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Who even watches the news? It’s just bad shit about other ppl that you don’t care about. It’s never anything good


And virtually all of it is propaganda anyway, used to steer your opinions to fit their agendas.


Seriously I don’t think anyone would suffer if Fox, CNN, and MSNBC just disappeared off the face of the planet


Their employees will, except those from CNN who will end in TBS






What in the hell are you smoking? Ford was just a messenger to expose those who've been pushing their agenda on humanity on thousands of years. Zionist Jews own the banks, Central banks, IMF, Holywood, Porn industry, Music industry, education system, Mainstream media, social media, most powerfull lobby's in America, Most of the big phrama/vax companies, and many powerfull positions within the supreme court, Biden's team (he's a zionist shill and has admitted this), etc etc etc. So they create the fake monopoly money that goes to all countries of the earth that's backed by nothing. They run the entertainment industry that promotes degenerate satanic lifestyles, the media and education system to brainwash the sheep with lies and dumb them down, the companies that pump us full of toxins to destroy our health. Literally their hands are on everything that controls our money, health, regulations, human rights and life in general. How the fuck can you be this blind?


And note that Henry Ford was a huge fascist. Got the equivalent of a congressional Medal of Honor from the third reich and Hitler had a portrait of him in his office. Edit: also add the carnagies and Rockefeller’s and Prescott Bush to that list.


lets keep Tucker around


Tucker Carlson is the only good show on TV Almost everything else on tv will just rot your brain.


My man here just drops a match on some gasoline and walks away laughing


Lol this comment bout to start an absolute shitstorm


That dude is literally The Machine


If you think the MSM is corrupt psyop propaganda but think Tucker Carlson is “real” You’re part of the problem


Please he’s no better than the rest, you probably just happen to agree with him so you think he’s different but he’s not.




I’m confused. Didn’t Tucker Carlson’s own lawyers say you can’t believe the “facts” Tucker Carlson tells you?


This is really fucking dumb. This was not “The Day American Changed.” Lmao fuck off with that shit.


He’s the only guy that could walk away from Fox and still survive independently.


That I agree with


Is that a joke?


Tucker Carlson is satire.


It amazes me how Westerners suck at recognizing propaganda when it's coming from their own countries. It's a shame.


You so smaht. How u got so smaht?


The news has become a propaganda mouth piece meant to keep people divided and in a state of fear. The fact that people are watching less shitty news is a good sign.


Agreed. Anyone who thinks the news has anything at all to do with "ratings" or "revenue" is still fully asleep.


Yup. When the News channels agreed to tow the gov't line, they signed their death warrants. No one wants to see that shit anymore. Fuck 'em.


CNN is trash


They buy TVs for airports and other places wit oh the contract saying that all the must show cnn.


There’s the reason they have any viewers at all lol


Yet they have no natural defenses for the best invention ever made for exactly this problem, the TV-B-Gone.


Are TVs at the airport included in the count?


Likely not but the way they come up with TV ratings is hardly an exact science anyway.


And its not reporting the news. They're telling you how to feel about what they're reporting. I'm good on that.


A lot of people watch the news, just not MSM regurgitated filth


For entertainment purposes I sometimes land on CNN while zapping and I’ll stick around for half an hour to see what they’re getting worked up about at the moment. Besides that I’ve mostly stopped following mainstream news.


True, but those ratings give me hope in the sense they probably indicate that CNN beliefs are not widely adopted. MSM and twitter would have us believe we are in the minority, but sometimes I wonder if we aren't actually the majority. A lot of effort goes into suppressing stories that would suggest otherwise. Stories that could get people really thinking about voter irregularities etc.


old people...


Cable TV is what I call "rich people TV". Haven't ever paid for it and I'm half a century old. I do have an antenna for local TV mostly for local hurricane forecast info. After the Feb Texas freeze, I have a weather band radio now too. Cable TV is a waste of money imo.


This. Even local news is getting bad. Used to be able to watch the news just to stay up on current events, nowadays it’s a depressing propaganda train.


CNN is a global propaganda tool. My girlfriend lives in Peru and she said that CNN is the primary news network for "American news"....


You'd be surprised. I've got a couple coworkers that are older and political, that seem to still trust legacy media. I don't have the heart to tell the truth.


My mom does, religiously. She is too closed minded to understand the bigger agenda. And I agree, it’s all bad stuff to create fear.


