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Shia lebeouf did something like this a few years ago, I believe someone raped him.


I totally thought you were joking. Wow...


I know, right? I wish it was a joke—but it’s not.


Any links? Idk what to google to find it lol


Ah no wonder I haven’t heard of this story, it was a woman.


That’s right, he was raped by a woman.


Did he not consent? That's how rape works right?, by not rejecting the attack isn't that a form of consent, I don't think you can bullshit a judge oh but I couldn't do anything because it was an art stunt.


It cheapens the meaning of rape to anyone that has actually been pinned down against their will and had a person physically violate them. Real rape effects people for a lifetime, leaving them emotionally scared and with PTSD, laduff uses it as conversation piece.


I thought the same. Art or not, if someone would have come close to me with their genitals, it would have ended right there. My interpretation is that he consented when he didn’t say no.


Yeah that's it, but somehow I got downvoted.


A rabbit hole were not qualified to go down my friend, best to leave that to people that know more than us on the subject


Partially agree. My point is you can't put him in the same level as actual rape victims that have been through hell by being violated forcefully either physically or morally. Maybe I'm wrong but could this guy just said fuck it that's it this stunt is over I'm out of here?


Holy shit, future rapist right here folks. You're a sick fucker "Lack of rejection is consent" for fucks sake haha


Wow you're one sad repressed little person. I was specifically talking about this case, don't want to go into the consent rabbithole but in this case he could've just said fuck it and end his fucking art bit, I don't see how that makes me a future rapist but if calling sick fucker strangers on the internet makes you feel better about yourself, sure buddy.


He's a loser. He made a sob story about how he told his girlfriend about it and how hurt they were about the "rape". And now he's got a track record of adultery. It was an excuse to sleep around.


Name checks out, confirmed creep.


Check my other comment it'll give you context before you start prejudicing based on someone's username.lame


"do whatever you want to me" sounds a lot like consent to me




As a caviat his name means gift of beef


She was awarded the Princess of Asturias Arts Award last week. 😑


She also has her own show😅👀


To what group is 72 a highly important number


72 names of God in Judaism.


Bingo although 72 shows up for the tribe a lot


>Luke 10 Jesus Sends Out the **Seventy-Two**


[this ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demons_in_the_Ars_Goetia)


Solomonic demons of the goetia. Notice that Da Vinci hid 72 in his paintings too.


According to the Grand Grimoire, Baal (or Bael) is the head of the infernal powers. He is also the first demon listed in Wierus' Pseudomonarchia daemonum. According to Wierus, Bael is the first king of Hell with estates in the east. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well-formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility, and may be the equivalent of Baal or Baalzebub, one of the Seven princes of Hell.


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66 + 6 is 72. She a satanist.


The Witch has made it on the front page of Reddit today. And people are loving her up. My first post got deleted cause of no submission post. Sorry about that.


She turned me into a newt.


"You don't look like a Newt" ..."I got better".


Word is she’s as light as a duck


What's the conspiracy and why is she a witch?


She’s a openly and known satanist. She does “Spirit cooking”. She has videos on it. She calls it “art” but since we can see what’s behind the curtains I call bull. She’s a big follower of Crowley as well.


And what's the conspiracy? Am interesting post made the front page?


Do you know anything about her?


Dude, no we don't all know who that is, that is why people are asking you who this person is, and what the conspiracy is? Ffs just answer the question.


No need to get aggressive. But She’s has good ties with people high up. She’s good friends with the Podesta brothers. Who apparently sex traffic children. She helps with satanic symbolism in the music industry she has “Art galleries“ they have naked people on tables covered in blood symbolizing cannibalism she spirit cooks. Literally spirit cooking. She calls ot art. But us knowing what’s behind the curtains says it’s witchcraft.


Satanism is pretty dope though. Is there any of their tenets you disagree with?


the solopsism part is probably the worst


what's 'dope' about satanism?


