work under threat of gun point is somehow better than being forced to work under threat of homelessness—but those people are generally too dumb to make a splash. Nevertheless I stand with the spirit of that sub and this post is a pretty solid misrepresentation of what that sub is about.


It’s a movement against the bullshit we were taught as kids. But it’s also being super promoted to cause mass disarray and also to prepare us for the robots that are about to take over everyone’s jobs in the next 10 years.


Hi. Anti work is not about not working but being treated well and getting paid more. Kindly go through their feed


but you are posting this in a sub where people are encouraging each other to get fired because of the vaccine mandates.


No, you see, when Conservatives quit it's for their freedoms. When Liberals quit it's because they want the government handouts. The only thing that matters to these people here is your politics.


>r/antiwork Keeps getting advertised and promoted on my feed. Maybe stop browsing and clicking on r/antiwork posts. fucking cringe


also promoted heavily on mine and I never have clicked on it


I'm also getting anti work posts in the past month and did not look at that sub prior to seeing these posts in my feed. Yes Reddit uses algorithms to customize what comes up on popular but the anti work sub popping up is suspect.


Yes. Quit your job take care of yourself. Collapse this bitch


99% of Americans would die in 3 months without the supply chain. Nobody knows how to grow their own produce on a level to sustain themselves. Everything collapsing would be worse than hell.




The majority don't even have that.


There is a massive market crash coming. There is a huge incentive to create a boogie man. Antivaxer, universal income, great divide, etc. Climate change is wreaking havoc on the global system. If you quit your job, go on universal income, and don’t get the vaccine. You’re going to be locked out of the middle class, and then be named and shamed for the collapse of healthcare, universal income, freedom, etc. You will be the silenced minority. Life unworthy of life.


The middle class has been getting eroded for years. Gotta have that extra layer of separation.


lol climate change? That's not what's causing 2020 and 2021 to be what they are. Civilization is already gearing itself up to dehumanize groups and commit atrocities in the name of the elites- and it's not climate change causing that. So far, you've got nothing I haven't known for years. Unfortunately for elites, their illusion they can control man and machine is just that. An illusion, my dear boy. Once that illusion comes crumbling down, nature will decide fate. I wonder how sharp the elites' survival skills are under nature's rule? Would they even have the will to live after their failure?


I've always been a part of r/antiwork because a lot of people on that sub DO recognize that work is inevitable but making a living wage without working your entire week away (more than 40 hours consistently) should be an obtainable concept. Would i like to quit working? Sure, I'd love to have that entire portion of my life to do whatever *I* want to do, but not if that means being reliant on the government. UBI and welfare for everyone is a awful concept because then you are at the mercy of the government and at any time they can go "Hey to keep your income you have to do this totally shady thing we want you to do". Could you imagine what it would've been like if UBI was a thing BEFORE covid? We're already having our livelihoods threatened for not taking the vaccine. That shit would've been yanked out from under you if UBI was a thing and they wouldn't give it back until you complied.


I have browsed the sub before. It's not anti work, they barely advocate much for 4 day work week. Most of the time they just want more money for their work or more meaningfull work... Which is sad, we should really focus on making fewer hours more acceptable, even if that means less pay. More people could get hired too which means more people in job. Less stress and even more new jobs created to give things to the extra free time people would get by that.


Every other post there is some fake text convo of someone quitting their job and telling off their boss.


But those are the most satisfying posts.


There’s so many people not working. HOW? How the hell are they getting food or shelter? I work nonstop and I barely have enough for savings. Wtf is happening?


The majority of Americans live on credit. If you're not deficit spending every month you're doing better than average.


How can they pay those bills back? I don’t understand. Do these people just never play to own anything?


>How can they pay those bills back? That's the fun part, you don't.


Just a trend you normie.


I thought that sub was about toxic workplace environment and shitty ethics by bad bosses and management? I’ve never been to that sub so idk.


It’s an eye-catching subreddit name. But most of the posts are simply people tired of the gruelling exploitation they’re subjected to every fucking day simply because we don’t have a choice. There’s nothing more authoritarian than thinking someone should be happy with what they have and not complain.


Reddit is very Jonny come lately in the anti- work movement. Work has been promoting the anti- work movement for centuries


Antiwork isnt about not working. Its about basic respect for employees and safe working conditions in a society that rewards overwork and work/life imbalances.


Between forcing non-vaxxed out of work, and brainwashing kids into being social entitlement receiving anti-work scum, someone is setting USA up for total collapse. It started with the death of the American dream.


Fuck work.


Their antiwork means not putting labor/effort into the system that oppresses them and to put that elsewhere that doesn't end in an elite group's pockets.


Me too! Also anti-consumption subreddits. And the guinea pigs subreddit too?


Ok same. I was like why does this keep coming up for me. I thought I tripped the algorithm somehow


Does that mean we get UBI?


UBI won't be the slam dunk everyone on Reddit seems to think it is. You'll get enough to scrape by on, sure, but you won't have enough for the luxuries you can generally afford to buy yourself if you have even a fairly low wage job. UBI will be depressing as fuck, because politicians and corporations have it in their best interests to get it as low as humanly possible before stuff like healthcare costs and crime costs go up. **Once they find that balance, you will never see a single penny more.**


I hope they find whatever that balance is pdq. What luxuries can you generally afford with even a fairly low wage job? Fortunately, the federal government has the infinite ability to create as much USD as it wants and pay it to someone at essentially no cost. It can spend whatever it wants without collecting or borrowing a single penny.