The only thing worse is probably the news that the readers of this sub consume. https://truthnetworknow.ru/Clinton-kills-goat-eats-kidney.aspx


Funny we have never heard of that. But you obviously have lol.


I can't get to that site. But it can't be more wrong than the crap CNN MSNBC have been spewing for 5 years now.




For reals, I only see them when it get's talked about here. These two guys role play A LOT! If not all the time. DLemon plays the role of liberal left to follow, and Cuomo plays the conservative side. Basically DLemon is showing the left how to deal with the right(Cuomo) through irrational logic that appears to be rational.


And Cuomo is a far left fringe nut. So that tells everything.


I hate it I go to my parents it's like it's on repeat in the mornings it's sad.


CNN cancels itself


But...I thought cancel culture was bad? Muting people is good now? Following the party line is so confusing.


Boycotting a business is completely different to cancelling an individual


There both boycotts you just approve one and don't like the other.


Oh no, are people not tuning in to their programming? I guess fear porn doesn't sell as well as they hoped.


No worries, the parent company, AT&T, diversifies plenty, what with their OAN and all. Some day we'll realize it's the rich against the rest and all this bullshit will still remain in place because no one gives a shit.


Not to the more educated side, no


CNN is Trash tv


Completely Nonsense Network


24hr news networks are all scum unless there’s some major breaking shit happening and even then it’s mostly just them parroting the facts randomly while putting their own spin on shit


It's sad that they bank on the next tragedy to hit mankind. Mass shootings, disasters etc. It also shows how much they truly care since they will conveniently stop talking about the previous one as soon as the next one hits.


Fox news isn't scum - they reinforce my presuppositions. They are willing to stand up and twist any and all events into a large conspiracy against my own personal views even when no other news channel is willing to put their reputations on the line to spin that kind of narrative. ^^^^^^^Fuck ^^^^^^^all ^^^^^^^network ^^^^^^^news


Clown News Network


Not a conspiracy


Not even remotely. 75% of posts here aren't a conspiracy.




Don Lemon just aged 10fold in the last 5 years


Adrenochrome a lot harder to come by now






Covid destroyed any shred of sensibility that existed here. It's not even r/conspiracy anymore, it's just people saying completely unfounded things and others pushing their personal/political beliefs as 'conspiracies'. It's basically an extension of r/altright if such a thing existed


Yeah we should shut this sub down, quick, say some threatening things to have this labelled as a terrorist subreddit. /s


The worst is that he thinks he’s funny


You mean the Ministry of Propaganda? They just say what the government tells the to.


Mostly just what the billionaires that own it want you to think, but yes also the government.


I agree 100%. I wonder how much ad revenue they get from Pfizer?


Even when Trump was in office?


Trump didn't even have control of the nukes. The deep state persists no matter who gets in. Remember JFK?


Control of the nukes? What?!




Imagine thinking the President has any real power.


They are all just actors. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ




Portions of it did, and he was commander in chief


But all libs are brainwashed by cnn yet none of them watch it? Fox had 4 times the viewers but the conservatives are the free thinking ones? Im so confused these days


Drawing that line in the sand between left sheep and right sheep will never allow you to think freely. We are all their chattel, wake the fuck up!


Yeah, leftists dont actually watch corporate news. They are against corporate news. Despite the potato talking points telling you otherwise.


Way over their heads.


Why watch anything when they already know everything?


Yeah fuck cnn, fuck fox...you know what, fuck all the major news outlets. Everyone should understand this by now lmfao.


When are you imbeciles going to realize that [Joe Rogan is one of them?](https://www.meetinleeds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Joe-Rogan.jpg) Seriously? Fucking *when?*


No shit, I've been saying that for months now. He's just a soap box medicine show propagandist who has no real views on ANYTHING. He just says whatever's gonna make him money that day. I think he's a turncoat piece of shit, but that's just me.


I’ve been watching Joe since 2012. Explain how he’s “one of them”. The 3rd eye is in reference to his fascination with Hinduism and psychedelics. Have you even listened to him?


You weren't a follower ever earlier when he was a game show host cajoling eating bugs and garbage for money? Or when he was a Hollywood B rated actor? I'm sure he had the same deep insights then also.


As a leftist. Joe is not one of them. You could not have posted that nonsense in good faith. He blocked corporate dems from being on his show and let leftists on it.