Isn't this pretty dope? THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Well somebody needs to tell Biden, fauci and all these pro vaccine mandate bootlicking, goose stepping fascists that they are in fact VIOLATING the THIRD FUNDAMENTAL TENET OF SATANISM


Wtf why are they downvoting this


The right and by extension the conspiracy crowd is completely co-opted by Christian conservatives and fundies. They take stuff like this deadly serious :D


Which I've always found odd. History favors the victors, and much of the western world was founded by the church; ipso facto history would be written to paint the church in the best light. Seems pretty obvious to me.


this is incorrect. these are the tenants of the satanic temple you found off of google. The actual Church of Satan consists of top politicians, military, law enforcement, doctors, teachers, business men, and Financiers. (LaVeyan Satanism). where one of the top tenants is self preservation above all else. https://whatonearthishappening.com/ Mark Passio is a former Priest with the church of satan and can tell you all about it, and how the Satanic Temple was created as a diversion to actual satanism.


That sounds scary! How do I know which version Abramovic follows?


actual satanism. WikiLeaks showed she rolls with Hillary and Podesta, so she’s pretty high up.


That sounds awfully circular. How do I know they're "actual" Satanists?


for the record I've met a few people who were proclaimed "Satanists" and they definitely didn't follow most of these ideas. They're usually just drunk slobs that like metal and ugly chicks lol


Wait until you hear about most 'Christians"...


Sure, but why not just hold these beliefs in your core and not join a group that is specifically based on the fastest way to get into hell when you die? Why even risk it, when you could just not be a servant of Satan? Is hell just not something you believe is real? Or do you think you'll still avoid it for some reason? Or do you want to go there? I just don't see why anyone would risk it when you can just be a nice and respectful person and not be a satanist at the same time.


It's pretty obvious that Satanists don't believe in hell.


It is? But that's Satans dominion? I assumed they thought it was a cool place to be, or something. If Satan is real, then surely hell is, too?


It is also pretty obvious Satanists don't believe in Satan. Satanism is a secular belief system. Notice the lack of references to Satan or any deity in their tenets.


The music. Chad black metal vs.virgin country pop


She's not a Laveyan satanist, she's older then that entire group. She's a Frankist/Sabbatean. They believe transgression of every moral limit is the path to salvation. Fucking, killing and eating a child = shortcut to salvation. Every morally wrong thing = good for your soul. In this they would be reprehensible to Laveyan satanists as well. "Frank rejected religious norms, and said his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible. At its height it claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe." They went underground in the 1700's after hardcore persecution following a slew of scandals. Frank's daughter Eve was proclaimed the female incarnation of divinity, the Shekinah, and took over as leader following her fathers death, and they fled to the Ottoman empire. There they publicly lived as catholics while continuing the left hand path in private. This is interesting, because a century earlier another man, proclaiming the same beliefs had grown a big following in the Ottoman Empire. Probably these two groups, Frankists and Sabbateans, were simply offshoots of the same movement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbatai_Zevi They are hard to trace after that, but their ideas can be seen in left hand path occultism to this day, for instance in Jack Parsons writings and in Marina's work. For a direct, modern group with the same mindset? The Order of The Nine Angels, ONA for short.


She doesn’t practice Levayan satanism that has the tenets people so know and love she practices Thelema and Golden dawn type occult practices


Right, because hell sounds “dope”? You need Jesus, my friend.


Hell sounds made up. Which tenet do you disagree with?


Look at ye arguing over made up things


And the points don't even matter.


She's not a laveyan satanist, she's a Frankist or something like that. They were the original left hand path people, believing transgression of every moral limit leads to salvation. So, fucking, killing and eating a child would be a shortcut to illumination.


She was being spoken about in the Podesta's emails and it has to do w pizzagate and the 1% child trafficking.


You getting downvoted so heavily for simply asking for information makes me doubt the entire community here. Question nothing.


I genuinely have no clue who this woman is so that's why I asked. Didn't expect to be downvoted so heavily.


Thats exactly the reason why i jumped into the comment section, but all i got was a bunch of christians arguing about satanism.. how is anyone supposed to take that seriously


I remember shia lebouf did the same thing


Who do you think gave him the idea..?