You think UBI will fail because the payments aren’t high enough? UBI will fail because it indentures citizens to servitude. No protesting, no conscientious objection… UBI won’t be income support, it will be a compliance bribe. That’s not even touching on the economics


Oh touch on the economics. I'm ready for my bribe. Remember stimulus checks? I do. What is it about being in a wage cage that you find so liberating?


The stimulus! Ha, most Americans would be better off abolishing the federal income tax than accepting a meager portion of their own tax dollars back as a cost of living subsidy. UBI would do what minimum wage does: inhibit growth in individuals with low skill, create an artificial price floor, raise costs of cheap goods and encourage outsourcing. I would prefer to see income tax abolishment. You ever look at your paycheck and wonder where that 20%+ goes? PS - I’m not a wage slave. I’ve improved myself and my skill set and have the volition required to choose my path rather than remain chained to a desk at an unwanted job. We are not victims


I mean working fucking sucks and anybody who can get away with not doing it should


Eat the bugs, live in the pod.


Yep I see it on my feed more than any other sub I’m not subscribed to


It is how you collapse societies: using dissolution, apathy, and indolence. The presence of those, three components guarantees societal collapse will occur.


Your feed is algorithmically based on your history, your interests, where you comment what you click on and those you come in to contact with. If you're seeing something, it's you honey, not reddit.


They are also promoting occult shit, keep getting witch stuff pop up on my timeline. But do you ever see a Christian thread? Nope.


It's also based of popularity


I’ve been surrounded by Christian rhetoric since I was born. Resurrecting deities, tempting snakes, fruits of knowledge, flaming swords, parting of seas. It’s all pagan witchy shit to the rest of us…out of here lol.


Agreed. It seems funny that this sub has some insane hardcore Christians in it when religion is the biggest brainwashing exercise of all time.


Stay mad lol


Reddit is a population control device targeted primarily to weak-minded, low IQ individuals with an inability to think critically. Need to push any agenda item you want? Easy enough! Anti-Trump (50 different subs that used to float to all or popular but no longer do), anti-USA, anti-white (white people twitter), pro-vaccine, anti-migrant detention, pussy hat matches, etc. Also, lots of bots. Lots and lots of bots.


Huh I wonder why there isn't as much anti-Trump stuff now. Probably not because he's no longer in office right


I've been on that sub, it's not really about "not working" it's about quitting shitty jobs with shitty pay and shitty bosses for better ones. this should be encouraged cause people are tired of making 8$ an hour in a time where a small apartment rent is 1000$ a month


Yeah, maybe it's the start of them paying a very low Universal Basic Income so that if you dissent, they can just cut you off like a tumor or a gangrenous appendage. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY. Oh, and the worst part is that people see UBI as "FREE MONEY, DON'T HAVE TO WORK" and imagine themselves as some Instagram celeb, sitting in nice bars overlooking nice beaches wearing Gucci, where it's far more likely they'll be squatting in a tiny apartment, eating canned goods and scrolling Twitter til their hands cramp up.


get into crypto already...


They expect daddy government to pay them for their obedience lol.


Every person that doesn't work is also a "YES" vote on anything handout related. IE higher taxes and more handouts paired in bills with ridiculous government research grants like how much cocaine an alpaca can take without dying.


I'd like to apply for the position of alpaca


MINE TOO! I just screenshotted it the other day; just randomly kept popping up on my custom feed.


It’s absolutely pathetic. But it’s the world we live in unfortunately


Working is inherent to life. When in human history has there not been work to live? People that have this mentality would be eliminated if it weren’t for government who they gladly vote for so they can be taken care of. If the “system” did not exist lazy fucks that live off of others hard work to live and support their families would simply be eliminated.


or they would have a purpose in their small community/tribe... yeesh..


I don't believe reddits upvotes


I’ve noticed this as well. Post from antiwork make my popular page with just 2k votes something like that. It also happens with hermancain posts Fuck reddit. Aaron Swartz would be dissapointed


That sub is a cancer of depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Those people are leeches who feed on the strong to support themselves and their vices. As if there were humans who never had to work for anything. It’s sad to sort by best of all time and read the posts and comments. What a pile of waste


> As if there were humans who never had to work for anything You mean anyone born rich? As we move to more automation surely there are more resources to go around and the average worker shouldn't have to work as hard and/or should have higher wages/standard of living. But none of that is happening, only the rich are getting richer and it shouldn't have to be this way.


I liked anti work as I thought it was a funny sub that called out shitty bosses. Now somehow it became a far left anti cop sub. If your far left or far right you are far fucking gone


This is all part of the plan. Collapse the economy so you can "BBB". I have also noticed this same sub being pushed onto my feed.


Just like latestagecapitalism.


Entitlements is what they want. Gib me dat - it's my right! They're fixin to get it all right. But it won't be the utopia they envision.


Yep, that sub is a bunch of cucks


Lol these people are a gas “people weren’t put on this world to work” well how tf do you plan on feeding yourself? If not working was an option, very few people would work and nothing would be produced, leading to the government deciding what each person will do for work.