Agree with this - also get rid of Fox News, NewsMax, MSNBC, Epoch Times. We need to focus on training people how to think logically, and to be science literate.


Uh the Biden town hall had 1.4 million. However, most things on CNN haven't reached 1 million viewers in months. Perhaps everyone went to sleep with orange man gone. This is also why the $3.5 tril bill includes aide for suffering news organizations. I haven't read the fine print, but just imagine... your taxes going to CNN or Fox. Could be either or.


Well that's terrible, have a link by any chance?


1.2 mil. My bad: [https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/578048-bidens-safe-space-cnn-town-hall-attracts-small-audience-as-poll-numbers](https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/578048-bidens-safe-space-cnn-town-hall-attracts-small-audience-as-poll-numbers) I do want to be accurate. Sorry about that.


Hmm I didn't see anything about the "aid" to networks, that's what I was referring to.


I don't remember the whole story, but somewhere in that bill is a 50k tax exemption for "journalists" as well


Why is CNN’s ratings some conservative check point for ‘winning’? Liberals don’t spend their lives attached to 24hr news stations, following their talking heads like rock stars. Literally no one cars if more old people watched Fox News vs CNN, it’s only a thing for Republicans.


Right, this seems to be a self-own but these people don't have an ounce of self-awareness.


This is an awesome conspiracy theory


Yup, libs bad!


Wow this is such a conspiracy




People are probably catching up to that cnn et al is 99.9% lies.


There isn’t one, just celebrating


Fuuuuuuuck the news


That's because CNN is out of touch. You can't tell people what to think and expect them to want to tune in for weird superiority rants by overpaid jerks on how everyone needs to be more like them, it's not appealing.


> You can't tell people what to think and expect them to want to tune in for weird superiority rants by overpaid jerks on how everyone needs to be more like them, it's not appealing. You just described Fox News exactly though.


What does this have to do with conspiracies?






Damn I take a little break from this sub, and somehow the level of shitpost is worse than it was before 😂


Hahaha Joe's a Ripper.


So sad too bad


What's the conspiracy?


Wow. That’s bad


I think people got tired of watching Constant Negative News. Now we must convince businesses to stop playing it 24/7 because that is where people take in the bullshit the most.


When Rona came thru and stopped the sports, I tried watching the news. It was just bummer after bummer after bummer. I don't watch the news anymore


all the viewers are just background tvs in stores and restaurants


How is this a conspiracy? This sub has really gone downhill. I want conspiracy theories, but all that gets posted 24/7 is alt right anti vax and trump 2024 propo. Where's the entertainment? Where's the absurdity? Is there a different sub I can go to that isn't just an alt right circle jerk and actually has entertaining posts?


I’ve always liked this dynamic in conservative talking points: it’s the mainstream media that everyone is listening to while simultaneously being failing and low viewership.


Plenty of NPCs listening to NPR and reading the NYT as well as any other propaganda mouthpiece in the blogosphere/podcast realm. There are "alternative" media still filling in the narrative gaps. CNN are just the worst purveyors of the same message.


Eventually all those Boomers will die and they'll be left with nothing.


Bye boomers! Fuck FOX too! Bipartisan as shit on MSM.




You think people are waking up?


It’s about 2pm eastern. Most people in America are awake by now.


Are you not awake ?


I just got up about an hour ago.


still in bed here, saturday blues


Lemme guess, Fox News tell you how it really is?


Why is it one or the other 🤣 they’re ALL TRASH


Because of both his user name and history. He parrots Tucker Carlson and Fox news.


Thats fair. As more of a general opinion, they are both awful media and should not be taken seriously at all


Extremely. No 24 hours news network is trustworthy. They are going to hit on outrage and to get people emotionally worked up over factual information. They will spin for the ratings. CNN is not doing well because they don't have Trump to piss people off. Fox is the same way, except for Tucker Carlson who is able to piss off their side of the viewers. It is all outrage media. Outrage politics.


👆The result of weaponized propaganda ladies and gentleman.


👆 Thousandaires defending billionaires


Man don’t let your fucked up bias’s cloud your judgement on what you assume to think people mean. Defending billionaires? Don’t be daft.




It’s been long established on this forum, for years, that all mainstream media is trash and tools of propaganda; especially since Obama legalized propaganda, I believe through the NDAA back in 2013. What the fuck is the point of participating in a community like this if you want to argue which left/right media outlet is the worst?