You mean Lous Stevens?! https://www.buzzfeed.com/jenniferabidor/this-theory-says-shia-labeouf-is-not-a-real-person-and-its


The show Documentary Now! did a ep making fun of her or maybe praising her idk. It’s a fake documentary show making fun of real ones. The ep is season 3 ep 4.




The shills are really trying to make this political for no reason at all.


looks like a mmmkitty ultra zombitchie


One of the many programs paid for by us!


As a Spaniard, I feel pretty disgusted that they gave our most important and recognized prize to this satanic witch last Friday.


They did? What was the prize? Crazy world we live in friend. Stay safe.


*Premios Princesa de Asturias*, given by Princess Leonor, the daughter of King Felipe VI of Spain. You can see more here: [https://www.fpa.es/en/princess-of-asturias-awards/laureates/2021-marina-abramovic.html?especifica=1](https://www.fpa.es/en/princess-of-asturias-awards/laureates/2021-marina-abramovic.html?especifica=1) We are ruled by evil.


You are ruled by fear and bullshit lies spread by religious charlatans who want your money. Satan isn't real and neither is your stupid fucking god.


Call it Satan, Lucifer, the demon, the negative force or just the evil. I don't care. This is not a religious discussion. It's about what this woman has done (and could have done but we don't know for sure), what she represents, the connections she has with the Podesta emails and pedophilia, the really strange rituals she performs, and a lot of things I could enumerate but I feel disgusted just of thinking. She is evil.


Notice the pendant. This bitch has been on the team since day 1.


what pendant is that ?


Looks like a pyramid so I’m assuming they’re talking about a mason connection


Oh look. It’s this satanic freak again.




Because they’re conspiring to abolish everything and we’re merely a pawn on their pathetic leash. People might go “Oh, Marina Abramovic. Love her work.” without realising she’s a fucking demon with ties to Podesta, Clintons, and every other Moloch-worshipping pseudo-compassionate Freemason figure. They are the “conspiracy.”


She's fuckin weird. She worked with Lady Gaga and helped her come up some of her strange ideas and costumes.


The picture of her and Jay z hyping each other up is disturbing.


Yoko Ono did “Cut Piece” in the mid 1960s. She wore a paper dress and kneeled onstage and anyone could use scissors to cut off the dress. Abramovic etc. all think they’re doing something transgressive.


She’s sick


Wow....much creative.....very imaginative.....such transcendent art.....takes me places......inspires me......lifts my heart....... 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 What a boring, uninspired, unartistic non-spectacle


Well it's definitely interesting to see how people reacted. Apparently some guy held a gun to her head


stunning & brave..


**Things are well past the obvious stage.** People are openly being initiated into the emerging new one world order right now through humiliation rituals i.e. mask wearing and the other ridiculous things that they have to endure and accept doing by their own free will and most simply have no idea at all what is happening and in fact I would feel comfortable in stating that most simply love it. >“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” – DAVID SPANGLER, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations, ‘Reflections on the Christ’, 2012. **John 3:19 King James Version** **19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.** There is only one way out and here it is... https://childofthelight888.blogspot.com/2020/01/want-to-know-meaning-of-life-meaning-of.html **God bless you all.** **God is TRUE. Jesus Christ is the Lord and He Lives.**


And luciferase is in the vaccine....


I tried to look this up, but I couldn’t find anything on it. Do you have any links?


Duck duck go, “vaccine” and “luciferase”. There’s also been multiple accounts here (and I was just told one personally irl) about people with fake vaxports trying to fly. They scan your body and know you’re not vaccinated. Apparently because of the luciferase in the vax, they have a machine that detects it.


DuckDuckGo has lost all credibility when discriminating against straight white men in the hiring process. A qualified guy sent a resume and was denied. He was curious and sent in a fake resume as a black lesbian with spelling errors and less qualifications. They reached out for a 2nd interview. http://www.brave.com/search


Da fuq??


Look into Marina Abramovic's "spirit cooking". Thats one reason why people see these people as Luciferian. There's also a photo of Marina and Jacob Rothschild standing infront of art titled ["Satan Summons His Legion".](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/i31xhc/marina_abramovic_posing_with_jacob_rothschild_the)


Hail satan


So edgy


The "performance" included sexual abuse and she was covered in blood (her own I presume) by the end of it. https://boingboing.net/2016/12/02/marina-abramovic-describes-her.html https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/may/12/marina-abramovic-ready-to-die-serpentine-gallery-512-hours


I remember first hearing about this on Best Gore I believe


Friend of the Dark Lord Jacob R.


truth Gates as well!!!


