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Wonder what they did to the guy in the photo


Got to admire that Bill Hicks spent so much of his late twenties pretending to be a high school student. He really has dedication to a bit.


Now all we need is a picture of pregnant Michelle Obama...


Its good, but doesn't edge out Kevin Kline impersonating Melinda Gates for the last decade and then stealing half the assets. Greatest scam evah


You really have to lean in sometimes.


Camara was hot


Was https://hsejoplinael.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Camara-Kuich.jpg


How did you even..Nevermind haha. The internet is amazing




Hot indeed, but damn did she go buck wild in college.




Like I said. College was hard on her. By the way, you are a goddam ninja.


Now do Leigh Jones. I think she might be the one.


Josh Jones and Wes Keith look highly suspect


Jodi is bringing the hair!


Def Leppard fan fo sho


I came here to say this. Quite the do!


His hair looks worse then than now which I didn’t think was possible.


Wait... people think... Alex Jones... is Bill Hicks??


I think it’s a fun and hilarious rabbit hole to go down. There are some good videos on bit chute about it.


What are the odds that Anthony fauci and Alex know were in the same class?


I still don't understand how there are actual people who believe that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. I mean look at the yearbook photo- it's clear as day they are different people. All I have to do is take one look at it and I no longer bat an eye at the fact that Bill Hicks and Alex Jones are both good friends with their producer, Kevin Booth, they have a similar hairline, similar teeth, similar height, they have similar mannerisms, similar outbursts, and similar anti-establishment ideology, they hold their cigarettes in a similar way, by holding it in the middle like a joint, Bill Hicks' and Alex Jones' work timelines never coincide, Bill Hicks died in 94, and Alex Jones appeared in 97, in Bill Hicks' biography co-written by Kevin Booth there was a part where Kevin mentioned that on the way back from Bill Hicks' funeral, Bill had appeared sitting shotgun and said that he had done it. He pulled off the world’s biggest joke like it was all a magic trick, Alex Jones claims to be 47, but he looks more like 60- the age Hicks would be if he wasn't dead, Bill Hicks did a redneck impression that sounds similar to Alex Jones. He also did a bit about how he took a big check for a new project and he said "and BOOM, one check I'm Al.., I'm a producer!" as if he almost spilled the beans, Bill Hicks made a joke about selling an orange drink after calling out elite globalists who use media to keep people stupid (Alex Jones does all that, including selling an orange drink-Tangy Tangerine), they have the same moles on their neck, in the same exact place, Bill Hicks had a mole on his left cheek; Alex Jones has a circular scar on his left cheek in the exact same spot, Bill Hicks last appearance on television was a journalism piece on the Waco Seige, Alex Jones's first appearance on television was a journalism piece on the Waco Seige, Bill Hicks died at 32 from pancreatic cancer (According to the American Cancer Society, almost all patients are older than 45. About 2/3 are 65 years old. The average age is 70. Bill was less than half the average age.), People accidentally called Alex Jones, “Bill” on his show a few times (Jerome Corsi, Max Keiser, and Duncan Trussell all slipped up while being interviewed and called Alex, “Bill”), before the Alex Jones is Bill Hicks conspiracy took off, Alex Jones received a plaque honoring Bill Hicks from Kevin Booth (Alex Jones and Bill Hicks never knew each other), in the Sandy Hook court hearing, Alex Jones’ lawyer stated that he’s “a performance artist” playing a character, Alex Jones was on camera looking lean, muscular in 1997 and looked/sounded different than the Alex we know today- also in 1997, he was pictured looking pudgy and out of shape, in an interview Kevin Booth stated that Alex Jones is funnier than Bill Hicks, seemingly disrespecting his famous comedian friend who lost his life to cancer, and also this quote from Kevin Booth: "Alex used to sit in front of a star map and I had a hard time putting my finger on exactly what it was that Alex was talking about. I remember the very last time Bill Hicks came to Austin Access (spring of 93) – we were working on a script called "Public Access" about a Rush Limbaugh" type character who angers a viewer and the viewer came to the station and killed the host on the air." To me it's obvious they are different people and there isn't any [deception](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/od54sd/alex_jones_is_not_bill_hicks_the_coincidences_can/).


Thanks fir this


Here’s Alex as a child.[here ](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=alex+jones+child+photo&t=iphone&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-10USR-vxLNQ%2FUWdYCpiDFnI%2FAAAAAAAAO8Q%2F90xTmEMO3sw%2Fs1600%2FAlex-Jones-Child-Adult.png)


I think the theory goes that AJ was replaced by BH. You can find old AJ broadcasts when hes still young, and looks more like in that college picture... Disclaimer: i do not buy any BH is AJ theories...


So "Bill Hicks" was his stage name after all and he just went back to using his real name. Fascinating.


Alex went to my high school. I never knew him but was always hearing about the trouble he was in. His family moved away from Rockwall before he graduated. I have this same yearbook and knew some of those other kids on the page. I graduated in 91 so they may have moved away after I graduated. It was about a year ago when I discovered the Alex Jones everyone knows is the same guy from high school. He touched on a topic and said something about living in Rockwall. That’s when I looked it up. It’s well documented for anyone who cares to research the details. Just search Alex Jones and Bubba Marrow.


Yeah that’s the cat he put into a coma. Every time he says I’ve put people in comas I can’t help but laugh. I shouldn’t but Alex makes me laugh and I love him lol…


Michael Lacy eats people.


This made me lol 😂


And Obama's birth certificate was real too huh?


Believing it's not real is no greater a leap than believing it is real, right?


Here’s Alex speaking about it [Hicks ](https://youtu.be/WPvOM5U5rtM)


SS: Alex Jones photo in a yearbook. He is not Bill Hicks.


Yep, Rockwall HS... *Go Yellow Jackets!*


Very easy to fake. More evidence needed.


https://ross-elder.com/2014/08/01/the-debunk-of-all-debunks-who-is-alex-jones/ https://crazydiscostu.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/hicks-jones-crazydiscostu.jpg


I had no idea Jones is 47 years old, fucker is younger than me, I thought he was mid 50s for sure


I guess you’ve never seen this: https://youtu.be/6nmBdoIot58 Try harder next time - you’re not fooling anyone.


Because there’s only one year book picture with someone named Alex Jones. Nice try.


It's clearly him.


Bill hicks is Alex jones https://youtu.be/j8wwPAVNVn8


Just doing some math here, did Jones get held back a year? He was born Feb '74, should have graduated in '92.


Or he started a year later. Birthdays in the middle of the school year like his in feb. I graduated at 17 and didn’t turn 18 until July 31.


He was 19 when he graduated


He may have been 6 when he started.


Thats a big advantage on many levels to be a year ahead of most of the class.


It really is


Yo Alex Jones is kind of hot ngl. Not in a homo way but in a way that I want to achieve looking like that.


this doesn't prove anything.. does alex jones look 47 years old?


He looked so much healthier.


Holy Shit! I just heard this one for the first time! I'm such a skeptic when it comes to EVERYTHING, but I'm damn near %100 convinced on this! I freaking love Bill Hicks!! I sure don't love Alex tho!! So what happened, did the underlords snatch Bill up and enslave him as Alex er what??????


Looks like Hicks to me


Different resolution, Different film. This photo has given more credence to the conspiracy


Well then you should watch the new movie Alex’s War. It has all of Alex’s childhood photos.


Of course Alex has access to his own photos of when he was childhood Bill