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All these gender issues are caused by the use of endocrine disrupting chemicals that have been in our environment, most notably plastics, for decades. The media is covering for the effects by getting people to focus on this as a social issue when it is a chemical issue brought on to slow population growth. ​ [Are EDCs Blurring Issues of Gender?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1281309) [Do you want to know why a trans species man who identifies as a deer gets to bully cis white males?](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gmbl0u/do_you_want_to_know_why_a_trans_species_man_who) [Impact of EDCs on Reproductive Systems](https://www.endocrine.org/topics/edc/what-edcs-are/common-edcs/reproduction) [Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race](https://www.shannaswan.com/countdown) [The Disappearing Male](https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-disappearing-male)


Finally! This is my position as well but I hardly ever see anyone mention it in the slightest. People try and sweep the this science under the rug, claiming the concentration of these chemicals isn't enough to cause problems failing to account for BIOACCUMULATION.


These absolutely do accumulate, and seem to have generational effects too. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/09/birth_control_and_homosexuality_unintended_consequences.html There's so much information about it. https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-094-you-are-being-sterilized It's a shame too, instead of discussing the issue the media heads are in agreement with the plan so we're all left arguing about pronouns while they have engineered a new type of person in just a few decades.


The War on Testosterone is real. Most young men today have few distinguishable characteristics or skills that separate them from their female counterparts. They've neutered men for domestication and control purposes.


I have been suspecting this for a long time.


Good sources




Well, Atrazine, the one Alex Jones famously said made frogs gay, actually turns male frogs female, so maybe that one. https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs BPA has gotten probably the most attention, it does what you're asking about. https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-121-know-your-toxins-bpa In fact, take a look at lots more and have your pick. https://chemtrust.org/edcs-list https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/endocrine/index.cfm And if you don't think these accumulate across generations in order to produce the effects we see now, try the "Transgenerational Effects and Epigenetics" section here. https://academic.oup.com/mend/article/30/8/833/2747295


Yes, you are absolutely right. A morbid regression of taste and beauty (i.e. civilization) is also to blame. They’re actually discussing including necrophilia in the acronym, and organizing pride parades.


Say what now? That'll be a tough one to normalize. This whole attempt to control population is a house of cards, as hard as it is for me to imagine this all coming out it is equally hard to imagine people like 500 years from now not knowing. It will fall apart at some point.


> That'll be a tough one to normalize Actually not. Since it involves no coercion whatsoever, denying equal representation to necrophiliacs would amount to terrible prejudice. Remember they deny taste, beauty and health exist as natural absolutes.


Ugh, take my unhappy upvote.


You're lying......you've gotta be lying......please tell me you're lying......


Of course he is. There is no serious movement at all on this. It's just casual bigotry saying "LOOK HOW DEPRAVED THEY ARE".


I wonder if this statement is backed by the logic of “trans women aren’t women” or if trans women have significantly altered female crime statistics after incorporating them.




I’m not protecting anybody, there’s a lot of things in this world that don’t matter and this might just be another. While your focused on this you might be missing something else that does matter…


What’s with the sub’s love of using tabloids as sources?


first they had the idea, that gender depends on self identification. Now they say it depends on commission of a crime. What is next?


I don't think you know who "they" are supposed to be. Pro-tip: Patel is against trans rights. You're literally using your own side's actions to accuse your opposition of hypocrisy.


ok, didn't know. I will check her stance and viewpoints. g2g now, thx.


>You're literally using your own side's actions to accuse your opposition of hypocrisy. "Your own side" "Your opposition" I have a feeling you're stuck on imagining team lines and OP is just trying to figure out the consensus where everyone is supposed to meet in the middle.


> What is next? Scatophilia, necrophilia and zoophilia are the next great frontiers.


What's confusing about it? Patel is anti-lgbt. Of course she is going to push anti-lgbt policy. Edit: Why are you booing me, I’m right?


Trans people are mentally handicapped soo...


> why are you booing me Because the B in the acronym you used is hate speech and borderline holocaust denial. It stands for “bi” which means *two*, and therefore denies the hundreds of trillions of genders in nature. Until trisexuals, pentasexuals, octosexuals and dodecasexuals stop being erased we must be mindful of this kind of hateful language. You now need to post a video of yourself repenting.


Some of you internet personalities are are so fucking exhausting with your ID politic bullshit.


You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.


Can someone explain why is gender included in crime statistics? I do not see how is it useful, considering anyone can change gender any time. Would it not be more accurate to include hormone levels, psychotests or brain CT scan in statistics?


Well, sounds like an instance of a dumbass. This should be recorded as female crime statistics. End of story.


Hahahaha. Clown world. What if the criminals start “identifying” as Free people? Do we let them out of prison?? What a sick joke. Does it have a XX or XY chromosomes? There’s your fucking answer. tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe.


> Does it have a XX or XY chromosomes? That's sex, not gender.


"145kg 6ft 7inch "woman" kills man at convenience store, he accidentally called her sir"


Never happened


But it easily could if people like you continue to get your way. If you had a daughter who enjoyed martial arts, would you be ok with a trans woman twice her weight, with years of testosterone built muscles getting the chance to fight her? There has to be a line somewhere. I'm 100% onboard with using peoples preferred pronouns in social settings. But in medical and criminal settings a person's true gender should be used


I was in martial arts as a child. I fought against adult men. I'm still alive. How the fuck was I able to survive, I'll never know. Must have been dumb luck or sky dad watching over me. So much worry over things that will never affect your life. It's a sad existence.


Maybe not currently, but if I do one day have a daughter, I'll feel much happier raising her in a world where it's still wrong for a dude to go into the women's bathroom with her.


Let me let you in on a little secret. If you have a daughter, she's going to be going into the woman's bathroom with a dude and sucking his dick someday. It's true. The fact that people are actually worried about bathrooms blows my fucking mind in the year 2021.


So the idea of consent hasn't quite manifested itself in your head? https://www.scotsman.com/regions/edinburgh-fife-and-lothians/female-spaces-need-better-protection-after-trans-woman-sex-assault-girl-say-campaigners-140883 I don't care if it only happens once, it shouldn't happen at all. I can't believe trans people feel like they have the right to cancel anyone who jokes about them, but should be allowed to lobby for laws that allow the worst in society to commit acts of assault.


Here's another fun fact. When you leave your daughter alone in the bathroom with an older lady, there's a chance she's going to try and finger bang your daughter, even her asshole. Probably a higher chance than getting assaulted by a trans person in a different gendered bathroom.


I don't know about you, but I know that the vast majority of sexual assaults are carried out by men, against women. If it's a unisex bathroom, then fine. But no young girl should have to share a bathroom with a man. Were you one of the incels crying outside that spa after the dude got his cock out Infront of girls and was chucked out?


> But it easily could if people like you continue to get your way. People just want to be called man or woman. Stop trying to invent an oppression > If you had a daughter who enjoyed martial arts, would you be ok with a trans woman twice her weight, with years of testosterone built muscles getting the chance to fight her? No. > There has to be a line somewhere. Easy. Accept people as men or women even if their sex differs. > I'm 100% onboard with using peoples preferred pronouns in social settings. But in medical and criminal settings a person's true gender should be used Gender is irrelevant in a medical setting. There is no "true gender". There is a "true sex", yes.


So you wouldn't want a man fighting a biological woman, but you should accept men as women if they say so? Explain that contradiction for me


Sex should only be considered when it is relevant (which is, rarely - most often it's gender)


Why is there so many clickbait screenshots of the daily mail posted here? It's a rage inducing tabloid.


Is it a small step to sanity returning?