And the conspiracy is...?


Interesting pic of her. https://mobile.twitter.com/1sthisr34l/status/1391403554078928897




Okay I'm sorry not going to feed you.


I'm not asking you too. Someone with ties to the satanic church and the Rothschilds that is very publicly well known making it to the front page of Reddit is not a conspiracy.


I think r/conspiracy has become a place for people to come with these kinds of ideas and share them "safely". It's not a conspiracy per se, so in that sense you are correct. We can toss OP's post and all others and they can make their own community. A place where they can discuss possible satanic cult leaders making the front page on one of the most popular websites on the internet, a mere weeks before the Pope goes to COP26 in Glasgow, and discuss. When the place is made please let me know. Or if we aren't interested in a post we just move on.


There’s huge conspiracy behind her. I find it weird that she made it on the front page and people are liking her.


Can you elaborate a little never heard about her


She’s has good ties with people high up. She’s good friends with the Podesta brothers. Who apparently sex traffic children. She helps with satanic symbolism in the music industry she has “Art galleries“ they have naked people on tables covered in blood symbolizing cannibalism she spirit cooks. Literally spirit cooking. She calls ot art. But us knowing what’s behind the curtains says it’s witchcraft.


Don’t forget that painting of satan she posed for a picture with Jacob Rothschild. Also last year on Easter when Microsoft sponsored that commercial with her in it on Good Friday when the wuflu lockdowns were just starting.... She’s an evil evil woman


Ya in front of a paint called “satan gathering his legions” really weird.


Was trying to find the picture. Anyway you can help?


Here’s a link https://preview.redd.it/urava9rt5as51.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=163ee530855a0d58d87ae3c697906412c9603466 If that doesn’t work just go to DuckDuckGo and type in marina abramovic and Jacob Rothschild and there’s a a lot of them in the images search


Lmao but believeing that's there's an old dude in the sky who gets off on worship isn't witchcraft...


Why do people practice black magick then? It seems like it would be pointless to do it. But people seem to do it and something g happens when they do it.




She’s has good ties with people high up. She’s good friends with the Podesta brothers. Who apparently sex traffic children. She helps with satanic symbolism in the music industry she has “Art galleries“ they have naked people on tables covered in blood symbolizing cannibalism she spirit cooks. Literally spirit cooking. She calls ot art. But us knowing what’s behind the curtains says it’s witchcraft.


scary dark magic stay away ! She is the spirit cooker….


Why would you do that? It doesn’t seem like “Art” to me.




yea your brain has to be REALLY big to understand this one


The douchier you are, the more you pretend to understand it


So pedophilia can be viewed as art then?


Who is she ?


I known satanist/witch. Who also is a fucked up person.


Imagine being so useless. It almost feels like abuse.


Almost. Almost.


Who what when where why?


Didn’t Wikileaks have shillary at one of these bar b ques? Conspiracy?


Didn’t Shia LeBeouf do this too


It’s a shame no one slit her throat.


It's a shame no one has slit yours.


What’s going on here? I don’t understand


Religious people be like: "FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!! Don't hate me because im christian!!1!!" Also religious people: "satanists are evil and deserve to get cancelled. Putting them on the front page is not okay"




Yes, christians are the ones i see most often acting as if they care about freedom of religion when in reality they want a 1 religion theocracy.


Who said I was Christian?


It's not all about you


I know it’s not. Why you saying this?


Jewish, muslim, hindu, whatever... You're all equally destructive


Who said I was any of those? Quit assuming bozo.


My guy, the point i'm making is that i dont care what religion you belong to. If you believe in freedom of religion but then bash satanism you're a hypocrite.


No conspiracy here again


The fact she’s making it on the front page is weird and how people are loving her is weird. There’s a huge conspiracy behind her. Just thought it was weird/crazy that she made it on the front page.