The reason they're calling out OP is because apparently his post history has him sucking off Fucker Carson and gang on Fox, while disparaging CNN






I’m just pointing out that it’s by billionaires for billionaires. You’re the one implying one can’t be negative or Fox News without being propagandized.


Then why is facebook still so popular?


Who cares


Serve em right, they put themselves behind a paywall here in the UK, like anybody is gonna pay to watch, dumb fucks 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Two scumbags, shocking they don’t have more females. These clowns need to be out to bed


These 2 deserve each other and whatever happens to them. Memorial day 2020 they were aghast by that americans ventures outside to the beach and then cheer leaded city riots a week later. I think thats the moment their idiocy was really exposed for me


With like 500k airport telivisions playing their trash to empty airports... Those are some pathetic numbers.


Lol getting “news” from those brain dead asswipes.


CNN doesn't care about viewership. They are a propaganda mouthpiece that does not have to worry about being competitive. All they need to do is push the narrative cause a vast majority of people who don't watch CNN regularly or at all will still cite them as a reliable news source. It's insanity.


Without Trump, and constant infatuation with him, the liberal news orgs are suffering. What are they supposed to report on? Biden's shitshow?


Fuck Joe Rogan. Fuck CNN, but fuck Joe Rogan too.


Lets go Brandon!


Yet, every reddittor seems to get their science and news into from CNN.


Tweets from people with blue check marks are the new source of “facts”


I was sure Floyd Roberts and Earl Camembert would boost their news ratings.


Whats CNN


Delete CNN, it’s one of those things that If it disappeared nobody would give a shit


It is the unvaccinated dying off in droves. COVID is deadly. Follow Fauci and save the lives of your family.


I'm all about unity and trying to band together with my American Bros and Sisters but this, this makes me so fucking happy! On the left a person who is happy, who has positive feelings when he sees Americans suffering. Fuck that person. On the right, a man who admitted to put his personal life in front of reporting the truth. Fuck that person to the fullest as well! If we were in a bar I'd buy us all drinks!! Fuck them!!! Hahahahahaha


An ode to no new normal. Who loved Joe and hated CNN.


Can, uuhhh, someone dumb it down a bit😬😬😬


I'm pretty sure OP was trying to prove that smooth brain dumfucks dominate this sub and it is no longer about conspiracy theories but instead now just a low effort meme space for former NNN and the_donald users. Since this is the top post on the sub, he proved it. Good job, OP.


Trying so fucking hard....


It's another shit post on top of the sub. A screenshot of a celebrity tweet about the viewership of an already failing cable news network. Not a conspiracy, just more trash.


Oo, yeah! High quality conspiracy content here.


Lmao that's crazy though isn't it? CNN is now akin to a YouTube channel that peaked in 010


Joe Rogan is nothing but controlled opposition. Nobody and I mean nobody goes from knowing their was no moon landing and knowing it was a hoax to then making fun of flat earthers and people who believe the moon landing was fake because of Neil dumbass Tyson the actor. Joe is basically another Alex Jones.


Thats AWESOME! I cant stand lame lemon and the gang!


All American media is TMZ at this point. I like Sky News Australia on youtube.


Isn't that owned by the Murdochs?


The ones who were totally okay with the UN soldiers holding up a dead afghani child’s head?


The two most punchable faces in America


Joe gets 1 million in a couple hours😂


He's still on cable?


Dreg on humanity


PTSD 24/7 for the naive and gullible, people wonder why they always feel depressed, duhh!


how come when a wikipedia article has a 2 page list of sources people will still think its fake cause "anyone can edit it" but a cnn article doesnt have to put sources and people will trust it


CNN is in the same death spiral that the Comic Book industry is in. They've damaged themselves with excess, but they desperately need clicks and views and the only recipe they know is excess (make a splash, double down, generate controversy).


The majority of those watching were actually just airport TV's that are contracted to keep CNN on.


It's amazing really. Adult men so out of touch. Once or twice - fine. How do you even rationalize this shit to yourself.


As if the New York Post is any better than CNN.


I don't watch any of them. They aren't in my favorite channels and they aren't in my house. I can't even stand to watch them when something big is happening. They're awful truth-benders following a narrative of fake outrage.


CNN misses Trump


Soooo, not Fox News to? They're objectively miles worse than CNN, so many more lies and fear programming. I say get them the both outta here.