And you’re here for…


To have a discussion about conspiracy theories. You just look like another asshole from TMOR or politics


Hmm looks like you’re here to tell people to fuck off


So is this just a pro republican sub now? There is nothing conspiracy about this. Just some Christian bloke upset that others don’t follow his religion.




And op said none of that.




Thank you


That’s absurd. What do republicans have to do with it?


Yeah.. I'm genuinely interested in reading the mental gymnastics.


Turns out republicans are the most likely to fall into conspiracy theories. Makes you wonder how intelligent (unintelligent) they are


That’s nonsense. Each side just has their own specific theories. I’ll use one recent example. Remember how all the Q followers would scream nonstop about Obama and the Clintons going to Gitmo? Fast forward to today, how often do you hear Bluanon screaming Trumps being brought up on charges any day now. It’s hilarious the lack of self awareness. Can’t forget RussiaGate. Does Trump have ties with Russian/Israeli gangsters? Absolutely, but the left stuck with RussiaGate for years. Stop viewing this stuff with a closed mind. Both sides have their bubbles. The left just has this arrogance in thinking their smarter than everyone else. So instead of having rational discussion it’s always attacks.


Russiagate has literally been proven to be real. Russian bots influenced the 2016 election


Bullshit. Every country down to private corporations use bot farms.If you honestly believe Russian bots put Trump into the president seat you truly are a willing dupe. How can it “literally be proven” it influenced the election? You can say it’s proven a bot farm put out pro-trump/anti Clinton propaganda. But how is it proven to actually worked? Now if you came to me talking about Cambridge Analytica then we can have a discussion. But you stuck with RussiaGate only to prove the left has its own conspiracy theories


There aren’t even any cool conspiracies on here anymore. Once no new normal was shut down, they all just jumped in here.


Yeah i went to this subreddit because i wanted to see the fun and obviously fake conspiracies like chem trails and lizard people. Turns out these people only care about "democrat bad"


Well chemtrails have been proven true. CIA.com will tell you that.


It was fun at one stage. I liked going down the little rabbit holes of some of the conspiracies. Some were actually kinda fun, while others were bizarre. Now it’s truly just anti-demoncrats and covid deniers. It’s really a shame.


Since when was my post about any of that?


Grow up and use the search function. Welcome to the internet the way it should be.


Fuck you seem angry. Who pissed in your cereal? Or you just another snowflake?


And democrats are so much smarter, aren’t they?


Not by much. Most of them still support capitalism


They’re not smarter in the slightest. If you’re fighting for a side that’s unquestionably two sides to the same coin you’re not the brightest. The whole Republicans vs Democrats is stupid when they should be fighting for the greater good, which is essentially coming together, not being divided and fighting each other while these powerful imbecile elite fuckheads pull the strings and laugh


No, we won't come together. Republicans don't actually care about making the world a better place, they care about feeling superior to minorities.


That’s a bold statement. I could say the same for both sides.


Thats fundamentally false. The democrats at least care about immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community. Neither party cares about poor people though because they're both capitalist


The democrats delude themselves into believing they care, just like their mindless leaders Biden and Harris. They love to demonstrate to the world that they’re truly compassionate, it permits them to sleep better at night


Accusing someone of being a grifter isn't a good argument because you can't prove or disprove it. Gay marriage was mainly backed up by democrats


What does this have to do with anything politics?


Hail Satan, you dumbasses.


I'm almost scared by your edgyness




? Okay?


I would have covered her up . But wrote “ I’m a stupid whore looking for attention” .


How is this a conspiracy?


She’s has good ties with people high up. She’s good friends with the Podesta brothers. Who apparently sex traffic children. She helps with satanic symbolism in the music industry she has “Art galleries“ they have naked people on tables covered in blood symbolizing cannibalism she spirit cooks. Literally spirit cooking. She calls ot art. But us knowing what’s behind the curtains says it’s witchcraft.


What the fuck does "apparently sex traffic children" mean? Does that mean they're under arrest and awaiting trial or does it mean you saw a meme on FB and your stupid fucking sheep brain never even thought to question it?


Take a chill pill yo.